
Dhokumèntasi modhul iki bisa digawé ing Modhul:Asbox/doc

--[[ This module was created by User:CodeHydro (Alexander Zhikun He). User:Jackmcbarn and User:Mr._Stradivarius provided a great deal of assistance in writting p.main()  p.main() draw heavily from the following version of Template:Asbox of the English Wikipedia, authored primarily by User:Rich_Farmbrough  p.templatepage() is derived from the following revision of Template:Asbox/templatepage, authored primarily by User:MSGJ  Both templates had significant contributions from numerous others listed in the revision history tab of their respective pages. --]] local WRAPPER_TEMPLATE, args = 'Template:Asbox' local p, Buffer, stubCats = { --Prevents dupli-cats... get it? Maybe not? cats = setmetatable({}, {__newindex = function(t, i, v) if not rawget(t, i) then rawset(t, i, v) table.insert(t, i) end end}), --initializes variables required by both p.main and p.templatepage init = function(self, frame, page) args, page = args or require('Module:Arguments').getArgs(frame, { wrappers = WRAPPER_TEMPLATE }), page or mw.title.getCurrentTitle() --Ensures demo parameter will never affect category() output for articles self.demo = self.demo or page.namespace ~= 0 and args.demo return args, page end }, require('Module:Buffer')  --[[ Formats category links. Stores them until called with cat.done=true Takes multiple or single categories in the form of 'cat' or a table of strings and/or tables containing parts. (See below) ]] local attention, catTag, catKey = Buffer'Cithakan layang rintisan butuh kawigatèn', '[[Kategori:%s]]', '%s|%s%s' local function category(cat) for _, v in ipairs((tostring(cat) == cat or cat.t) and {cat} or cat) do --[[ If v is a table: [1] = full category name; defaults to local attention if blank k = Category sort key. Prefix before v.t t = page.text or args.tempsort#; appended after k (or in its place if omitted). Required if v is not a string Basically the same as v = (v[1] or attention) .. ' | ' .. (v.k or '') .. v.t ]] if v and v ~= true then--reject v = nil, false, or true p.cats[catTag:format(tostring(v) == v and v or (v[1] and Buffer(v[1]) or attention):_in(v.k):_(v.t):_str(2, nil, nil, '|') )] = true end end return cat.done and table.concat(p.cats, p.demo and ' | ' or nil) or '' end  --[[ Makes an ombox warning; Takes table {ifNot = Boolean, text, {cat. sort key, cat. sort name}} Will return an empty string instead when ifNot evaluates to true  ]] local function ombox(v) if v.ifNot then return end p.ombox = p.ombox or require('Module:Message box').ombox category{v[2]} return p.ombox{ type = 'content', text = v[1] } end  --[[ Unlike original template, module now takes unlimited cats! This function also performs most stub category error checks except for the ombox for when main |category= is omitted (See p.template()) ]] local function catStub(page, pageDoc) stubCats = {missing = {}, v = {}} local code for k, _ in pairs(args) do --Find category parameters and store the number (main cat = '') table.insert(stubCats, string.match(k, '^category(%d*)$')) end table.sort(stubCats) for k, v in ipairs(stubCats) do --Get category names and, if called by p.templatepage, the optional sort key local tsort, cat = args['tempsort' .. v], mw.ustring.gsub(args['category' .. v], '[^%w%p%s]', '')--remove all hidden unicode chars  --Do not place template in main category if |tempsort = 'no'. However, DO place articles of that template in the main category. table.insert(stubCats.v,  page and (--p.templatepage passes page; p.main does not, i.e. articles are categorized without sort keys. v=='' and tsort == 'no'--if true, inserts 'true' in table, which category() will reject or tsort and {cat, k = ' ', t = tsort} or {cat, k = ' *', t = page.text}--note space in front of