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  • 。 For a description of an 18th-century town house in England, for example, see Olsen, Kirsten. Daily Life in 18th-Century England (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆).…
  • 聖萊烏喬建築群的缩略图
    Leucio)是位於義大利坎帕尼亞州卡塞塔郊外聖萊烏喬的一處邸宅群。修建於18世紀後期,由那不勒斯王國的國王建設。這一建築群是為在絲綢工廠工作的勞動者而建設的住宅區,在當時是頗為先進的產業都市。1997年,聖萊烏喬建築群和卡塞塔王宮、萬維泰利水道橋一起成為世界文化遺產。 18th-Century Royal Palace at Caserta…
  • 期的古瑞典语文學作品比較少。瑞典文学是在16世纪起逐漸发展。 For example, both 彼济达 (14th century) and 伊曼紐·史威登堡 (18th century) wrote most of their work in 拉丁语, but since they came from…
  • 二十世紀影業的缩略图
    二十世紀影業(英語:20th Century Studios),前稱二十世紀福斯(英語:Twentieth Century Fox),是美國的電影、电视节目发行和制作公司,總部座落在美國加州洛杉磯比佛利山莊西側的世纪城(英语:Century City)。曾是新聞集團的一个子公司,現屬於華特迪士尼影業集團旗下。…
  • 鞋匠的缩略图
    Mathew, Scott. 7 Common Misconceptions About 18th Century Shoemaking. 18th Century History. [29 May 2020].  Grubbs, Patrick. Shoemakers and…
  • 萬維泰利水道橋的缩略图
    18世紀的水道橋。系為提供卡塞塔王宮和聖萊烏喬建築群用水而建設。又稱卡羅里諾水道橋(Acquedotto Carolino、意為「國王水道橋」)。在1997年,水道橋和卡塞塔王宮、聖萊烏喬建築群一起成為世界文化遺產。 18th-Century Royal Palace at…
  • 大高加索山脈的缩略图
    69750; 44.51889 (卡茲別克山) 高加索 北高加索 南高加索 前高加索 西高加索 高加索山脈 蘇拉姆山脈 小高加索山脈 18th-century definitions drew the boundary north of the Caucasus, across the Kuma–Manych…
  • 海島體G 半r(Ꝏ, r rotunda) 长s(ſ, long s) Ȝ(yogh) Basic inventory from the 18th century; so defined in ISO/IEC 646 (based on ASCII) which was based on the 26…
  • 5公里,土地面積1平方公里,潟湖面積5.1平方公里,島上無人居住。 NZTEC - Spanish voyages of the 18th century (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) Atoll list (in French) 坐标:17°19′S 142°37′W / 17.317°S…
  • 上米托的缩略图
    Czech) Museum in Vysoké Mýto(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) View of Vysoké Mýto in 18th century (large image) mairie-annonay.fr (编). Le jumelage à Annonay. mairie-annonay…
  • 巴斯克旗幟的缩略图
    Photographs in which the Ikurriña appears outside the borders of Euskal Herria. The French regiment des Cars used a similar flag in the 18th century.…
  • 舊納瓦里諾城堡的缩略图
    Economic Geography of Ottoman Greece: The Southwestern Morea in the 18th Century. The American School of Classical Studies at Athens. 2005: 223–240.…
  • 圣方济各传教站的缩略图
    Cleary, Brother Guire. "Mission Dolores Links San Francisco with its 18th Century Roots – Founded as La Mission San Francisco De Asis by Franciscans, it…
  • 聖奧古斯丁 (佛羅里達州)的缩略图
    Cubo Line The Government House. East wing of the building dates to the 18th-century structure built on original site of the colonial governor's residence…
  • 納謝爾斯克猶太會堂的缩略图
    S-ka, Warsaw, 2004, p. 278 Wooden Synagogues of Poland in the 17th and 18th Century, Moshe Verbin, http://www.zchor.org/verbin/verbin7.htm (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)…
  • 漫长的十八世纪 (分类18世纪)
    University Press. 2011. ISBN 9780199608638.  Baines, Paul. The Long 18th century. London: Arnold. 2004. ISBN 978-0-340-81372-0.  J. R. Seeley, The Expansion…
  • 卡洛·戈齊的缩略图
    Gozzi)也是当时非常著名的作家。 DiGaetani, John Louis. Carlo Gozzi: A Life in 18th Century Venetian Theatre, an Afterlife in Opera. McFarland & Company. 2000: 61…
  • 2021年俄美峰会的缩略图
    whitehouse.gov. [26 May 2021]. (原始内容存档于2021-12-18).  Walters, Joanna. Biden set to meet Putin in 18th-century Swiss villa for first summit. The Guardian.…
  • 帕拉第奧式建築的缩略图
    Campbell and other 18th-century architects. These four books greatly contributed to Palladian architecture becoming established in 18th-century Britain. Their…
  • and in French and Spanish in late 18th century. Crocker, Lester G. "The discussion of suicide in the eighteenth century." Journal of the History of Ideas…
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