Papyrus P52

Результаты для «Papyrus P52» — Википедия

  • Миниатюра для Папирус 52
    Папирус 52 (перенаправление с Папирус P52)
    Папирус 52 (англ. Rylands Library Papyrus P52 или фрагмент Иоанна, папирус Райлендса) — фрагмент папируса размером 8,9 × 6 см, содержащий отрывок из Евангелия...
  • Миниатюра для Список папирусов Нового Завета
    Machine Peter M. Head, Early Greek Bible Manuscript Project: NT Mss. on Papyrus New Testament Transcripts Prototype Wieland Willker, A Textual Commentary...

Результаты поиска Papyrus P52

  • Library Papyrus P52, also known as the St John's fragment and with an accession reference of Papyrus Rylands Greek 457, is a fragment from a papyrus codex...
  • NFKB2, nuclear factor NF-κB p100 subunit Rylands Library Papyrus P52, a biblical manuscript P52, a state regional road in Latvia This disambiguation page...
  • Rylands Papyri (перенаправление с Papyrus Rylands)
    collection includes the Rylands Library Papyrus P52, also known as the "St John's fragment", a fragment from a papyrus codex, generally accepted as the earliest...
  • and Armenian. The dates of these manuscripts range from c. 125 (the 𝔓52 papyrus, oldest copy of John fragment) to the introduction of printing in Germany...
  • as early as the 2nd century (i.e., Papyrus 90, Papyrus 98, Papyrus 104, and famously Rylands Library Papyrus P52, though the early date of the latter...
  • are: Rylands Library Papyrus P52 (~Anno Domini 125; extant verses 31–33, 37–38) Papyrus 90 (A.D. 150–175; extant verses 36–40) Papyrus 108 (2nd/3rd century;...
  • in the first half of the 2nd. This group includes the Rylands Library Papyrus P52, containing part of St John's Gospel, and perhaps dating from between...
  • some time it was common practice to assert that the Rylands Library Papyrus P52, which contains a small portion of chapter 18 of the Gospel of John,...
  • holds an extensive collection of early printing. The Rylands Library Papyrus P52, believed to be the earliest extant New Testament text, is on permanent...
  • John Rylands Research Institute and Library (категория Papyrus collections)
    collection of the editions of the Aldine Press of Venice. The Rylands Library Papyrus P52 has a claim to be the earliest extant New Testament text. The library...
  • papyri are Rylands Library Papyrus P52 and Oxyrhynchus Papyrus 3523 – fragments of the Gospel of John –, and Oxyrhynchus Papyrus LXIV 4404 a fragment of...
  • The earliest fragment of a New Testament book is the Rylands Library Papyrus P52 which dates from 125–175 AD, recent research pointing to a date nearer...
  • Bodmer Papyri (перенаправление с Bodmer papyrus)
    called the Alexandrian text-type. Aside from the papyrus fragment in the Rylands Library Papyrus P52, it is the oldest testimony for John; it omits the...
  • "catholic" epistle, Pastoral Epistles written 125? Rylands Library Papyrus P52, oldest extant NT fragment, p. 1935, parts of Jn18:31-33,37-38 130–250...
  • List of New Testament papyri (перенаправление с New Testament papyrus)
    A New Testament papyrus is a copy of a portion of the New Testament made on papyrus. To date, over 140 such papyri are known. In general, they are considered...
  • and include the oldest extant New Testament document, Rylands Library Papyrus P52, commonly known as the St John Fragment. In April 2007 the Deansgate...
  • Egerton Gospel (перенаправление с Egerton Papyrus 2)
    Egerton Papyrus accords better with the palaeographic evidence of dated comparator documentary and literary hands for both 𝔓52 and this papyrus "the middle...
  • Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum - Royal Wadi and tombs - Rudamun - Rylands Library Papyrus P52 Mohamed Saad (actor) - Anwar El Sadat - Sahara - Sahure - Saint Catherine's...
  • - Ozymandias Pachomius - Palestine (region) - Papyrus - Papyrus Harris I - Papyrus of Ani - Papyrus P52 - Passage of Red Sea - Pelusium - Patriarch Peter...
  • P52, a papyrus fragment from a codex (c. 90–160), one of the earliest known New Testament manuscripts....
  • P52, an ancient papyrus inscribed with John 18:37-38...

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