

Tha duilleag air a bheil "Teamplaid:Fact" air an uicidh seo. Seall na toraidhean luirg eile cuideachd.

  • [feum air teisteanas]...
  • other templates, e.g. to state that the shortcut to Teamplaid:Foo is in fact {{Foo}}. There's no need to state the obvious like that, by default every...
  • other templates, e.g. to state that the shortcut to Teamplaid:Foo is in fact {{Foo}}. There's no need to state the obvious like that, by default every...
  • This template performs what once known as a double-space, in actual fact a double line feed (2x newlines) but without the overhead 'code' of the {{I2}}...

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