Unicode Data

Documentation for this module may be created at एकक:Unicode data/doc

local p = {}  local floor = math.floor  local function errorf(level, ...) if type(level) == "number" then return error(string.format(...), level + 1) else -- level is actually the format string. return error(string.format(level, ...), 2) end end  local function binary_range_search(codepoint, ranges) local low, mid, high low, high = 1, ranges.length or require "Module:TableTools".length(ranges) while low <= high do mid = floor((low + high) / 2) local range = ranges[mid] if codepoint < range[1] then high = mid - 1 elseif codepoint <= range[2] then return range, mid else low = mid + 1 end end return nil, mid end p.binary_range_search = binary_range_search  --[[ local function linear_range_search(codepoint, ranges) for i, range in ipairs(ranges) do if range[1] <= codepoint and codepoint <= range[2] then return range end end end --]]  -- Load a module by indexing "loader" with the name of the module minus the -- "Module:Unicode data/" part. For instance, loader.blocks returns -- [[Module:Unicode data/blocks]]. If a module cannot be loaded, false will be -- returned. local loader = setmetatable({}, { __index = function (self, key) local success, data = pcall(mw.loadData, "Module:Unicode data/" .. key) if not success then data = false end self[key] = data return data end })  -- For the algorithm used to generate Hangul Syllable names, -- see "Hangul Syllable Name Generation" in section 3.12 of the -- Unicode Specification: -- https://www.unicode.org/versions/Unicode11.0.0/ch03.pdf local name_hooks = { {     0x00,     0x1F, "" }, -- C0 control characters {     0x7F,     0x9F, "" }, -- DEL and C1 control characters {   0x3400,   0x4DBF, "CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-%04X" }, -- CJK Ideograph Extension A {   0x4E00,   0x9FFF, "CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-%04X" }, -- CJK Ideograph {   0xAC00,   0xD7A3, function (codepoint) -- Hangul Syllables local Hangul_data = loader.Hangul local syllable_index = codepoint - 0xAC00  return ("HANGUL SYLLABLE %s%s%s"):format( Hangul_data.leads[floor(syllable_index / Hangul_data.final_count)], Hangul_data.vowels[floor((syllable_index % Hangul_data.final_count) / Hangul_data.trail_count)], Hangul_data.trails[syllable_index % Hangul_data.trail_count] ) end }, -- High Surrogates, High Private Use Surrogates, Low Surrogates {   0xD800,   0xDFFF, "" }, {   0xE000,   0xF8FF, "" }, -- Private Use -- CJK Compatibility Ideographs {   0xF900,   0xFA6D, "CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-%04X" }, {   0xFA70,   0xFAD9, "CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-%04X" }, {  0x17000,  0x187F7, "TANGUT IDEOGRAPH-%04X" }, -- Tangut Ideograph {  0x18800,  0x18AFF, function (codepoint) return ("TANGUT COMPONENT-%03d"):format(codepoint - 0x187FF) end }, {  0x18D00,  0x18D08, "TANGUT IDEOGRAPH-%04X" }, -- Tangut Ideograph Supplement {  0x1B170,  0x1B2FB, "NUSHU CHARACTER-%04X" }, -- Nushu {  0x20000,  0x2A6DF, "CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-%04X" }, -- CJK Ideograph Extension B {  0x2A700,  0x2B739, "CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-%04X" }, -- CJK Ideograph Extension C {  0x2B740,  0x2B81D, "CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-%04X" }, -- CJK Ideograph Extension D {  0x2B820,  0x2CEA1, "CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-%04X" }, -- CJK Ideograph Extension E {  0x2CEB0,  0x2EBE0, "CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-%04X" }, -- CJK Ideograph Extension F -- CJK Compatibility Ideographs Supplement (Supplementary Ideographic Plane) {  0x2F800,  0x2FA1D, "CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-%04X" }, {  0xE0100,  0xE01EF, function (codepoint) -- Variation Selectors Supplement return ("VARIATION SELECTOR-%d"):format(codepoint - 0xE0100 + 17) end}, {  0x30000,  0x3134A, "CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-%04X" }, -- CJK