
WLink – Module with functions for strings in context of wikilinks and external links (URL).

This module was imported from de:Module:WLink.


All functions expect exactly one unnamed parameter (which should be provided to get a meaningful answer). Whitespace ahead and after content is ignored. HTML Entities would not disturb syntax and might be resolved. The parameter might contain single or double bracketed links which would be extracted if appropriate.

The return value is an empty string (“nothing”), if the parameter value does not fulfil the expectations. If there is a result or the query condition is true, at least one visible character will be returned. The result does not begin or end with a space.

    Convert string by ANSI encoding rather than UTF-8 encoding
    Required for some 20th century servers
    Optional parameter space – encoding of spaces:
    • space=+ – common for query components
    • space=_ – as for Wikis
    • Default: %20
    Create bracketed link, if not yet, from URL or domain
    • [http://example.org/about Homepage] yields [http://example.org/about Homepage]
    • http://example.org/about yields [http://example.org/about example.org/about]
    • example.org yields [http://example.org/ example.org]
    Retrieve generic page title, no fragment nor brackets
    Use current page title, if omitted.
    Retrieve last segment in subpage, no fragment
    Retrieve media extension
    Result is downcased (without leading dot).
    Retrieve media page identifier
    Retrieve original (not decoded) fragment string after #
    Retrieve language identifier
    Retrieve namespace number
    Retrieve text with all links replaced by link titles
    Retrieve project identifier within wikifarm (recommendable brief notation)
    Retrieve first target (wikilink or URL)
    Retrieve first target page (page name or URL of page)
    Same as getTarget if no fragment.
    Retrieve first link title (wikilink or URL), or wikilink target
    Does attempt match a bracketed link?
    Does attempt match a bracketed URL?
    Does attempt match a categorization?
    Does attempt match an external link?
    Does attempt match an interlanguage link?
    Does attempt match an interwiki link?
    Does attempt match a media translusion?
    Does attempt match a titled link?
    Does attempt match a link?
    Does attempt match an external link?
    Does attempt match a wikilink?
    Version ID: 2016-10-05
    optional parameter 1 – required version
      result: empty, if requirement not met

Examples (test page)

A test page illustrates practical use.

Functions for Lua modules (API)

All functions described above can be used by other modules:

local lucky, WLink = pcall( require, "Module:WLink" ) if type( WLink ) == "table" then     WLink = WLink.WLink() else     -- failure; WLink is the error message     return "\"error\">" .. WLink .. "" end 

Subsequently there are available:

  • WLink.ansiPercent(story, space)
  • WLink.formatURL()
  • WLink.getArticleBase()
  • WLink.getBaseTitle()
  • WLink.getExtension()
  • WLink.getFile()
  • WLink.getFragment()
      false, if not found; but empty string if empty fragment.
      No leading # in result.
  • WLink.getLanguage()
  • WLink.getNamespace()
  • WLink.getPlain()
  • WLink.getProject()
  • WLink.getTarget()
  • WLink.getTargetPage()
  • WLink.getTitle()
  • WLink.isBracketedLink()
  • WLink.isBracketedURL()
  • WLink.isCategorization()
  • WLink.isExternalLink()
  • WLink.isInterlanguage()
  • WLink.isInterwiki()
  • WLink.isMedia()
  • WLink.isTitledLink()
  • WLink.isValidLink()
  • WLink.isWeblink()
  • WLink.isWikilink()
  • WLink.wikilink()
      Yields table with wikilink components, else false.
      Components might be, if provided:
      • lead – leading colon : present and required, if true
      • project – project interwiki within wikifarm (recommendable brief notation)
      • lang – known language version (downcased)
      • ns – number of namespace
      • space – local canonical name of namespace
      • title – page title as provided; at least empty string
  • WLink.failsafe(atleast)
      1. atleast
        nil or required version
      returns: string or false

If succeeding, the WLink.get*() return a string, the WLink.is*() true (if no exception mentioned); on failure always false.

