This user is a member of the Small Wiki Monitoring Team.
These labels are indicating the language
skills of user Purodha, approximately:
User language
de-NDieser Benutzer spricht Deutsch als Muttersprache.
ksh-NFör heh dä Metmaacher es_en ripoahresche Schprohch de Motterschprohch.
en-3This user has advanced knowledge of English.
la-2Hic usor lingua Latina mediae difficultatis conferre potest.
af-1Hierdie gebruiker het basiese kennis van Afrikaans.
bar-1Der Benutzer kå a bisserl Boarisch.
frr-1Didiar brüker hää en betj weden faan Nordfriisk.
geh-1This user has basic knowledge of Hutterite German.
gmh-1This user has basic knowledge of Middle High German.
gos-1This user has basic knowledge of Gronings.
gsw-1Dää Benutzer cha e bitzeli Alemannisch.
lb-1Dëse Benotzer huet Grondkenntnesser vun der Lëtzebuergescher Sprooch.
lfn-1Esta usor es poca capas de Lingua Franca Nova.
li-1Deze gebroeker haet 'n elementair kènnis van 't Limburgs.
nds-1Disse Bruker versteiht en beten wat vun Plattdüütsch.
nl-1Deze gebruiker heeft elementaire kennis van het Nederlands.
pdc-1Daer Yuuser do schwetzt en wennich Pennsilfaanisch Deitsch.
pdt-1Dis Benutza redt en bet Plautdietsch.
pfl-1De Bnudza babbld e bissl Pälzisch.
ru-1Этот участник владеет русским языком на начальном уровне.
sco-1This uiser can contreebute wi ae laich level o Scots.
sli-1Dieser Benutzer koann a wing Schläsch.
swg-1This user has basic knowledge of Swabian.
sxu-1This user has basic knowledge of Upper Saxon.
uln-1This user has basic knowledge of Unserdeutsch.
vls-1Deze gebruker kan e hêel klêen bitje e koutnansje voern in 't West-Vlams.
wep-1This user has basic knowledge of Westphalien.
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Purodha is Translator in
the following language combinations
A loop consists of a Latin A, a Hiragana a and two blue arrows lying between them
A loop consists of a Latin A, a Hiragana a and two blue arrows lying between them
This translator translates from
German to English.
A loop consists of a Latin A, a Hiragana a and two blue arrows lying between them
A loop consists of a Latin A, a Hiragana a and two blue arrows lying between them
This translator translates from
German to Kölsch.
A loop consists of a Latin A, a Hiragana a and two blue arrows lying between them
A loop consists of a Latin A, a Hiragana a and two blue arrows lying between them
This translator translates from
English to German.
A loop consists of a Latin A, a Hiragana a and two blue arrows lying between them
A loop consists of a Latin A, a Hiragana a and two blue arrows lying between them
This translator translates from
English to Kölsch.
A loop consists of a Latin A, a Hiragana a and two blue arrows lying between them
A loop consists of a Latin A, a Hiragana a and two blue arrows lying between them
This translator translates from
Kölsch to German.
A loop consists of a Latin A, a Hiragana a and two blue arrows lying between them
A loop consists of a Latin A, a Hiragana a and two blue arrows lying between them
This translator translates from
Kölsch to English.
Search translators
  1. Simple Quality Feedback on wiki articles.
  2. Is writing Wikipedia journalism?
  3. Maintaining privacy in an open community project.
  4. Multilinguality.
  5. What does npov mean?
    1. What the npov doctrine effectively does to our language and our expressivity.
    2. Why and how current npov approaches are ridiculosly unsuited to some languages, communities, and cultures.
    3. Potential remedies.
  6. What is relevant? [1]
  7. Proportionalizing steering commitees and decisionmaking boards to world cultures.
    1. see also: User:Bggoldie/Мнения/Anglo-American stewards
  8. Promoting the use of free content and collecting world knowledge in currently underrepresented areas of the world.
  9. Suggestions for Wikis hosting several Dialects.
  10. MediaWiki interface translations.
  • Other
  1. Edit War in the Ripuarian Wikipedia

