ال 9982هو عدد المصطلحات هذه الصفحات حتى تاريخ database dump.

# • Am AnBm BnCm CnDmDn • E • F • G • H • I • J • K • L • Mm MnNmNn • O • Pm Pn • Q • Rm RnSm SnTm Tn • U • V • W • X • Y • Z

[[../a1#a|a]] [[../a1#aa|aa]] [[../a1#ab|ab]] [[../a1#ac|ac]] [[../a1#ad|ad]] [[../a1#ae|ae]] [[../a1#af|af]] [[../a1#ag|ag]] [[../a1#ah|ah]] [[../a1#ai|ai]] [[../a1#aj|aj]] [[../a1#ak|ak]] [[../a1#al|al]] [[../a1#am|am]] an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az


  1. -an suffix
  2. a(n) article
  3. an conj n prep
  4. an- prefix
  5. an' contraction
  6. AN n
  7. -ana suffix
  8. ana n adv
  9. ana- prefix
  10. ANA init
  11. Anabaptism n
  12. anabaptist n
  13. Anabaptist n
  14. Anabaptistry n
  15. anabaptize v
  16. anabasine n
  17. anabasis n
  18. anabasius n
  19. anabatic adj
  20. anabatic wind n
  21. Anabel proper
  22. anabiosis n
  23. anabolic adj n
  24. anabolic steroid n
  25. anabolism n
  26. anabranch n
  27. anabranching adj
  28. anacamptics n
  29. anacanthous adj
  30. anacardiaceous adj
  31. anacardic acid n
  32. anacathartic n
  33. anacharis n
  34. anachitis n
  35. anachoretic adj
  36. anachronic adj
  37. anachronical adj
  38. anachronism n
  39. anachronistic adj
  40. anachronistical adj
  41. anachronistically adv
  42. anachronize v
  43. anachronous adj
  44. anaclasis n
  45. anaclastic adj
  46. anaclastics n
  47. anaclitic adj
  48. anaclitism n
  49. anacoenosis n
  50. anacoloutha n
  51. anacolouthon n
  52. anacolpate adj
  53. anacoluthia n
  54. anacoluthic adj
  55. anacoluthon n
  56. anaconda n
  57. anacoustic adj
  58. Anacreon proper
  59. anacreontic adj n
  60. anacrogynous adj
  61. anacronym n
  62. anacrotism n
  63. anacrusic adj
  64. anacrusis n
  65. anacusis n
  66. anacyclic adj
  67. anacyclosis n
  68. anadem n
  69. anadiplosis n
  70. anadiplotic adj
  71. anadrom n
  72. anadrome n
  73. anadromous adj
  74. anadromus adj
  75. anadromy n
  76. Anadyr proper
  77. -anae suffix
  78. anaerobe n
  79. anaerobic adj
  80. anaerobically adv
  81. anaerobicidal adj
  82. anaerobicide n
  83. anaerobiosis n
  84. anaesthesia n
  85. anaesthesiology n
  86. anaesthete n
  87. anaesthetic adj n
  88. anaesthetical adj
  89. anaesthetician n
  90. anaesthetise v
  91. anaesthetist n
  92. anaesthetization n
  93. anagen n
  94. anagenesis n
  95. anagetic adj
  96. anagind n
  97. anaglyph n
  98. anaglyphic adj
  99. anaglypta n
  100. anaglyptic adj
  101. anaglyptics n
  102. anaglyptograph n
  103. anaglyptographic adj
  104. anaglyptography n
  105. anagnorisis n
  106. anagoge n
  107. anagogic adj
  108. anagogical adj
  109. anagogically adv
  110. anagogics n
  111. anagogy n
  112. anagram n v
  113. anagram dictionary n
  114. anagrammatic adj
  115. anagrammatically adv
  116. anagrammatise v
  117. anagrammatism n
  118. anagrammatist n
  119. anagraph n
  120. anagrelide n
  121. anagrind n
  122. anaheim n
  123. Anaheim proper
  124. Anahit proper
  125. Anahita proper
  126. Anaiah proper
  127. Anakim proper
  128. anal adj n
  129. Anal proper
  130. analagous adj
  131. anal bead n
  132. anal beads n
  133. analcime n
  134. analcite n
  135. anal cleft n
  136. analectic adj
  137. analects n
  138. analemma n
  139. analepses n
  140. analepsis n
  141. analept adj
  142. analeptic adj n
  143. anal fin n
  144. analgesia n
  145. analgesic n adj
  146. analgia n
  147. Analgin proper
  148. anality n
  149. anallagmatic adj
  150. anallantoic adj
  151. analloerotic n
  152. anally adv
  153. anally inflicted death sentence n
  154. analog adj n
  155. analogal adj
  156. analog clock n
  157. analog computer n
  158. analog hole n
  159. analogic adj
  160. analogical adj
  161. analogically adv
  162. analogicalness n
  163. analogist n
  164. analogizable adj
  165. analogization n
  166. analogize v
  167. analogous adj
  168. analogously adv
  169. analogousness n
  170. analog signal n
  171. analog-to-digital converter n
  172. analogue watch n
  173. analog watch n
  174. analogy n
  175. analphabet n
  176. analphabetic adj
  177. analphabetism n
  178. anal pore n
  179. anal retentive adj
  180. anal-retentive adj
  181. anal sex n
  182. anal sphincter n
  183. analvos n
  184. analysand n
  185. analyse v
  186. analysis n
  187. analysis of variance n
  188. analysis paralysis n
  189. analysis situs n
  190. analyst n
  191. analyst programmer n
  192. analyte n
  193. analytic adj
  194. analytical adj
  195. analytical editing n
  196. analytical engine n
  197. analytical entry n
  198. analytically adv
  199. analytic continuation n
  200. analytic function n
  201. analytic geometry n
  202. analyticity n
  203. analytic mechanics n
  204. analytic philosophy n
  205. analytics n
  206. analytic tradecraft n
  207. analyzability n
  208. analyzable adj
  209. analyzation n
  210. analyze v
  211. analyzed adj v
  212. analyzer n
  213. Anambé proper
  214. anammox abbr
  215. anamnesis n
  216. anamnestic adj
  217. Anamnia n
  218. anamniotic adj
  219. anamonic n
  220. anamorph n
  221. anamorphic adj
  222. anamorphism n
  223. anamorphoscope n
  224. anamorphosis n
  225. ananas n
  226. anancy n
  227. Anand proper
  228. Ananda proper
  229. anandamide n
  230. anandite n
  231. anandrous adj
  232. anangeon n
  233. anangular adj
  234. Ananias proper
  235. anankastic adj
  236. ananke n
  237. Anansi proper
  238. anantherous adj
  239. ananthous adj
  240. ananym n
  241. Anapa proper
  242. anapæst n
  243. anapaite n
  244. anapest n
  245. anapestic adj
  246. anapestical adj
  247. anaphase n
  248. anaphase-promoting complex n
  249. anaphasic adj
  250. anaphor n
  251. anaphora n
  252. anaphoresis n
  253. anaphoria n
  254. anaphoric adj
  255. anaphorical adv
  256. anaphorically adv
  257. anaphrodisia n
  258. anaphrodisiac adj n
  259. anaphroditic adj
  260. anaphylactic adj
  261. anaphylactic shock n
  262. anaphylactogen n
  263. anaphylactogenic adj
  264. anaphylactoid adj
  265. anaphylatoxin n
  266. anaphylaxis n
  267. anaplasia n
  268. anaplasic adj
  269. anaplasmosis n
  270. anaplastic adj
  271. anaplasty n
  272. anaplerosis n
  273. anaplerotic adj
  274. anapnograph n
  275. anapnoic adj
  276. anapodeictic adj
  277. anapodoton n
  278. anapole n
  279. anapophysis n
  280. anaporate adj
  281. anapsid n
  282. anaptotic adj
  283. anaptychus n
  284. anaptyxis n
  285. anarch n
  286. anarchal adj
  287. anarchic adj
  288. anarchical adj
  289. anarchically adv
  290. anarchism n
  291. anarchist n adj
  292. anarchistic adj
  293. anarchistically adv
  294. anarchize v
  295. anarcho- prefix
  296. anarcho-capitalism n
  297. anarcho-capitalist adj n
  298. anarcho-punk adj
  299. anarcho-syndicalism n
  300. anarcho-syndicalist adj n
  301. anarchy n
  302. anarchy symbol n
  303. anarthrous adj
  304. anarthrously adv
  305. anarthrousness n
  306. anasarca n
  307. anasarcous adj
  308. Anasazi n proper
  309. Anastacia proper
  310. anastaltic adj
  311. anastasi n
  312. Anastasi proper
  313. Anastasia proper
  314. anastasis n
  315. Anastasius proper
  316. anastatic adj
  317. anastatically adv
  318. anasteemaphilia n
  319. anastigmatic adj
  320. anastomose v adj
  321. anastomosing adj
  322. anastomosis n
  323. anastomotic adj
  324. anastrophe n
  325. anastrophic adj
  326. anastrozole n
  327. anastylosis n
  328. anasyrma n
  329. anatase n
  330. anatectic adj
  331. anatexis n
  332. anathema n
  333. anathematic adj
  334. anathematism n
  335. anathematization n
  336. anathematize v
  337. anathematizer n
  338. anatiferous adj
  339. anatine adj
  340. anation n
  341. anatman n
  342. anatocism n
  343. Anatole proper
  344. Anatoli proper
  345. Anatolia proper
  346. Anatolian adj n
  347. Anatolius proper
  348. anatomic adj
  349. anatomical adj
  350. anatomically adv
  351. anatomical position n
  352. anatomicomedical adj
  353. anatomicopathological adj
  354. anatomicosurgical adj
  355. anatomiless adj
  356. anatomise v
  357. anatomism n
  358. anatomist n
  359. anatomization n
  360. anatomize v
  361. anatomizer n
  362. anatomy n
  363. anatomy of function n
  364. anatopism n
  365. anatoxin n
  366. anatreme adj
  367. anatripsis n