local WLink = { suite  = "WLink",                 serial = "2016-10-05" }; --[=[ ansiPercent() formatURL() getArticleBase() getBaseTitle() getEscapedTitle() getExtension() getFile() getFragment() getLanguage() getNamespace() getPlain() getProject() getTarget() getTargetPage() getTitle() getWeblink() isBracketedLink() isBracketedURL() isCategorization() isExternalLink() isInterlanguage() isInterwiki() isMedia() isTitledLink() isValidLink() isWikilink() wikilink() failsafe() ]=]    -- local globals local URLutil = false;    local utilURL = function ()     -- Attach URLutil library module     -- Postcondition:     --     Returns  table, with URLutil library     --     Throws error, if not available     if not URLutil then         local lucky, util = pcall( require, "Амодуль:URLutil" );         if lucky then             if type( util ) == "table" then                 URLutil = util.URLutil();             end             util = "library URLutil invalid";         end         if type( URLutil ) ~= "table" then             error( util, 0 );         end     end     return URLutil; end -- utilURL()    local contentExtlink = function ( attempt )     -- Retrieve span of external link between brackets     -- Precondition:     --     attempt  -- string, with presumable link     --                         the first char is expected to be "["     -- Postcondition:     --     Returns  string, number, number     --                  string including whitespace     --                  number with index of relevant "["     --                  number with index after relevant "]"     --              false if nothing found     local r1 = false;     local r2 = false;     local r3 = attempt:find( "]", 2, true );     if r3 then         local s = attempt:sub( 2,  r3 - 1 );         local i = s:find( "[", 1, true );         if i then             r1 = s:sub( i + 1 );             r2 = i;         else             r1 = s;             r2 = 1;         end     else         r3 = false;     end     return r1, r2, r3; end -- contentExtlink()    local contentWikilink = function ( attempt )     -- Retrieve span of wikilink between brackets     -- Precondition:     --     attempt  -- string, with presumable link     --                        the first two chars are expected to be "[["     -- Postcondition:         --     Returns  string, number, number     --                  string including whitespace     --                  number with index of relevant "[["     --                  number with index after relevant "]]"     --              false if nothing found     local r1 = false;     local r2 = false;     local r3 = attempt:find( "]]", 3, true );     if r3 then         local s = attempt:sub( 3,  r3 - 1 );         local i = s:find( "[[", 1, true );         if i then             r1 = s:sub( i + 2 );             r2 = i;         else             r1 = s;             r2 = 1;         end     end     return r1, r2, r3; end -- contentWikilink()    local extractExtlink = function ( attempt )     -- Retrieve external link     -- Precondition:     --     attempt  -- string, with presumable link     --                        the first char is expected to be "["     -- Postcondition:     --     Returns  string, string     --                  first with target and title     --                  second result false if not titled     --              false if nothing found     local r1 = false;     local r2 = false;     local s = contentExtlink( attempt );     if s then         local i = s:find( "%s", 1 );         if i then             r1 = s:sub( 1,  i - 1 );             r2 = mw.text.trim( s:sub( i + 1 ) );             if r2 == "" then                 r2 = false;             end         else             r1 = s;         end         if r1 then             r1 = mw.text.trim( r1 );             if r1 == ""  or                not utilURL().isResourceURL( r1 ) then                 r1 = false;             end         end         if not r1 then             r2 = false;         end     end     return r1, r2; end -- extractExtlink()    local extractWikilink = function ( attempt )     -- Retrieve wikilink     -- Precondition:     --     attempt  -- string, with presumable link     --                        the first two chars are expected to be "[["     -- Postcondition:     --     Returns  string, string     --                  first with target     --                  second result title, or false if not piped     --              false if nothing found     local r1 = false;     local r2 = false;     local s = contentWikilink( attempt );     if s then         local i = s:find( "|", 1, true );         if i then             r1 = s:sub( 1,  i - 1 );             r2 = s:sub( i + 1 );         else             r1 = s;         end         r1 = mw.text.trim( r1 );         if r1 == "" then             r1 = false;         else             r1 = r1:gsub( "_",        " " )                    :gsub( " ",   " " )                    :gsub( " ", " " )                    :gsub( " ",   " " )                    :gsub( " ",  " " )                    :gsub( "  +",      " " );             r1 = mw.text.decode( r1 );         end     end     