
This module is used by }.

Use in other modules


The gaps function can be useful for formatting in other modules that work with displaying large numbers.

local gaps = require('Module:Gapnum').gaps 

Using the gaps function, the first argument is the number to format. The second argument can be a table with keys that tell the module how to format. The table keys that can be used are:

  • gap - a number with CSS units (px, em, en, etc) that define the size of the gap between numbers. If blank, the module will use 0.25em.
  • prec - a number that determines the precision of the decimal part of the number. If the precision is less than the number of digits, extra digits will be removed without rounding; if it is more, zeroes will be added to the end to create the desired precision. If blank, the module will use -1, which means the precision will be the same as the number given; no digits added or removed.

Note that the return statement is a table. This means more styling or text can be added to the wrapper span tag, but it may also mean that tostring() may be required when used in other modules.

local gaps = require('Module:Gapnum').gaps  function example() local n = 123456.78900011 -- Example for just simple formatting of a number -- n_gaps will use the default, .25em gaps and no change in precision -- The result will have its gaps created with inline css -- But the result would look like: -- 123 456.789 000 11 local n_gaps = gaps(n)  -- Different gap size -- These will format n into the same groups as above -- But the spaces between the groups will be larger and smaller, respectively local n_big_gaps = gaps(n, {gap='1em'}) local n_small_gaps = gaps(n, {gap='1px'})  -- Different precision -- n_prec_5 will use the number 123456.78900 -- The result would look like: -- 123 456.789 00 local n_prec_5 = gaps(n, {prec=5}) -- n_prec_10 will use the number 123456.7890001100 -- The result would look like: -- 123 456.789 000 1100 local n_prec_10 = gaps(n, {prec=10})  -- Both different gaps and precision can be used: local n_big_5 = gaps(n, {gap='1em', prec=5}) local n_small_10 = gaps(n, {gap='1px', prec=10}) end 


The groups function can be used in other modules to separate a number into groups as gaps does, but instead of a formatted string, the function will return tables whose elements are the separated groups.

local groups = require('Module:Gapnum').groups  function example() -- This will return one table: -- {123,456} local n1 = groups(123456)  -- This will return two tables, each assigned to a different variable: -- n2a will be: -- {1,234} -- n2b will be: -- {567,89} local n2a,n2b = groups(1234.56789)  -- This will return two tables: -- An integer part is always returned, even if it is 0 -- n3a will be: -- {0} -- n3b will be: -- {123,4567} local n3a,n3b = groups(0.1234567)  -- Just like the other functions, a precision can be defined -- precision is simply the second parameter -- n4a will be: -- {123} -- n4b will be: -- {456,700,00} local n4a,n4b = groups(123.4567,8) end 

local p = {}  local getArgs  function p.main(frame) if not getArgs then getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs end  local args = getArgs(frame, {wrappers = 'Template:Gapnum'}) local n = args[1]  if not n then error('Parameter 1 is required') elseif not tonumber(n) and not tonumber(n, 36) then -- Validates any number with base ≤ 36 error('Unable to convert "' .. args[1] .. '" to a number') end  local gap = local precision = tonumber(args.prec)  return p.gaps(n,{gap=gap,prec=precision}) end  -- Not named p._main so that it has a better function name when required by Module:Val function p.gaps(n,tbl) local nstr = tostring(n) if not tbl then tbl = {} end local gap = or '.25em'  local int_part, frac_part = p.groups(n,tbl.prec)  local ret = mw.html.create('span') :css('white-space','nowrap') -- No gap necessary on first group :wikitext(table.remove(int_part,1))  -- Build int part for _, v in ipairs(int_part) do ret:tag('span') :css('margin-left',gap) :wikitext(v) end  if frac_part then -- The first group after the decimal shouldn't have a gap ret:wikitext('.' .. table.remove(frac_part,1)) -- Build frac part for _, v in ipairs(frac_part) do ret:tag('span') :css('margin-left',gap) :wikitext(v) end end  return ret end  -- Creates tables where each element is a different group of the number function p.groups(num,precision) local nstr = tostring(num) if not precision then precision = -1 end  local decimalloc = nstr:find('.', 1, true) local int_part, frac_part if decimalloc == nil then int_part = nstr else int_part = nstr:sub(1, decimalloc-1) frac_part = nstr:sub(decimalloc + 1) end -- only define ret_i as an empty table, let ret_d stay nil local ret_i,ret_d = {} -- Loop to handle most of the groupings; from right to left, so that if a group has less than 3 members, it will be the first group while int_part:len() > 3 do -- Insert in first spot, since we're moving backwards table.insert(ret_i,1,int_part:sub(-3)) int_part = int_part:sub(1,-4) end -- handle any left over numbers if int_part:len() > 0 then table.insert(ret_i,1,int_part) end  if precision ~= 0 and frac_part then ret_d = {} if precision == -1 then precision = frac_part:len() end -- Reduce the length of the string if required precision is less than actual precision -- OR -- Increase it (by adding 0s) if the required precision is more than actual local offset = precision - frac_part:len() if offset < 0 then frac_part = frac_part:sub(1,precision) elseif offset > 0 then frac_part = frac_part .. string.rep('0', offset) end  -- Allow groups of 3 or 2 (3 first) for v in string.gmatch(frac_part,'%d%d%d?') do table.insert(ret_d,v) end -- Preference for groups of 4 instead of groups of 1 at the end if #frac_part % 3 == 1 then if frac_part:len() == 1 then ret_d = {frac_part} else local last_g = ret_d[#ret_d] or '' last_g = last_g..frac_part:sub(-1) ret_d[#ret_d] = last_g end end end  return ret_i,ret_d end  return p 



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