
local GlobeCoordinate = {}  --Internal functions --[[     Check if a value is a number in the given range     @param mixed value     @param number min     @param number max     @return boolean ]]-- local function validateNumberInRange( value, min, max )     return type( value ) == 'number' and value >= min and value <= max end  --[[     Validate a GlobeCoordinate defintion     @param table definition data     @return boolean ]]-- local function validate( definition )     --Validate constantes     if definition.globe ~= GlobeCoordinate.GLOBE.EARTH then         return false     end      --Validate precision     if not validateNumberInRange( definition.precision, 0, 1 ) then         return false     end      --Validate latitude and longitude     if not validateNumberInRange( definition.latitude, -180, 360 ) or not validateNumberInRange( definition.longitude, -180, 360 ) then         return false     end      return true end  --[[     Try to find the relevant precision for a latitude or longitude as float     @param float float     @return number the precision ]]-- local function detectPrecisionForFloat( float ) local parts = mw.text.split( tostring( float ), '.' ) if parts[2] then return math.pow( 10, -1 * #parts[2] ) else return 1 end end  --[[     Try to find the relevant precision for a GlobeCoordinate definition     @param table GlobeCoordinate definition     @return number the precision ]]-- local function guessPrecision( definition )     return math.max( detectPrecisionForFloat( definition.latitude ), detectPrecisionForFloat( definition.longitude ) ) end  --[[     Format a float coordinate as DMS according to the precision     @param float float     @param precision float     @param positive string the tag if the coordinate is positive, like 'N'     @param positive string the tag if the coordinate is negative, like 'S'     @return string the coordinate in DMS format ]]-- local function formatDMS( float, precision, positive, negative ) local isNegative = float < 0 float = math.abs( float ) local d = math.floor( float ) local dms = d .. '°'  if precision <= 1/60 then float = (float - d) * 60 local m = math.floor( float ) dms = dms .. ' ' .. m .. '′'  if precision <= 1/3600 then float = (float - m) * 60 local s if float%2 ~= 0.5 then     s = math.floor( float + 0.5 ) else     s = float - 0.5 end dms = dms .. ' ' .. s .. '″' --TODO: precision higher than second end end  if isNegative then return dms .. ' ' .. negative else return dms .. ' ' .. positive end end  --Public interface --[[     Build a new GlobeCoordinate     @param table definition definition of the coodinate     @return GlobeCoordinate|nil ]]-- function definition )     --Default values     if definition.precision == nil then         definition.precision = guessPrecision( definition )     end     if definition.globe == nil then         definition.globe = GlobeCoordinate.GLOBE.EARTH     end      if not validate( definition ) then         return nil     end      local coord = {         latitude = definition.latitude,         longitude = definition.longitude,         globe = definition.globe or GlobeCoordinate.GLOBE.EARTH,         precision = definition.precision or 0     }      setmetatable( coord, {         __index = GlobeCoordinate,         __tostring = function( self ) return self:toString() end     } )              return coord end  --[[     Build a new GlobeCoordinate from a Wikidata GlobeCoordinate value     @param table wikidataValue the coordinate as represented by Wikidata     @return GlobeCoordinate|nil ]]-- function GlobeCoordinate.newFromWikidataValue( wikidataValue )     if  wikidataValue.globe == '' then         wikidataValue.globe = GlobeCoordinate.GLOBE.EARTH     else         return nil     end      return wikidataValue ) end  --[[     Return a GlobeCoordinate as a string     @param mw.language|string|nil language to use. By default the content language.     @return string     @todo i18n ]]-- function GlobeCoordinate:toString( language )     return formatDMS( self.latitude, self.precision, 'N', 'S' ) .. ' ' .. formatDMS( self.longitude, self.precision, 'E', 'W' ) end  --[[     Return a GlobeCoordinate in HTMl (with a  node)     @param mw.language|string|nil language to use. By default the content language.     @param table|nil attributes table of attributes to add to the  node.     @return string ]]-- function GlobeCoordinate:toHtml( language, attributes ) return mw.text.tag( 'span', { ["class"] = "geo" }, mw.text.tag( 'span', { ["class"] = "latitude", ["title"] = self.latitude, }, formatDMS( self.latitude, self.precision, 'N', 'S' ) ) .. ' ' .. mw.text.tag( 'span', { ["class"] = "longitude", ["title"] = self.longitude, }, formatDMS( self.longitude, self.precision, 'E', 'W' ) ) ) end  --[[     Supported globes ]]-- GlobeCoordinate.GLOBE = { EARTH = 'Earth' }  return GlobeCoordinate 

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