sort key ) or cat ) --Check category existance only if on the template page (i.e. stub documentation) if page then if not'Category:' .. cat).exists then code = code or mw.html.create'code':wikitext'|category' table.insert(stubCats.missing, tostring(mw.clone(code):wikitext(v))) end --[[ Checks non-demo stub template for documentation and flags if doc is present. All stub cats names are checked and flagged if it does not match 'Kategori: [] stub'. The main stub cat is exempt from the name check if the stub template has its own doc (presumably, this doc would have an explanation as to why the main stub cat is non-conforming). ]] table.insert(stubCats.v, v == '' and not p.demo and pageDoc.exists and 'Cithakan layang rintisan mawa anak kaca dhokumèntasi' or not cat:match' stubs$' and {k = 'S', t = page.text} ) end end --Add category names after loop is completed category(stubCats.v) return #stubCats.missing > 0 and ombox{ --Changed, original msg: --One or more of the stub categories defined in this template do not seem to exist! --Please double-check the parameters {{para|category}}, {{para|category1}} and {{para|category2}}. 'Paramèter ing ngisor iki' .. (#stubCats.missing == 1 and ' medharaké kategori rintisan kang') .. ' ora ana: ' .. mw.text.listToText(stubCats.missing), {k = 'N', t = page.text} } end  --Shows population of categories found by catStub(). Outputs demo values if none local function population() local wikitext, base = {}, '* [[:Kategori:%s]] (cacah: %s)\n' if not args.category and stubCats[1] ~= false then table.insert(stubCats, 1, false) end for _, v in ipairs(stubCats) do table.insert(wikitext, base:format( v and args['category' .. v] or '{{{category}}}', v and['category' .. v], 'all') or 0 )) end return table.concat(wikitext) end  --Includes standard stub documention and flags stub templates with bad parameter values. function p.templatepage(frame, page) args, page = p:init(frame, page) local tStubDoc ='Cithakan:Stub documentation' local pageDoc = page:subPageTitle('doc') --Reorganization note: Original Asbox alternates between outputting categories and checking on params |category#=. --Rather than checking multiple times and switching tasks, all stub category param operations have been rolled into catStub() return Buffer( ombox{--Show ombox warnings for missing args. ifNot = args.category, 'Paramèter |category durung disetèl. Mangga wuwuhana kategori rintisan kang pas.', {k = 'C', t = page.text} }) :_(ombox{ ifNot = args.subject or args.article or args.qualifier, 'Cithakan rintisan iki tanpa wedharan! Paling ora salah siji paramèteré |subject, |article, utawa |qualifier kudu diisi.', {k = 'D', t = page.text} }) :_(catStub(page, pageDoc))--catStub() may also return an ombox if there are non-existing categories :_(category{ done = p.demo ~= 'doc',--Outputs categories if not doc demo 'Cithakan layang bab rintisan', 'Aja katut dicéthak', args.icon and 'Cithakan layang rintisan nganggo paramèter ikon' or args.image and ('Media:' .. mw.text.split(args.image, '|')[1]).exists--do nothing if exists. category() will reject true or {k = 'B', t = page.text} ) or 'Cithakan layang rintisan tanpa gambar', args.imagealt and {k = 'I', t = page.text}, }) :_((not p.demo or p.demo == 'doc') and--Add standard stub template documentation require('Module:Documentation').main{ content = Buffer(page.text ~= 'Stub' and--This comparison performed in {{Asbox/stubtree}} before it invokes Module:Asbox stubtree require('Module:Asbox stubtree').subtree{args = {pagename = page.text}} ) :_in'\n== About this template ==\nThis template is used to identify a':_(args.subject):_'stub':_(args.qualifier):_out' '--space :_'. It uses {{[[Template:Asbox|asbox]]}}, which is a meta-template designed to ease the process of creating and maintaining stub templates.