external Links

Для документации этого модуля может быть создана страница Модуль:External links/doc

local data = require('Module:External links/data') -- Localizable part -- Please, note, that labels to various sites and cataloges are taken from Wikidata (i.e. Wikidata label)  local linksPrefix = '' local project = 'Википедия' local categoryTemplateEmpty = project .. ':Шаблон «Къецепатан элячӀунар» пуст' local categoryWithWikimediaCommons = project .. ':Статьи со ссылками на Викисклад' local templateLink = 'Къецепатан элячӀунар'  local group1Label = '[[' .. linksPrefix .. 'Соцсеть|Соцсетар]]' local group2Label = 'Произведениедин текстер' local group3Label = 'Фото, видео ва аудио' local group4Label = 'Темадин сайтар' local group5Label = 'Гафарганарни энциклопедияр' local group6Label = 'Генеалогияни некрополистика' local group7Label = 'Таксономия' local group8Label = '[[' .. linksPrefix .. 'Норматив ахтармишун|Норматив ахтармишун]]'  -- The language codes that should be always displayed even if they have normal rank and claim with another language and prefferered rank exists local preferredLanguage = 'Q31746'; -- lezgian  local templateColorName = 'цвет'; -- Some projects have "named" colors, defined by templates function colorByTitle( frame, colorTitle ) local templateName = 'Цвет/' .. colorTitle; local templateTitle = mw.title.makeTitle( 'Template', templateName ); if ( templateTitle == nil or not templateTitle.exists ) then return false; end return frame:expandTemplate{ title = templateName }; end  -- Feel free to correct labels and categories, or add/remove sources here  -- Non-localizable part (not need to localize ) local moduleNavbox = require('Module:Navbox')  local titleBasedLinks = { ['Q602358'] = true, ['Q17290934'] = true, ['Q1960551'] = true }  local p = {}  function link( url ) return url end  function renderLabel( params ) if type( params ) == 'string' then return params; end  local id = params[ 1 ]; local default = params[ 2 ];  if #params >= 3 then local label = params[ 3 ]; local link = mw.wikibase.sitelink( id ); if ( link ~= nil ) then return '[[' .. link .. '|' .. label .. ']]'; end local title = mw.wikibase.label( id ) or default; return '.. title .. '" style="border-bottom: 1px dotted; cursor: help;">' .. label .. '' end  return mw.wikibase.label( id ) or default; end  function getQualifierSingleValue( statement, qualifierName ) if (statement ~= nil and statement.qualifiers ~= nil and statement.qualifiers[qualifierName] ~= nil) then  for qualifierIndex, qualifier in pairs( statement.qualifiers[qualifierName] ) do if (qualifier.datavalue ~= nil and qualifier.datavalue.type ~= nil and qualifier.datavalue.value ~= nil) then  if ( qualifier.datavalue.type == "monolingualtext" ) then return qualifier.datavalue.value.text; end if ( qualifier.datavalue.type == "string" ) then return qualifier.datavalue.value; end if ( qualifier.datavalue.type == "wikibase-entityid" ) then return qualifier.datavalue.value.id; end mw.log( 'Unknown qualifier type: ' .. qualifier.datavalue.type ) return qualifier.datavalue.value;  end end  end return nil; end  function getQualifierValues( statement, qualifierName ) local result = {} if (statement ~= nil and statement.qualifiers ~= nil and statement.qualifiers[qualifierName] ~= nil) then local qualifiers = statement.qualifiers[qualifierName]; for _, qualifier in pairs( qualifiers ) do if (qualifier.datavalue ~= nil and qualifier.datavalue.type ~= nil and qualifier.datavalue.value ~= nil) then  if ( qualifier.datavalue.type == "string" ) then result[ #result + 1 ] = qualifier.datavalue.value; elseif ( qualifier.datavalue.type == "wikibase-entityid" ) then result[ #result + 1 ] = qualifier.datavalue.value.id; else mw.log( 'Unknown qualifier type: ' .. qualifier.datavalue.type ); result[ #result + 1 ] = qualifier.datavalue.value; end end end end return result; end  function collectLinks( configuration, elementId )  local moduleLanguages if ( mw.title.makeTitle( 'Module', 'Languages' ).exists and mw.title.makeTitle( 'Module', 'Languages/data' ).exists and mw.title.makeTitle( 'Module', 'Wikidata/Language-codes' ).exists) then moduleLanguages = require('Module:Languages'); else moduleLanguages = false; end  --Create rows local elements = {} local data = {}   local item = mw.wikibase.getEntity( elementId ) if item == nil or item.claims == nil then return elements end  if ( item.claims['P553'] ~= nil ) then local claim = item.claims['P553'] for _, statement in pairs( claim ) do if (statement ~= nil) then -- profile ID local rank = statement.rank or 'normal'; if ( rank ~= 'deprecated' ) then local itemId = getQualifierSingleValue( statement, 'P554' ); if (itemId ~= nil) then -- language local languages = getQualifierValues( statement, 'P407' ); local resourceId = statement.mainsnak.datavalue.value.id; if (data[resourceId] == nil) then data[resourceId] = {}; end table.insert( data[resourceId], { itemId = itemId, languages = languages, rank = rank} ); end end end end end  for _, params in pairs( configuration ) do local resourceId = params[2]  local claim = item.claims[ resourceId ] if ( claim ) then for _, statement in pairs( claim ) do local rank = statement.rank or 'normal'; if ( rank ~= 'deprecated' and statement.mainsnak.datavalue) then local itemId = statement.mainsnak.datavalue.value; local languages = getQualifierValues( statement, 'P407' ); if (data[resourceId] == nil) then data[resourceId] = {}; end table.insert( data[resourceId], { itemId = itemId, languages = languages, rank = rank} ); end end end end  for resourceId, resourceDatas in pairs( data ) do data[resourceId] = filterByRank( resourceDatas ); end  local hasNonOptionalLinks = false  for _, params in pairs( configuration ) do local resourceId = params[2] local optional = params[5] or false;  local resourceDatas = data[resourceId]; if resourceDatas ~= nil then if ( not optional ) then hasNonOptionalLinks = true end  local resourceLabel = renderLabel( params[1] ); local firstChar = mw.ustring.sub( resourceLabel, 1, 1 ); local separateDesign = firstChar == '[' or firstChar == '<';  local html = ''; if ( separateDesign ) then html = html .. resourceLabel .. ': '; end  local preitemId for index, resourceData in pairs(resourceDatas) do local itemId = resourceData.itemId; if index == 2 then --даёт возможность поставить id из одного свойства в разные ссылки if itemId == preitemId then break end end  local languages = resourceData.languages; local link = params[3] ( itemId ); local linkFirstChar; local interwiki; if ( link ) then linkFirstChar = mw.ustring.sub( link, 1, 1 ); interwiki = linkFirstChar == ':' end if ( separateDesign ) then if ( index ~= 1 ) then html = html .. ', ' end if ( link ) then if ( interwiki ) then html = html .. '[[' .. link .. '|' .. itemId .. ']]'; else html = html .. '[' .. link .. ' ' .. itemId .. ']'; end else html = html .. itemId; end else if ( index ~= 1 ) then html = html .. ' · ' end if ( link ) then if ( interwiki ) then html = html .. '[[' .. link .. '|' .. resourceLabel .. ']]'; else html = html .. '[' .. link .. ' ' .. resourceLabel .. ']'; end else -- it should not happen html = html .. resourceLabel .. ': ' .. itemId; end  if ( moduleLanguages ) then if ( languages ~= nil and #languages > 0 ) then for langIndex, language in pairs(languages) do html = html .. ' ' .. moduleLanguages.getRefHtml( language ) end end end end preitemId = resourceData.itemId; end if ( #params >= 4 and params[4] ) then html = html .. '[[Category:' .. params[4] .. ']]' end table.insert( elements, html ) end end  if ( not hasNonOptionalLinks ) then return {} end  return elements end  function collectDictionaryLinks( elementId ) --Create rows local elements = {}  local item = mw.wikibase.getEntity( elementId ); if ( item == nil or item.claims == nil) then return elements end  local sourceToElementLinks = {};  local claim = item.claims['P1343'] if ( claim ) then for _, statement in pairs( claim ) do if (statement ~= nil) then local rank = statement.rank or 'normal'; if ( rank ~= 'deprecated' ) then local resourceId = statement.mainsnak.datavalue.value.id; local languages = getQualifierValues( statement, 'P407' );  -- Wikisource link ? local entityId = getQualifierSingleValue( statement, 'P805' ) or getQualifierSingleValue( statement, 'P248' ); if ( entityId ) then if (sourceToElementLinks[resourceId] == nil) then sourceToElementLinks[resourceId] = {}; end table.insert( sourceToElementLinks[resourceId], { entityId = entityId, languages = languages, rank = rank } ); end  -- URL to encyclopedia local url = getQualifierSingleValue( statement, 'P953' ); if (url == nil) then -- no longer recommend, but widely used url = getQualifierSingleValue( statement, 'P854' );  end if ( url ~= nil ) then if (sourceToElementLinks[resourceId] == nil) then sourceToElementLinks[resourceId] = {}; end table.insert( sourceToElementLinks[resourceId], { url = url, languages = languages, rank = rank } ); end end end end end  for _, description in pairs( data.dictionaries ) do if ( description.linkF ) then local claim = item.claims[ description.id ]; if ( claim ) then for _, statement in pairs( claim ) do local rank = statement.rank or 'normal'; if ( rank ~= 'deprecated' and statement.mainsnak.datavalue) then local value = statement.mainsnak.datavalue.value; local url = description.linkF( value ); local languages = getQualifierValues( statement, 'P407' ); if ( sourceToElementLinks[description.id] == nil) then sourceToElementLinks[description.id] = {}; end table.insert( sourceToElementLinks[description.id], { url = url, languages = languages, rank = rank} ); end end end end end  local html = ''; for _, description in pairs( data.dictionaries ) do local links = sourceToElementLinks[ description.id ]; if ( links ) then for _, link in pairs( links ) do if ( link.url ) then table.insert( elements, '[' .. link.url .. ' ' .. description.title .. ']' ); end  if ( link.entityId ) then local sitelink = mw.wikibase.getSitelink( link.entityId, description.project ); if ( sitelink ) then table.insert( elements, '[[' ..  description.projectCode .. sitelink .. '|' .. description.title .. ']]' ); end end end end end  return elements end  function contains( tableStructure, value ) if ( tableStructure == nil or value == nil) then return true; end for index, line in pairs( tableStructure ) do if ( line == value ) then return true; end end return false; end  function filterByRank( resourceDatas ) -- itemId, languages. rank = rank  local hasPreffered = false; for index, resourceData in pairs(resourceDatas) do if ( resourceData.rank == 'preferred' ) then hasPreffered = true; end end  if (not hasPreffered) then return resourceDatas; end  local result = {}; for index, resourceData in pairs(resourceDatas) do if ( resourceData.rank == 'preferred' or contains(resourceData.languages, preferredLanguage) ) then table.insert(result, resourceData); end end  return result; end  function p.render( frame ) local colorArg = ''; local elementId = nil; if ( frame ~= nil ) then local parentArgs = frame:getParent().args colorArg = parentArgs[templateColorName] or parentArgs['color'] or parentArgs[1] or ''; if parentArgs['d'] and parentArgs['d'] ~= '' then elementId = string.upper( parentArgs['d'] ); end if ( colorArg ~= '' ) then local firstChar = mw.ustring.sub( colorArg, 1, 1 ); if ( firstChar ~= '#' ) then local byTemplate = colorByTitle( frame, colorArg ); if ( byTemplate ) then colorArg = byTemplate; end end end end  local navboxData = { name  = 'External links', navboxclass = 'navbox ruwikiArticleExternalLinksTable', bodyclass = 'hlist', }; if colorArg and colorArg ~= '' then navboxData.groupstyle = 'background: ' .. colorArg .. ';'; end  local rowIndex = 1;  local socialNetworksElements = collectLinks( data.socialNetworkProperties, elementId ); if ( #socialNetworksElements > 0 ) then navboxData['group' .. rowIndex] = group1Label; navboxData['list' .. rowIndex] = table.concat( socialNetworksElements , ' · ' ); rowIndex = rowIndex + 1; end  local textsElements = collectLinks( data.textsProperties, elementId ); if ( #textsElements > 0 ) then navboxData['group' .. rowIndex] = group2Label; navboxData['list' .. rowIndex] = table.concat( textsElements , ' · ' ); rowIndex = rowIndex + 1; end  local contentHostingElements = collectLinks( data.contentHostingProperties, elementId ); if ( #contentHostingElements > 0 ) then navboxData['group' .. rowIndex] = group3Label; navboxData['list' .. rowIndex] = table.concat( contentHostingElements , ' · ' ); rowIndex = rowIndex + 1; end  local themeProfilesElements = collectLinks( data.themeProfilesProperties, elementId ); if ( #themeProfilesElements > 0 ) then navboxData['group' .. rowIndex] = group4Label; navboxData['list' .. rowIndex] = table.concat( themeProfilesElements , ' · ' ); rowIndex = rowIndex + 1; end  local dictionaryElements = collectDictionaryLinks( elementId ); if ( #dictionaryElements > 0 ) then navboxData['group' .. rowIndex] = group5Label; navboxData['list' .. rowIndex] = table.concat( dictionaryElements , ' · ' ); rowIndex = rowIndex + 1; end  local geniElements = collectLinks( data.geniGraves, elementId ); if ( #geniElements > 0 ) then navboxData['group' .. rowIndex] = group6Label; navboxData['list' .. rowIndex] = table.concat( geniElements , ' · ' ); rowIndex = rowIndex + 1; end  local taxElements = collectLinks( data.taxons, elementId ); if ( #taxElements > 0 ) then navboxData['group' .. rowIndex] = group7Label; navboxData['list' .. rowIndex] = table.concat( taxElements , ' · ' ); rowIndex = rowIndex + 1; end  local authorityControlElements = collectLinks( data.authorityControl, elementId ); local authorityControlExtElements = collectLinks( data.authorityControlExt, elementId ); if ( #authorityControlElements > 0 ) then navboxData['group' .. rowIndex] = group8Label; if ( #authorityControlExtElements > 0 ) then navboxData['list' .. rowIndex] = table.concat( authorityControlElements , ' · ' ) .. ' · ' .. table.concat( authorityControlExtElements , ' · ' ); else navboxData['list' .. rowIndex] = table.concat( authorityControlElements , ' · ' ); end if ( #authorityControlElements > 5 ) then navboxData['group' .. rowIndex] = nil; package.loaded['Module:Navbox'] = nil; local templateStyles = frame:extensionTag{ name = 'templatestyles', args = { src = 'Шаблон:Navbox/styles.css' } }; local collapsibleNavbox = require('Module:Navbox')._navbox( { title = group8Label, list1 = navboxData['list' .. rowIndex], border = 'subgroup', navbar = 'plain', state = 'collapsed', titleclass = 'ts-navbox-plaintitle', bodyclass = 'authoritycontrol', titlestyle = navboxData.groupstyle } ); navboxData['list' .. rowIndex] = templateStyles .. collapsibleNavbox; end rowIndex = rowIndex + 1; end  if ( rowIndex == 1 ) then if ( mw.title.getCurrentTitle().namespace == 0 ) then return '[[Category:' .. categoryTemplateEmpty .. ']]'; end else if navboxData['group1'] then navboxData['group1'] = '
' .. frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'tnavbar-view', args = { templateLink } } .. '
' .. navboxData['group1'] .. '
; else navboxData['group1'] = '
' .. frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'tnavbar-view', args = { templateLink } } .. '
; end end local navbox = moduleNavbox._navbox( navboxData ) return navbox end function p.renderDocumentation() local result = '' result = result .. '|-\n'; result = result .. '! colspan=4 | ' .. group1Label .. '\n'; result = result .. '|-\n'; result = result .. renderDocumentationCategory( data.socialNetworkProperties ); result = result .. '|-\n'; result = result .. '! colspan=4 | ' .. group2Label .. '\n'; result = result .. '|-\n'; result = result .. renderDocumentationCategory( data.textsProperties ); result = result .. '|-\n'; result = result .. '! colspan=4 | ' .. group3Label .. '\n'; result = result .. '|-\n'; result = result .. renderDocumentationCategory( data.contentHostingProperties ); result = result .. '|-\n'; result = result .. '! colspan=4 | ' .. group4Label .. '\n'; result = result .. '|-\n'; result = result .. renderDocumentationCategory( data.themeProfilesProperties ); result = result .. '|-\n'; result = result .. '! colspan=4 | ' .. group5Label .. '\n'; result = result .. '|-\n'; result = result .. renderDocumentationCategory( data.dictionaries ); result = result .. '|-\n'; result = result .. '! colspan=4 | ' .. group6Label .. '\n'; result = result .. '|-\n'; result = result .. renderDocumentationCategory( data.geniGraves ); result = result .. '|-\n'; result = result .. '! colspan=4 | ' .. group7Label .. '\n'; result = result .. '|-\n'; result = result .. renderDocumentationCategory( data.taxons ); result = result .. '|-\n'; result = result .. '! colspan=4 | ' .. group8Label .. '\n'; result = result .. '|-\n'; result = result .. renderDocumentationCategory( data.authorityControl ); return result; end function renderDocumentationCategory( links ) local result = ''; for _, params in pairs( links ) do local resourceLabel = renderLabel( params[ 1 ] or params.title ); local resourceId = params[ 2 ] or params.id; local category = params[ 4 ]; local optional; if ( params[ 5 ] or false ) then optional = 'TRUE'; else optional = 'FALSE'; end result = result .. '| ' .. resourceLabel .. '\n'; if string.match( resourceId, '^P' ) then result = result .. '| [[:d:Property:' .. resourceId .. '|' .. resourceId .. ']]\n'; elseif string.match( resourceId, '^Q' ) then result = result .. '| [[:d:' .. resourceId .. '' .. '|' .. resourceId .. ']]\n'; else result = result .. '| \n'; end if ( category ~= nil and category ~= false ) then result = result .. '| [[:Category:' .. category .. '|' .. category .. ']]\n'; else result = result .. '| \n'; end result = result .. '| ' .. optional .. '\n'; result = result .. '|-\n'; end return result; end return p


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