  368. anatropal adj
  369. anatropia n
  370. anatropous adj
  371. anatta n
  372. anatto n
  373. anatumomab mafenatox n
  374. anautogeny n
  375. Anaxagoras proper
  376. Anaxagorean adj
  377. Anaxarchus proper
  378. Anaximander proper
  379. Anaximenes proper
  380. anbury n
  381. ANC init
  382. Áncá proper
  383. AnCC abbr
  384. ANCC init
  385. -ance suffix
  386. ancestor n
  387. ancestorial adj
  388. ancestorially adv
  389. Ancestors Night proper
  390. ancestor worship n
  391. ancestral adj
  392. ancestral chart n
  393. ancestrally adv
  394. ancestress n
  395. ancestrial adj
  396. ancestrix n
  397. ancestry n
  398. anchal n adj
  399. anchimeric adj
  400. anchimeric assistance n
  401. ancho n
  402. anchor n v
  403. anchorable adj
  404. anchorage n
  405. Anchorage proper
  406. anchor baby n
  407. anchor buoy n
  408. anchoress n
  409. anchoretism n
  410. anchorhold n
  411. anchor ice n
  412. anchoring n
  413. anchorite n
  414. anchoritess n
  415. anchoritic adj
  416. anchorless adj
  417. anchorlike adj
  418. anchor line n
  419. anchorman n
  420. anchorperson n
  421. anchor pylon n
  422. anchor's aweigh int
  423. anchorwoman n
  424. anchoveta n
  425. anchovy n
  426. anchovylike adj
  427. anchovy toast n
  428. anchusa n
  429. anchusin n
  430. anchylotic adj
  431. anciency n
  432. ancien régime n
  433. Ancien Régime proper
  434. ancient adj n
  435. ancient astronaut n
  436. Ancient Church of the East proper
  437. ancient document n
  438. Ancient Egypt proper
  439. Ancient Greece proper
  440. Ancient Greek proper n
  441. ancient history n
  442. anciently adv
  443. Ancient Macedonian proper
  444. ancientness n
  445. ancient pyramid n
  446. Ancient Rome proper
  447. ancientry n
  448. ancients n
  449. ancienty n
  450. ancilla n
  451. ancillary adj n
  452. ancille n
  453. ancillula n
  454. ancipital adj
  455. ancistroid adj
  456. Ancoats proper
  457. ancome n
  458. ancon n
  459. ancona n
  460. Ancona proper
  461. anconad adj
  462. anconal adj
  463. anconeal adj
  464. anconeus n
  465. ancony n
  466. ANCOVA acronym
  467. -ancy suffix
  468. ancylite n
  469. ancylostomiasis n
  470. -and suffix
  471. and conj
  472. and- prefix
  473. AND v
  474. ANDA acronym
  475. Andai proper
  476. and all phrase
  477. and all that phrase
  478. Andalusia proper
  479. Andalusian adj n
  480. Andalusian Arabic proper
  481. andalusite n
  482. Andaman and Nicobar Islands proper
  483. Andamanese proper adj
  484. Andaman Islands proper
  485. Andamans proper
  486. andante n adv adj
  487. andantino adv
  488. and change phrase
  489. and counting phrase
  490. Andean adj n
  491. Andean cat n
  492. Andean flamingo n
  493. Andean tinamou n
  494. Andegerebinha proper
  495. -ander suffix
  496. Anderson proper
  497. andersonite n
  498. Anderton proper
  499. Andes proper
  500. andesine n
  501. andesite n
  502. andesitic adj
  503. and finally n
  504. and his mother phrase
  505. and how phrase
  506. Andhra Pradesh proper
  507. Andi proper
  508. andiron n
  509. Andoa proper
  510. and/or conj
  511. andorite n
  512. Andorra proper
  513. Andorra la Vella proper
  514. Andorran n adj
  515. andouille n
  516. Andover proper
  517. andradite n
  518. andragogy n
  519. Andre proper
  520. André proper
  521. Andrea proper
  522. Andreas proper
  523. andremeyerite n
  524. Andrew proper
  525. Andrews proper
  526. -andrian suffix
  527. Andrina proper
  528. andro n
  529. andro- prefix
  530. androcentric adj
  531. androcentrism n
  532. androcracy n
  533. andrœcious adj
  534. androecium n
  535. androgen n
  536. androgenemia n
  537. androgenic adj
  538. androgenization n
  539. androgenous adj
  540. androgenously adv
  541. andrographolide n
  542. androgyne n
  543. androgynism n
  544. androgynocentrism n
  545. androgynous adj
  546. androgynously adv
  547. androgynousness n
  548. androgyny n
  549. android n adj
  550. androidlike adj
  551. andrological adj
  552. andrologist n
  553. andrology n
  554. Andromeda proper
  555. Andromeda Galaxy proper
  556. andromonoecious adj
  557. andromonoecy n
  558. andromorphic adj
  559. andromorphically adv
  560. andron n
  561. andronym n
  562. andropause n
  563. androphagous adj
  564. androphagy n
  565. androphile n
  566. androphilia n
  567. androphobia n
  568. androphobic adj
  569. androphore n
  570. Andros proper
  571. androsphinx n
  572. androspore n
  573. androstadienone n
  574. androstane n
  575. androstenedione n
  576. androstenol n
  577. androstenone n
  578. androsterone n
  579. androtomy n
  580. -androus suffix
  581. -andry suffix
  582. and shit phrase
  583. and so forth phrase
  584. and so on phrase
  585. and that phrase
  586. and the horse you rode in on phrase
  587. and the like phrase
  588. and then some phrase
  589. anduoite n
  590. and whatnot phrase
  591. Andy proper
  592. and your little dog too phrase
  593. andyrobertsite n
  594. -ane suffix
  595. anear prep v
  596. anecdata n
  597. anecdotage n
  598. anecdotal adj
  599. anecdotal evidence n
  600. anecdotalism n
  601. anecdotally adv
  602. anecdote n
  603. anecdotic adj
  604. anecdotist n
  605. anecdotive adj
  606. anechoic adj
  607. anecic adj
  608. anecophyte n
  609. anectodical adj
  610. anegre n
  611. Aneityum proper
  612. añejo n
  613. anekantavada n
  614. anelace n
  615. anelastic adj
  616. anele v
  617. anelectric adj n
  618. anelectrode n
  619. anelectrotonus n
  620. anellarioid adj
  621. anembryonic adj
  622. anembryonic pregnancy n
  623. Aneme Wake proper
  624. anemia n
  625. anemic adj
  626. anemically adv
  627. anemious adj
  628. anemochore n
  629. anemochorous adj
  630. anemochory n
  631. anemogram n
  632. anemograph n
  633. anemographic adj
  634. anemography n
  635. anemology n
  636. anemometer n
  637. anemometrograph n
  638. anemometry n
  639. anemone n
  640. anemonefish n
  641. anemonic acid n
  642. anemonin n
  643. anemophilous adj
  644. anemophily n
  645. anemophyte n
  646. anemorumbometer n
  647. anemoscope n
  648. anemoscopy n
  649. anemosis n
  650. anencephalic adj
  651. anencephaly n
  652. anend adv int
  653. anent prep
  654. anenterous adj
  655. aneolithic n
  656. -aneous suffix
  657. anephric adj
  658. anepigraphic adj
  659. anergic adj
  660. anergized adj
  661. anergy n
  662. Anerley proper
  663. aneroid adj n
  664. aneroid barometer n
  665. anesis n
  666. anesthesia n
  667. anesthesiologic adj
  668. anesthesiological adj
  669. anesthesiologist n
  670. anesthetic adj n
  671. anesthetically adv
  672. anesthetist n
  673. anesthetization n
  674. anesthetize v
  675. anesthetized adj
  676. anesthetizer n
  677. anestrus n
  678. anethole n
  679. anetic adj
  680. anetoderma n
  681. aneuploid adj n
  682. aneuploidy n
  683. aneural adj
  684. aneurysm n
  685. aneurysmal adj
  686. aneurysmally adv
  687. aneurysmatic adj
  688. anew adv
  689. Anfield proper
  690. ANFO acronym
  691. anfractuosity n
  692. anfractuous adj
  693. anfractuousness n
  694. anfracture n
  695. ANG init
  696. Angaataha proper
  697. angakkuq n
  698. Angami proper
  699. Angara proper
  700. angariation n
  701. angary n
  702. Angas proper
  703. Ange proper
  704. angekok n
  705. angel n v
  706. Angel proper
  707. Angela proper
  708. angelage n
  709. angelaite n
  710. angel cake n
  711. angeldom n
  712. angel dust n
  713. angelellite n
  714. Angeleno n
  715. angelfish n
  716. angel hair n
  717. angelhood n
  718. angelic adj
  719. angelica n
  720. Angelica proper
  721. angelic acid n
  722. angelical adj
  723. angelically adv
  724. angelicalness n
  725. angelicin n
  726. angelicness n
  727. angelic non-determinism n
  728. angelify v
  729. Angelina proper
  730. Angeline proper
  731. angelino n
  732. angel investor n
  733. Angelique proper
  734. angelize v
  735. angelless adj
  736. angellike adj
  737. angel lust n
  738. Angelman syndrome n
  739. Angelo proper
  740. angel of death n
  741. angel of mercy n
  742. angelolatry n
  743. angelologist n
  744. angelology n
  745. angelonia n
  746. angelophany n
  747. angel passes phrase
  748. angel's advocate n
  749. angels dancing on the head of a pin n