return r1, r2; end -- extractWikilink()    local prefix = function ( ask, ahead )     -- Interprete prefix of language or project type     -- Precondition:     --     ask    -- string, with presumable prefix     --     ahead  -- true, if first segment     -- Postcondition:     --     Returns  string,string or nil     --                     first  string one of "lead", "lang", "project"     --                     second string is formatted value     --                       type is one of "lead", "lang", "project"     --              nil if nothing found     local r1, r2;     local prefixes = { b           = true,                        c           = "commons",                        d           = true,                        commons     = true,                        m           = "meta",                        mediawiki   = "mw",                        mw          = true,                        meta        = true,                        n           = true,                        q           = true,                        s           = true,                        simple      = false,                        v           = true,                        voy         = true,                        w           = true,                        wikibooks   = "b",                        wikidata    = "d",                        wikinews    = "n",                        wikipedia   = "w",                        wikiquote   = "q",                        wikisource  = "s",                        wikiversity = "v",                        wikivoyage  = "voy",                        wikt        = true,                        wiktionary  = "wikt"                      };     local s = mw.text.trim( ask );     if s == "" then         if ahead then             r1 = "lead";             r2 = true;         end     else         local p;         s = s:lower();         p = prefixes[ s ];         if p == true then             r1 = "project";             r2 = s;         elseif p then             r1 = "project";             r2 = p;         elseif p == false then             r1 = "lang";             r2 = s;         elseif s:match( "^%l%l%l?$" )                and  mw.language.isSupportedLanguage( s ) then             r1 = "lang";             r2 = s;         end     end     return r1, r2; end -- prefix()    local target = function ( attempt, lonely )     -- Retrieve first target (wikilink or URL), or entire string     -- Precondition:     --     attempt  -- string, with presumable link somewhere     --     lonely   -- remove fragment, if true     -- Postcondition:     --     Returns  string, number     --                  string, with detected link target, or entire     --                  number, with number of brackets, if found, or 2     local r1, r2 = WLink.getTarget( attempt );     if not r1 then         r1 = mw.text.trim( attempt );         r2 = 2;     end     if lonely then         local i = r1:find( "#", 1, true );         if i == 1 then             r1 = "";         elseif i then             r1 = r1:sub( 1, i - 1 );         end     end     return r1, r2; end -- target()    function WLink.ansiPercent( attempt, alter )     -- Convert string by ANSI encoding rather than UTF-8 encoding         -- Precondition:     --     attempt  -- string, with presumable ANSI characters     --     alter    -- string or nil, to use for spaces instead of %20     -- Postcondition:     --     Returns  string, encoded     local k, s;     local r = attempt;     if alter then         r = r:gsub( " ", alter );     end     for i = mw.ustring.len( r ), 1, -1 do         k = mw.ustring.codepoint( r, i, i );         if k <= 32  or  k > 126 then             if k > 255 then                 s = mw.ustring.sub( r, i, i );                 if k > 2047 then                     s = string.format( "%%%2X%%%2X%%%2X",                                        s:byte( 1, 1 ),                                        s:byte( 2, 2 ),                                        s:byte( 3, 3 ) );                 else                     s = string.format( "%%%2X%%%2X",                                        s:byte( 1, 1 ),                                        s:byte( 2, 2 ) );                 end             else                 s = string.format( "%%%2X", k );             end             r = string.format( "%s%s%s",                                mw.ustring.sub( r,  1,  i - 1 ),                                s,                                mw.ustring.sub( r,  i + 1 ) );         end     end -- for --i     r = mw.ustring.gsub(r, '^%*', '%%2A')     return r; end -- WLink.ansiPercent()    function WLink.formatURL( adjust )     -- Create bracketed link, if not yet     -- Precondition:     --     adjust  -- string, with URL or domain/path or bracketed link     -- Postcondition:     --     Returns  string, with bracketed link     --              false on invalid format     local r;     if type( adjust ) == "string" then         if WLink.isBracketedLink( adjust ) then             r = adjust;         else             local url = mw.text.trim( adjust );             local host;             utilURL();             host = URLutil.getHost( adjust );             if not host then                 url  = "http://" .. adjust;                 host = URLutil.getHost( url );             end             if host then                 local path = URLutil.getRelativePath( url );                 local show;                 if path == "/" then                     if not url:match( "/$" ) then                         url = url .. "/";                     end                     show = host;                 else                     local i = path:find( "#" );                     if i then                         path = path:sub( 1,  i - 1 );                     end                     show = host .. path;                 end                 r = string.format( "[%s %s]", url, show );             else                 r = adjust;             end         end     else         r = false;     end     return r; end -- WLink.formatURL()    function WLink.getArticleBase( attempt )     -- Retrieve generic article title, no fragment nor brackets     -- Precondition:     --     attempt  -- string, with wikilink or page title     --                         current page title, if missing     -- Postcondition:     --     Returns  string, with identified lemma, or all     --              false on invalid format     local r;     if attempt then         local m;         r, m = target( attempt, true );                 if m ~= 2 then             r = false;         end     else         r = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text;     end     if r then         local sub = r:match( "^(.*%S) *%(.+%)$" );         if sub then             r = sub;         end     end     return r; end -- WLink.getArticleBase()    function WLink.getBaseTitle( attempt )     -- Retrieve last segment in subpage, no fragment     -- Precondition:     --     attempt  -- string, with wikilink or page title     -- Postcondition:     --     Returns  string, with identified segment, or all     local r;     local s, m = target( attempt, true );     if m == 2 then         local sub = s:match( "/([^/]+)$" );         if sub then             r = sub;         else             r = s;         end     else         r = false;     end     return r; end -- WLink.getBaseTitle()  function WLink.getEscapedTitle( attempt )     -- Retrieve escaped link title     -- Precondition:     --     attempt  -- string, with presumable link title     -- Postcondition:     --     Returns  string, with suitable link title     local s = mw.text.trim( attempt );     return s:gsub( "\n", " " )             :gsub( "%[", "[" )             :gsub( "%]", "]" )             :gsub( "|",  "|" ); end -- WLink.getEscapedTitle()  function WLink.getExtension( attempt )     -- Retrieve media extension     -- Precondition:     --     attempt  -- string, with wikilink (media link) or page title     --                         if URL, PDF may be detected     -- Postcondition:     --     Returns  string, with detected downcased media type     --              false if no extension found     local r = false;     local s, m = target( attempt );     if m == 2 then         s = s:match( "%.(%a+)$" );         if s then             r = s:lower();         end     elseif s:upper():match( "[%./](PDF)%W?" ) then         r = "pdf";     end     return r; end -- WLink.getExtension()    function WLink.getFile( attempt )     -- Retrieve media page identifier     -- Precondition:     --     attempt  -- string, with wikilink (media link) or page title     -- Postcondition:     --     Returns  string, with detected file title     --                      no namespace nor project     --              false if no file found     local r = false;     local s, m = target( attempt );     if m == 2 then         local slow    = ":" .. s:lower();         local find = function ( a )                          local seek = string.format( ":%s:().+%%.%%a+$",                                                      a:lower() );                          local join = slow:find( seek );                          local ret;                          if join then                              ret = s:sub( join + #a + 1 );                          end                          return ret;                      end;         r = find( "file" );         if not r then             local trsl = mw.site.namespaces[6];             r = find( trsl.name );                         if not r then                 trsl = trsl.aliases;                 for k, v in pairs( trsl ) do                     r = find( v );                     if r then                         break; -- for k, v                     end                 end -- for k, v             end         end     end     return r; end -- WLink.getFile()    function WLink.getFragment( attempt )     -- Retrieve fragment     -- Precondition:     --     attempt  -- string, with presumable fragment     -- Postcondition:     --     Returns  string, with detected fragment     --              false if no address found     local r = false;     local s, m = target( attempt );     if s then         local i = s:find( "#", 1, true );         if i then             if i > 1 then                 s = s:sub( i - 1 );                 i = 2;             end             if s:find( "&#", 1, true ) then                 s = mw.text.decode( s );                 i = s:find( "#", 1, true );                 if not i then                    s = "";                    i = 0;                 end             end             s = s:sub( i + 1 );             r = mw.text.trim( s );             if r == "" then                 r = false;             elseif m == 2 then                 r = r:gsub( "%.