Ideograph Extension G {  0x31350,  0x323AF, "CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-%04X" }, -- CJK Ideograph Extension H {  0xF0000,  0xFFFFD, "" }, -- Plane 15 Private Use { 0x100000, 0x10FFFD, "" }  -- Plane 16 Private Use } name_hooks.length = #name_hooks  local name_range_cache  local function generate_name(data, codepoint) if type(data) == "string" then return data:format(codepoint) else return data(codepoint) end end  --[[ -- Checks that the code point is a number and in range. -- Does not check whether code point is an integer. -- Not used local function check_codepoint(funcName, argIdx, val) require 'libraryUtil'.checkType(funcName, argIdx, val, 'number') if codepoint < 0 or 0x10FFFF < codepoint then errorf("Codepoint %04X out of range", codepoint) end end --]]  -- https://www.unicode.org/versions/Unicode11.0.0/ch04.pdf, section 4.8 function p.lookup_name(codepoint) -- U+FDD0-U+FDEF and all code points ending in FFFE or FFFF are Unassigned -- (Cn) and specifically noncharacters: -- https://www.unicode.org/faq/private_use.html#nonchar4 if 0xFDD0 <= codepoint and (codepoint <= 0xFDEF or floor(codepoint % 0x10000) >= 0xFFFE) then return (""):format(codepoint) end  if name_range_cache -- Check if previously used "name hook" applies to this code point. and codepoint >= name_range_cache[1] and codepoint <= name_range_cache[2] then return generate_name(name_range_cache[3], codepoint) end  local range = binary_range_search(codepoint, name_hooks) if range then name_range_cache = range return generate_name(range[3], codepoint) end  local data = loader[('names/%03X'):format(codepoint / 0x1000)]  if data and data[codepoint] then return data[codepoint]  -- Unassigned (Cn) consists of noncharacters and reserved characters. -- The character has been established not to be a noncharacter, -- and if it were assigned, its name would already been retrieved, -- so it must be reserved. else return (""):format(codepoint) end end  --[[ -- No image data modules on Wikipedia yet. function p.lookup_image(codepoint) local data = loader[('images/%03X'):format(codepoint / 0x1000)]  if data then return data[codepoint] end end --]]  local planes = { [ 0] = "Basic Multilingual Plane"; [ 1] = "Supplementary Multilingual Plane"; [ 2] = "Supplementary Ideographic Plane"; [ 3] = "Tertiary Ideographic Plane"; [14] = "Supplementary Special-purpose Plane"; [15] = "Supplementary Private Use Area-A"; [16] = "Supplementary Private Use Area-B"; }  -- Load [[Module:Unicode data/blocks]] if needed and assign it to this variable. local blocks  local function block_iter(blocks, i) i = i + 1 local data = blocks[i] if data then  -- Unpack doesn't work on tables loaded with mw.loadData. return i, data[1], data[2], data[3] end end  -- An ipairs-type iterator generator for the list of blocks. function p.enum_blocks() local blocks = loader.blocks return block_iter, blocks, 0 end  function p.lookup_plane(codepoint) local i = floor(codepoint / 0x10000) return planes[i] or ("Plane %u"):format(i) end  function p.lookup_block(codepoint) local blocks = loader.blocks local range = binary_range_search(codepoint, blocks) if range then return range[3] else return "No Block" end end  function p.get_block_info(name) for i, block in ipairs(loader.blocks) do if block[3] == name then return block end end end  function p.is_valid_pagename(pagename) local has_nonws = false  for cp in mw.ustring.gcodepoint(pagename) do if (cp == 0x0023) -- # or (cp == 0x005B) -- [ or (cp == 0x005D) -- ] or (cp == 0x007B) -- { or (cp == 0x007C) -- | or (cp == 0x007D) -- } or (cp == 0x180E) -- MONGOLIAN VOWEL SEPARATOR or ((cp >= 0x2000) and (cp <= 0x200A)) -- spaces in General Punctuation block or (cp == 0xFFFD) -- REPLACEMENT CHARACTER then return false end  local printable, result = p.is_printable(cp) if not printable then return false end  if result ~= "space-separator" then has_nonws = true end end  return has_nonws end  local