  750. angel's dram n
  751. Angelsey proper
  752. angel shark n
  753. angel's trumpet n
  754. Angelus proper
  755. angelus bell n
  756. Angelverse proper
  757. angelwing n
  758. anger n v
  759. angerful adj
  760. angeringly adv
  761. angerless adj
  762. angerlike adj
  763. angerly adv
  764. anger management n
  765. angerness n
  766. Angers proper
  767. Angerton proper
  768. Angevin adj n
  769. Angheluta proper
  770. Angie proper
  771. angienchyma n
  772. angiitis n
  773. Angika proper
  774. angina n
  775. anginal adj
  776. anginalike adj
  777. angina pectoris n
  778. anginiform adj
  779. anginous adj
  780. angio- prefix
  781. angioblast n
  782. angioblastoma n
  783. angiocardiographic adj
  784. angiocardiography n
  785. angiocarpian adj
  786. angiocarpous adj
  787. angioedema n
  788. angioendotheliomatosis n
  789. angiofibroma n
  790. angiogenesis n
  791. angiogenic adj
  792. angiogenin n
  793. angiogram n
  794. angiograph n
  795. angiographic adj
  796. angiographically adv
  797. angiography n
  798. angioid adj
  799. angiokeratoma
  800. angioleiomyoma n
  801. angiolipoleiomyoma n
  802. angiology n
  803. angiolytic adj
  804. angioma n
  805. angiomatosis n
  806. angiomyogenesis n
  807. angiomyolipoma n
  808. angioneurotic adj
  809. angiopathic adj
  810. angiopathy n
  811. angioplasty n
  812. angiopoiesis n
  813. angiopoietin n
  814. angiosarcoma n
  815. angioscope n
  816. angiosperm n adj
  817. angiospermous adj
  818. angiosporous adj
  819. angiostasis n
  820. angiostatic adj
  821. angiostatin n
  822. angiotensin n
  823. angiotensinase n
  824. angiotensin converting enzyme n
  825. angiotensinogen n
  826. angiotensinogenase n
  827. angiotomy n
  828. angiya n
  829. Angkor Wat proper
  830. -angle suffix
  831. angle n v
  832. Angle n
  833. angleberry n
  834. angle bisector n
  835. angle bracket n
  836. angledozer n
  837. angle for v
  838. angle for farthings v
  839. angle grinder n
  840. angle iron n
  841. angleless adj
  842. anglemeter n
  843. angle of attack n
  844. angle of incidence n
  845. angle of reflection n
  846. angle of refraction n
  847. angle quote n
  848. angler n
  849. anglerfish n
  850. Anglesey proper
  851. anglesite n
  852. anglewise adv
  853. anglewitch n
  854. angleworm n
  855. Anglezarke proper
  856. Anglia proper
  857. Anglian adj n proper
  858. Anglic adj
  859. Anglican adj n
  860. Anglican Church proper
  861. Anglican Communion proper
  862. Anglican Community proper
  863. Anglicanism n
  864. anglicisation n
  865. anglicise v
  866. anglicised adj
  867. anglicism n
  868. Anglicist n
  869. Anglicity n
  870. anglicized adj
  871. Anglify v
  872. angling n
  873. anglo n
  874. Anglo- prefix
  875. Anglo-American adj n
  876. Anglo-Catholic n
  877. Anglo-Celtic Isles proper
  878. Anglocentric adj
  879. Anglocentrically adv
  880. Anglocentrism n
  881. Anglodom n
  882. Anglo-French adj proper
  883. Anglo-Frisian proper
  884. Anglo-Indian n adj
  885. Anglo-Latin proper
  886. Anglomania n
  887. Anglomaniac n
  888. Anglo-Norman adj n proper
  889. Anglophile n
  890. Anglophilia n
  891. Anglophilic adj
  892. Anglophobe n
  893. Anglophobia n
  894. Anglophone adj n
  895. Angloromani proper
  896. Anglo-Saxon proper n adj
  897. Anglo-Saxon America proper
  898. Anglo-Saxondom n
  899. Anglosphere proper
  900. ang moh n
  901. Angola proper
  902. Angolan adj n
  903. angolar n
  904. angon n
  905. Angor proper
  906. angora n
  907. angor animi n
  908. angoricity n
  909. angostura n
  910. Angostura proper
  911. Angra Mainyu proper
  912. Angrapa proper
  913. Angrez n
  914. Angries n
  915. angrily adv
  916. angrite n
  917. angritic adj
  918. Angromainyus proper
  919. angry adj
  920. angry fruit salad n
  921. angryphone n
  922. Angry Young Man n
  923. angst n v
  924. angst bunny n
  925. angst-ridden adj
  926. angstrom n
  927. angsty adj
  928. anguiform adj
  929. Anguilla proper
  930. Anguillan n adj
  931. anguilliform adj
  932. anguimorph n
  933. anguine adj
  934. anguineal adj
  935. anguineous adj
  936. anguinine adj
  937. anguinous adj
  938. anguish n v
  939. anguished adj
  940. anguishedly adv
  941. anguishly adv
  942. angulaperturate adj
  943. -angular suffix
  944. angular adj n
  945. angular acceleration n
  946. angular frequency n
  947. angularity n
  948. angularly adv
  949. angular mil n
  950. angular momentum n
  951. angularness n
  952. angular-nodulose adj
  953. angular-tubercate adj
  954. angular velocity n
  955. angulate adj v
  956. angulation n
  957. angulometer n
  958. angulosity n
  959. angulous adj
  960. Angus proper
  961. angust adj
  962. angustation n
  963. angustifoliate adj
  964. angustimurate adj
  965. angwantibo n
  966. anharmonic adj
  967. anharmonicity n
  968. anhedonia n
  969. anhedonic adj
  970. anhedral adj n
  971. anhelation n
  972. anhelous adj
  973. anhemitonic adj
  974. anhemitonic pentatonic scale n
  975. anhepatic adj
  976. anhidrosis n
  977. anhidrotic adj n
  978. anhima n
  979. anhinga n
  980. anhistous adj
  981. anholonomic adj
  982. anhomomorphic adj
  983. Anhui proper
  984. anhungered adj
  985. anhungry adj
  986. anhydrase n
  987. anhydride n
  988. anhydrite n
  989. anhydrobiosis n
  990. anhydrobiotic adj
  991. anhydroecgonine n
  992. anhydrosugar n
  993. anhydrotetracycline n
  994. anhydrous adj
  995. anhydrovinblastine n
  996. anhygroscopic adj
  997. anhypostasis n
  998. anhysteretic adj
  999. ani n
  1000. ANI acronym
  1001. Anicha proper
  1002. aniconic adj
  1003. aniconism n
  1004. anicteric adj
  1005. ani-deshi n
  1006. anidiomatical adj
  1007. anidulafungin n
  1008. anigh adv prep
  1009. anigif n
  1010. anigre n
  1011. anil n
  1012. anilazine n
  1013. anile adj
  1014. anileness n
  1015. anileridine n
  1016. anilic acid n
  1017. anilide n
  1018. anilido n
  1019. anililagnia n
  1020. anilinction n
  1021. aniline n
  1022. aniline green n
  1023. anilingus n
  1024. anilinium n
  1025. anilite n
  1026. anility n
  1027. anilox n
  1028. anima n
  1029. animable adj
  1030. animacy n
  1031. animadversion n
  1032. animadversive adj
  1033. animadvert v
  1034. animadverter n
  1035. animal n adj
  1036. animalcule n
  1037. animalculism n
  1038. animalculist n
  1039. animalculum n
  1040. animal dentistry n
  1041. animal fat n
  1042. animal food n
  1043. animal fries n
  1044. animalic adj
  1045. animalish adj
  1046. animalism n
  1047. animalist n
  1048. animalistic adj
  1049. animality n
  1050. animalization n
  1051. animalize v
  1052. animal kingdom n
  1053. animal-like adj
  1054. animally adv
  1055. animal magnetism n
  1056. animalness n
  1057. animal pole n
  1058. animal product n
  1059. animal rights n
  1060. animal shelter n
  1061. animal spirits n
  1062. animal testing n
  1063. animal welfare n
  1064. animanga n
  1065. animastic adj
  1066. animat n
  1067. animate adj v
  1068. animated adj
  1069. animated cartoon n
  1070. animatedly adv
  1071. animately adv
  1072. animateness n
  1073. animatic n
  1074. animatingly adv
  1075. animation n
  1076. animatism n
  1077. animative adj
  1078. animator n
  1079. animatronic adj
  1080. animatronics n
  1081. anime n
  1082. animelles n
  1083. Animesh proper
  1084. animesque adj
  1085. animeverse n proper
  1086. animism n
  1087. animist n
  1088. animistic adj
  1089. animistically adv
  1090. animose adj
  1091. animoseness n
  1092. animosity n
  1093. animus n
  1094. aningre n
  1095. anion n
  1096. anionic adj n
  1097. anionically adv
  1098. anionic detergent n
  1099. anionotropic adj
  1100. anionotropy n
  1101. aniracetam n
  1102. Anirban proper
  1103. aniridia n
  1104. aniridia-Wilms' tumor syndrome n
  1105. Anirvan proper
  1106. anisakiasis n
  1107. anisaldehyde n
  1108. anise n
  1109. aniseed n
  1110. aniseedy adj
  1111. aniseikonia n
  1112. anisette n
  1113. anisic adj
  1114. anisic acid n
  1115. anisidine n
  1116. anismus n
  1117. aniso- prefix
  1118. anisocytosis n
  1119. anisodactylous adj
  1120. anisodiametric adj
  1121. anisogamous adj
  1122. anisogamy n
  1123. anisole n
  1124. anisomeric adj
