
Это страница документации Амодуль:OutputBuffer.

This module provides an easy and efficient way to generate lengthy strings.


First, load the module.

local newBuffer = require('Module:OutputBuffer') 

Then, create the buffer and the functions that act on it.

local getBuffer, print, printf = newBuffer() 


local text = getBuffer(sep) 

Returns the contents of the buffer, with an optional separator string sep.



Adds the string s to the buffer.


printf(s, ...) 

Adds the string s to the buffer. The string is formatted with any subsequent arguments, following the rules used for string.format.


local newBuffer = require('Module:OutputBuffer') local p = {}  function p.main() local getBuffer, print, printf = newBuffer() print('Welcome to the English Wiki Аԥсуа.') printf('There are currently %d articles on this site.', mw.site.stats.articles) return getBuffer(' ') end  return p  -- Assuming this module's name is "TestModule", and that mw.site.stats.articles returns 4500000, -- {{#invoke:TestModule|main}} would output: -- "Welcome to the English Wiki Аԥсуа. There are currently 4500000 articles on this site." 


outputbuffer/Doc Usageoutputbuffer/Doc Exampleoutputbuffer/DocАмодуль:OutputBuffer

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