
Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Infobox/doc

local p = {};  function p.renderLine( frame ) local args = frame:getParent().args;  if args[ 'title' ] and args[ 'title' ] ~= '' then local style = ( args[ 'style_labels' ] or '' ) .. ( args[ 'style_label' ] or '' ); local class = ( args[ 'ะบะปะฐัั' ] or '' ); return '\n\n.. class .. '" style="' .. style .. '">' .. args[ 'title' ] .. '\n'; end  local text = args[ 'text' ] or ''; if args[ 'wikidata' ] and args[ 'wikidata' ] ~= '' then text = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Wikidata', args = { args[ 'wikidata' ], text, from = args[ 'from' ] or '' } }; end      if text ~= '' then local label = args[ 'label' ] or '';      local class = args[ 'class' ] or '';     if class ~= 'noplainlist' then     class = class .. ' plainlist';     end     if class ~= '' then class = ' class="duhoc-got ' .. class .. '"';     end      local style = ( args[ 'textsstyle' ] or '' ) .. ( args[ 'textstyle' ] or '' ); if label == '' then style = 'text-align:center;' .. style; end     if style ~= '' then     style = ' style="' .. style .. '"'; end  if label ~= '' then     local labelClass = args[ 'class_label' ] or '';     if labelClass ~= 'noplainlist' then     labelClass = labelClass .. ' plainlist'; end     if labelClass ~= '' then     labelClass = ' class="duhoc-got ' .. labelClass .. '"'; end      local labelStyle = ( args[ 'style_labels' ] or '' ) .. ( args[ 'style_label' ] or '' );     if labelStyle ~= '' then     labelStyle = ' style="' .. labelStyle .. '"'; end  return '\n\n .. labelClass .. labelStyle .. '>' .. label .. '' ..     '\n .. class .. style .. '>\n' .. text .. '\n'; end      return '\n\n .. class .. style .. '>\n' .. text .. '\n'; end          return ''; end  return p; 


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