  1125. anisomerous adj
  1126. anisometric adj
  1127. anisometropia n
  1128. anisomorphism n
  1129. anisomycin n
  1130. anisonogamist n
  1131. anisopetalous adj
  1132. anisophyllous adj
  1133. anisophylly n
  1134. anisoplanatism n
  1135. anisostemonous adj
  1136. anisothermal adj
  1137. anisotopic adj
  1138. anisotropic adj
  1139. anisotropically adv
  1140. anisotropicity n
  1141. anisotropy n
  1142. anisotropy energy n
  1143. anisoyl n
  1144. anisyl n
  1145. Anita proper
  1146. Anjou proper
  1147. Anjouan adj proper
  1148. ankangite n
  1149. Ankara proper
  1150. Ankave proper
  1151. anker n
  1152. ankerite n
  1153. ankh n
  1154. ankinovichite n
  1155. Ankit proper
  1156. ankle n v
  1157. ankle-biter n
  1158. anklebone n
  1159. ankled adj
  1160. ankleless adj
  1161. ankle lock n
  1162. anklelock n
  1163. ankle slapper n
  1164. anklet n
  1165. Ankou proper
  1166. ankus n
  1167. ankyloglossia n
  1168. ankylography n
  1169. ankylosaur n
  1170. ankylosaurid n
  1171. ankylosaurus n
  1172. ankylose v
  1173. ankylosed adj
  1174. ankylosing spondylitis n
  1175. ankylosis n
  1176. ankylotic adj
  1177. ankyrin n
  1178. anlaut n
  1179. Anmol proper
  1180. Ann proper abbr
  1181. ANN init
  1182. anna n
  1183. Anna proper
  1184. Annabel proper
  1185. Annabella proper
  1186. Annabelle proper
  1187. annabergite n
  1188. Annabeth proper
  1189. annal n
  1190. Annalise proper
  1191. annalist n
  1192. annalistic adj
  1193. annalize v
  1194. annalled adj
  1195. annals n
  1196. Annam proper
  1197. Annamese proper adj
  1198. Annamite proper n
  1199. annamox abbr
  1200. annamycin n
  1201. Annapolis proper
  1202. annate n
  1203. annatto n
  1204. Anne proper
  1205. anneal v
  1206. annealable adj
  1207. annealer n
  1208. annealing n
  1209. annectant adj
  1210. annelated adj
  1211. annelation n
  1212. annelid n adj
  1213. annelidan adj
  1214. annelidous adj
  1215. Annella proper
  1216. annellation n
  1217. anneloid n
  1218. Anne Marie proper
  1219. annepressin n
  1220. annetocin n
  1221. Annette proper
  1222. annex n v
  1223. annexable adj
  1224. annexation n
  1225. annexational adj
  1226. annexationist n
  1227. annexer n
  1228. annexin n
  1229. annexion n
  1230. annexionist n
  1231. annexment n
  1232. annexure n
  1233. annidation n
  1234. Annie proper
  1235. annihilable adj
  1236. annihilate v
  1237. annihilation n
  1238. annihilationism n
  1239. annihilationist n
  1240. annihilative adj
  1241. annihilator n
  1242. annihilatory adj
  1243. annis Domini adv
  1244. annite n
  1245. anniversal adj
  1246. anniversarily adv
  1247. anniversary n
  1248. annodated adj
  1249. anno domini adv
  1250. anno Domini adv
  1251. Anno Domini adv
  1252. annoint v
  1253. anno mundi adj
  1254. Annona proper
  1255. annonacin n
  1256. annonin n
  1257. annosity n
  1258. annotate v
  1259. annotated bibliography n
  1260. annotation n
  1261. annotationist n
  1262. annotative adj
  1263. annotatively adv
  1264. annotativeness n
  1265. annotator n
  1266. annotatory adj
  1267. annotatrix n
  1268. annotinous adj
  1269. announce v
  1270. announcedly adv
  1271. announcement n
  1272. announcer n
  1273. annoy v n
  1274. annoyance n
  1275. annoybot n
  1276. annoyed adj
  1277. annoyer n
  1278. annoyful adj
  1279. annoying adj
  1280. annoyingly adv
  1281. annoyingness n
  1282. annoyous adj
  1283. annoyware n
  1284. annual adj n
  1285. annualise v
  1286. annualist n
  1287. annualization n
  1288. annualize v
  1289. annual leave n
  1290. annually adv
  1291. annual report n
  1292. annual ring n
  1293. annuary adj n
  1294. annueler n
  1295. annuitant n
  1296. annuity n
  1297. annul v
  1298. annular adj
  1299. annular eclipse n
  1300. annularity n
  1301. annularly adv
  1302. annulary adj
  1303. annular zone n
  1304. annulate adj
  1305. annulated adj
  1306. annulation n
  1307. annulene n
  1308. annulenylidene n
  1309. annuler n
  1310. annulet n
  1311. annullable adj
  1312. annullation n
  1313. annuller n
  1314. annulment n
  1315. annuloid adj
  1316. annuloplasty n
  1317. annulosan n
  1318. annulose adj
  1319. annulus n
  1320. annumeration n
  1321. annunciable adj
  1322. annunciate v
  1323. annunciation n
  1324. Annunciation proper
  1325. annunciative adj
  1326. annunciator n
  1327. annunciatory adj
  1328. annus horribilis n
  1329. annus mirabilis n
  1330. anoa n
  1331. anocratic adj
  1332. anoctamin n
  1333. anoda determiner
  1334. anodal adj
  1335. anodally adv
  1336. anode n
  1337. anodic adj
  1338. anodically adv
  1339. anodise v
  1340. anodization n
  1341. anodize v
  1342. anodized adj
  1343. anodyne adj n
  1344. anodynia n
  1345. anodynic adj
  1346. anoesis n
  1347. anogenital adj
  1348. anoia n
  1349. anoikic adj
  1350. anoikis n
  1351. anoil v
  1352. anoint v
  1353. anointed n
  1354. anointer n
  1355. Anointing of the Sick proper
  1356. anointment n
  1357. anole n
  1358. anomalism n
  1359. anomalistic adj
  1360. anomalistically adv
  1361. anomalistic year n
  1362. anomalocaridid n
  1363. anomalous adj
  1364. anomalously adv
  1365. anomalousness n
  1366. anomalous phenomenon n
  1367. anomaly n
  1368. anomer n
  1369. anomeric adj
  1370. anomia n
  1371. anomic adj
  1372. anomie n
  1373. anomotreme adj
  1374. anomuran n
  1375. anon adv n adj
  1376. Anon proper
  1377. anonaceous adj
  1378. anonym n
  1379. anonymal adj
  1380. anonymise v
  1381. anonymity n
  1382. anonymization n
  1383. anonymize v
  1384. anonymizer n
  1385. anonymosity n
  1386. anonymous adj
  1387. anonymouse n
  1388. anonymously adv
  1389. anonymousness n
  1390. anonymous pipe n
  1391. anonymuncule n
  1392. anoopsia n
  1393. anopheles n
  1394. anophelicide n
  1395. anopheline adj
  1396. anophthalmia n
  1397. anophyte n
  1398. anopia n
  1399. anopsia n
  1400. anorak n
  1401. anoraked adj
  1402. anorakish adj
  1403. anorchid adj
  1404. anorectal adj
  1405. anorectic adj n
  1406. anorectically adv
  1407. anorexia n
  1408. anorexia nervosa n
  1409. anorexiant n
  1410. anorexic adj n
  1411. anorexically adv
  1412. anorexigenic adj n
  1413. anorgasmia n
  1414. anorgasmic adj
  1415. anorthic adj
  1416. anorthite n
  1417. anorthoclase n
  1418. anorthominasragrite n
  1419. anorthopia n
  1420. anorthoscope n
  1421. anorthoscopic adj
  1422. anorthoscopic perception n
  1423. anorthosite n
  1424. anorthositic adj
  1425. anosmia n
  1426. anosmic adj n
  1427. anosognosia n
  1428. anosognosic adj
  1429. another determiner
  1430. another county heard from phrase
  1431. another day, another dollar proverb
  1432. another nail in one's coffin n
  1433. ANOVA acronym
  1434. anovulant n
  1435. anovulation n
  1436. anovulatory adj
  1437. anoxaemia n
  1438. anoxia n
  1439. anoxic adj
  1440. anoxically adv
  1441. anoxybiosis n
  1442. anoxybiotic adj
  1443. anoxygenic adj
  1444. ANPR init
  1445. ans. abbr
  1446. ansa n
  1447. ansa compound n
  1448. ansamycin n
  1449. ansated adj
  1450. ansatz n
  1451. anschauung n
  1452. Anschluss n
  1453. Anselm proper
  1454. Anselmic adj
  1455. anserated adj
  1456. anseriform adj
  1457. anserine adj
  1458. ansermetite n
  1459. anserous adj
  1460. Anshan proper
  1461. Anshar proper
  1462. ANSI acronym
  1463. ansible n
  1464. anslaight n
  1465. Anson proper
  1466. Ansus proper
  1467. answer n v
  1468. answerability n
  1469. answerable adj
  1470. answerableness n
  1471. answerably adv
  1472. answer back v
  1473. answerer n
  1474. answer for v
  1475. answering machine n
  1476. answerless adj
  1477. answer on a postcard n
  1478. answerphone n
  1479. answer print n
  1480. answer the call of nature v
  1481. answer the helm v
  1482. answer to v
  1483. -ant suffix
  1484. an't contraction
  1485. ant n v
  1486. ant- prefix
  1487. Ant proper
  1488. ANT init
  1489. ANTA acronym
  1490. Antabuse proper
  1491. antacid n adj
  1492. antacrid adj
  1493. Antaean adj
  1494. antagomir n
  1495. antagonism n
  1496. antagonist n
  1497. antagonistic adj
  1498. antagonistically adv
  1499. antagonizable adj
  1500. antagonization n
  1501. antagonize v
  1502. antagony n
  1503. Antakarinya proper