(%x%x)", "%%%1" )                      :gsub( "_", " " );                 r = mw.uri.decode( r, "PATH" );             end         end     end     return r; end -- WLink.getFragment()    function WLink.getLanguage( attempt )     -- Retrieve language project identifier     -- Precondition:     --     attempt  -- string, with wikilink or page title     -- Postcondition:     --     Returns  string, with detected downcased language identifier     --              false if no project language found     local r = false;     local s, m = WLink.getTarget( attempt );     if m == 2 then         local w = WLink.wikilink( s );         if w  and  w.lang then             r = w.lang;         end     end     return r; end -- WLink.getLanguage()    function WLink.getNamespace( attempt )     -- Retrieve namespace number     -- Precondition:     --     attempt  -- string, with wikilink or page title     -- Postcondition:     --     Returns  number, of detected namespace     --              false if no namespace found     local r = false;     local s, m = WLink.getTarget( attempt );     if m == 2 then         local w = WLink.wikilink( s );         if w  and  not w.lang  and  not w.project  and  w.ns then             r = w.ns;         end     end     return r; end -- WLink.getNamespace()    function WLink.getPlain( attempt )     -- Retrieve text with all links replaced by link titles     -- Precondition:     --     attempt  -- string, with wikitext         -- Postcondition:     --     Returns  string, with modified wikitext without links     local r = attempt;     local i = 1;     local j, k, n, lean, s, shift, space, suffix;     while ( true ) do         j = r:find( "[", i, true );         if j then             suffix = r:sub( j );             i      = j + 1;             lean   = ( r:byte( i, i ) == 91 );             if lean then                 s, k, n = contentWikilink( suffix );             else                 s, k, n = contentExtlink( suffix );             end             if s then                 if k > 1 then                     n      = n - k;                     i      = j + k;                     j      = i - 1;                     suffix = r:sub( j );                 end                 if lean then                     s, shift = extractWikilink( suffix );                     if s then                         space = s:match( "^([^:]+):" );                         if space then                             space = mw.site.namespaces[ space ];                             if space then                                 space = space.id;                             end                         end                         if space == 6  or  space == 14 then                             shift = "";                         elseif not shift then                             shift = s;                         end                     else                         s     = "";                         shift = "";                     end                 else                     s, shift = extractExtlink( suffix );                     if not s then                         s = "";                     end                     if not shift then                         shift = "";                     end                     i = i - 1;                 end                 if j > 1 then                     s = r:sub( 1, j - 1 );                 else                     s = "";                 end                 r = string.format( "%s%s%s",                                    s,  shift,  r:sub( n + i ) );                 i = i + #shift;             else                 break; -- while true             end         else             break; -- while true         end     end -- while true     return r; end -- WLink.getPlain()    function WLink.getProject( attempt )     -- Retrieve wikifarm project identifier     -- Precondition:     --     attempt  -- string, with wikilink or page title     -- Postcondition:     --     Returns  string, with detected downcased project identifier     --              false if no project identifier found     local r = false;     local s, m = WLink.getTarget( attempt );     if m == 2 then         local w = WLink.wikilink( s );         if w  and  w.project then             r = w.project;         end     end     return r; end -- WLink.getProject()    function WLink.getTarget( attempt )     -- Retrieve first target (wikilink or URL)     -- Precondition:     --     attempt  -- string, with presumable link somewhere     -- Postcondition:     --     Returns  string, number     --                  string, with first detected link target     --                  number, with number of brackets, if found         --              false if nothing found     local r1 = false;     local r2 = false;     local i  = attempt:find( "[", 1, true );     if i then         local m;         r1 = attempt:sub( i );         if r1:byte( 2, 2 ) == 91 then             m  = 2;             r1 = extractWikilink( r1 );         else             m  = 1;             r1 = extractExtlink( r1 );         end         if r1 then             r2 = m;         end     else         r1 = attempt:match( "%A?