Napoleon Iii Francena Cāsere

Napoleon III oþre nama Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte (20 Ēastermonaþ 1808 - 9 Æfter Gēola 1873) ƿæs Franclandes oþra and endmesta casere.

His fader ƿæs Louis Bonaparte, and þȳ his eam ƿæs Napoleon I Francena Casere.

Napoleon Iii Francena Cāsere
Napoleon Iii Francena Cāsere

In 1848 flīemede Loðƿic-Philippus Cyning and sēo Frencisce Cyneƿīse begann. Louis-Napoleon ƿeard on 10 Gēolmonaþ 1848 hiere ǣrresta Forsittende. On 2 Gēolmonaþ 1851 tōƿearp he þa Frenciscan Folcgesamnunge and On 2 Gēolmonaþ 1852 nām he his eames cynehelm and þone naman Napoleon III.

Napoleon III Casere ricsode oþ 1870. On þissum gēarum gestoðolede he þæt Frencisce Landbūnes-rīce, getimbrode Paris nīƿe and ƿyrhtede Francland to þissa ield.

In 1870 begann guð mid Prussia and þa Francan fundon þe hiera casere næs his eam; se Germanisca here fōng þone Casere æt Sedan, and nām Paris.

Napoleon Iii Francena Cāsere
Napoleon and Bismarck æt Sedan

Napoleon III endede his dagas on Bryten, sƿa sƿa Loðƿic-Philippus Cyning.


Napoleon I Francena Casere

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