
Abkhazia (Abkhaz: Аҧсны Apsny) indawo ehlonishwayo kwicala elingasempuma ye- uLwandle oluMnyama kunye nezantsi-ntshona-ntshona ye Caucasus Mountains, ngasezantsi yeRashiya kunye nenyakatho-ntshona ye Georgia.

Ihlanganisa kwaye inabantu abangama-240,000. Inkulu yalo Sukhumi.

Map centered on the Caucasus indicating Abkhazia

and Georgia proper and South Ossetia (grey).

Abkhazia Republic of Abkhaziaa (de facto)
Government Unitary semi-presidential republic
President Raul Khajimba
Prime Minister Beslan Bartsits
Legislature People's Assembly
Official languages Template:Hlist
  • Abkhazian apsar
  • Russian ruble
Calling code +7 840Template:\940b
Abkhazia Georgia (de jure)
Region Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia
Government Autonomous republic in exile
Calling code +995 44b
 - 2012 estimated 242,862
 - 2011 census;d 240,705
Timezone GET (UTC+4)

a. Partially recognised state

b. Abkhazia is available by both Russian and Georgian calling codes

c. Both separatist and autonomous governments consider Sukhumi (Sokhumi) to be the capital of Abkhazia, with the autonomous government left Sukhumi in 1993 (see War in Abkhazia (1992–93)). In 1993—2006 the autonomous government was located in Tbilisi, in 2006 it moved into Chkhalta and since 2008, after loss of control over Upper Abkhazia, it is again located in Tbilisi

d. Population data reported by separatist government

Ukwahlukana kwe-Abkhazian ukuziphatha, ngokusemthethweni Republic of Abkhazia okanye Apsny, Iqondwa kuphela iRashiya kunye noKwamkelwa kwamazwe ngamazwe ka-Abkhazia kunye neSouth Ossetia.

Ngelixa iGeorgia ingakwazi ukulawula u-Abkhazia, Urhulumente waseGeorgia (ilizwe) urhulumente waseGeorgia, iZizwe eziManyeneyo kunye nobuninzi boorhulumente behlabathi bajonga u-Abkhazia inxalenye ye Georgia, Umgaqo-siseko owuchaza indawo I-Republic of Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia.


Abkhazia  Abkhazia



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