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  • Gustave Courbet francaf lingesik bak 1860. Bata trutca koe Dallas Museum of Art koe Dallas koe Tanarasokeem re ( 2018 ) tigir. Remi klepa, Gustave Courbet...
  • Félix Vallotton swizaf lingesik bak 1900. Bata trutca koe Yambatcilaxe koe Dallas koe Tanarasokeem re ( 2018 ) tigir. Remi klepapa, Félix Vallotton va konaka...
  • Gustave Caillebotte francaf lingesik bak 1882. Bata trutca koe Dallas Museum of Art koe Dallas koe Tanarasokeem re ( 2018 ) tigir. Watsa va raltada va Gustave...
  • Pissarro francaf lingesik bak 1887-1888. Bata trutca koe Yambatcilaxe koe Dallas koe Tanarasokeem re ( 2018 ) tigir. Watsa va Vebaltara ik warolara va Camille...
  • Félix Vallotton swizaf lingesik bak 1925. Bata trutca koe Barrett dotay koe Dallas koe Tanarasokeem re ( 2018 ) tigir. Remi klepapa, Félix Vallotton va konaka...
  • Camille Pissarro francaf lingesik moni 1896. Bata trutca koe Yambatcilaxe koe Dallas koe Tanarasokeem re ( 2018 ) tigir. Watsa va Mivdelt va Camille Pissarro...
  • Félix Vallotton swizaf lingesik bak 1918. Bata trutca koe Barrett dotay koe Dallas koe Tanarasokeem re ( 2018 ) tigir. Remi klepapa, Félix Vallotton va konaka...
  • Albert Marquet francaf lingesik bak 1906. Bata trutca koe Yambatcilaxe koe Dallas koe Tanarasokeem re ( 2018 ) tigir. Remi klepa, Albert Marquet va konaka...
  • Eugène Boudin francaf lingesik bak 1874. Bata trutca koe Yambatcilaxe koe Dallas koe Tanarasokeem re ( 2018 ) tigir. Remi klepa, Eugène Boudin va konaka...
  • Bresitol koe nolda 1860 Puntalingeks keve stama 86 × 128 cm- Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas, ( Tanarasokeem ) Renard pris dans un piège Bresitol ikseyen...
  • Mawa 1900 Puntalingeks keve eluxa keve stama 50 × 80 cm- Yambatcilaxe, Dallas, ( Tanarasokeem ) Max Rodriguez-Henriques au 6 rue de Milan Max Rodriguez-Henriques...
  • pruve, Éragny 1887-1888 Puntalingeks keve stama 60 × 73 cm- Yambatcilaxe, Dallas, ( Tanarasokeem ) Femme étendant du linge, Éragny Ayikya divatcesa va grita...
  • Blafotafa raltada koe trig 1882 Puntalingeks keve stama 53 × 46 cm- Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas, ( Tanarasokeem ) Melon et Compotier de figues Akreye is agzone...
  • gan Thomas Cole amerikaf lingesik bak 1841. Bata trutca koe Dallas Museum of Art koe Dallas (Tanarasokeem) re ( 2018 ) tigir. ► Trutceem ke Cole (en) Cole...
  • koe Trouville 1906 Puntalingeks keve stama 53.5 × 65 cm- Yambatcilaxe, Dallas ( Tanarasokeem ) La Plage de Fécamp Piluda ke Fécamp 1906 Puntalingeks keve...
  • Antwerpen (2) 1874 Puntalingeks keve intabopica 34.6 × 63.8 cm- Yambatcilaxe, Dallas, ( Tanarasokeem ) Scène de plage à Trouville Piludafa nakila koe Trouville...
  • Edwin Church amerikaf lingesik bak 1861. Bata trutca koe Museum of Art koe Dallas koe Tanarasokeem re ( 2018 ) tigir. Church gan watsa va trazevda zo koswayar...
  • (2002). The Voyage of the Icebergs: Frederic Church's Arctic Masterpiece. Dallas Museum of Art. ISBN 9780300095364. (en) Howat, John K.; Church, Frederic...
  • (2002). The Voyage of the Icebergs: Frederic Church's Arctic Masterpiece. Dallas Museum of Art. ISBN 9780300095364. (en) Howat, John K.; Church, Frederic...
  • (2002). The Voyage of the Icebergs: Frederic Church's Arctic Masterpiece. Dallas Museum of Art. ISBN 9780300095364. (en) Howat, John K.; Church, Frederic...
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