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local p = {};  local i18nDefaultLanguage = 'Q7737'; local i18nEditors = { Q150= '',-- French Q1321= '',-- Spanish Q1860= '',-- English Q7737= 'под ред. ',-- Russian Q188= 'Hrsg.: ',-- German } local i18nVolume = { Q150= 'Vol.',-- French Q1321= 'Vol.',-- Spanish Q1860= 'Vol.',-- English Q7737= 'Т.',-- Russian } local i18nPage = { Q150 = 'P.',-- French Q188 = 'S.',-- German Q1321 = 'P.',-- Spanish Q1860 = 'P.',-- English Q7737 = 'С.',-- Russian }  local PREFIX_CITEREF = "CITEREF_";  function p.deepcopy(orig)     local orig_type = type(orig)     local copy     if orig_type == 'table' then         copy = {}         for orig_key, orig_value in pairs(orig) do             copy[orig_key] = p.deepcopy( orig_value );         end else -- number, string, boolean, etc         copy = orig     end     return copy end  local options_commas = { separator = ', ', conjunction = ', ', format = function( src ) return src end, nolinks = false, preferids = false }; local options_commas_nolinks = { separator = ', ', conjunction = ', ', format = function( src ) return src end, nolinks = true, preferids = false }; local options_commas_it = { separator = ', ', conjunction = ', ', format = function( src ) return "''" .. src .. "''" end, nolinks = false, preferids = false }; local options_commas_it_nolinks = { separator = ', ', conjunction = ', ', format = function( src ) return "''" .. src .. "''" end, nolinks = true , preferids = false }; local options_citetypes = { separator = ' ', conjunction = ' ', format = function( src ) return 'citetype_' .. src end, nolinks = true , preferids = true };  function renderSource( src ) mw.logObject( src );  if ( src.code and not src.url ) then src.url = mw.wikibase.sitelink( src.code ) or ( 'd:' .. src.code ) src.url = ':' .. src.url; end src.lang = getSingle( src.lang ) or i18nDefaultLanguage; src.title = src.title or '\'\'(unspecified title)\'\''  if ( not src.year and ) then local date = getSingle( ); src.year = mw.ustring.sub( date, 9, 12 ); end  local result = ''; if ( ) then result = result .. toString(, options_commas_it ); end if ( string.len( result ) ~= 0 ) then result = result .. ' '; end    if ( src.part ) then  if ( src.url ) then local url = getSingle( src.url ); if ( string.sub( url, 1, 1 ) == ':' ) then result = result .. '[[' .. url .. '|' .. toString( src.part, options_commas_nolinks ) .. ']]'; else result = result .. '[' .. url .. ' ' .. toString( src.part, options_commas_nolinks ) .. ']'; end end result = result .. ' // ' .. toString( src.title, options_commas ); else -- title only  if ( src.url ) then local url = getSingle( src.url ); if ( string.sub( url, 1, 1 ) == ':' ) then result = result .. '[[' .. url .. '|' .. toString( src.title, options_commas_nolinks ) .. ']]'; else result = result .. '[' .. url .. ' ' .. toString( src.title, options_commas_nolinks ) .. ']'; end end  end  if ( src.originaltitle ) then result = result .. ' = ' .. toString( src.originaltitle, options_commas ); end  if ( src.publication ) then result = result .. ' // ' .. toString( src.publication, options_commas_it ); end  if ( src.editor ) then local prefix = i18nEditors[ src.lang ] or i18nEditors[ i18nDefaultLanguage ]; result = result .. ' / ' .. prefix .. toString( src.editor, options_commas ); end  if ( or src.publisher or src.year ) then result = result .. ' — '; if ( ) then result = result .. toString(, options_commas ); if ( src.publisher or src.year ) then result = result .. ': '; end end if ( src.publisher ) then result = result .. toString( src.publisher, options_commas ); if ( src.year ) then result = result .. ', '; end end if ( src.year ) then result = result .. toString( src.year, options_commas ); end result = result .. '.'; end   if ( src.volume ) then local letter = i18nVolume[ src.lang ] or i18nVolume[ i18nDefaultLanguage ]; result = result .. ' — ' .. letter .. ' ' .. toString(src.volume, options_commas ) .. '.'; end   if ( src.issue ) then result = result .. ' — № ' .. toString(src.issue, options_commas ) .. '.'; end   if ( ) then local letter = i18nPage[ src.lang ] or i18nPage[ i18nDefaultLanguage ]; result = result .. ' — ' .. letter .. ' ' .. toString(, options_commas )  .. '.'; end   if ( src.isbn13 ) then result = result .. ' — ISBN ' .. toString( src.isbn13, options_commas ); elseif ( src.isbn10 ) then result = result .. ' — ISBN ' .. toString( src.isbn10, options_commas ); end  if ( src.issn ) then result = result .. ' — ISSN ' .. toString( src.issn, options_commas ); end if ( src.doi ) then result = result .. ' — [' .. mw.uri.encode( src.doi ) .. ' DOI ' .. src.doi .. ']'; end  if ( src.entityId ) then if ( src.type and src.entityId ) then -- wrap into span to target from JS result = '.. toString( src.type, options_citetypes ) .. '" data-entity-id="' .. getSingle( src.entityId ) .. '">' .. result .. '' else result = '.. getSingle( src.entityId ) .. '">' .. result .. '' end end  return {text = result, code = src.code}; end  function renderShortReference( src ) src.lang = getSingle( src.lang ) or i18nDefaultLanguage; src.title = src.title or getSingle( src.url ) or '\'\'(unspecified title)\'\''  local result = '[[#' .. PREFIX_CITEREF .. src.code .. '|'; if ( ) then result = result .. toString(, options_commas_it_nolinks ); else result = result .. toString( src.title, options_commas_it_nolinks ); end result = result .. ']]'  if ( src.year ) then result = result .. ', ' .. toString( src.year, options_commas ); end  if ( src.volume ) then local letter = i18nVolume[ src.lang ] or i18nVolume[ i18nDefaultLanguage ]; result = result .. ' — ' .. letter .. ' ' .. toString(src.volume, options_commas ) .. '.'; end   if ( src.issue ) then result = result .. ' — № ' .. toString(src.issue, options_commas ) .. '.'; end   if ( ) then local letter = i18nPage[ src.lang ] or i18nPage[ i18nDefaultLanguage ]; result = result .. ' — ' .. letter .. ' ' .. toString(, options_commas )  .. '.'; end end  function getSingle( value ) if ( not value ) then return; end if ( type( value ) == 'string' ) then return value; elseif ( type( value ) == 'table' ) then if ( ) then return; end  for i, tableValue in pairs( value ) do return getSingle( tableValue ); end end  return '(unknown)'; end  function toString( value, options ) if ( type( value ) == 'string' ) then return options.format( value ); elseif ( type( value ) == 'table' ) then if ( ) then -- this is link if ( options.preferids ) then return options.format( ); else if ( options.nolinks ) then return options.format( value.label or mw.wikibase.label( ) or '\'\'(untranslated title)\'\'' ); else return options.format( renderLink(, value.label ) ); end end end  local resultList = {}; for i, tableValue in pairs( value ) do table.insert( resultList, toString( tableValue, options ) ); end  return mw.text.listToText( resultList, options.separator, options.conjunction); else return options.format( '(unknown type)' ); end  return ''; end  function renderLink( entityId, text ) if ( not entityId ) then error("entityId is not specified"); end local actualText = text or mw.wikibase.label( entityId ) or '\'\'(untranslated)\'\''; local link = mw.wikibase.sitelink( entityId ) or ( ':d:' .. entityId ) return '[[' .. link .. '|' .. actualText .. ']]'; end  -- Expand special types of references when additional data could be found in OTHER entity properties function expandSpecials( currentEntity, reference, data ) if ( reference.snaks.p248 and reference.snaks.p248[0] and reference.snaks.p248[0].datavalue and reference.snaks.p248[0].datavalue.value["numeric-id"]) then local sourceId = "Q" .. reference.snaks.p248[0].datavalue.value["numeric-id"];  -- Gemeinsame Normdatei -- specified by P227 if ( sourceId == 'Q36578' ) then appendMainSnaks( currentEntity, 'P227', data, 'title', { format = function( gnd ) return 'Record #' .. gnd; end } ); appendMainSnaks( currentEntity, 'P227', data, 'url', { format = function( gnd ) return '' .. gnd .. '/'; end } ); end  -- BNF -- specified by P268 if ( sourceId == 'Q15222191' ) then appendMainSnaks( currentEntity, 'P268', data, 'title', { format = function( id ) return 'Record #' .. id; end } ); appendMainSnaks( currentEntity, 'P268', data, 'url', { format = function( id ) return '' .. id; end } ); expandSpecialsQualifiers( currentEntity, 'P268', data ); end  -- Find a Grave -- specified by P535 if ( sourceId == 'Q63056' ) then appendMainSnaks( currentEntity, 'P535', data, 'url', { format = function( id ) return '' .. id; end } ); expandSpecialsQualifiers( currentEntity, 'P535', data ); end  -- Gran Enciclopèdia Catalana -- specified by P1296 if ( sourceId == 'Q2664168' ) then appendMainSnaks( currentEntity, 'P1296', data, 'url', { format = function( id ) return '' .. id .. '.xml'; end } ); expandSpecialsQualifiers( currentEntity, 'P1296', data ); end  -- Encyclopædia Britannica online -- specified by P1417 if ( sourceId == 'Q5375741' ) then appendMainSnaks( currentEntity, 'P1417', data, 'url', { format = function( id ) return '' .. id; end } ); expandSpecialsQualifiers( currentEntity, 'P1417', data ); end  -- Electronic Jewish Encyclopedia (Elektronnaja Evrejskaja Entsiklopedia) -- specified by P1438 if ( sourceId == 'Q1967250' ) then appendMainSnaks( currentEntity, 'P1438', data, 'url', { format = function( id ) return '' .. id; end } ); expandSpecialsQualifiers( currentEntity, 'P1438', data ); end  -- -- specified by P1447 if ( sourceId == 'Q18002875' ) then appendMainSnaks( currentEntity, 'P1447', data, 'url', { format = function( id ) return '' .. id .. '.html'; end } ); expandSpecialsQualifiers( currentEntity, 'P1447', data ); end  -- do we have appropriate record in P1343 ? local claims = findClaimsByValue( currentEntity, 'p1343', sourceId ); if ( claims and #claims ~= 0 ) then appendQualifiers( claims, 'P958', data, 'part', {} ); appendQualifiers( claims, 'P854', data, 'url', {} ); appendQualifiers( claims, 'P357', data, 'title', {} ); appendQualifiers( claims, 'P478', data, 'volume', {} ); end end end  function expandSpecialsQualifiers( entity, propertyId, result ) if ( and[propertyId] ) then local claims =[propertyId]; appendQualifiers( claims, 'P958', result, 'part', {} ); appendQualifiers( claims, 'P854', result, 'url', {} ); appendQualifiers( claims, 'P357', result, 'title', {} ); appendQualifiers( claims, 'P478', result, 'volume', {} ); end end  function findClaimsByValue( entity, propertyId, value ) local result = {}; if ( and[propertyId] ) then for i, claim in pairs([propertyId] ) do if ( claim.mainsnak and claim.mainsnak.datavalue ) then local datavalue = claim.mainsnak.datavalue; if ( datavalue.type == "string" and datavalue.value == value  or datavalue.type == "wikibase-entityid" and datavalue.value["entity-type"] == "item" and tostring( datavalue.value["numeric-id"] ) == mw.ustring.sub( value, 2 ) ) then table.insert( result, claim ); end end end end return result; end  function appendMainSnaks( entity, propertyId, result, property, options ) if ( and[propertyId] ) then for i, claim in pairs([propertyId] ) do if ( claim.mainsnak and claim.mainsnak.datavalue ) then appendImpl( claim.mainsnak.datavalue, result, property, options ); end end end end  function appendSnaks( allSnaks, snakPropertyId, result, property, options ) if ( allSnaks and allSnaks[ snakPropertyId ] ) then for k, snak in pairs( allSnaks[ snakPropertyId ] ) do if ( snak and snak.datavalue ) then appendImpl( snak.datavalue, result, property, options ); end end end end  function appendQualifiers( claims, qualifierPropertyId, result, property, options ) for i, claim in pairs( claims ) do if ( claim.qualifiers and claim.qualifiers[ qualifierPropertyId ] ) then for k, qualifier in pairs( claim.qualifiers[ qualifierPropertyId ] ) do if ( qualifier and qualifier.datavalue ) then appendImpl( qualifier.datavalue, result, property, options ); end end end end end  function appendImpl( datavalue, result, property, options ) if ( datavalue.type == 'string' ) then local value = datavalue.value; if ( options.format ) then value = options.format( value ); end if ( not result[property] ) then result[property] = {}; elseif ( type( result[property] ) == 'string' or ( type( result[property] ) == 'table' and type( result[property].id ) == 'string' ) ) then result[property] = { result[property] }; end table.insert( result[property], value); end if ( datavalue.type == 'wikibase-entityid' ) then local value = datavalue.value; if ( not result[property] ) then result[property] = {}; elseif ( type( result[property] ) == 'string' or ( type( result[property] ) == 'table' and type( result[property].id ) == 'string' ) ) then result[property] = { result[property] }; end table.insert( result[property], { id = 'Q' .. value["numeric-id"] }); end end  function expandPublication( data ) local publication = data.publication;  -- use only first one if ( type( publication ) == 'table' and