  1504. antalgic adj n
  1505. antalkaline adj
  1506. antambulacral adj
  1507. antanaclasis n
  1508. antanagoge n
  1509. Antananarivo proper
  1510. antapex n
  1511. antaphrodisiac adj n
  1512. Antara proper
  1513. antarafacial adj
  1514. antarafacially adv
  1515. antarchist n
  1516. Antarctic adj proper
  1517. Antarctica proper
  1518. Antarctican adj n
  1519. Antarctic Circle proper
  1520. Antarctic convergence n
  1521. antarcticite n
  1522. Antarctic Ocean proper
  1523. Antarctic Peninsula proper
  1524. antarctictite n
  1525. Antarctic Zone proper
  1526. Antares proper
  1527. antarthritic n adj
  1528. antasthmatic adj n
  1529. antazoline n
  1530. ant bear n
  1531. ant beetle n
  1532. antbird n
  1533. antdom n
  1534. ante n v
  1535. ante- prefix
  1536. anteact n
  1537. anteal adj
  1538. anteater n
  1539. anteating adj
  1540. antebellum adj
  1541. antebrachium n
  1542. antecedaneous adj
  1543. antecede v
  1544. antecedence n
  1545. antecedency n
  1546. antecedent adj n
  1547. antecedently adv
  1548. antecedent phrase n
  1549. antecessor n
  1550. antechamber n
  1551. antechapel n
  1552. antechinus n
  1553. antechoir n
  1554. anteclassical adj
  1555. anteclassically adv
  1556. anteclypeus n
  1557. antecommunion n
  1558. antecubital adj
  1559. antedate v
  1560. antediluvial adj
  1561. antediluvian adj n
  1562. antefact n
  1563. antefebrile adj
  1564. antefix n
  1565. anteflexed adj
  1566. anteflexion n
  1567. ant egg n
  1568. antegrade adj
  1569. ante in v
  1570. antejentacular adj
  1571. antelabrum n
  1572. antelope n
  1573. antelopelike adj
  1574. antelucan adj
  1575. antemeridian adj
  1576. ante meridiem adv
  1577. antemortem adj
  1578. antemosaic adj
  1579. antemundane adj
  1580. antemural n
  1581. antenatal adj
  1582. antenatally adv
  1583. ante-Nicene adj
  1584. antenna n
  1585. antennae n
  1586. antennaed adj
  1587. antennal adj
  1588. antennaless adj
  1589. antennalike adj
  1590. antennapedia n
  1591. antennary adj
  1592. antennas n
  1593. antenniferous adj
  1594. antenniform adj
  1595. antennular adj
  1596. antennule n
  1597. antenuptial adj
  1598. anteorbital adj
  1599. antepartum adj
  1600. antepaschal adj
  1601. antepast n
  1602. antependium n
  1603. antepenult n
  1604. antepenultimate adj n
  1605. antepenultimately adv
  1606. antepenultime n
  1607. antepetalous adj
  1608. antephialtic adj
  1609. anteport n
  1610. anteportico n
  1611. anteposition n
  1612. anteprandial adj
  1613. antepredicament n
  1614. antepyretic adj
  1615. anterior adj
  1616. anterior auricular muscle n
  1617. anterior cingulate cortex n
  1618. anteriority n
  1619. anteriorly adv
  1620. anteriorness n
  1621. anterograde adj
  1622. anterograde amnesia n
  1623. anterogradely adv
  1624. anterolateral adj
  1625. anteroom n
  1626. anteroposterior adj
  1627. anteroposteriorly adv
  1628. anteroventral adj
  1629. antesepalous adj
  1630. antessive adj
  1631. antessive case n
  1632. antestomach n
  1633. antetemple n
  1634. ante up v
  1635. anteversion n
  1636. antevert v
  1637. anteverted adj
  1638. antevolate v
  1639. ant farm n
  1640. -anth suffix
  1641. anthanthrene n
  1642. Anthea proper
  1643. ant-heap n
  1644. anthelion n
  1645. anthelix n
  1646. anthelmint adj
  1647. anthelminthic adj
  1648. anthelmintic adj n
  1649. anthem n
  1650. anthemic adj
  1651. anthemically adv
  1652. anthemion n
  1653. anthemwise adv
  1654. anther n
  1655. anthered adj
  1656. antheridial adj
  1657. antheridium n
  1658. antheriferous adj
  1659. antheriform adj
  1660. antheroid adj
  1661. anthesis n
  1662. ant-hill n
  1663. anthill n
  1664. anthimeria n
  1665. anthocarpous adj
  1666. anthocaulus n
  1667. anthocyanidin n
  1668. anthocyanin n
  1669. anthodium n
  1670. anthography n
  1671. anthoid adj
  1672. anthoinite n
  1673. anthokyan n
  1674. antholite n
  1675. anthological adj
  1676. anthologically adv
  1677. anthologist n
  1678. anthologize v
  1679. anthologizer n
  1680. anthology n
  1681. anthomania n
  1682. anthomaniac n
  1683. Anthony proper
  1684. anthonyite n
  1685. anthood n
  1686. anthophagous adj
  1687. anthophilia n
  1688. anthophilous adj
  1689. anthophobia n
  1690. anthophore n
  1691. anthophyllite n
  1692. anthophyte n
  1693. anthorism n
  1694. anthotaxy n
  1695. anthozoan n
  1696. anthozoic adj
  1697. anthra- prefix
  1698. anthracene n
  1699. anthracenyl n
  1700. anthracic adj
  1701. anthraciferous adj
  1702. anthracite n
  1703. anthracitic adj
  1704. anthracnose n
  1705. anthracoid adj
  1706. anthracometer n
  1707. anthraconite n
  1708. anthracothere n
  1709. anthracycline n
  1710. anthralin n
  1711. anthramycin n
  1712. anthranilate n
  1713. anthranilic adj
  1714. anthranilic acid n
  1715. anthraquinone n
  1716. anthrax n
  1717. anthraxlike adj
  1718. anthraxolite n
  1719. anthro n adj
  1720. anthroconidia n
  1721. anthroconservatism n
  1722. anthrohistory n
  1723. anthrone n
  1724. anthroparchy n
  1725. anthropic adj
  1726. anthropically adv
  1727. anthropic coincidence n
  1728. anthropic principle n
  1729. anthropisation n
  1730. anthropization n
  1731. anthropize v
  1732. anthropo- prefix
  1733. Anthropocene proper
  1734. anthropocentric adj
  1735. anthropocentrism n
  1736. anthropochory n
  1737. anthropod n
  1738. anthropodermic adj
  1739. anthropodicy n
  1740. anthropogenesis n
  1741. anthropogenetics n
  1742. anthropogenic adj
  1743. anthropogenically adv
  1744. anthropogeny n
  1745. anthropoglot n
  1746. anthropoid adj n
  1747. anthropoidal adj
  1748. anthropolatry n
  1749. anthropolite n
  1750. anthropologic adj
  1751. anthropological adj
  1752. anthropologically adv
  1753. anthropologist n
  1754. anthropology n
  1755. anthropomancy n
  1756. anthropometric adj
  1757. anthropometrical adj
  1758. anthropometrically adv
  1759. anthropometry n
  1760. anthropomorphic adj
  1761. anthropomorphically adv
  1762. anthropomorphism n
  1763. anthropomorphist n
  1764. anthropomorphite n
  1765. anthropomorphitic adj
  1766. anthropomorphization n
  1767. anthropomorphize v
  1768. anthropomorphology n
  1769. anthropomorphosis n
  1770. anthropomorphous adj
  1771. anthroponomastics n
  1772. anthroponosis n
  1773. anthroponym n
  1774. anthroponymy n
  1775. anthropopathy n
  1776. anthropophagic adj
  1777. anthropophaginian n
  1778. anthropophagite n
  1779. anthropophagous adj
  1780. anthropophagus n
  1781. anthropophagy n
  1782. anthropophilic adj
  1783. anthropophobia n
  1784. anthropophuism n
  1785. anthropophyte n
  1786. anthropopœia n
  1787. anthropormorphic adj
  1788. Anthropos proper
  1789. anthroposcopy n
  1790. anthroposemiotic adj
  1791. anthroposemiotics n
  1792. anthroposophic adj
  1793. anthroposophy n
  1794. anthroposphere n
  1795. anthropotomical adj
  1796. anthropotomist n
  1797. anthropotomy n
  1798. anthropozoonosis n
  1799. -anthropy suffix
  1800. anthryl n
  1801. anthurium n
  1802. anthypophora n
  1803. anti adj n
  1804. anti- prefix
  1805. anti-abolitionism n
  1806. antiabolitionist n
  1807. antiabortion adj
  1808. antiabortionist n
  1809. antiabuse adj
  1810. antiacademic adj
  1811. antiacetylcholinesterase adj n
  1812. antiacid n
  1813. antiacne adj
  1814. antiaddiction adj
  1815. antiaddictive adj
  1816. antiaditis n
  1817. antiadministration adj
  1818. antiadrenergic adj
  1819. antiadvertising adj
  1820. antiae n
  1821. antiaggregant adj
  1822. antiaggregatory adj
  1823. antiaggression n
  1824. antiaging adj
  1825. antiair adj
  1826. antiaircraft adj n
  1827. antiairport adj
  1828. antialarmist adj n
  1829. antialbumid n
  1830. antialbuminuric adj
  1831. antialcohol adj
  1832. antialcoholism n
  1833. antialgae adj
  1834. antialgal adj
  1835. antialias v
  1836. antialiasing n
  1837. antialien adj
  1838. antialigned adj
  1839. antialigning n
  1840. antiallergenic adj n
  1841. antiallergic adj
  1842. antiallergy adj
  1843. antiallodynic adj
  1844. antiambush adj
  1845. anti-Americanism n
  1846. antiamnesty adj
  1847. antiamoebic adj
  1848. antianalgesia n
  1849. antiandrogen n
  1850. antiandrogenic adj
  1851. antianemia adj
