Ounianga Uzdeem

Ounianga uzdeem ( francavon Lacs d'Ounianga ), tir burkaf debak ke Tcada.

Ounianga uzdeem tir tano katcalapafo tuwavaxo ke tawava nume bak 2012 wetce tuwavaf debak ke tamavafa gadakiewega ke UNESCO zo bendeyer.

Ounianga Uzdeem

Debak va 18 walgluyafa uzda koe Ennedi gola ke Saxara Letaxo ruldar. Tir birtafa lospapa dem uzda ( 628 km² ) koe lindapafa anameda is burkaf tuwavaf patectoy tis listaf gu disukexafa gedruca ke tazukeem is ukeem. Lavokafa ok lavotafa ok lavadafa uzda gan levedafa lava zo gestud ise tid ke toloya lospa solumon ice mon balem-sane decitmetre. Ounianga Kebir tir dem balemoya uzda ( Yoan uzda tela logijafa va 3.58 km² besar ise tir titsuyafa vas 27 metre ). Inaf eipkirapaf lavok va vebdi is abica blixama anton caer. Ounianga Serir bana lospa va san-balemoya uzda voke bixelaba ruldar. Ezasa edgarda moe acku ke uzda va beganta tuaxad. Vas 4.36 km², Teli uzda tir logijafa ke bana lospa voxe anton tir titsuyafa vas 10 metre. Tuke duganya ke lavada, konaka uzda va lavaf fled ( tulon kabay ) bravad. UNESCO : Ounianga uzdeem

(en) The site includes eighteen interconnected lakes in the hyper arid Ennedi region of the Sahara desert covering an area of 62,808 ha. It constitutes an exceptional natural landscape of great beauty with striking colours and shapes. The saline, hyper saline and freshwater lakes are supplied by groundwater and are found in two groups 40 km apart. Ounianga Kebir comprises four lakes, the largest of which, Yoan, covers an area of 358 ha and is 27 m deep. Its highly saline waters only sustain algae and some microorganisms. The second group, Ounianga Serir, comprises fourteen lakes separated by sand dunes. Floating reeds cover almost half the surface of these lakes reducing evaporation. At 436 ha, Lake Teli has the largest surface area but is less than 10 m deep. With their high quality freshwater, some of these lakes are home to aquatic fauna, particularly fish. ~ UNESCO website, licence CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0


Ounianga Kebir lospa

  • Yoa Uzda
  • Katam Uzda
  • Oma Uzda
  • Béver Uzda
  • Midji Uzda
  • Forodom Uzda
  • Motro uzdeem

Ounianga Serir lospa

  • Melekui Uzda
  • Dirke Uzda
  • Ardjou Uzda
  • Teli Uzda
  • Obrom Uzda
  • Elime Uzda
  • Hogo Uzda
  • Djiara Uzda
  • Ahoita Uzda
  • Daleyala Uzda
  • Boukkou Uzda

Ewava va debak


Ounianga uzdeem
Ounianga Uzdeem Tamavafa gadakiewega ke UNESCO
Ounianga uzdeem, tuwavaf debak
Tawavaf seg Afrika
Patecta Tcada   Ounianga Uzdeem     
Gola Ennedi Gola
Maneka Ounianga Uzdeem 19° 03' 18" L-, 20° 30' 22" R-
Ord Tuwavaf debak
Ludeem (vii)Ounianga Uzdeem
Debakaf otuk 1400
Bendesa ilana 2012 ( 36-eaf frugot )
Welmot 628 km²
Tamavafa gadakiewega ke UNESCO koe Tcada
Tuwavaf debak

Ounianga uzdeem

Aotcaf debak

Ennedi jaka


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