Peripatric speciation

Результаты для «Peripatric speciation» — Википедия

  • John M.; Menegon, Michele; Loader, Simon P. Divergence at the edges: peripatric isolation in the montane spiny throated reed frog complex (англ.) // BioMed...
  • Миниатюра для Pachyrhynchus
    M.; Lin, Chung-Ping. Complex inter-island colonization and peripatric founder speciation promote diversification of flightless Pachyrhynchus weevils...

Результаты поиска Peripatric speciation

  • Peripatric speciation is a mode of speciation in which a new species is formed from an isolated peripheral population.: 105  Since peripatric speciation...
  • speciation called peripatric speciation. Allopatric speciation is typically subdivided into two major models: vicariance and peripatric. These models differ...
  • geographic modes of speciation in nature, based on the extent to which speciating populations are isolated from one another: allopatric, peripatric, parapatric...
  • disease-causing recessive allele. centrifugal speciation A variation of peripatric speciation in which speciation occurs by geographic isolation, but reproductive...
  • to many of the speciation concepts put forth. One of which was the concept of peripatric speciation, a variant of allopatric speciation (he has since distinguished...
  • become separated by a geographic barrier (such as in allopatric or peripatric speciation) and experience different selective pressures that cause adaptations...
  • equivocal at best.[further explanation needed] Speciation by genetic drift is a specific case of peripatric speciation which in itself occurs in rare instances...
  • Ecological speciation is a form of speciation arising from reproductive isolation that occurs due to an ecological factor that reduces or eliminates gene...
  • Evolution (раздел «Speciation»)
    produce organisms that cannot interbreed. The second mode of speciation is peripatric speciation, which occurs when small populations of organisms become...
  • "stepping-stone" (discrete populations), and stasipatric speciation in concordance with most of the parapatric speciation literature.: 111  Henceforth, the models are...
  • contrasts with Ernst Mayr's interpretation of speciation by splitting, particularly allopatric and peripatric speciation. The lack of evidence for evolutionary...
  • peripheral isolates without themselves becoming extinct (i.e. through peripatric speciation) are examples of paraspecies. Paraspecies are expected from evolutionary...
  • Laboratory experiments of speciation have been conducted for all four modes of speciation: allopatric, peripatric, parapatric, and sympatric; and various...
  • affecting mate choice. In instances of peripatric speciation, reinforcement is unlikely to complete speciation in the case that the peripherally isolated...
  • Sympatry (раздел «Sympatric speciation»)
    distinct species sharing a common range exemplifies sympatric speciation. Such speciation may be a product of reproductive isolation – which prevents hybrid...
  • isolated (as on islands). His theory of peripatric speciation (a more precise form of allopatric speciation which he advanced), based on his work on...
  • Niza Gámez; Reyna A. Castillo-Gámez & Luis E. Eguiarte (2016), "Peripatric speciation of an endemic species driven by Pleistocene climate change: The...
  • selection on linked sites is a more important stochastic force. Peripatric speciation Antigenic drift Coalescent theory Constructive neutral evolution...
  • can then act independently on each population. Peripatric speciation is a type of allopatric speciation that occurs when one of the new populations is...
  • This change is presumed to be due to some evolutionary cause, like peripatric speciation. Previously, R. quaesita was used to identify the blue ribbon eels...
  • has rapidly expanded its range or is highly panmictic undergoes peripatric speciation in different regions. An example is the Drosophila simulans species...

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