ordnance Survey Coordinates

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Ordnance Survey coordinates/doc

-- Lat Long functions in Lua   -- Ported to Lua from PHP by Wikipedia User Hike395, 18 Aug 2019  -- found by RWH at http://www.megalithia.com/search/llfuncshighlight.php  -- With thanks to Andy, G4JNT for inspiration in GEOG, and to the OSGB for their white paper on coordinate transformation -- describing the iterative method used -- thanks to the Ordnance survey of Ireland for details of the true and false origins of the Irish grid  -- You may use and redistribute this code under the terms of the GPL see http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html   -- Written by Richard -- www.megalithia.com -- v0.something 27/2/2000 -- v 1.01 28 June 2004 -- v 1.02 6 Aug 2004 line 89 add "0" to chars in ngr=stripcharsnotinbag Thx Andy -- v 1.03 9 Mar 2005 Jan (Klingon) added conversion to WGS84 map datum and removed limitation of digits of the grid ref -- v 1.04 10 Aug 2005 Richard correct error trapping (only manifest on malformed ngrs  -- This code is predicated on the assumption that your are ONLY feeding it Irish or UK Grid references. -- It uses the single char prefix of Irish grid refs to tell the difference, UK grid refs have a two letter prefix. -- We would like an even number of digits for the rest of the grid ref. -- Anything in the NGR other than 0-9, A-Z, a-z is eliminated. -- WARNING this assumes there are no decimal points in your NGR components.  -- The transformation from OSGB36/Ireland 1965 to WGS84 is more precise than 5 m.  -- The function is case insensitive  local oscoord = {} local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs local yesno = require('Module:Yesno') local preview = require('Module:If preview') local namespace = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().namespace;   local function northeast(lett,num,shift)    -- split into northings and eastings    local le=mw.ustring.len(num)    if le%2 == 1 then      return "Malformed numerical part of NGR"    end    local pr=le/2    local n = mw.ustring.sub(num,pr+1)    local e = mw.ustring.sub(num,1,pr)    -- Hack to move to center of square: append a 5 to northings and eastings    if shift ~= nil and shift > 0 then      n = n.."5"      e = e.."5"      pr = pr+1    end    -- end hack    n = n == '' and 0 or n    e = e == '' and 0 or e    pr = math.pow(10.0,(5.0-pr))    local T1 = mw.ustring.byte(mw.ustring.sub(lett,1,1))-65    if T1>8 then      T1 = T1-1    end    local T2 = nil    if mw.ustring.len(lett)>1 then      T2 = mw.ustring.byte(mw.ustring.sub(lett,2))-65      if T2>8 then        T2 = T2-1      end    end    return nil,n,e,pr,T1,T2 end         local function GBEN2LL(e,n)    local pow,sqrt,abs=math.pow,math.sqrt,math.abs    local sin,cos,tan,atan=math.sin,math.cos,math.tan,math.atan    local dr = math.deg(1.0)    -- True Origin is 2 deg W    local phi0uk=-2.0    -- True Origin is 49 deg N    local lambda0uk=49.0    -- scale factor @ central meridian    local F0uk=0.9996012717    -- True origin in 400 km E of false origin    local E0uk=400000.0    --True origin is 100 km S of false origin    local N0uk=-100000.0    -- semi-major axis (in line to equator) 0.996012717 is yer scale @ central meridian    local auk=6377563.396*F0uk    --semi-minor axis (in line to poles)    local buk=6356256.91*F0uk    -- flatness=a1-b1/(a1+b1)    local n1uk=0.00167322025032508731869331280635710896296    -- first