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-- Note: Originally written on English Wikipedia at -- ##### Localisation (L10n) settings ##### -- Replace values in quotes ("") with localised values  local L10n = {}  -- Template parameter names (unnumbered versions only) --   Specify each as either a single string, or a table of strings (aliases) --   Aliases are checked left-to-right, i.e. `{ "one", "two" }` is equivalent to using `{{{one| {{{two|}}} }}}` in a template L10n.para = { display= "display", type= "type", id              = { "id", "ids" }, from= "from", raw= "raw", title= "title", description= "description", strokeColor     = { "stroke-color", "stroke-colour" }, strokeWidth= "stroke-width", fill        = "fill", coord= "coord", marker= "marker", markerColor= { "marker-color", "marker-colour" }, text= "text", icon= "icon", zoom= "zoom", frame= "frame", plain= "plain", frameWidth= "frame-width", frameHeight= "frame-height", frameCoordinates = { "frame-coordinates", "frame-coord" },  frameLatitude= { "frame-lat", "frame-latitude" }, frameLongitude= { "frame-long", "frame-longitude" }, frameAlign= "frame-align" }  -- Names of other templates this module depends on L10n.template = { Coord= "Coord" }  -- Error messages L10n.error = { badDisplayPara= "Invalid display parameter", noCoords= "Coordinates must be specified on Wikidata or in |" .. ( type(L10n.para.coord)== 'table' and L10n.para.coord[1] or L10n.para.coord ) .. "=", wikidataCoords= "Coordinates not found on Wikidata" }  -- Other strings L10n.str = { -- valid values for display parameter, e.g. (|display=inline) or (|display=title) or (|display=inline,title) or (|display=title,inline) inline= "inline", title= "title", dsep= ",",-- separator between inline and title (comma in the example above)  -- valid values for type paramter line= "line",-- geoline feature (e.g. a road) shape= "shape",-- geoshape feature (e.g. a state or province) shapeInverse= "shape-inverse",-- geomask feature (the inverse of a geoshape) data= "data",-- geoJSON data page on Commons point= "point",-- single point feature (coordinates)  -- valid values for icon, frame, and plain parameters affirmedWords = ' '..table.concat({ "add", "added", "affirm", "affirmed", "include", "included", "on", "true", "yes", "y" }, ' ')..' ', declinedWords = ' '..table.concat({ "decline", "declined", "exclude", "excluded", "false", "none", "not", "no", "n", "off", "omit", "omitted", "remove", "removed" }, ' ')..' ' }  -- Default values for parameters L10n.defaults = { display= L10n.str.inline, text= "Map", frameWidth= "300", frameHeight= "200", markerColor= "5E74F3", strokeColor= "#ff0000", strokeWidth= 6 }  -- #### End of L10n settings ####  function getParameterValue(args, param_id, suffix) suffix = suffix or '' if type( L10n.para[param_id] ) ~= 'table' then return args[L10n.para[param_id]..suffix] end for _i, paramAlias in ipairs(L10n.para[param_id]) do if args[paramAlias..suffix] then return args[paramAlias..suffix] end end return nil end  -- Trim whitespace from args, and remove empty args. Also fix control characters. function trimArgs(argsTable) local cleanArgs = {} for key, val in pairs(argsTable) do if type(val) == 'string' then val = val:match('^%s*(.-)%s*$') if val ~= '' then -- control characters inside json need to be escaped, but stripping them is simpler -- See also T214984 cleanArgs[key] = val:gsub('%c',' ') end else cleanArgs[key] = val end end return cleanArgs end  function isAffirmed(val) if not(val) then return false end return string.find(L10n.str.affirmedWords, ' '..val..' ', 1, true ) and true or false end  function isDeclined(val) if not(val) then return false end return string.find(L10n.str.declinedWords , ' '..val..' ', 1, true ) and true or false end  function makeContent(args) if getParameterValue(args, 'raw') then return getParameterValue(args, 'raw') end  local content = {}; local contentIndex = ''; local nextTypeOrFromExists = getParameterValue(args, 'type') or getParameterValue(args, 'from') while nextTypeOrFromExists do local contentArgs = {} for k, v in pairs(args) do if string.match(k, '.*'..contentIndex) then contentArgs[string.gsub(k, contentIndex, '')] = v end end  if contentIndex == '' then contentIndex = 1 end content[contentIndex] = makeContentJson(contentArgs) contentIndex = contentIndex + 1 nextTypeOrFromExists = getParameterValue(args, 'type', contentIndex) or getParameterValue(args, 'from', contentIndex) end  --Single item, no array needed if #content==1 then return content[1] end  --Multiple items get placed in a FeatureCollection local contentArray = '[\n' .. table.concat( content, ',\n') .. '\n]' return contentArray end  function parseCoords(coords) local parts = mw.text.split((mw.ustring.match(coords,'[_%.%d]+[NS][_%.%d]+[EW]') or ''), '_')  local lat_d = tonumber(parts[1]) local lat_m = tonumber(parts[2]) -- nil if coords are in decimal format local lat_s = lat_m and tonumber(parts[3]) -- nil if coords are either in decimal format or degrees and minutes only local lat = lat_d + (lat_m or 0)/60 + (lat_s or 0)/3600 if parts[#parts/2] == 'S' then lat = lat * -1 end  local long_d = tonumber(parts[1+#parts/2]) local long_m = tonumber(parts[2+#parts/2]) -- nil if coords are in decimal format local long_s = long_m and tonumber(parts[3+#parts/2]) -- nil if coords are either in decimal format or degrees and minutes only local long = long_d + (long_m or 0)/60 + (long_s or 0)/3600 if parts[#parts] == 'W' then long = long * -1 end  return lat, long end  function wikidataCoords(item_id) if not(mw.wikibase.isValidEntityId(item_id)) or not(mw.wikibase.entityExists(item_id)) then error(L10n.error.noCoords, 0) end local coordStatements = mw.wikibase.getBestStatements(item_id, 'P625') if not coordStatements or #coordStatements == 0 then error(L10n.error.wikidataCoords, 0) end local hasNoValue = ( coordStatements[1].mainsnak and coordStatements[1].mainsnak.snaktype == 'novalue' ) if hasNoValue then error(L10n.error.wikidataCoords, 0) end local