  1852. antianginal n
  1853. antiangiogenesis n
  1854. antiangiogenic adj n
  1855. antianimal adj
  1856. antianorexia adj
  1857. anti-anti-Semitism n
  1858. antianxiety adj
  1859. antiapartheid adj
  1860. antiaphrodisiac n
  1861. antiapoptosis adj
  1862. antiapoptotic adj
  1863. antiar n
  1864. antiarch n
  1865. antiarin n
  1866. antiaristocracy adj
  1867. antiaristocratic adj
  1868. antiarmor adj
  1869. antiarmy adj
  1870. antiaromatic adj
  1871. antiaromaticity n
  1872. antiarrhythmic adj n
  1873. anti-art n
  1874. antiart adj n
  1875. antiarthritis adj
  1876. antiartistic adj
  1877. antiasthma adj
  1878. antiasthmatic adj n
  1879. antiastrology adj
  1880. antiatheist n
  1881. antiatherogenic adj
  1882. antiatherosclerotic adj
  1883. antiatom n
  1884. antiatomic adj
  1885. antiattrition adj
  1886. antiausterity adj
  1887. antiauteurist adj
  1888. antiauthoritarian adj n
  1889. anti-authoritarianism n
  1890. antiauthoritarianism n
  1891. antiauthority adj
  1892. antiautomobile adj
  1893. antiauxin n
  1894. antiavian adj
  1895. anti-avoidance adj
  1896. antibacchius n
  1897. antibacklash adj
  1898. antibacterial adj n
  1899. antibacterially adv
  1900. antiballistic adj
  1901. antiban adj
  1902. antibanking adj
  1903. antibarbarus n
  1904. antibaryon n
  1905. antibaryonic adj
  1906. antibattery adj
  1907. antibeauty adj
  1908. anti-beauty quark n
  1909. antibias adj
  1910. antibike adj
  1911. antibilious adj
  1912. antibillboard adj
  1913. antibiogram n
  1914. antibiosis n
  1915. antibiotic n adj
  1916. antibiotical adj
  1917. antibiotically adv
  1918. antibird adj
  1919. antiblack adj
  1920. antiblackism n
  1921. antiblast adj
  1922. antibleeding adj
  1923. antiblister adj
  1924. antiblue adj
  1925. antibody n
  1926. antibomb adj
  1927. antibonding adj
  1928. antibonding orbital n
  1929. antibonus adj
  1930. antiboss adj
  1931. antibot n
  1932. antibottom n
  1933. anti-bottom quark n
  1934. antibound adj
  1935. antibourgeois adj
  1936. antiboxing adj
  1937. antiboycott adj
  1938. antibrachial adj
  1939. antibranding adj
  1940. antibrane n
  1941. antibreeding adj
  1942. antibribery adj
  1943. antiBritish adj
  1944. antibromic adj
  1945. antibrowning adj
  1946. antibudget adj
  1947. antibug adj
  1948. antibugging adj n
  1949. antibullet adj
  1950. antibullfighting adj
  1951. antibullying adj
  1952. anti-bumping granule n
  1953. antibunched adj
  1954. antibunching n
  1955. antibundling adj
  1956. antibureaucracy adj
  1957. antibureaucratic adj
  1958. antiburgher n
  1959. antiburglar adj
  1960. antiburglary adj
  1961. antibuser n
  1962. antibusiness adj
  1963. antibusing adj
  1964. antic adj n v
  1965. anticable adj
  1966. anti-caking adj
  1967. anticaking adj
  1968. anti-caking agent n
  1969. anticaking agent n
  1970. antical adj
  1971. anti-Canadianism n
  1972. anticancer adj
  1973. anticancerous adj
  1974. anticandida adj
  1975. anticandidal adj
  1976. anticapitalism n
  1977. anticapitalist n adj
  1978. anticar adj n
  1979. anticarbon n
  1980. anticarcinogen n
  1981. anticarcinogenic adj
  1982. anticarcinoma adj
  1983. anticardiolipin adj
  1984. anticaries adj
  1985. anticasino adj
  1986. anticaste adj
  1987. anticatabolic adj
  1988. anticatabolite n
  1989. anticatalyst n
  1990. anti-catarrhal adj n
  1991. anticathode n
  1992. anticatholic adj n
  1993. anticausative adj
  1994. anticavity adj
  1995. anticelebrity adj
  1996. anticelibacy adj
  1997. anticellulite adj
  1998. anticensorship adj
  1999. anticenter n
  2000. anticestodal adj n
  2001. antichain n
  2002. antichange adj
  2003. anticharm n adj
  2004. anti-charm quark n
  2005. antichav adj
  2006. antichild adj
  2007. antiChinese adj
  2008. anti-chip adj
  2009. antichlor n
  2010. antichoice adj
  2011. antichoicer n
  2012. anticholesterol adj n
  2013. anticholinergic adj n
  2014. anticholinesterase n
  2015. antichrist n
  2016. Antichrist proper
  2017. antichristian adj n
  2018. antichristianly adv
  2019. antichromatin adj
  2020. antichronical adj
  2021. antichronism n
  2022. antichurch adj
  2023. anticigarette adj
  2024. anticipable adj
  2025. anticipant adj n
  2026. anticipatable adj
  2027. anticipate v
  2028. anticipated adj
  2029. anticipatedly adv
  2030. anticipately adv
  2031. anticipatingly adv
  2032. anticipation n
  2033. anticipative adj
  2034. anticipatively adv
  2035. anticipator n
  2036. anticipatorily adv
  2037. anticipatory adj
  2038. anticipointment n
  2039. anticircular adj
  2040. anticircumcision adj
  2041. anticircumvention n
  2042. anticircus adj
  2043. anticity adj
  2044. anticivic adj
  2045. anti-civil adj
  2046. anticivism n
  2047. anticker n
  2048. anticlassical adj
  2049. anticlastic adj
  2050. anticlerical adj n
  2051. anticlericalism n
  2052. anticlimactic adj
  2053. anticlimactically adv
  2054. anticlimax n
  2055. anti-climb adj
  2056. anticlinal adj n
  2057. anticline n
  2058. anticlined adj
  2059. anticling adj
  2060. anticlinorium n
  2061. anticlockwise adj adv
  2062. anticloning adj
  2063. anticlot adj
  2064. anticlotting adj
  2065. anticlumping adj
  2066. anticlutter adj
  2067. anticly adv
  2068. anticness n
  2069. anticoagulant n adj
  2070. anticoagulated adj
  2071. anticoagulation adj n
  2072. anticoal adj
  2073. anticoalition adj
  2074. anticodon n
  2075. anticoincidence n
  2076. anticold adj
  2077. anticollectivism n
  2078. anticollectivist adj n
  2079. anticollege adj
  2080. anticollision adj
  2081. anticollusion adj
  2082. anticolonial adj
  2083. anticolonialism n
  2084. anticolonialist n
  2085. anticolored adj
  2086. anticolour n
  2087. anticomedy n
  2088. anticommerce adj
  2089. anticommercial adj
  2090. anticommercialism n
  2091. anticommission adj
  2092. anticommons n
  2093. anticommunism n
  2094. anticommunist adj n
  2095. anticommutation n
  2096. anticommutative adj
  2097. anticommutativity n
  2098. anticommutator n
  2099. anticommuting adj
  2100. anticompetition n
  2101. anticompetitive adj
  2102. anticompetitively adv
  2103. anticomplementary adj
  2104. anticomputer adj
  2105. anticonceptual adj
  2106. anticonformist n
  2107. anticonformity n
  2108. anticonquest adj
  2109. anticonsolidation adj
  2110. anticonstitutional adj
  2111. anticonstitutionalist n
  2112. anticonstitutionally adv
  2113. anticonsumer adj n
  2114. anticonsumerism n
  2115. anticonsumerist adj n
  2116. anticontagion adj
  2117. anticontagionist n
  2118. anticontagious adj
  2119. anticontra adj
  2120. anticontraception adj
  2121. anticontraceptive adj
  2122. anticonvulsant n adj
  2123. anticonvulsive adj n
  2124. anticopying adj
  2125. anti-copyright adj
  2126. anticopyright adj
  2127. anticor n
  2128. anticorporate adj
  2129. anticorporation adj
  2130. anticorrelate v
  2131. anticorrelated adj
  2132. anticorrelation n
  2133. anticorrosion adj
  2134. anticorrosive n adj
  2135. anticorruption adj
  2136. anticorset adj
  2137. anticotunnite n
  2138. anticough adj
  2139. anticounterfeit n
  2140. anticounterfeiting n
  2141. anticous adj
  2142. anticrack adj
  2143. anticrash adj
  2144. anticrease adj
  2145. anticreasing adj
  2146. anticreative adj
  2147. anticreativity n
  2148. anticrime adj
  2149. anticriminal adj
  2150. anticrisis adj
  2151. anticritical adj
  2152. anticriticism adj n
  2153. anticross v n
  2154. anticrossing n
  2155. anticrowd adj
  2156. anticruelty adj
  2157. anticryptic adj
  2158. anticryptococcal adj
  2159. anticryptography n
  2160. anticult adj
  2161. anticultism n
  2162. anticultist n
  2163. anticultural adj
  2164. anticulture n
  2165. anti-cure adj
  2166. anticyclogenesis n
  2167. anticyclolysis n
  2168. anticyclone n
  2169. anticyclonic adj
  2170. anticyclonically adv
  2171. antidairy adj
  2172. antidamping adj
  2173. antidandruff adj
  2174. antidarkening adj
  2175. antiDarwinist n
  2176. antidating adj
  2177. anti-dazzle adj
  2178. antidazzle adj
  2179. antidebt adj
  2180. antidecuplet n
  2181. antideer adj
  2182. antidefamation adj
  2183. antidefendant adj
  2184. antideficit adj
  2185. antidemocracy adj n
  2186. anti-democratic adj