function manual_unpack(what, from) if what[from + 1] == nil then return what[from] end  local result = {} from = from or 1 for i, item in ipairs(what) do if i >= from then table.insert(result, item) end end return unpack(result) end  local function compare_ranges(range1, range2) return range1[1] < range2[1] end  -- Creates a function to look up data in a module that contains "singles" (a -- code point-to-data map) and "ranges" (an array containing arrays that contain -- the low and high code points of a range and the data associated with that -- range). -- "loader" loads and returns the "singles" and "ranges" tables. -- "match_func" is passed the code point and either the data or the "dots", and -- generates the final result of the function. -- The varargs ("dots") describes the default data to be returned if there wasn't -- a match. -- In case the function is used more than once, "cache" saves ranges that have -- already been found to match, or a range whose data is the default if there -- was no match. local function memo_lookup(data_module_subpage, match_func, ...) local dots = { ... } local cache = {} local singles, ranges  return function (codepoint) if not singles then local data_module = loader[data_module_subpage] singles, ranges = data_module.singles, data_module.ranges end  if singles[codepoint] then return match_func(codepoint, singles[codepoint]) end  local range = binary_range_search(codepoint, cache) if range then return match_func(codepoint, manual_unpack(range, 3)) end  local range, index = binary_range_search(codepoint, ranges) if range then table.insert(cache, range) table.sort(cache, compare_ranges) return match_func(codepoint, manual_unpack(range, 3)) end  if ranges[index] then local dots_range if codepoint > ranges[index][2] then dots_range = { ranges[index][2] + 1, ranges[index + 1] and ranges[index + 1][1] - 1 or 0x10FFFF, unpack(dots) } else -- codepoint < range[index][1] dots_range = { ranges[index - 1] and ranges[index - 1][2] + 1 or 0, ranges[index][1] - 1, unpack(dots) } end table.sort(cache, compare_ranges) end  return match_func(codepoint) end end  -- Get a code point's combining class value in [[Module:Unicode data/combining]], -- and return whether this value is not zero. Zero is assigned as the default -- if the combining class value is not found in this data module. -- That is, return true if character is combining, or false if it is not. -- See https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr44/#Canonical_Combining_Class_Values for -- more information. p.is_combining = memo_lookup( "combining", function (codepoint, combining_class) return combining_class and combining_class ~= 0 or false end, 0)  function p.add_dotted_circle(str) return (mw.ustring.gsub(str, ".", function(char) if p.is_combining(mw.ustring.codepoint(char)) then return '◌' .. char end end)) end  local lookup_control = memo_lookup( "control", function (codepoint, ccc) return ccc or "assigned" end, "assigned") p.lookup_control = lookup_control  function p.is_assigned(codepoint) return lookup_control(codepoint) ~= "unassigned" end  function p.is_printable(codepoint) local result = lookup_control(codepoint) return (result == "assigned") or (result == "space-separator"), result end  function p.is_whitespace(codepoint) local result = lookup_control(codepoint) return (result == "space-separator"), result end  p.lookup_category = memo_lookup( "category", function (codepoint, category) return category end, "Cn")  local lookup_script = memo_lookup( "scripts", function (codepoint, script_code) return script_code or 'Zzzz' end, "Zzzz") p.lookup_script = lookup_script  function p.get_best_script(str) -- Check type of argument, because mw.text.decode coerces numbers to strings! require "libraryUtil".checkType("get_best_script", 1, str, "string")  -- Convert HTML character references (including named character references, -- or character entities) to characters. str = mw.text.decode(str, true)  local