
Аԥшаара «Амодуль:Functions» — Авикипедиа

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  • require "Амодуль:No globals" local p = {} -- Изменяет первую букву строки на заглавную -- @param строка -- @return строка function p.firstToUpper(str)...
  • module holds extra link functions for use with [[Module:UserLinks]]. -- -- It is intended for experimenting with new link functions that will eventually...
  • -- Link functions -- -- The following functions make the links from the link codes and the user -- data snippets. New link functions should be added...
  • This module stores functions that are shared between Амодуль:UserLinks and Амодуль:UserLinks/extra....
  • Format TemplateData' – Module with auxilary functions for template documentation, especially by TemplateData. Core functionality is improved presentation...
  • This contains auxiliary functions used by Амодуль:Authority control. They are accessed by using the valid and customlink parameters in Амодуль:Authority...
  • This module provides a number of mathematical functions. These functions can be used from #invoke or from other Lua modules. To use the module from normal...
  • Multilingual – Module with functions in context of languages, language codes, language names. All functions expect one unnamed parameter 1 with the key...
  • containing the possible link codes that can be used with the main and single functions, along with example output for each code. It is used on the documentation...
  • Module with functions for strings in context of wikilinks and external links (URL). This module was imported from de:Module:WLink. All functions expect exactly...
  • This module provides a handful of functions that make it easy to implement hatnotes that take the form of a label in front of a list of pages, e.g. Invoking...
  • -- This module contains shared functions used by [[Module:Category handler]] -- and its submodules. local p = {} function p.matchesBlacklist(page, blacklist)...
  • newBuffer = require('Module:OutputBuffer') Then, create the buffer and the functions that act on it. local getBuffer, print, printf = newBuffer() local text...
  • This module contains functions to find the target of a redirect page. The main function accepts the name of a single page. It determines if the page is...
  • Functions similarly to mw.wikibase.resolvePropertyId, but for Wikidata entities instead of properties. Returns an entity id for the given label or id...
  • Holds functions to be returned from #invoke, and functions to make available to other Lua modules. local wrap = {} -- Holds wrapper functions that process...
  • require('Module:Template invocation') Then you can use the individual functions as documented below. This function produces...
  • the name of the page to check, or a title returned from the mw.title functions. If the second parameter is omitted, the page being displayed is the one...
  • --------------------------- -- List stringification helper functions -- -- These functions are used for stringifying lists, usually page lists inside...
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