жяматрал Кӏану/Архив 2011

I request that Dinamik-bot gets a bot flag.

Bot flag requests


The bot will be add and fix interwiki links.

  • Operator: Dinamik
  • Mode: automatic
  • Function: fix/add interwikis
  • Software: Python, pywikipedia
  • Technical details: autonomous mode
  • already has a bot flag on: az, be-x-old, ca, cs, el, es, fa, fi, he, hy, id, it, ka, mk, nl, no, pl, pt, ro, ru, simple, sr, sv, tr, uk, zh, zh-yue

Thank you! Dinamik 18:16, 29 октября 2009 (UTC)


Please give a bot bit to SieBot, so it will not flood your RC as it adds interwiki links using pywikipedia's interwiki.py. SieBot is active on 200 Wikipedias. See the user page of the bot for more details, or check a complete overview of its activities here. Cheers! Siebrand (talk) Siebrand 16:16, 18 August 2007 (UTC)

    Already done. —Pathoschild 03:19:28, 12 март 2009 (UTC)


Hello! I ask for permission to run my interwiki bot PipepBot here, and to get a bot flag for it.

  • Operator: it:User:Pipep
  • Purpose: Interwiki
  • Software: Pywikipedia
  • Has bot flag at: als, am, an, ar, arc, ast, av, az, bat-smg, be, be-x-old, bn, bpy, bs, bug, ca, ce, ceb, co, cs, cu, cv, da, de, eml, en, eo, et, fo, fr, frp, fur, fy, ga, gd, haw, hr, hsb, ht, hu, hy, id, ie, ilo, io, is, ja, ka, kk, ksh, ku, kw, la, lb, li, lij, ln, lt, lv, mi, mk, ml, ms, nap, nds, nds-nl, nn, no, oc, pl, pms, qu, rm, rmy, ro, roa-tara, ru-sib, sc, scn, sco, sh, si, simple, sk, sl, sq, sr, su, sv, te, th, tl, udm, uk, uz, vec, vls, vo, wa, wo, wuu, yi, yo, zea, zh, zh-classical, zh-yue
  • Details: Interwiki using Pywikipediabot. It mostly runs manually assisted. May run automatically in some cases.

Thank you! --it:User:Pipep 18:48, 31 August 2007 (UTC)

    PipepBot has now bot status. Thank you! it:User:Pipep 07:27, 14 October 2007 (UTC)


Hi, i request a bot bit for BotMultichill.

  • Botmaster : Multichill
  • Bot's name : BotMultichill
  • List of botflags on others wikipedias: about 100+ atm (see meta:User:Multichill for the current list)
  • Purpose: Interwiki (pywikipedia)
  • Technical details : BotMultichill is an interwiki bot starting at the Dutch wikipedia. The bot uses the pywikipedia framework and runs day and night in autonomous mode. Sometimes the bot will run in manual assisted mode to solve interwiki conflicts.

Multichill 14:31, 6 September 2007 (UTC)

    Already done. —Pathoschild 03:21:18, 12 март 2009 (UTC)


Hi, i request a bot flag for AlleborgoBot

  • Operator: Alleborgo
  • Automatic or Manually Assisted: Automatic, in "-autonomous" mode. Sometimes the bot will run in manual assisted mode to solve interwiki conflicts.
  • Programming Language(s): Pywikipedia framework daily updated to the last SVN version
  • Function Summary: interwiki
  • Already has a bot flag in: ar, am, an, ast, az, bar, bat-smg, bg, br, bn, bpy, bs, ca, ceb, cs, cv, da, de, el, en, eo, es, et, eu, fa, fi, fiu-vro, fr, frp, fy, ga, gl, he, hr, hsb, ht, hu, hy, id, is, it, iu, ja, jv, ka, kk, ksh, ku, lb, li, lmo, ln, lt, lv, mk, mi, ml, mr, ms, mt, nap, nds, nds-nl, nl, nn, no, pl, pms, ps, pt, ro, roa-tara, ru, sco, sh, sk, simple, sl, sq, sr, su, sv, ta, tg, th, to, tr, tt, udm, uk, ur, vec, vi, vls, vo, zh, zh-classical, zh-min-nan, zh-yue. On it.wiki has done more than 65000 edit.

Thanks --AlleborgoBot 20:01, 3 November 2007 (UTC)

    AlleborgoBot has the flag now, thank you. --AlleborgoBot 19:22, 28 ноября 2007 (UTC)

Purbo T

Hi, I'd like to request a bot flag for Purbo_T (contrib)

Thank you! --Purodha Blissenbach 20:26, 24 января 2008 (UTC)

    Already done. —Pathoschild 03:21:38, 12 март 2009 (UTC)


Dear all, this is to request a bot flag for Synthebot. Its technical information is summarized below.

  • Operator: Julian Mendez
  • Automatic or Manually Assisted: mostly automatic in autonomous mode; sometimes manually assisted to solve interwiki conflicts
  • Programming Language(s): pywikipedia (source code)
  • Function Summary: interwiki links
  • Already has a bot flag on: global bot running on more than 200 wikipedias.

Further technical information is available on its main page. Thank you in advance. Regards, --Julian 18:11, 10 декабря 2008 (UTC)

    Not done; a local bot flag is no longer needed. This is a global bot, and this wiki recently enabled global bots. —Pathoschild 03:21:54, 12 март 2009 (UTC)


I request a bot flag for EmausBot

Thanks! --Emaus 14:08, 18 июня 2010 (UTC)


  • Bot  : HiW-Bot
  • Operator  : Hedwig in Washington
  • Automatic or Manually Assisted : automatic
  • Programming Language(s)  : Python (pywikipedia), daily update
  • Function Summary  : Interwiki
  • Already has a bot flag (Y/N)  : Yes, please see here
  • Function Details  : just using the standard interwiki.py

I humbly request bot status on this wiki in order to maintain Interwiki. Thank you --Hedwig in Washington 13:01, 24 октября 2011 (UTC)

Bot policy

Hello. To facilitate steward granting of bot access, I suggest implementing the standard bot policy on this wiki. In particular, this policy allows stewards to automatically flag known interlanguage linking bots (if this page says that is acceptable), which form the vast majority of such requests. The policy also enables global bots on this wiki (if this page says that is acceptable), which are trusted bots that will be given bot access on every wiki that allows global bots.

This policy makes bot access requesting much easier for local users, operators, and stewards. To implement it we only need to create a redirect to this page from Project:Bot policy, and add a line at the top noting that it is used here. Please read the text at m:Bot policy before commenting. If you object, please say so; I hope to implement in one week if there is no objection, since it is particularly written to streamline bot requests on wikis with little or no community interested in bot access requests. --Luckas Blade 14:50, 1 марта 2009 (UTC)

    Implemented. —Pathoschild 03:18:42, 12 март 2009 (UTC)
  • Operator  : Mjbmr
  • Automatic or Manually Assisted : Automatic
  • Programming Language(s)  : Python (pywikipedia)
  • Function Summary  : Interwiki
  • Already has a bot flag (Y/N)  : Yes, see here
  • Function Details  : Just interwikis, thank Mjbmr Talk 10:25, 10 декабря 2010 (UTC)


жяматрал Кӏану/Архив 2011 Bot flag requestsжяматрал Кӏану/Архив 2011 Bot policyжяматрал Кӏану/Архив 2011 Mjbmrbotжяматрал Кӏану/Архив 2011Гьуртту хьума:Dinamik-bot

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