

--本模塊嵌入{{listen}}  local mFileLink = require('Module:File link') local mTableTools = require('Module:TableTools') local mSideBox = require('Module:Side box')  local p = {} local hasMissing -- For the tracking category  function p.main(frame) local origArgs = frame:getParent().args local args = {} for k, v in pairs(origArgs) do v = v:match('^%s*(.-)%s*$') if v ~= '' then args[k] = v end end return p._main(args) end  function p._main(args) -- Find whether we are outputting a plain or an embedded box. local isPlain = args.plain == 'yes' local isEmbedded = args.embed and true  -- Organise the arguments by number. local numArgs = {} do local origNumArgs = mTableTools.numData(args) origNumArgs[1] = origNumArgs.other -- Overwrite args.filename1 etc. with args.filename etc. origNumArgs = mTableTools.compressSparseArray(origNumArgs) for i, t in ipairs(origNumArgs) do -- Check if the files exist. local obj = t.filename and'Media:' .. t.filename) if obj and obj.exists then numArgs[#numArgs + 1] = t else hasMissing = true end end -- Exit early if none exist. if #numArgs == 0 then return p.renderTrackingCategories(isPlain, true) end end  -- Build the arguments for {{side box}} local sbargs = {} sbargs.class = 'noprint' sbargs.metadata = 'no' sbargs.position = args.pos  -- Style arguments do local style = {} if isPlain then style[#style + 1] = 'border:none' style[#style + 1] = 'background:transparent' style[#style + 1] = 'float:none' end if isEmbedded then style[#style + 1] = 'border-collapse:collapse' style[#style + 1] = 'border-width:1px 0 0 0' style[#style + 1] = 'background:transparent' style[#style + 1] = 'float:none' style[#style + 1] = 'margin:0 -5px' end if args.pos == 'left' then style[#style + 1] = 'float:left' elseif args.pos == 'center' then style[#style + 1] = 'float:none' style[#style + 1] = 'margin-left:auto' style[#style + 1] = 'margin-right:auto' end  style[#style + 1] = = table.concat(style, '; ') end sbargs.textstyle = 'line-height:1.1em'  -- Image if not isPlain and not isEmbedded then if args.image then sbargs.image = args.image else local images = { speech = 'Audio-input-microphone.svg', music = 'Gnome-mime-audio-openclipart.svg' } local image = args.type and images[args.type] or 'Gnome-mime-sound-openclipart.svg' sbargs.image = mFileLink._main{ file = image, size = '65x50px', location = 'center', link = '', alt = '' } end end  -- Text do local header if args.header then header = mw.html.create('div') header:css{ background = 'transparent', ['text-align'] = 'left', padding = args.embed and '2px 0' or '2px' } :wikitext(args.header) header = tostring(header) header = header .. '\n' else header = '' end local text = {} for i, t in ipairs(numArgs) do text[#text + 1] = p.renderRow( t.filename, t.title,, t.alt, t.description, t.start ) if numArgs[i + 1] then text[#text + 1] = '
end end sbargs.text = header .. table.concat(text) end -- Below if not isPlain and not isEmbedded and ~= 'no' then sbargs.below = string.format( '
, #numArgs == 1 and '此' or '此等' ) end -- Render the side box. local sideBox = mw.getCurrentFrame():extensionTag{name = 'templatestyles', args = {src = 'Sidebox/styles.css'}} .. mSideBox._main(sbargs) -- Render the tracking categories. local trackingCategories = p.renderTrackingCategories(isPlain) return sideBox .. trackingCategories end function p.renderRow(filename, title, play, alt, description, start) -- Renders the HTML for one file description row. if not filename then return nil end local root = mw.html.create('') root:tag('div') :addClass('haudio') :newline() :tag('div') :css('padding', '4px 0') :wikitext(string.format('[[:File:%s|%s]]', filename, title or '')) :done() :newline() :tag('div') :wikitext( play ~= 'no' and mFileLink._main{ file = filename, size = '300px', alt = alt, start = start } or nil ) :done() :newline() :tag('div') :css('padding', '2px 0 0 0') :addClass('description') :wikitext(description) :done() :done() return tostring(root) end function p.renderTrackingCategories(isPlain, isEmpty, titleObj) -- Renders all tracking categories produced by the template. -- isPlain and isEmpty are passed through from p._main, -- and the titleObj is only used for testing purposes. local cats = {} local currentTitle = titleObj or mw.title.getCurrentTitle() if currentTitle.namespace == 0 then -- We are in mainspace. if not isEmpty then cats[#cats + 1] = '嵌入hAudio微格式的條目' end if hasMissing then cats[#cats + 1] = '嵌入空的聽模板條目' end end if isPlain then cats[#cats + 1] = '使用plain參數的聽模板' end for i, cat in ipairs(cats) do cats[i] = string.format('[[Category:%s]]', cat) end return table.concat(cats) end return p


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