  2187. antidemocratic adj
  2188. antidemocratically adv
  2189. antidep n
  2190. antideportation adj
  2191. antidepressant n adj
  2192. antidepression adj
  2193. antidepressive adj n
  2194. antiderivative n
  2195. antidescriptivism n
  2196. antidesertification adj
  2197. antidesiccant adj n
  2198. antidetonation adj
  2199. antideuterium n
  2200. antideuteron n
  2201. antidevelopment adj
  2202. anti-devolutionist adj n
  2203. antidiabetes adj
  2204. antidiabetic adj
  2205. antidiagonal n
  2206. antidiarrhea adj
  2207. antidiarrheal adj n
  2208. antidiarrhœic n adj
  2209. antidictatorship adj
  2210. antidictionary n
  2211. antidiet adj
  2212. antidieting adj
  2213. antidifference n
  2214. antidifferentiation n
  2215. antidilution adj
  2216. antidiquark n
  2217. antidisco adj
  2218. antidiscrimination adj
  2219. antidiscriminatory adj
  2220. antidisestablishment adj
  2221. antidisestablishmentarian n adj
  2222. antidisestablishmentarianism n
  2223. antidissolution adj
  2224. antidistribution adj
  2225. antidiuretic n adj
  2226. antidiuretic hormone n
  2227. antidivision adj n
  2228. antidoctor adj
  2229. antidocumentary n
  2230. antidog adj
  2231. antidogmatic adj
  2232. antidopaminergic adj
  2233. antidoping adj
  2234. antidoron n
  2235. antidot n
  2236. antidotal adj
  2237. antidotally adv
  2238. antidotary adj n
  2239. antidote n v
  2240. antidotical adj
  2241. anti-down quark n
  2242. antidraft adj
  2243. antidrilling adj
  2244. antidrink adj
  2245. antidrinking adj
  2246. antidromic adj
  2247. antidromically adv
  2248. antidromous adj
  2249. antidrought adj
  2250. antidrug adj
  2251. antidumping adj
  2252. antidune n
  2253. antidyon n
  2254. antidysenteric adj n
  2255. antiearthquake adj
  2256. antieconomic adj
  2257. antieducation adj
  2258. antieducational adj
  2259. antiegalitarian adj n
  2260. antiegalitarianism n
  2261. antielectron n
  2262. antielectron neutrino n
  2263. antielite adj
  2264. antielitism n
  2265. antielitist adj n
  2266. antiemetic adj n
  2267. antiemotional adj
  2268. antiempirical adj
  2269. antiemployee adj
  2270. antiemployer adj
  2271. antiemployment adj
  2272. antiendotoxic adj
  2273. antiendotoxin n
  2274. antientropic adj
  2275. antienvironment adj
  2276. antienvironmental adj
  2277. antiepicentre n
  2278. antiepilepsy adj
  2279. antiepileptic adj n
  2280. antiequalitarian adj n
  2281. antierotic adj
  2282. antiespionage adj
  2283. antiessentialist adj n
  2284. anti-establishment adj
  2285. antiestablishment adj
  2286. antiestrogen n
  2287. antievolution adj
  2288. antievolutionist n
  2289. antiexpansion adj
  2290. antiexpansionism n
  2291. antiexploitation adj
  2292. antiexport adj
  2293. antiexposure adj
  2294. antiexpressionist adj
  2295. antiextremism n
  2296. antiextremist adj
  2297. antifactory adj
  2298. anti-fade adj
  2299. antifade adj
  2300. antifamily adj
  2301. antifarm adj
  2302. antifarmer adj
  2303. antifarming adj
  2304. anti-fascism n
  2305. antifascism n
  2306. antifascist adj n
  2307. antifascistic adj
  2308. antifashion n
  2309. antifashionable adj
  2310. antifat adj
  2311. antifatigue adj
  2312. antifear adj
  2313. anti-feature n
  2314. antifebrile adj n
  2315. antifebrine n
  2316. anti-federal adj
  2317. anti-federalism n
  2318. anti-federalist n adj
  2319. antifeedant adj n
  2320. antifemale adj
  2321. antifeminine adj
  2322. antifeminism n
  2323. antifeminist adj n
  2324. antifeministic adj
  2325. antifermion n
  2326. antiferrodistortion n
  2327. antiferrodistortive adj
  2328. antiferroelectric adj
  2329. antiferroelectrically adv
  2330. antiferroelectricity n
  2331. antiferroelectrics n
  2332. antiferromagnet n
  2333. antiferromagnetic adj
  2334. antiferromagnetically adv
  2335. antiferromagnetism n
  2336. antiferroquadrupole n
  2337. antifertility adj
  2338. antifever adj
  2339. antifibrinolytic adj n
  2340. antifibrotic adj n
  2341. antifield adj n
  2342. antifighting adj
  2343. antifilibuster adj
  2344. antifire adj
  2345. antifish adj
  2346. antifishing adj
  2347. anti-flash adj
  2348. antiflatulence adj
  2349. antiflatulent adj n
  2350. antiflea adj
  2351. antiflicker adj
  2352. antiflood adj
  2353. antiflooding adj
  2354. antiflow n
  2355. antiflu adj
  2356. antifluoridation adj
  2357. antifluoridationist n
  2358. antifluoride adj
  2359. antifluorite n
  2360. antifluxon n
  2361. antifoam n
  2362. antifoaming adj
  2363. anti-foaming agent n
  2364. antifog adj
  2365. antifogging adj
  2366. antifogmatic n
  2367. antifolate adj n
  2368. anti-folk n
  2369. antifood adj
  2370. antifootball adj
  2371. antiforeclosure adj
  2372. antiforeign adj
  2373. antiforeigner adj
  2374. antiformalism n
  2375. antiformalist adj n
  2376. antifoul adj
  2377. antifouling adj n
  2378. antifoundationalist n
  2379. antifraud adj
  2380. antifreeze n
  2381. antifriction adj
  2382. antifrost adj
  2383. antifun adj
  2384. antifundamental n
  2385. antifundamentalism n
  2386. antifundamentalist n
  2387. antifungal adj n
  2388. antifungally adv
  2389. antifungus adj
  2390. antifur adj
  2391. anti-g adj
  2392. antigag adj
  2393. antigalactic adj n
  2394. antigalaxy n
  2395. antigambler n
  2396. antigambling adj
  2397. antigaming adj
  2398. antigang adj
  2399. antigangster adj
  2400. anti-gay adj
  2401. antigay adj
  2402. antigen n
  2403. antigender adj
  2404. antigene n
  2405. antigenemia n
  2406. antigenemic adj
  2407. antigenerative adj
  2408. antigenetics adj
  2409. antigenic adj
  2410. antigenically adv
  2411. antigenicity n
  2412. antigenic variation n
  2413. antigenocidal adj
  2414. antigenocide adj
  2415. antigenome n
  2416. antigenomic adj
  2417. antigentile adj
  2418. antigerm adj
  2419. antighetto adj
  2420. antighost n
  2421. antigiardiasis adj
  2422. antigirl adj
  2423. anti-glare adj
  2424. antiglare adj
  2425. antiglaucoma adj
  2426. anti-globalisation adj
  2427. anti-globalism n
  2428. antiglobalism adj
  2429. antiglobalist n
  2430. anti-globalization n
  2431. antiglobulin n
  2432. antiglycolytic adj
  2433. antignon n
  2434. antignostic adj
  2435. antigoglin adj
  2436. antigold adj
  2437. antigoldstino n
  2438. antigolf adj
  2439. antigonorrhoeic adj n
  2440. antigorite n
  2441. antigovernment adj
  2442. antigovernmental adj
  2443. antigoyism n
  2444. antigraffiti adj
  2445. antigraft adj
  2446. antigram n
  2447. antigraph n
  2448. antigrav n
  2449. antigravitation n
  2450. antigravitational adj
  2451. anti-gravity n
  2452. antigreen adj
  2453. antigriddle n
  2454. antigropelos n
  2455. antigrowth adj
  2456. Antigua proper
  2457. Antigua and Barbuda proper
  2458. Antiguan n adj
  2459. antiguerrilla adj
  2460. antigun adj
  2461. antigypsy adj
  2462. antigypsyism n
  2463. antihacker adj
  2464. antihacking adj
  2465. antihalation adj
  2466. antihandgun adj
  2467. antihanging adj
  2468. antihangover adj
  2469. antiharassment adj
  2470. antihate adj
  2471. antihatred adj
  2472. antihazing adj
  2473. antiheadache adj
  2474. antihedonism n
  2475. antihedonist n
  2476. antihedonistic adj
  2477. antihelicopter adj
  2478. antihelium n
  2479. antihelix n
  2480. antihelminth adj
  2481. antihelmintic adj
  2482. antihemophilic adj
  2483. antihemorrhagic adj n
  2484. antihepatoma adj
  2485. antihepatotoxic adj
  2486. antiherbivore adj
  2487. antihero n
  2488. antiheroic adj
  2489. antiheroically adv
  2490. antiheroine n
  2491. antiheroism n
  2492. antiherpes adj
  2493. antiherpesvirus adj
  2494. antiherpetic adj n
  2495. antihierarchical adj
  2496. antihierarchy adj
  2497. antihighway adj
  2498. antihijack adj
  2499. antihijacking adj
  2500. antihippie adj
  2501. antihistamine n
  2502. antihistaminic adj n
  2503. antihistorical adj
  2504. antiholdup adj
  2505. antihole n
  2506. antiholiday adj n
  2507. antiholomorphic adj
  2508. antiholon n
  2509. antihomeopathy adj
  2510. antihomosexual adj
  2511. anti-homosexualism n
  2512. antihomosexuality n
  2513. antihormonal adj
  2514. antihormone n
  2515. antihorse adj
  2516. antihuman adj
  2517. antihumanism n
  2518. antihumanist adj
  2519. antihumanistic adj
