Type in location

Аԥшаара «Амодуль:Type in location» — Авикипедиа

  • plaintext = require("Module:Plain text")._main --Cleanup/format location for use in short descriptions function p.prepareLoc (frame) return p._prepareLoc...
  • like "Foo in United States" (to "Foo in the United States") --also used in Module:Type in location function p.cleanupLoc (location) if location == "" then...
  • and 'crosses180' or '') .. (map('type') ~= '' and 'type' or '') retval = retval .. '[[Category:Location maps with removed parameters|' .. key...
  • then error(string.format( "type error in '%s' parameter of '_main' (expected string, got %s)", key, type(val) ), level) end end local...
  • = require('Module:Location map') local function switcherSeparate(s) if s == nil then return {} end local retval = {} for i in string.gmatch(s .....
  • Portuguese ['ad'] = 'first',-- Turkish ['address'] = 'location', ['anno'] = 'date',-- Italian ['annoaccesso'] = 'access-date'...
  • function trimArgs(argsTable) local cleanArgs = {} for key, val in pairs(argsTable) do if type(val) == 'string' then val = val:match('^%s*(.-)%s*$') ...
  • |publication-place=, |location= to see if these params include digits. This function added because many editors misuse location to specify the in-source location (|page(s)=...
  • ----------------------------------- -- _location takes Q-id and follows P276 (location) -- or P131 (located in the administrative territorial entity) or...
  • Configuration options to keep magic values in one location. -- Conversion data and message text are defined in separate modules. local config, maxsigfig...
  • Configuration options to keep magic values in one location. -- Conversion data and message text are defined in separate modules. local config, maxsigfig...
  • ['event'] = 'Event occurs at', ['minutes'] = 'minutes in', -- Determines the location of the help page ['help page link'] = 'Ацхыраара:CS1 агхақәа'...
  • = false, ['lay-url'] = false, ['lccn'] = true, ['LCCN'] = true, ['location'] = true, ['magazine'] = true, ['medium'] = true, ['minutes'] = true...

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