On user Purodha:

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• meta:User:Purodha  • commons:User:Purodha  • incubator:User:Purodha  • w:test:User:Purodha  • mediawiki:User:Purodha  • wikimania2006:User:Purodha 
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• aa:User:Purodha  • ab:Участник:Purodha  • af:Gebruiker:Purodha  • ak:User:Purodha  • als:Benutzer:Purodha  • am:ማዘጋጀት:Purodha  • an:Usuario:Purodha  • ang:User:Purodha  • ar:مستخدم:Purodha  • arc:User:Purodha  • as:User:Purodha  • ast:Usuariu:Purodha  • av:Участник:Purodha  • ay:Usuario:Purodha  • az:İstifadəçi:Purodha  • ba:Ҡатнашыусы:Purodha  • bar:Benutzer:Purodha  • bat-smg:Naudotojas:Purodha  • be:Удзельнік:Purodha  • be-x-old:Удзельнік:Purodha  • bg:Потребител:Purodha  • bh:User:Purodha  • bi:User:Purodha  • bm:Utilisateur:Purodha  • bn:ব্যবহারকারী:Purodha  • bo:User:Purodha  • bpy:আতাকুরা:Purodha  • br:Implijer:Purodha  • bs:Korisnik:Purodha  • bug:User:Purodha  • bxr:User:Purodha  • ca:Usuari:Purodha  • cbk-zam:User:Purodha  • cdo:User:Purodha  • ce:Участник:Purodha  • ceb:User:Purodha  • ch:User:Purodha  • chr:User:Purodha  • chy:User:Purodha  • co:User:Purodha  • cr:User:Purodha  • cs:Wikipedista:Purodha  • csb:Brëkòwnik:Purodha  • cu:User:Purodha  • cv:Хутшăнакан:Purodha  • cy:Defnyddiwr:Purodha  • da:Bruger:Purodha  • de:Benutzer:Purodha  • diq:User:Purodha  • dv:User:Purodha  • dz:User:Purodha  • ee:User:Purodha  • el:Χρήστης:Purodha  • eml:User:Purodha  • en:User:Purodha  • eo:Vikipediisto:Purodha  • es:Usuario:Purodha  • et:Kasutaja:Purodha  • eu:Lankide:Purodha  • fa:کاربر:Purodha  • ff:User:Purodha  • fi:Käyttäjä:Purodha  • fiu-vro:Pruukja:Purodha  • fj:User:Purodha  • fo:Brúkari:Purodha  • fr:Utilisateur:Purodha  • frp:User:Purodha  • fur:Utent:Purodha  • fy:Meidogger:Purodha  • ga:Úsáideoir:Purodha  • gd:User:Purodha  • gl:User:Purodha  • glk:User:Purodha  • gn:Usuario:Purodha  • got:User:Purodha  • gu:User:Purodha  • gv:User:Purodha  • ha:User:Purodha  • hak:User:Purodha  • haw:User:Purodha  • he:משתמש:Purodha  • hi:सदस्य:Purodha  • hr:Suradnik:Purodha  • hsb:User:Purodha  • ht:User:Purodha  • hu:User:Purodha  • hy:Մասնակից:Purodha  • hz:User:Purodha  • ia:Usator:Purodha  • id:Pengguna:Purodha  • ie:User:Purodha  • ig:User:Purodha  • ii:User:Purodha  • ik:User:Purodha  • ilo:User:Purodha  • io:User:Purodha  • is:Notandi:Purodha  • it:Utente:Purodha  • iu:User:Purodha  • ja:利用者:Purodha  • jbo:User:Purodha  • jv:Panganggo:Purodha  • ka:მომხმარებელი:Purodha  • kab:Amseqdac:Purodha  • kg:User:Purodha  • ki:User:Purodha  • kk:Қатысушы:Purodha  • kl:User:Purodha  • km:User:Purodha  • kn:ಸದಸ್ಯ:Purodha  • ko:사용자:Purodha  • ks:User:Purodha  • ksh:Medmaacher:Purodha  • ku:Bikarhêner:Purodha  • kv:Участник:Purodha  • kw:User:Purodha  • ky:User:Purodha  • la:Usor:Purodha  • lad:User:Purodha  • lb:User:Purodha  • lbe:User:Purodha  • lg:Gebroeker:Purodha  • li:User:Purodha  • lij:User:Purodha  • lmo:User:Purodha  • ln:User:Purodha  • lo:User:Purodha  • lt:Naudotojas:Purodha  • lv:Lietotājs:Purodha  • map-bms:User:Purodha  • mg:User:Purodha  • mh:User:Purodha  • mi:User:Purodha  • mk:Корисник:Purodha  • ml:ഉപയോക്താവ്:Purodha  • mn:User:Purodha  • mr:सदस्य:Purodha  • ms:Pengguna:Purodha  • mt:User:Purodha  • my:User:Purodha  • mzn:کاربر:Purodha  • na:User:Purodha  • nah:Usuario:Purodha  • nan:User:Purodha  • nap:Utente:Purodha  • nds:Bruker:Purodha  • nds-nl:Gebruker:Purodha  • ne:User:Purodha  • new:User:Purodha;  • ng:User:Purodha  • nl:Gebruiker:Purodha  • nn:Brukar:Purodha  • no:User:Purodha  • nov:User:Purodha  • nrm:User:Purodha  • nv:Choinish'įįhí:Purodha  • ny:User:Purodha  • oc:Utilizaire:Purodha  • om:User:Purodha  • or:User:Purodha  • os:Архайæг:Purodha  • pa:ਮੈਂਬਰ:Purodha  • pag:User:Purodha  • pam:User:Purodha  • pap:User:Purodha  • pdc:User:Purodha  • pi:User:Purodha  • pih:User:Purodha  • pl:Wikipedysta:Purodha  • pms:Utent:Purodha  • ps:User:Purodha  • pt:Usuário:Purodha  • qu:Usuario:Purodha  • rm:User:Purodha  • rmy:Jeno:Purodha  • rn:User:Purodha;  • ro:Utilizator:Purodha  • roa-rup:User:Purodha  • roa-tara:User:Purodha  • ru:Участник:Purodha  • ru-sib:User:Purodha  • rw:User:Purodha  • sa:योजकः:Purodha  • sc:Utente:Purodha  • scn:User:Purodha  • sco:User:Purodha  • sd:User:Purodha  • se:User:Purodha  • sg:User:Purodha  • sh:User:Purodha  • si:User:Purodha  • simple:User:Purodha  • sk:Redaktor:Purodha  • sl:Uporabnik:Purodha  • sm:User:Purodha  • sn:User:Purodha  • so:User:Purodha  • sq:Përdoruesi:Purodha  • sr:Корисник:Purodha  • ss:User:Purodha  • st:User:Purodha  • su:Pamaké:Purodha  • sv:Användare:Purodha  • sw:User:Purodha  • ta:பயனர்:Purodha  • te:సభ్యుడు:Purodha  • tet:User:Purodha  • tg:Корбар:Purodha  • th:ผู้ใช้:Purodha  • ti:User:Purodha  • tk:User:Purodha  • tl:User:Purodha  • tlh:User:Purodha  • tn:User:Purodha  • to:User:Purodha  • tokipona:User:Purodha  • tpi:User:Purodha  • tr:Kullanıcı:Purodha  • ts:User:Purodha  • tt:Äğzä:Purodha  • tum:User:Purodha  • tw:User:Purodha  • ty:Utilisateur:Purodha  • udm:Викиавтор:Purodha  • ug:User:Purodha  • uk:Користувач:Purodha  • ur:صارف:Purodha  • uz:Foydalanuvchi:Purodha  • ve:User:Purodha  • vec:Utente:Purodha  • vi:Thành viên:Purodha  • vls:User:Purodha  • vo:Geban:Purodha  • wa:Uzeu:Purodha  • war:User:Purodha  • wo:User:Purodha  • wuu:User:Purodha  • xal:Орлцач:Purodha  • xh:User:Purodha  • yi:באַניצער:Purodha  • yo:User:Purodha  • za:User:Purodha  • zea:User:Purodha  • zh:User:Purodha  • zh-classical:User:Purodha  • zh-min-nan:User:Purodha  • zh-tw:User:Purodha  • zh-yue:User:Purodha  • zu:User:Purodha  