scripts = {} for codepoint in mw.ustring.gcodepoint(str) do local script = lookup_script(codepoint)  -- Ignore "Inherited", "Undetermined", or "Uncoded" scripts. if not (script == "Zyyy" or script == "Zinh" or script == "Zzzz") then scripts[script] = true end end  -- If scripts does not contain two or more keys, -- return first and only key (script code) in table. if not next(scripts, next(scripts)) then return next(scripts) end -- else return majority script, or else "Zzzz"? end  function p.is_Latin(str) require "libraryUtil".checkType("get_best_script", 1, str, "string") str = mw.text.decode(str, true)  -- Search for the leading bytes that introduce the UTF-8 encoding of the -- code points U+0340-U+10FFFF. If they are not found and there is at least -- one Latin-script character, the string counts as Latin, because the rest -- of the characters can only be Zyyy, Zinh, and Zzzz. -- The only scripts found below U+0370 (the first code point of the Greek -- and Coptic block) are Latn, Zyyy, Zinh, and Zzzz. -- See the codepage in the [[UTF-8]] article. if not str:find "[\205-\244]" then for codepoint in mw.ustring.gcodepoint(str) do if lookup_script(codepoint) == "Latn" then return true end end end  local Latn = false  for codepoint in mw.ustring.gcodepoint(str) do local script = lookup_script(codepoint)  if script == "Latn" then Latn = true elseif not (script == "Zyyy" or script == "Zinh" or script == "Zzzz") then return false end end  return Latn end  -- Checks that a string contains only characters belonging to right-to-left -- scripts, or characters of ignorable scripts. function p.is_rtl(str) require "libraryUtil".checkType("get_best_script", 1, str, "string") str = mw.text.decode(str, true)  -- Search for the leading bytes that introduce the UTF-8 encoding of the -- code points U+0580-U+10FFFF. If they are not found, the string can only -- have characters from a left-to-right script, because the first code point -- in a right-to-left script is U+0591, in the Hebrew block. if not str:find "[\214-\244]" then return false end  local result = false local rtl = loader.scripts.rtl for codepoint in mw.ustring.gcodepoint(str) do local script = lookup_script(codepoint)  if rtl[script] then result = true elseif not (script == "Zyyy" or script == "Zinh" or script == "Zzzz") then return false end end  return result end  local function get_codepoint(args, arg) local codepoint_string = args[arg] or errorf(2, "Parameter %s is required", tostring(arg)) local codepoint = tonumber(codepoint_string, 16) or errorf(2, "Parameter %s is not a code point in hexadecimal base", tostring(arg)) if not (0 <= codepoint and codepoint <= 0x10FFFF) then errorf(2, "code point in parameter %s out of range", tostring(arg)) end return codepoint end  local function get_func(args, arg, prefix) local suffix = args[arg] or errorf(2, "Parameter %s is required", tostring(arg)) suffix = mw.text.trim(suffix) local func_name = prefix .. suffix local func = p[func_name] or errorf(2, "There is no function '%s'", func_name) return func end  -- This function allows any of the "lookup" functions to be invoked. The first -- parameter is the word after "lookup_"; the second parameter is the code point -- in hexadecimal base. function p.lookup(frame) local func = get_func(frame.args, 1, "lookup_") local codepoint = get_codepoint(frame.args, 2) local result = func(codepoint) if func == p.lookup_name then -- Prevent code point labels such as  from being -- interpreted as HTML tags. result = result:gsub("<", "<") end return result end  function p.is(frame) local func = get_func(frame.args, 1, "is_")  -- is_Latin and is_valid_pagename take strings. if func == p.is_Latin or func == p.is_valid_pagename or func == p.is_rtl then return (func(frame.args[2])) else -- The rest take code points. local codepoint = get_codepoint(frame.args, 2) return (func(codepoint)) -- Adjust to one result. end end  return p 


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