publication[1] and publication[1].id ) then data.publication = publication[1]; publication = data.publication; end  if ( publication and ) then populateSourceData( data, ); end end  function loadSafe( entityId ) if ( entityId == nil ) then error('entityId to load is not specified'); end local status, result = pcall( function() return mw.loadData( 'Module:Source/' .. entityId ) end ); if ( status == true ) then return true, result; end return false, nil; end  function populateSourceData( data, sourceId ) local loaded, sourceData = loadSafe( sourceId ); if ( loaded and sourceData ) then populateSourceDataImpl( data, sourceData ); end end  function populateSourceDataImpl( data, sourceData ) for key, value in pairs( sourceData ) do if ( not data[key] and key ~= 'title' ) then data[key] = value; end end  -- if we already have title, than it would be the current one, otherwise move it to publication if ( sourceData.title ) then if ( not data.title ) then data.title = sourceData.title; else if ( not data.publication ) then data.publication = sourceData.title; end end end end  function updateWithRef( reference, src ) -- specified if ( reference.snaks.p662 ) then local cid = reference.snaks.p662[0].datavalue.value; src.code = src.code .. '-cid:' .. cid; src.title = 'Compound Summary for: CID ' .. cid; src.url = '' .. cid; src.publication = { id = 'Q278487', label = 'PubChem' }; end  appendSnaks( reference.snaks, 'P50', src, 'author', {} ); appendSnaks( reference.snaks, 'P364', src, 'lang', {} ); appendSnaks( reference.snaks, 'P958', src, 'part', {} ); -- part appendSnaks( reference.snaks, 'P357', src, 'title', {} ); -- title appendSnaks( reference.snaks, 'P854', src, 'url', {} ); appendSnaks( reference.snaks, 'P1433', src, 'publication', {} ); appendSnaks( reference.snaks, 'P123', src, 'publisher', {} ); appendSnaks( reference.snaks, 'P304', src, 'page', {} ); appendSnaks( reference.snaks, 'P478', src, 'volume', {} ); return src; end  function p.renderSource( frame ) local arg = frame.args[1]; return p.renderSourceImpl( arg ); end  function p.renderSourceImpl( entityId ) local value = {}; value["numeric-id"] = string.sub( entityId , 2); local snak = { datavalue = { value =value } }; local properties = {}; properties[0] = snak; return renderReferenceImpl( {}, { snaks = { p248 = properties } } ).text; end  function p.renderReference( frame, currentEntity, reference )  -- template call if ( frame and not currentEntity and not reference ) then local value = {}; value["numeric-id"] = string.sub( frame.args[1] , 2); local snak = { datavalue = { value =value } }; local properties = {}; properties[0] = snak;  currentEntity = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject(); reference = { snaks = { p248 = properties } }; end  local rendered = renderReferenceImpl( currentEntity, reference );  if ( not rendered ) then return ''; end  local result; local code = rendered.code or mw.text.encode( rendered.text ); result = frame:extensionTag( 'ref', rendered.text, {name = code} );  if ( not rendered.found ) then result = result; end  return result; end  function renderReferenceImpl( currentEntity, reference ) if ( not reference.snaks ) then return nil; end  local data = {}; local entityId, found, sourceData; if ( reference.snaks.p248 ) then entityId = "Q" .. reference.snaks.p248[0].datavalue.value["numeric-id"]; found, sourceData = loadSafe( entityId ); data.code = entityId; data.entityId = entityId; else found = true; end  updateWithRef( reference, data ); expandSpecials( currentEntity, reference, data ); if ( entityId ) then if ( found and sourceData ) then populateSourceDataImpl( data, sourceData ); else if ( data.title ) then data.publication = data.publication or { id = entityId, label = mw.wikibase.label( entityId ) }; else data.title = { id = entityId, label = mw.wikibase.label( entityId ) }; end end end expandPublication( data );  local rendered; if ( p.short ) then local toStore = p.deepcopy( data ); if (not p.list ) then p.list = {}; end p.list[toStore.code] = toStore; rendered = renderShortReference( data ); else rendered = renderSource( data ); end  if ( mw.ustring.len( rendered.text ) == 0 ) then return nil; end  rendered.found = found; return rendered; end  return p; 


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