wdCoords = coordStatements[1]['mainsnak']['datavalue']['value'] return tonumber(wdCoords['latitude']), tonumber(wdCoords['longitude']) end  function makeCoords(args, plainOutput)  local coords, lat, long local frame = mw.getCurrentFrame() if getParameterValue(args, 'coord') then coords = frame:preprocess( getParameterValue(args, 'coord') ) lat, long = parseCoords(coords) else lat, long = wikidataCoords(getParameterValue(args, 'id') or mw.wikibase.getEntityIdForCurrentPage()) end if plainOutput then return lat, long end return {[0] = long, [1] = lat} end  function makeContentJson(contentArgs) local data = {}  if getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'type') == L10n.str.point then data.type = "Feature" data.geometry = { type = "Point", coordinates = makeCoords(contentArgs) } = { title = getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'title') or mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent():getTitle(), ["marker-symbol"] = getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'marker') or  L10n.defaults.marker, ["marker-color"] = getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'markerColor') or L10n.defaults.markerColor } else data.type = "ExternalData"  if getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'type') == or getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'from') then data.service = "page" elseif getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'type') == L10n.str.line then data.service = "geoline" elseif getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'type') == L10n.str.shape then data.service = "geoshape" elseif getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'type') == L10n.str.shapeInverse then data.service = "geomask" end  if getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'id') or (not (getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'from')) and mw.wikibase.getEntityIdForCurrentPage()) then data.ids = getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'id') or mw.wikibase.getEntityIdForCurrentPage() else  data.title = getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'from') end = { stroke = getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'strokeColor') or L10n.defaults.strokeColor, ["stroke-width"] = tonumber(getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'strokeWidth')) or L10n.defaults.strokeWidth } local fill = getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'fill') if fill and (data.service == "geoshape" or data.service == "geomask") then = fill end end = getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'title') or mw.getCurrentFrame():preprocess('{{PAGENAME}}') if getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'description') then = getParameterValue(contentArgs, 'description') end  return mw.text.jsonEncode(data) end  function makeTagAttribs(args, isTitle) local attribs = {} if getParameterValue(args, 'zoom') then attribs.zoom = getParameterValue(args, 'zoom') end if isDeclined(getParameterValue(args, 'icon')) then attribs.class = "no-icon" end if getParameterValue(args, 'type') == L10n.str.point then local lat, long = makeCoords(args, 'plainOutput') attribs.latitude = tostring(lat) attribs.longitude = tostring(long) end if isAffirmed(getParameterValue(args, 'frame')) and not(isTitle) then attribs.width = getParameterValue(args, 'frameWidth') or L10n.defaults.frameWidth attribs.height = getParameterValue(args, 'frameHeight') or L10n.defaults.frameHeight if getParameterValue(args, 'frameCoordinates') then local frameLat, frameLong = parseCoords(getParameterValue(args, 'frameCoordinates')) attribs.latitude = frameLat attribs.longitude = frameLong else if getParameterValue(args, 'frameLatitude') then attribs.latitude = getParameterValue(args, 'frameLatitude') end if getParameterValue(args, 'frameLongitude') then attribs.longitude = getParameterValue(args, 'frameLongitude') end end if not attribs.latitude and not attribs.longitude then local success, lat, long = pcall(wikidataCoords, getParameterValue(args, 'id') or mw.wikibase.getEntityIdForCurrentPage()) if success then attribs.latitude = tostring(lat) attribs.longitude = tostring(long) end end if getParameterValue(args, 'frameAlign') then attribs.align = getParameterValue(args, 'frameAlign') end if isAffirmed(getParameterValue(args, 'plain')) then attribs.frameless = "1" else attribs.text = getParameterValue(args, 'text') or L10n.defaults.text end else attribs.text = getParameterValue(args, 'text') or L10n.defaults.text end return attribs end  function makeTitleOutput(args, tagContent)  local titleTag = mw.text.tag('maplink', makeTagAttribs(args, true), tagContent) local spanAttribs = { style = "font-size: small;", id = "coordinates" } return mw.text.tag('span', spanAttribs, titleTag) end  function makeInlineOutput(args, tagContent) local tagName = 'maplink' if getParameterValue(args, 'frame') then tagName = 'mapframe' end  return mw.text.tag(tagName, makeTagAttribs(args), tagContent) end  local p = {}  -- Entry point for templates function p.main(frame) local parent = frame.getParent(frame) local output = p._main(parent.args) return frame:preprocess(output) end  -- Entry point for modules function p._main(_args) local args = trimArgs(_args)   local tagContent = makeContent(args)  local display = mw.text.split(getParameterValue(args, 'display') or L10n.defaults.display, '%s*' .. L10n.str.dsep .. '%s*') local displayInTitle = display[1] ==  L10n.str.title or display[2] ==  L10n.str.title local displayInline = display[1] ==  L10n.str.inline or display[2] ==  L10n.str.inline  local output if displayInTitle and displayInline then output = makeTitleOutput(args, tagContent) .. makeInlineOutput(args, tagContent) elseif displayInTitle then output = makeTitleOutput(args, tagContent) elseif displayInline then output = makeInlineOutput(args, tagContent) else error(L10n.error.badDisplayPara) end  return output end  return p 


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