• species:User:Purodha  

• wikt:bs:Korisnik:Purodha  • wikt:de:Benutzer:Purodha  • wikt:en:User:Purodha  • wikt:la:Usor:Purodha  • wikt:yi:באַניצער:Purodha  

• q:de:Benutzer:Purodha  

• s:User:Purodha  

• b:en:User:Purodha  

• v:beta:User:Purodha  • v:de:User:Purodha  • v:en:User:Purodha  


aa :User:Purodhaab :User:Purodhaaf :User:Purodhaak :User:Purodhaals:User:Purodhaam :User:Purodhaan :User:Purodhaang:User:Purodhaar :User:Purodhaarc:User:Purodhaas :User:Purodhaast:User:Purodhaav :User:Purodhaay :User:Purodhaaz :User:Purodhaba :User:Purodhabar:User:Purodhabat-smg:User:Purodhabe :User:Purodhabe-tarask:User:Purodhabe-x-old:User:Purodhabg :User:Purodhabh :User:Purodhabi :User:Purodhabm :User:Purodhabn :User:Purodhabo :User:Purodhabpy:User:Purodhabr :User:Purodhabs :User:Purodhabug:User:Purodhabxr:User:Purodhaca :User:Purodhacbk-zam:User:Purodhacdo:User:Purodhace :User:Purodhaceb:User:Purodhach :User:Purodhacho:User:Purodhachr:User:Purodhachy:User:Purodhaco :User:Purodhacr :User:Purodhacs :User:Purodhacsb:User:Purodhacu :User:Purodhacv :User:Purodhacy :User:Purodhada :User:Purodhade :User:Purodhadiq:User:Purodhadv :User:Purodhadz :User:Purodhaee :User:Purodhael :User:Purodhaeml:User:Purodhaen :User:Purodhaeo :User:Purodhaes :User:Purodhaet :User:Purodhaeu :User:Purodhafa :User:Purodhaff :User:Purodhafi :User:Purodhafiu-vro:User:Purodhafj :User:Purodhafo :User:Purodhafr :User:Purodhafrp:User:Purodhafur:User:Purodhafy :User:Purodhaga :User:Purodhagd :User:Purodhagl :User:Purodhaglk:User:Purodhagn :User:Purodhagot:User:Purodhagsw:User:Purodhagu :User:Purodhagv :User:Purodhaha :User:Purodhahak:User:Purodhahaw:User:Purodhahe :User:Purodhahi :User:Purodhaho :User:Purodhahr :User:Purodhahsb:User:Purodhaht :User:Purodhahu :User:Purodhahy :User:Purodhahz :User:Purodhaia :User:Purodhaid :User:Purodhaie :User:Purodhaig :User:Purodhaii :User:Purodhaik :User:Purodhailo:User:Purodhaio :User:Purodhais :User:Purodhait :User:Purodhaiu :User:Purodhaja :User:Purodhajbo:User:Purodhajv :User:Purodhaka :User:Purodhakab:User:Purodhakg :User:Purodhaki :User:Purodhakj :User:Purodhakk :User:Purodhakl :User:Purodhakm :User:Purodhakn :User:Purodhako :User:Purodhakr :User:Purodhaks :User:Purodhaksh:User:Purodhaku :User:Purodhakv :User:Purodhakw :User:Purodhaky :User:Purodhala :Usor:Purodhalad:User:Purodhalb :User:Purodhalbe:User:Purodhalg :User:Purodhali :User:Purodhalij:User:Purodhalmo:User:Purodhaln :User:Purodhalo :User:Purodhalt :User:Purodhalv :User:Purodhamap-bms:User:Purodhamg :User:Purodhamh :User:Purodhami :User:Purodhamk :User:Purodhaml :User:Purodhamn :User:Purodhamo :User:Purodhamr :User:Purodhams :User:Purodhamt :User:Purodhamus:User:Purodhamy :User:Purodhamzn:User:Purodhana :User:Purodhanah:User:Purodhanan:User:Purodhanap:User:Purodhands:User:Purodhands-nl:User:Purodhane :User:Purodhanew:User:Purodhang :User:Purodhanl :User:Purodhann :User:Purodhano :User:Purodhanov:User:Purodhanrm:User:Purodhanv :User:Purodhany :User:Purodhaoc :User:Purodhaom :User:Purodhaor :User:Purodhaos :User:Purodhapa :User:Purodhapag:User:Purodhapam:User:Purodhapap:User:Purodhapdc:User:Purodhapi :User:Purodhapih:User:Purodhapl :User:Purodhapms:User:Purodhaps :User:Purodhapt :User:Purodhaqu :User:Purodharm :User:Purodharmy:User:Purodharn :User:Purodharo :User:Purodharoa-rup:User:Purodharoa-tara:User:Purodharu :User:Purodharu-sib:User:Purodharw :User:Purodhasa :User:Purodhasc :User:Purodhascn:User:Purodhasco:User:Purodhasd :User:Purodhase :User:Purodhasg :User:Purodhash :User:Purodhasi :User:Purodhasimple:User:Purodhask :User:Purodhasl :User:Purodhasm :User:Purodhasn :User:Purodhaso :User:Purodhasq :User:Purodhasr :User:Purodhass :User:Purodhast :User:Purodhasu :User:Purodhasv :User:Purodhasw :User:Purodhata :User:Purodhate :User:Purodhatet:User:Purodhatg :User:Purodhath :User:Purodhati :User:Purodhatk :User:Purodhatl :User:Purodhatlh:User:Purodhatn :User:Purodhato :User:Purodhatokipona:User:Purodhatpi:User:Purodhatr :User:Purodhats :User:Purodhatt :User:Purodhatum:User:Purodhatw :User:Purodhaty :User:Purodhaudm:User:Purodhaug :User:Purodhauk :User:Purodhaur :User:Purodhauz :User:Purodhave :User:Purodhavec:User:Purodhavi :User:Purodhavls:User:Purodhavo :User:Purodhawa :User:Purodhawar:User:Purodhawo :User:Purodhawuu:User:Purodhaxal:User:Purodhaxh :User:Purodhayi :User:Purodhayo :User:Purodhayue:User:Purodhaza :User:Purodhazea:User:Purodhazh :User:Purodhazh-classical:User:Purodhazh-min-nan:User:Purodhazh-tw:User:Purodhazh-yue:User:Purodhazu :User:Purodha

  • Purodha/
  • Purodha/Edit War in the Ripuarian Wikipedia
  • Purodha/Is writing Wikipedia journalism?
  • Purodha/Maintaining privacy in an open community project.
  • Purodha/MediaWiki interface translations.
  • Purodha/Multilinguality
  • Purodha/Multilinguality/
  • Purodha/Multilinguality/de
  • Purodha/Suggestions for Wikis hosting several Dialects.
  • Purodha/Template:TR
  • Purodha/Template:TR/Architecture
  • Purodha/Template:TR/CREDIT
  • Purodha/Template:TR/Latest
  • Purodha/Template:TR/The
  • Purodha/Template:TR/You
  • Purodha/Template:TR/lang
  • Purodha/Template:TR/new
  • Purodha/Template:TR/tech
  • Purodha/bug 19910
  • Purodha/bug 20050
  • Purodha/npov
  • Purodhacongo