eccentricity squared=2*f-f^2where f=(a1-b1)/a1    local e2uk=0.006670539761597529073698869358812557054558    local k=(n-N0uk)/auk+lambda0uk/dr    local nextcounter=0    local j3, j4, j5, j6, m    repeat      nextcounter=nextcounter+1      local k3=k-lambda0uk/dr      local k4=k+lambda0uk/dr      j3=(1.0+n1uk+1.25*pow(n1uk,2.0)+1.25*pow(n1uk,3.0))*k3      j4=(3.0*n1uk+3.0*pow(n1uk,2.0)+2.625*pow(n1uk,3.0))*sin(k3)*cos(k4)      j5=(1.875*pow(n1uk,2.0)+1.875*pow(n1uk,3.0))*sin(2.0*k3)*cos(2.0*k4)      j6=35.0/24.0*pow(n1uk,3.0)*sin(3.0*k3)*cos(3.0*k4)      m=buk*(j3-j4+j5-j6)      k=k+(n-N0uk-m)/auk    until abs(n-N0uk-m)<=0.000000001 or nextcounter>=100    local v=auk/sqrt(1.0-e2uk*pow(sin(k),2.0))    local r=v*(1.0-e2uk)/(1.0-e2uk*pow(sin(k),2.0))    local h2=v/r-1.0    local y1=e-E0uk    j3=tan(k)/(2.0*r*v)    j4=tan(k)/(24.0*r*pow(v,3.0))*(5.0+3.0*pow(tan(k),2.0)+h2-9.0*pow(tan(k),2.0)*h2)    j5=tan(k)/(720.0*r*pow(v,5.0))*(61.0+90.0*pow(tan(k),2.0)+45.0*pow(tan(k),4.0))    local k9=k-y1*y1*j3+pow(y1,4.0)*j4-pow(y1,6.0)*j5    j6=1.0/(cos(k)*v)    local j7=1.0/(cos(k)*6.0*pow(v,3.0))*(v/r+2.0*pow(tan(k),2.0))    local j8=1.0/(cos(k)*120.0*pow(v,5.0))*(5.0+28.0*pow(tan(k),2.0)+24.0*pow(tan(k),4.0))    local j9=1.0/(cos(k)*5040.0*pow(v,7.0))    local j9=j9*(61.0+662.0*pow(tan(k),2.0)+1320.0*pow(tan(k),4.0)+720.0*pow(tan(k),6.0))    local long=phi0uk+dr*(y1*j6-y1*y1*y1*j7+pow(y1,5.0)*j8-pow(y1,7.0)*j9)    local lat=k9*dr    local v=6377563.396/sqrt(1.0-e2uk*pow(sin(k),2.0))    local cartxa=v*cos(k9)*cos(long/dr)    local cartya=v*cos(k9)*sin(long/dr)    local cartza=(1.0-e2uk)*v*sin(k9)    -- Helmert-Transformation from OSGB36 to WGS84 map date    local rotx=-0.1502/3600.0/dr    local roty=-0.2470/3600.0/dr    local rotz=-0.8421/3600.0/dr    local scale=-20.4894/1000000.0    local cartxb=446.448+(1.0+scale)*cartxa+rotz*cartya-roty*cartza    local cartyb=-125.157-rotz*cartxa+(1.0+scale)*cartya+rotx*cartza    local cartzb=542.06+roty*cartxa-rotx*cartya+(1.0+scale)*cartza    -- convert Cartesian to long/lat    local awgs84=6378137.0    local bwgs84=6356752.3141    local e2wgs84=0.00669438003551279089034150031998869922791    local lambdaradwgs84=atan(cartyb/cartxb)    long=lambdaradwgs84*dr    local pxy=sqrt(pow(cartxb,2.0)+pow(cartyb,2.0))    local phiradwgs84    local phinewwgs84=atan(cartzb/pxy/(1.0-e2wgs84))    nextcounter=0    repeat      phiradwgs84=phinewwgs84      nextcounter=nextcounter+1      v=awgs84/sqrt(1.0-e2wgs84*pow(sin(phiradwgs84),2.0))      phinewwgs84=atan((cartzb+e2wgs84*v*sin(phiradwgs84))/pxy)    until abs(phinewwgs84-phiradwgs84)<=0.000000000001 or nextcounter>=100    lat=phinewwgs84*dr    return "GB",nil,lat,long end   local function GB2LL(lett,num)    -- British OS to Lat+Long    -- first caclulate e,n    -- computing e and n exactly, to get SW corner of box    local err, n, e, pr, T1, T2 = northeast(lett,num,0)    if err ~= nil then      return "GB",err,0.0,0.0    end    -- use British definition of e and n    e=500000.0*(T1%5)+100000.0*(T2%5)-1000000.0+e*pr    n=1900000.0-500000.0*math.floor(T1/5)-100000.0*math.floor(T2/5)+n*pr    return GBEN2LL(e,n) end     local function IrishEN2LL(e,n)    local pow,sqrt,abs=math.pow,math.sqrt,math.abs    local sin,cos,tan,atan=math.sin,math.cos,math.tan,math.atan    local dr=math.deg(1.0)    -- True Origin is 8 deg W    local phi0ir=-8.0    -- True Origin is 53.5 deg N    local lambda0ir=53.5    -- scale factor @ central meridian    local F0ir=1.000035    -- True origin in 200 km E of false origin    local E0ir=200000.0    --True origin is 250km N of false origin    local N0ir=250000.0    -- semi-major axis (in line to equator) 1.000035 is yer scale @ central meridian    local air=6377340.189*F0ir    --semi-minor axis (in line to poles)    local bir=6356034.447*F0ir    -- flatness=a1-b1/(a1 + b1)    local n1ir=0.001673220384152058651484728058385228837777    -- first eccentricity squared=2*f-f^2 where f=(a1-b1)/a1    local e2ir=0.006670540293336110419293763349975612794125    local k=(n-N0ir)/air+lambda0ir/dr    local nextcounter=0    local j3,j4,j5,j6,m    repeat      nextcounter=nextcounter+1      local k3=k-lambda0ir/dr      local k4=k+lambda0ir/dr      j3=(1.0+n1ir+1.25*pow(n1ir,2.0)+1.25*pow(n1ir,3.0))*k3      j4=(3.0*n1ir+3.0*pow(n1ir,2.0)+2.625*pow(n1ir,3.0))*sin(k3)*cos(k4)      j5=(1.875*pow(n1ir,2.0)+1.875*pow(n1ir,3.0))*sin(2.0*k3)*cos(2.0*k4)      j6=35.0/24.0*pow(n1ir,3.0)*sin(3.0*k3)*cos(3.0*k4)      m=bir*(j3-j4+j5-j6)      k=k+(n-N0ir-m)/air    until abs(n-N0ir-m)<=0.000000000001 or nextcounter>=10000    local v=air/sqrt(1.0-e2ir*pow(sin(k),2.0))    local r=v*(1.0-e2ir)/(1.0-e2ir*pow(sin(k),2.0))    local h2=v/r-1.0    local y1=e-E0ir    j3=tan(k)/(2.0*r*v)    j4=tan(k)/(24.0*r*pow(v,3.0))*(5.0+3.0*pow(tan(k),2.0)+h2-9.0*pow(tan(k),2.0)*h2)    j5=tan(k)/(720.0*r*pow(v,5.0))*(61.0+90.0*pow(tan(k),2.0)+45.0*pow(tan(k),4.0))    local k9=k-y1*y1*j3+pow(y1,4.0)*j4-pow(y1,6.0)*j5    j6=1.0/(cos(k)*v)    local j7=1.0/(cos(k)*6.0*pow(v,3.0))*(v/r+2.0*pow(tan(k),2.0))    local j8=1.0/(cos(k)*120.0*pow(v,5.0))*(5.0+28.0*pow(tan(k),2.0)+24.0*pow(tan(k),4.0))    local j9=1.0/(cos(k)*5040.0*pow(v,7.0))    local j9=j9*(61.0+662.0*pow(tan(k),2.0)+1320.0*pow(tan(k),4.0)+720.0*pow(tan(k),6.0))    local long=phi0ir+dr*(y1*j6-y1*y1*y1*j7+pow(y1,5.0)*j8-pow(y1,7.0)*j9)    local lat=k9*dr    -- convert long/lat to Cartesian coordinates    v=6377340.189/sqrt(1.0-e2ir*pow(sin(k),2.0))    local cartxa=v*cos(k9)*cos(long/dr)    local cartya=v*cos(k9)*sin(long/dr)    local cartza=(1.0-e2ir)*v*sin(k9)    -- Helmert-Transformation from Ireland 1965 to WGS84 map date    local rotx=1.042/3600.0/dr    local roty=0.214/3600.0/dr    local rotz=0.631/3600.0/dr    local scale=8.15/1000000.0    local cartxb=482.53+(1.0+scale)*cartxa+rotz*cartya-roty*cartza    local cartyb=-130.596-rotz*cartxa+(1.0+scale)*cartya+rotx*cartza    local cartzb=564.557+roty*cartxa-rotx*cartya+(1.0+scale)*cartza    -- convert Cartesian to long/lat    local awgs84=6378137.0    local bwgs84=6356752.3141    local e2wgs84=0.00669438003551279089034150031998869922791    local lambdaradwgs84=atan(cartyb/cartxb)    long=lambdaradwgs84*dr    local pxy=sqrt(pow(cartxb,2.0)+pow(cartyb,2.0))    local phinewwgs84=atan(cartzb/pxy/(1.0-e2wgs84))    local phiradwgs84    nextcounter=0    repeat      phiradwgs84=phinewwgs84      nextcounter=nextcounter+1      v=awgs84/sqrt(1.0-e2wgs84*pow(sin(phiradwgs84),2.0))      phinewwgs84=atan((cartzb+e2wgs84*v*sin(phiradwgs84))/pxy)    until abs(phinewwgs84-phiradwgs84)<=0.000000000001 or nextcounter>=10000    lat=phinewwgs84*dr    return "IE",nil,lat,long end  local function Irish2LL(lett,num)    -- Irish OS to Lat+Long    -- first caclulate e,n    -- computing e and n exactly, to get SW corner of box    local err, n, e, pr, T1 = northeast(lett,num,0)    if err ~= nil then      return "IE",err,0.0,0.0    end    -- use Irish definition of northing and easting    local e=100000.0*(T1%5.0)+e*pr    