\n=== Usage ===\nTyping ' :_(mw.html.create'code' :wikitext('{{', page.text == 'Stub' and 'stub' or page.text, '}}') ) :_' produces the message shown at the beginning, and adds the article to the following categor' :_(#stubCats > 1 and 'ies' or 'y') :_':\n' :_(population()) :_(pageDoc.exists and--transclusion of /doc if it exists frame:expandTemplate{title = pageDoc.text} ) :_'\n== General information ==\n' :_(frame:expandTemplate{title = tStubDoc.text}) :_'\n\n'(), ['link box'] = Buffer'Dhokumèntasi iki otomatis diturunaké [[Module:Asbox]].' :_in'Informasi umum diturunaké saka [[Cithakan:Dokumentasi stub]]. ' :_(mw.html.create'span' :cssText'font-size:smaller;font-style:normal;line-height:130%' :node(('([%s besut] | [%s sajarah])'):format( tStubDoc:fullUrl('action=edit', 'relative'), tStubDoc:fullUrl('action=history', 'relative') )) ) :_out() :_(page.protectionLevels.edit and page.protectionLevels.edit[1] == 'sysop' and "This template is [[WP:PROTECT|fully protected]] and any [[WP:CAT|categories]] should be added to the template's [" .. pageDoc:fullUrl('action=edit&preload=Template:Category_interwiki/preload', 'relative') .. '| /doc] subpage, which is not protected.' )' 
} )() end function p.main(frame, page) args, page = p:init(frame, page) local output = mw.html.create'table' :addClass'metadata plainlinks stub' :css{background = 'transparent'} :attr{role = 'presentation'} :tag'tr' :node((args.icon or args.image) and mw.html.create'td' :wikitext(args.icon or ('[[File:%s|%spx|alt=%s]]'):format( args.image or '', args.pix or '40x30', args.imagealt or 'Tandha stub' )) ) :tag'td' :tag'i' :wikitext( Buffer:_(args.article or 'Artikel'):_(args.subject):_(args.qualifier)' ',--space ' iki minangka [[Wikipedia:Rintisan|artikel rintisan]]. Kowé bisa ngéwangi Wikipédia [', page:fullUrl('action=edit', 'relative'), ' ngembangaké].' ) :done() :node( and require'Module:Navbar'._navbar{, mini = 'yes', style = 'position: absolute; right: 15px; display: none;' } ) :node(args.note and mw.html.create() :tag'br':done() :tag'span' :css{['font-style'] = 'normal', ['font-size'] = 'smaller'} :wikitext(args.note) :done() ) :allDone() --[[ Stub categories for templates include a sort key (Otherwise all will be indexed under the letter 'T' for 'Template:[] stubs') Articles using the template do not need a sort key since they have unique names. When p.demo equals 'doc', the demo stub categories will appear as those for a stub template. Otherwise, any non-nil p.demo will emulate article space categories (plus any error cats unless set to 'art') ]] if page.namespace == 0 then -- Main namespace elseif p.demo then if p.demo ~= 'doc' then catStub() end --Unless p.demo is set to 'art', it will also include error categories normally only shown on --the template but not in the article. The elseif after namespace == 0 means demo cats will never show in article space. p.demodoc = p.demo ~= 'art' and p.templatepage(frame, page) output = mw.html.create() :node(output) :tag'small':wikitext( 'Demo categories: ', (category{done = true}:gsub('(%[%[)(Category:)([^|%]]-)(%|)', '%1%2%3|%2%3%4'):gsub('(%[%[)(Category:)', '%1:%2')) ):done() :wikitext(p.demo == 'doc' and p.demodoc or nil) else --Checks for valid name; emulates original template's check using {{FULLPAGENAME:{{{name|}}}}} local normalizedName = or '') if normalizedName and normalizedName.fullText == page.fullText then output = mw.html.create():node(output):wikitext(p.templatepage(frame, page)) elseif not page.isSubpage and page.namespace == 10 then-- Template namespace and not a subpage category{{k = and 'E' or 'W', t = page.text}} end end return output:wikitext(not p.demo and category{done = true} or nil) end return p


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