ਸਵੀਡਨੀ ਅਤੇ ਨਾਰਵੇਈ ਲਈ Ipa

The charts below show the way in which the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) represents Swedish and Norwegian pronunciations in Wikipedia articles.

See Swedish phonology and Norwegian phonology for a more thorough look at the sounds of these languages. Examples in the table are Swedish unless otherwise noted.

IPA Examples Nearest English equivalent
Swed. Norw.
b abort ('abortion') about
ɕ ç Kina ('China') Swedish: sheep; Norwegian: hue
d dag ('day') do
ɖ nord ('north') order
f fot ('foot') fold
ɡ god ('good') ago
h hatt ('hat') hoot
ɧ ʂ Swedish: sjö, Norwegian: sjø ('lake')
Swedish: Scottish English loch; Norwegian: shoe
j jojo ('yo-yo') you
k kafé ('café') coo
l lake (Norwegian and Swedish: 'brine', 'burbot') love
ɭ Karl (male first name) twirl
m man ('mane') mood
n natt ('night') noon
ɳ barn ('child') turner
ŋ ting ('thing') long
p pappa ('father') pool
r år ('year') A flapped or trilled R.
s sabel ('sabre') soon
ʂ torsdag ('Thursday') marshal (in some dialects)
t torsdag ('Thursday') too
ʈ parti ('political party') cartel
v vaktel ('quail') vote
IPA Examples Nearest English equivalent
Swed. Norw.
ɑː mat [ˈmɑːt] "food" bra
a ɑ fast [ˈfast]/[ˈfɑst] "steady, unmoving" British stack
hel [ˈheːl] "whole" Scottish save
ɛː häl [ˈhɛːl] "heel" there
ɛ häll/helle [ˈhɛl] "flat rock" hell
æː ära [æːra]/ære [æːre] "honour" Australian ham
æ färsk/fersk [ˈfæʂːk] "fresh" trap
sil [ˈsiːl] "sieve" leaf
ɪ sill/sild [ˈsɪl]/[ˈsɪl(d)] "herring" hill
mål [ˈmoːl] "goal" Scottish/Canadian stove
ɔ moll [ˈmɔl] "minor" (music) moll, with round lips
øː dö/dø [ˈdøː] "die" No English equivalent; German long ö
œ nött [ˈnœt] "worn" /nøtt "nut" No English equivalent; German short ö
œː öra [œːra] "ear" No English equivalent; French sœur
ʉː ful [ˈfʉːl] "ugly, cunning, sly" fuel, Australian food, with tight lips
ɵ ʉ full [ˈfɵl]/[ˈfʉl] "full" British butcher
bot [ˈbuːt] "penance" boot
ʊ bott [ˈbʊt] "lived" put, with tight lips
syl [ˈsyːl] "awl" No English equivalent; French long u
ʏ syll [ˈsʏl] "sleeper" (railroad) in Swedish;
fylle "fill" in Norwegian
No English equivalent; German short ü
ə begå [bəˈgoː] "commit" about
Stress and tone
IPA Examples from a rich regional variety
ˈa [ˈandɛn]
"the duck"
Tone 1 / acute accent:
• Single stress with single falling tone in Stockholm: [ˈândɛn]
• Low tone [ˈà] in Oslo and falling tone [ˈâ] in western Norway
ˈa.ˈa [ˈanˈdɛn]
"the spirit"
Tone 2 / grave accent:
• Double stress with double falling tone in Stockholm: [ˈânˈdɛ̂n]
• Falling-rising tone [ˈâ] in Oslo and rising-falling tone in western Norway





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