([hf]t?tps?://%S+)%s?" );         if r1 then             if utilURL().isResourceURL( r1 ) then                 r2 = 0;             else                 r1 = false;             end         else             r1 = false;         end     end     return r1, r2; end -- WLink.getTarget()    function WLink.getTargetPage( attempt )     -- Retrieve first target page (page name or URL of page)     -- Precondition:     --     attempt  -- string, with presumable link somewhere     -- Postcondition:     --     Returns  string, with first detected linked page     --              false if nothing found     local r1, r2 = WLink.getTarget( attempt );     if r1 then         local i = r1:find( "#", 1, true );         if i then             if i == 1 then                 r1 = false;             else                 r1 = mw.text.trim( r1:sub( 1,  i - 1 ) );             end         end     end     return r1, r2; end -- WLink.getTargetPage()    function WLink.getTitle( attempt )     -- Retrieve first link title (wikilink or URL), or wikilink target     -- Precondition:     --     attempt  -- string, with presumable link somewhere     -- Postcondition:     --     Returns  string, with first detected link target     --              false if nothing found     local r = false;     local i = attempt:find( "[", 1, true );     if i then         local s1, s2;         r = attempt:sub( i );         if r:byte( 2, 2 ) == 91 then             s1, s2 = extractWikilink( r );             if s2 then                 r = s2;             else                 r = s1;             end         else             s1, r = extractExtlink( r );         end     end     return r; end -- WLink.getTitle()    function WLink.getWeblink( attempt, anURLutil )     -- Retrieve bracketed link from resource URL     -- Precondition:     --     attempt    -- string, with URL, or something different     --     anURLutil  -- library module object, or nil     -- Postcondition:     --     Returns  string, with first detected link target     --              false if nothing found     local second = ".ac.co.go.gv.or.";     local r;     if type( anURLutil ) == "table" then         URLutil = anURLutil;     else         utilURL();     end         if URLutil.isResourceURL( attempt ) then         local site = URLutil.getAuthority( attempt );         local show;         if #attempt == #site then            site = site .. "/";         end         show = URLutil.getTop3domain( "//" .. site );         if show then             local scan   = "[%./](%a+)(%.%l%l%.)(%a+)$";             local search = "." .. show;             local s1, s2, s3 = search:match( scan );             if s2 then                 if not second:find( s2, 1, true ) then                     show = string.format( "%s.%s", s2, s3 );                 end             else                 show = false;             end         end         if not show then             show = URLutil.getTop2domain( "//" .. site );             if not show then                 show = URLutil.getHost( "//" .. site );             end         end         r = string.format( "[%s %s]", attempt, show );     else         r = attempt;     end     return r; end -- WLink.getWeblink()    function WLink.isBracketedLink( attempt )     -- Does attempt match a bracketed link?     -- Precondition:     --     attempt  -- string, with presumable link somewhere     -- Postcondition:     --     Returns  boolean     local r = false;     local i = attempt:find( "[", 1, true );     if i then         local s = attempt:sub( i );         if s:byte( 2, 2 ) == 91 then             s = extractWikilink( s );         else             s = extractExtlink( s );         end         if s then             r = true;         end     end     return r; end -- WLink.isBracketedLink()    function WLink.isBracketedURL( attempt )     -- Does attempt match a bracketed URL?     -- Precondition:     --     attempt  -- string, with presumable link somewhere     -- Postcondition:     --     Returns  boolean     local s, r = WLink.getTarget( attempt );     return ( r == 1 ); end -- WLink.isBracketedURL()    function WLink.isCategorization( attempt )     -- Does attempt match a categorization?     -- Precondition:     --     attempt  -- string, with presumable link somewhere     -- Postcondition:     --     Returns  boolean     local r = false;     local s, m = WLink.getTarget( attempt );     if m == 2 then         local w = WLink.wikilink( s );         if w  and  w.ns == 14               and  not ( w.lead or w.lang or w.project )               and  w.title ~= "" then             r = true;         end     end     return r; end -- WLink.isCategorization()    function WLink.isExternalLink( attempt )     -- Does attempt match an external link?     -- Precondition:     --     attempt  -- string, with presumable link somewhere     -- Postcondition:     --     Returns  boolean     local s, r = WLink.getTarget( attempt );     if r then         r = ( r < 2 );             end     return r; end -- WLink.isExternalLink()    function WLink.isInterlanguage( attempt )     -- Does attempt match an interlanguage link?     -- Precondition:     --     attempt  -- string, with presumable link somewhere     -- Postcondition:     --     Returns  boolean     local r = false;     local s, m = WLink.getTarget( attempt );     if m == 2 then         local w = WLink.wikilink( s );         if w and w.lang and not w.project and not w.lead              and  w.title ~= "" then             r = true;         end     end     return r; end -- WLink.isInterlanguage()    function WLink.isInterwiki( attempt )     -- Does attempt match an interwiki link within wikifarm?     -- Precondition:     --     attempt  -- string, with presumable link somewhere     -- Postcondition:     --     Returns  boolean     local r = false;     local s, m = WLink.getTarget( attempt );     if m == 2 then         local w = WLink.wikilink( s );         if w  and  ( w.lang or w.project )  and  w.title ~= "" then             r = true;         end     end     return r; end -- WLink.isInterwiki()    function WLink.isMedia( attempt )     -- Does attempt match a media translusion?     -- Precondition:     --     attempt  -- string, with presumable link somewhere     -- Postcondition:     --     Returns  boolean     local r = false;     local s, m = WLink.getTarget( attempt );     if m == 2 then         local w = WLink.wikilink( s );         if w  and  w.ns == 6            and  not ( w.lead or w.lang or w.project )            and  w.title ~= ""            and  WLink.getExtension( w.title ) then             r = true;         end     end     return r; end -- WLink.isMedia()    function WLink.isTitledLink( attempt )     -- Does attempt match a titled link?     -- Precondition:     --     attempt  -- string, with presumable link somewhere     -- Postcondition:     --     Returns  boolean     local r = false;     local i = attempt:find( "[", 1, true );     if i then         local c, n;         local s = attempt:sub( i );         if s:byte( 2, 2 ) == 91 then             n = s:find( "%]%]", 5 );             c = "|";         else             n = s:find( "%]", 8 );             c = "%s%S";         end         if n then             local m = s:find( c, 2 );             if m  and  m + 1 < n  and  WLink.getTarget( attempt ) then                 r = true;             end         end     end     return r; end -- WLink.isTitledLink()    function WLink.isValidLink( attempt )     -- Does attempt match a link?     -- Precondition:         --     attempt  -- string, with presumable link somewhere     -- Postcondition:     --     Returns  boolean     local s, r = WLink.getTarget( attempt );     if r then         r = true;     end     return r; end -- WLink.isValidLink()    function WLink.isWikilink( attempt )     -- Does attempt match a wikilink?     -- Precondition:     --     attempt  -- string, with presumable link somewhere     -- Postcondition:     --     Returns  boolean     local s, m = WLink.getTarget( attempt );     return ( m == 2 ); end -- WLink.isWikilink()    function WLink.wikilink( attempt )     -- Retrieve wikilink components     -- Precondition:     --     attempt  -- string, with presumable link     --                         expected to be enclosed in "[[" "]]"     --                         else wikilink     -- Postcondition:     --     Returns  table or false     --              table of assignments with { type, value}     --                       type is one of "lead",     --                          "project", "lang",     --                          "ns", "space", "title"     --              false if nothing found     local s = contentWikilink( attempt );     local got, n, r;     if not s then         s = attempt;     end     i = s:find( "|", 1, true );     if i then         s = s:sub( 1, i - 1 );     end     got = mw.text.split( s, ":" );     n   = table.maxn( got );     if n == 1 then         r = { title = mw.text.trim( s ) };     else         local j, k, o, v;         r = { title = "" };         if n > 4 then             k = 4;         else             k = n - 1;         end         j = k;         for i = 1, j do             s = mw.text.trim( got[ i ] );             if s ~= "" then                 o = mw.site.namespaces[ mw.text.trim( got[ i ] ) ];                 if o then                     r.ns    = o.id;                     r.space = o.name;                     k = i + 1;                     j = i - 1;                     break; -- for i                 end             end         end -- for i         for i = 1, j do             o, v = prefix( got[ i ],  ( i == 1 ) );             if o then                 if r[ o ] then                     k = i;                     break; -- for i                 else                     r[ o ] = v;                 end             else                 k = i;                 