

Документация Адокументациа

This is used to detect the page type of a given page. It detects redirect pages automatically and is highly customisable. It can be used on its own or as a meta-to create other page-type-detection templates.


    Basic code
    Full code
{{pagetype | page              =  | defaultns         =  | main              =  | user              =  | wikipedia         =  | project           =  | wp                =  | file              =  | image             =  | mediawiki         =  |          =  | help              =  | category          =  | portal            =  | timedtext         =  | module            =  | special           =  | media             =  | talk              =  | redirect          =  | dab               =  | na                =  | other             =  | plural            =  }} 

Basic usage

For simple detection of the page type of the current page, use the default settings:


That will produce the following results, depending on the page type or the namespace:


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