local n=n*pr+100000.0*(4.0-math.floor(T1/5.0))    return IrishEN2LL(e,n) end  local function empty(s)   return s == nil or s == '' end  local function NGR2LL(ngr) -- returns a country,error,lat,long list   ngr = mw.ustring.gsub(mw.ustring.upper(ngr),"[%s%p]","")   local first, last, lett, num = mw.ustring.find(ngr,"^([A-Z]+)(%d+)$")   if first == nil or empty(lett) or empty(num) or mw.ustring.len(lett) > 2 then   return nil,"Malformed NGR",0.0,0.0   end   if mw.ustring.len(lett) == 1 then     return Irish2LL(lett,num)   end   return GB2LL(lett, num) end  local function split(s,sep) -- split a string s into chunks, separated by sep   sep = sep or "%s"   local t = {}   for chunk in mw.ustring.gmatch(s,"([^"..sep.."]+)") do     table.insert(t,chunk)   end   return t end  local function trim(s)   s = mw.ustring.gsub(s,"^%s+","")   s = mw.ustring.gsub(s,"%s+$","")   return s end  local function alldigits(s)   return mw.ustring.find(s,"%D") == nil end  local function warning(errmsg)   local msg = errmsg or 'Empty OS grid ref'      local html = preview._warning({ msg })    if namespace == 0 and errmsg ~= nil then   html = html..'[[Category:Pages with malformed OS coordinates]]'   end   return html end  function oscoord.main(frame)   local args = getArgs(frame,{parentFirst=true,parentOnly=false,frameOnly=false})   local input = args[1]   if empty(input) then   return warning(nil)   end   local linktitle = args[2]   local namearg = args["name"]   local rawurl = args["rawurl"]   local args = split(input,'_')   local LL   local restargs = 1   local current_page = mw.title.getCurrentTitle()   local pagename = mw.uri.encode( current_page.prefixedText, 'WIKI' );   if #args >= 2 and alldigits(args[2]) then     if mw.ustring.sub(args[1],1,1) == 'i' then       local firstArg = mw.ustring.sub(args[1],2)       if alldigits(firstArg) then         LL = {IrishEN2LL(firstArg,args[2])}     restargs = 3     if empty(linktitle) then           linktitle=args[1]..'_'..args[2]     end       end     elseif alldigits(args[1]) then       LL = {GBEN2LL(args[1],args[2])}       restargs = 3       if empty(linktitle) then         linktitle=args[1]..'_'..args[2]       end     end   else     LL = {NGR2LL(args[1])}     restargs = 2     if empty(linktitle) then       linktitle=args[1]     end   end   linktitle = trim(linktitle)   if not empty(LL[2]) then     return linktitle ..warning(LL[2])   end   -- https://geohack.toolforge.org/geohack.php?pagename=Mount_Whitney¶ms=36.578580925_N_118.29199495_W_type:mountain_region:US-CA_scale:100000_source:NGS   local url = ''   if not yesno(rawurl) then   url = url..'['   end   url = url..'https://geohack.toolforge.org/geohack.php?'   if not empty(pagename) then   url = url..'pagename='..pagename..'&'   end   url = url..'params='..LL[3]..'_N_'   if LL[4] < 0 then   url = url..(-LL[4])..'_W'   else   url = url..LL[4]..'_E'   end   for i = restargs,#args do   url = url..'_'..args[i]   end   if mw.ustring.find(input,"region") == nil then     url = url..'_region:'..LL[1]   end   if not empty(namearg) then     url = url .. "&title=" .. mw.uri.encode(namearg)   end   if not yesno(rawurl) then url = url..' '..linktitle..']'   end   return url end  function oscoord.oscoord(frame) local output = '' .. oscoord.main(frame) .. '' if namespace == 0 then output = output .. '[[Category:Articles with OS grid coordinates]]' end return output end  return oscoord 


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