
Dokumentasi untuk modul ini dapat dibuat di Modul:Footnotes/doc

f = { args_default = { bracket_left = "", bracket_right = "", bracket_year_left = "", bracket_year_right = "", postscript = "", page = "", pages = "", location = "", page_sep = ", hlm. ", pages_sep = ", hlm. ", ref = "", P1 = "", P2 = "", P3 = "", P4 = "", P5 = "" } };  function trim( str ) if str == nil then return nil; end return str:match( "^%s*(.-)%s*$"); end      function core( args ) local result; --TODO: evaluate to make sure that the following if correctly handles the parameter set when there is no year if args.P5 ~= "" then result = args.P1 .. ' et al. ' .. args.bracket_year_left .. args.P5 ..  args.bracket_year_right; elseif args.P4 ~= "" then result = args.P1 .. ', ' .. args.P2 .. ' & ' .. args.P3 .. ' ' ..  args.bracket_year_left .. args.P4 .. args.bracket_year_right; elseif args.P3 ~= "" then result = args.P1 .. ' & ' .. args.P2 .. ' ' .. args.bracket_year_left ..  args.P3 .. args.bracket_year_right; elseif args.P2 ~= "" then if not args.P2:match ('%d%d%d%d') and not args.P2:match ('n%.d%.') and not args.P2:match ('nd') then result = args.P1 .. ' & ' .. args.P2;-- for the case where the last numbered parameter is a name and not a year and not no-date else result = args.P1 .. ' ' .. args.bracket_year_left .. args.P2 .. args.bracket_year_right; end else result = trim( args.P1 .. ' ' .. args.bracket_year_left .. args.P2 ..  args.bracket_year_right ) end  if ('.' == result:sub(-1)) and ('' == and ('' == args.pages) and ('' == args.location) then args.postscript = '';-- prevent double periods when date is 'n.d.' end  if args.ref ~= 'none' then if args.ref ~= "" then result = "[[#" .. mw.uri.anchorEncode(args.ref) .. "|" .. result .. "]]"; else result = "[[#CITEREF" .. mw.uri.anchorEncode(args.P1 .. args.P2 .. args.P3 .. args.P4 .. args.P5) .. "|" .. result .. "]]"; end end  if ~= "" then result = result .. args.page_sep ..; elseif args.pages ~= "" then result = result .. args.pages_sep .. args.pages; end        if args.location ~= "" then result = result .. ", " .. args.location; end  result = args.bracket_left .. result .. args.bracket_right .. args.postscript; return result; end  function f.harvard_core( frame ) local args = {}; local pframe = frame:getParent();  args.bracket_left = pframe.args.BracketLeft or ""; args.bracket_right = pframe.args.BracketRight or ""; args.bracket_year_left = pframe.args.BracketYearLeft or ""; args.bracket_year_right = pframe.args.BracketYearRight or ""; args.postscript = pframe.args.Postscript or ""; if 'none' == args.postscript then args.postscript = ''; end = pframe.args.Page or ""; args.pages = pframe.args.Pages or ""; args.location = pframe.args.Location or ""; args.page_sep = pframe.args.PageSep or ""; args.pages_sep = pframe.args.PagesSep or ""; args.ref = pframe.args.REF or "{{{REF}}}"; args.P1 = trim( pframe.args.P1 ) or ""; args.P2 = trim( pframe.args.P2 ) or ""; args.P3 = trim( pframe.args.P3 ) or ""; args.P4 = trim( pframe.args.P4 ) or ""; args.P5 = trim( pframe.args.P5 ) or "";  return core( args ); end  function f.harvard_citation( frame ) local args = f.args_default; pframe = frame:getParent();  args.bracket_left = "("; args.bracket_right = ")"; = pframe.args.p or or ""; args.pages = pframe.args.pp or pframe.args.pages or ""; args.location = pframe.args.loc or ""; args.ref = pframe.args.ref or pframe.args.Ref or ""; args.P1 = trim( pframe.args[1] ) or ""; args.P2 = trim( pframe.args[2] ) or ""; args.P3 = trim( pframe.args[3] ) or ""; args.P4 = trim( pframe.args[4] ) or ""; args.P5 = trim( pframe.args[5] ) or "";  return core( args ); end  function f.harvard_citation_no_bracket( frame ) local args = f.args_default; pframe = frame:getParent(); = pframe.args.p or or ""; args.pages = pframe.args.pp or pframe.args.pages or ""; args.location = pframe.args.loc or ""; args.ref = pframe.args.ref or pframe.args.Ref or ""; args.P1 = trim( pframe.args[1] ) or ""; args.P2 = trim( pframe.args[2] ) or ""; args.P3 = trim( pframe.args[3] ) or ""; args.P4 = trim( pframe.args[4] ) or ""; args.P5 = trim( pframe.args[5] ) or "";  return core( args ); end  function f.sfn( frame ) local args = f.args_default; for k, v in pairs( frame.args ) do-- for {{sfnp}}, override default with values provided in the #invoke: args[k] = v;    end  pframe = frame:getParent();  args.postscript = pframe.args.postscript or or "."; if 'none' == args.postscript then args.postscript = ''; end = pframe.args.p or or ""; args.pages = pframe.args.pp or pframe.args.pages or ""; args.location = pframe.args.loc or ""; args.ref = pframe.args.ref or pframe.args.Ref or ""; args.P1 = trim( pframe.args[1] ) or ""; args.P2 = trim( pframe.args[2] ) or ""; args.P3 = trim( pframe.args[3] ) or ""; args.P4 = trim( pframe.args[4] ) or ""; args.P5 = trim( pframe.args[5] ) or "";  local result = core( args ); local name = "FOOTNOTE" .. args.P1 .. args.P2 ..  args.P3 .. args.P4 .. args.P5 .. .. args.pages .. args.location;  result = frame:extensionTag{ name = "ref", args = {name=name}, content=result };  return result; end  return f; 


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