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The Simple English Wikipedia has an article on:
black is on the Basic English 850 List.
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black is one of the 1000 most common headwords.
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Pronunciation change

Noun change



Famous blacks.
A black cat.
  1. The darkest color; with no light; the color of the sky at night.
    He stood alone in the black of the night.
  2. (countable), (usually plural), (potentially offensive in modern day) Blacks are people of a race with dark coloured skin.
    There were many whites, some blacks and native Americans, and a few Asians.
  3. (singular) If a company is in the black, it is making a profit. (opposite = in the red)
    It took a year for the restaurant to get in the black.

Antonyms change

Related words change

Common colors (edit)

white - silver - grey - black - brown - red - orange - gold - yellow - olive - green - cyan - blue - indigo - violet - purple - magenta - pink

Adjective change




  1. colored black
    The black dog was the color of night.
  2. If someone is black, they belong to a race with dark-coloured skin.
    It's still difficult for a black person to become a manager.
    About 30 percent of Southfield's 80,000 citizens are black.
  3. (usually before a noun) About a race with dark-coloured skin.
    More and more universities are offering courses in black history.
  4. (usually before a noun) Black coffee or tea has no milk in it.
  5. If something is black, it is very bad.
    The day the war started was a black day in history.

Antonyms change

Related words change

Verb change

Plain form

Third-person singular

Past tense

Past participle

Present participle

  1. (transitive) If you black something, you color it black.
    He blacked his boots before the party.
    They blacked out the windows so the light would not be seen outside.
    A number of lines in the report were blacked out.
  2. (intransitive) If you black out, you stop seeing and hearing everything around you and you fall down.
    After his tenth beer, he blacked out and we couldn't wake him up.

Synonyms change

Related words and phrases change

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