
Karajaan Bélgia nyaéta hiji nagara di Eropa kulon kaler nu diwawatesanan ku Walanda (450 km), Jerman (167 km), Luksemburg (148 km), jeung Perancis (620 km), kalayan gurat basisir nu pondok di Laut Kalér.

Belgia mangrupa salah sahiji nagara nu ngadegkeun Uni Eropa sarta jadi tempat kantor puseurna, di sagedéngeun jadi kantor puseur organisasi internasional gedé lianna, kaasup NATO. Belgia legana 30,528 kilometer pasagi (11,787 mil pasagi) sarta populasina kurang leuwih 11.5 yuta.

(Basa Walanda) Koninkrijk België
(Basa Perancis) Royaume de Belgique
(Basa Jerman) Königreich Belgien
Karajaan Bélgia
Bandéra Bélgia lambang nagara Bélgia
Eendracht maakt macht  (Basa Walanda)
L'union fait la force"  (Basa Perancis)
Einigkeit macht stark  (Basa Jerman)
"Kakuatan ngaliwatan Kesatuan"
The "Brabançonne"
Location of Bélgia
Location of Bélgia
Lokasi  Bélgia  (dark green)

– di Eropa  (light green & dark grey)
– di the Uni Eropa  (light green)

Ibu kotaBrussels
50°54′N 4°32′E
wewengkon metropolitan panggedéna Wewengkon Ibukota Brussels
Basa resmi Walanda, Perancis, Jerman
Démonim Urang Bélgia
Pamaréntah Démokrasi parleméntér jeung Monarki konstitusional
 -  Raja Philippe
 -  Perdana Mentri Alexander De Croo
 -  Deklarasi 4 Oktober 1830 
 -  Diaku 19 April 1839 
Asup ka
 Uni Éropa
25 Maret 1957
 -  Cai (%) 6.4
 -  Perkiraan  2007 10,584,534
 (ka-76 [2005])
 -  Sénsus 2001 10,296,350 
GDP (PPP) Perkiraan 2004
 -  Total $316.2 miliar (ka-30)
 -  Per kapita $31,400 (ka-13)
Gini? (2000) 33 (sedeng) (ka-33)
HDI (2005) Bélgia 0.946 (luhur) (ka-17)
Mata uang Euro (€)1 (EUR)
Zona wanci CET (UTC+1)
 -  Usum panas (DST) CEST (UTC+2)
TLD Internét .be²
Kode telepon +32
1 Samemeh 1999: Franc Belgia.
2 Domain .eu dipake oge, babagi jeung nagara anggota Uni Eropa lianna.
Bélgia Artikel ieu keur dikeureuyeuh, ditarjamahkeun tina basa Inggris.
Bantuanna didagoan pikeun narjamahkeun.

Straddling the cultural boundary between Germanic and Latin Europe, Belgium's two largest regions are Dutch-spéaking Flanders in the north, with 58% of the population, and the French-spéaking southern region of Wallonia, inhabited by 32%. The Brussels-Capital Region is an officially bilingual enclave within the Flemish and néar the Walloon Region, and has 10% of the population. A small German-speaking Community exists in éastern Wallonia. Belgium's linguistic diversity and related political and cultural conflicts are reflected in the political history and a complex system of government.

The name 'Belgium' is derived from Gallia Belgica, a Roman province in the northernmost part of Gaul that was inhabited by the Belgae, a mix of Celtic and Germanic péoples. Historically, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg were known as the Low Countries, which used to cover a somewhat larger aréa than the current Benelux group of states. From the end of the Middle Ages until the seventeenth century, it was a prosperous centre of commerce and culture. From the sixteenth century until the Belgian revolution in 1830, many battles between Européan powers were fought in the aréa of Belgium, causing it to be dubbed "the battlefield of Europe" and "the cockpit of Europe" – a reputation strengthened by both World Wars. Upon its independence, Belgium éagerly participated in the Industrial Revolution, generating wéalth and also a demand for raw materials; the latter was a factor during the era of its African colonies.


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Tempo ogé

  • Daptar urang Bélgia
  • Daptar munisipalitas di Bélgia
  • Daptar jejer nu patali jeung Bélgia

  • Category:Daptar nu patali jeung Bélgia
  • Militér Bélgia
  • Kriminal di Bélgia
  • Transportasi di Bélgia
  • Komunikasi di Bélgia
  • Olahraga di Bélgia
  • Pelesir di Bélgia
  • Poé peré di Bélgia
  • Hukum kawarganagaraan Bélgia
  • Paspor Bélgia

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