break; -- for i             end         end -- for i         for i = k, n do             r.title = r.title .. got[ i ];             if i < n then                 r.title = r.title .. ":";             end         end -- for i     end     if r.lead and        ( r.project  or  not r.title  or          ( not r.lang  and  r.ns ~= 6  and  r.ns ~= 14 ) ) then         r.lead = false;     end     return r; end -- WLink.wikilink()    function WLink.failsafe( assert )     -- Retrieve versioning and check for compliance     -- Precondition:     --     assert  -- string, with required version, or false     -- Postcondition:     --     Returns  string with appropriate version, or false     local r;     if assert  and  assert > WLink.serial then         r = false;     else         r = WLink.serial;     end     return r end -- WLink.failsafe()    local function Template( frame, action, leave, lone )     -- Run actual code from template transclusion     -- Precondition:     --     frame   -- object     --     action  -- string, with function name     --     leave   -- true: keep whitespace around     --     lone    -- true: permit call without parameters     -- Postcondition:     --     Return string; might be error message     local lucky = true;     local s = false;     local r = false;     local space;     for k, v in pairs( frame.args ) do         if k == 1 then             if leave then                 s = v;             else                 s = mw.text.trim( v );             end         elseif action == "ansiPercent"  and  k == "space" then             if v ~= "" then                 space = v;             end         elseif k ~= "template" then             lucky = false;             if r then                 r = r .. "|";             else                 r = "Unknown parameter: ";             end             r = string.format( "%s%s=", r, k );         end     end -- for k, v     if lucky then         if s or lone then             lucky, r = pcall( WLink[ action ],  s,  space );         else             r = "Parameter missing";             lucky = false;         end     end     if lucky then         if type( r ) == "boolean" then             if r then                 r = "1";             else                 r = "";             end         end     else         r = string.format( "\"error\">%s", r );     end     return r; end -- Template()    -- Export local p = { };  p.ansiPercent = function ( frame )     return Template( frame, "ansiPercent" ); end p.formatURL = function ( frame )     return Template( frame, "formatURL" ); end p.getArticleBase = function ( frame )     return Template( frame, "getArticleBase", false, true ); end p.getBaseTitle = function ( frame )     return Template( frame, "getBaseTitle" ); end p.getEscapedTitle = function ( frame )     return Template( frame, "getEscapedTitle" ); end p.getExtension = function ( frame )     return Template( frame, "getExtension" ); end p.getFile = function ( frame )     return Template( frame, "getFile" ); end p.getFragment = function ( frame )     return Template( frame, "getFragment" ); end p.getInterwiki = function ( frame )     return Template( frame, "getInterwiki" ); end p.getLanguage = function ( frame )     return Template( frame, "getLanguage" ); end p.getNamespace = function ( frame )     return tostring( Template( frame, "getNamespace" ) ); end p.getPlain = function ( frame )     return Template( frame, "getPlain" ); end p.getProject = function ( frame )     return Template( frame, "getProject" ); end p.getTarget = function ( frame )     return Template( frame, "getTarget" ); end p.getTargetPage = function ( frame )     return Template( frame, "getTargetPage" ); end p.getTitle = function ( frame )     return Template( frame, "getTitle" ); end p.getWeblink = function ( frame )     return Template( frame, "getWeblink" ); end p.isBracketedLink = function ( frame )     return Template( frame, "isBracketedLink" ); end p.isBracketedURL = function ( frame )     return Template( frame, "isBracketedURL" ); end p.isCategorization = function ( frame )     return Template( frame, "isCategorization" ); end p.isExternalLink = function ( frame )     return Template( frame, "isExternalLink" ); end p.isInterlanguage = function ( frame )     return Template( frame, "isInterlanguage" ); end p.isInterwiki = function ( frame )     return Template( frame, "isInterwiki" ); end p.isMedia = function ( frame )     return Template( frame, "isMedia" ); end p.isTitledLink = function ( frame )     return Template( frame, "isTitledLink" ); end p.isValidLink = function ( frame )     return Template( frame, "isValidLink" ); end p.isWeblink = function ( frame )     return Template( frame, "isWeblink" ); end p.isWikilink = function ( frame )     return Template( frame, "isWikilink" ); end p.failsafe = function ( frame )     local since = frame.args[ 1 ];     if since then         since = mw.text.trim( since );         if since == "" then             since = false;         end     end     return WLink.failsafe( since ) or ""; end p.WLink = function ()     return WLink; end  return p; 



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