  2520. anti-hunger adj
  2521. antihunger n
  2522. antihunter n
  2523. antihunting adj
  2524. antihydrogen n
  2525. antihydrophobic adj n
  2526. antihydropic adj n
  2527. antihyperalgesic adj
  2528. antihyperbolic function n
  2529. antihyperglycemic adj n
  2530. antihyperlipidemic adj
  2531. antihyperon n
  2532. antihypertensive n adj
  2533. antihypertriton n
  2534. antihypertrophic adj
  2535. antihypnotic adj n
  2536. antihypotensive n
  2537. antihysteric n
  2538. anti-icing n
  2539. antiimmigrant adj
  2540. antiimmigration adj
  2541. anti-imperialism n
  2542. anti-imperialist adj
  2543. antiimport adj
  2544. anti-incendiary adj
  2545. antiincinerator adj
  2546. antiindependence adj
  2547. antiindustrial adj
  2548. antiindustry adj
  2549. antiinfection adj
  2550. antiinfective adj n
  2551. antiinflammation adj
  2552. anti-inflammatory n adj
  2553. anti-inflationary adj
  2554. antiinsect adj
  2555. antiinsectan n
  2556. anti-institutionalism n
  2557. antiinstitutionalist n
  2558. antiinsurgency adj
  2559. anti-intellectual adj
  2560. anti-intellectualism n
  2561. antiintellectualism n
  2562. antiintrusion adj
  2563. anti-Islamic adj
  2564. antiitch adj
  2565. antijacobin n
  2566. antijam adj
  2567. antijamming adj
  2568. antijapanese adj
  2569. antijewish adj
  2570. antijoin n
  2571. antijudaism n
  2572. antijunta adj
  2573. antikaon n
  2574. antiketogenic adj
  2575. antikick adj
  2576. antikickback adj
  2577. antikidnap adj
  2578. antikidnapping adj
  2579. antiking n
  2580. antikink n
  2581. antiklan adj
  2582. antiknock adj n
  2583. antilabor adj
  2584. antilambda n
  2585. antilanguage n
  2586. anti-lapse adj
  2587. antilatency n
  2588. antilatent adj
  2589. antilaundering adj
  2590. antileak adj
  2591. antileakage adj
  2592. antilearning adj
  2593. antileather adj
  2594. antileft adj
  2595. antilegalization adj
  2596. Antilegomena n
  2597. antileishmania adj
  2598. antileishmanial adj
  2599. antileprosy adj
  2600. antileprotic adj
  2601. antilepton n
  2602. antileptonic adj
  2603. antilesbian adj
  2604. antileukemia adj
  2605. antileukemic adj n
  2606. antilibel adj
  2607. antiliberal adj n
  2608. antiliberalism n
  2609. antilibertarian adj n
  2610. antilibration n
  2611. antilife adj
  2612. antilifer n
  2613. antilinear adj
  2614. antilipo n
  2615. antiliteracy adj
  2616. antiliterate adj
  2617. antiliterature n
  2618. antilithiatic adj
  2619. antilithic adj n
  2620. antilitter adj
  2621. antilittering adj
  2622. Antillean adj n
  2623. Antillean Creole proper
  2624. Antilles proper
  2625. antilocalization n
  2626. anti-lock adj
  2627. antilock brake n
  2628. antilog n
  2629. antilogarithm n
  2630. antilogarithmic adj
  2631. antilogging adj
  2632. antilogical adj
  2633. antilogous adj
  2634. antilogy n
  2635. antiloimic n
  2636. antiloitering adj
  2637. antilopine adj
  2638. antilopine kangaroo n
  2639. antilopine wallaby n
  2640. antilopine wallaroo n
  2641. antilove adj
  2642. antiluetic adj n
  2643. antilynching adj
  2644. antilysis n
  2645. antilyssic adj n
  2646. antilytic adj
  2647. antimacassar n
  2648. antimacassared adj
  2649. antimachine adj
  2650. antimacho adj
  2651. antimagic adj
  2652. antimagic square n
  2653. antimagnetic adj
  2654. antimajoritarian adj
  2655. antimalaria adj
  2656. antimalarial n adj
  2657. antimalarially adv
  2658. antimale adj
  2659. antimalware adj
  2660. antimammalian adj
  2661. antiman adj
  2662. antimanagement adj
  2663. antimanipulation adj
  2664. antimanufacturing adj
  2665. antimargarine adj
  2666. antimarijuana adj
  2667. antimarket adj
  2668. anti-marketeer n
  2669. antimarriage adj
  2670. antimarxism adj
  2671. antimask adj
  2672. antimason n
  2673. antimasonic adj
  2674. antimasonry n
  2675. antimasque n
  2676. antimasturbation adj
  2677. antimaterial adj
  2678. antimaterialism n
  2679. antimaterialist n
  2680. antimaterialistic adj
  2681. antimaternal adj
  2682. antimatroid n
  2683. antimatroidal adj
  2684. antimatter n
  2685. antimeat adj
  2686. antimechanism n
  2687. antimechanist n
  2688. antimechanistic adj
  2689. antimedical adj
  2690. antimedicalization adj
  2691. antimedicine adj
  2692. antimephitic adj
  2693. antimercenary adj
  2694. antimere n
  2695. antimerger adj
  2696. antimeria n
  2697. antimeric adj
  2698. antimerism n
  2699. antimeritocracy adj
  2700. antimeson n
  2701. antimetabole n
  2702. antimetabolic adj
  2703. antimetabolite n
  2704. antimetaphorical adj
  2705. antimetaphysical adj
  2706. antimetastasis adj
  2707. antimetastatic adj
  2708. antimetathesis n
  2709. antimeter n
  2710. antimetric adj
  2711. antimetrical adj
  2712. antimicrobe adj
  2713. antimicrobial adj n
  2714. antimicrobic adj n
  2715. antimicrotubule adj
  2716. antimigraine adj
  2717. antimilitant adj
  2718. anti-militarism n
  2719. antimilitarist adj n
  2720. antimilitary adj
  2721. antimilk adj
  2722. antimine adj
  2723. antimiscegenation n
  2724. antimissile adj n
  2725. antimisting adj
  2726. antimitotic adj n
  2727. antimixing adj
  2728. antimnemonic adj
  2729. antimodern adj n
  2730. antimodernism n
  2731. antimodernist adj n
  2732. antimolecule n
  2733. antimonarchical adj
  2734. antimonarchicalness n
  2735. antimonarchist n adj
  2736. antimonarchy adj
  2737. antimonate n
  2738. antimonatian adj
  2739. antimoney adj
  2740. antimonial adj n
  2741. antimonian adj
  2742. antimoniate n
  2743. antimoniated adj
  2744. antimonic adj
  2745. antimonic acid n
  2746. antimonide n
  2747. antimoniferous adj
  2748. antimonious adj
  2749. antimonite n
  2750. antimoniuretted adj
  2751. antimoniuretted hydrogen n
  2752. antimonoan adj
  2753. antimonogamy adj
  2754. antimonopole n
  2755. antimonopolist n
  2756. antimonopoly adj
  2757. antimonotone adj
  2758. antimonpearceite n
  2759. antimonselite n
  2760. antimony n
  2761. antimonyl n
  2762. antimony trichloride n
  2763. antimony yellow n
  2764. antimorph n
  2765. antimorphic adj
  2766. antimosquito adj
  2767. antimother n
  2768. antimotility adj
  2769. antimotivation n
  2770. antimouse adj
  2771. antimuon n
  2772. antimuonium n
  2773. antimuon neutrino n
  2774. antimurder adj
  2775. antimuscarinic adj n
  2776. antimuseum adj
  2777. antimusic n
  2778. antimusical adj
  2779. antimutagen n
  2780. antimutagenic adj
  2781. antimycin n
  2782. antimycobacterial adj
  2783. antimycotic adj n
  2784. antimyeloma adj
  2785. antinarcotics adj
  2786. antinarrative n
  2787. antinatalism n
  2788. antinatalist n
  2789. antinational adj
  2790. antinationalist adj n
  2791. antinatural adj
  2792. antinaturalist adj n
  2793. antinature adj
  2794. antinausea adj
  2795. antinauseant n
  2796. antinaval adj
  2797. antinavy adj
  2798. antinegro adj
  2799. antinematodal adj
  2800. antinematode adj
  2801. antineoplastic adj n
  2802. antinephritic adj n
  2803. antinepotism adj
  2804. antinepotistic adj
  2805. antineutrino n
  2806. antineutron n
  2807. antineutrophil adj
  2808. anting n
  2809. anting-anting n
  2810. antinicotine adj
  2811. antinicotinic adj n
  2812. antinociception n
  2813. antinociceptive adj n
  2814. antinodal adj
  2815. antinode n
  2816. antinoise adj n
  2817. antinomian n adj
  2818. antinomianism n
  2819. antinomic adj
  2820. antinomically adv
  2821. antinomist n
  2822. antinomy n
  2823. anti-novel adj
  2824. antinovel n
  2825. antinovelist n
  2826. antinuclear adj
  2827. antinuclearism n
  2828. antinuclearist n
  2829. antinucleating adj
  2830. antinucleon n
  2831. antinucleus n
  2832. antinudity adj
  2833. antinuke adj n
  2834. antinuker n
  2835. antinutrient n
  2836. antinutritional adj
  2837. antinutritive adj
  2838. antiobesity adj
  2839. antiobscenity adj
  2840. antioccupation adj
  2841. Antioch proper
  2842. Antiochene adj n
  2843. Antiochian adj n
  2844. Antiochus proper
  2845. antiodontalgic adj
  2846. antiofficial adj
  2847. antioncogenic adj
  2848. antiopera n
  2849. antioppression adj
  2850. Antioquenian n adj
  2851. antiorgastic adj
  2852. antioxidant n adj
  2853. antioxidation n
  2854. antioxidative adj
  2855. antioxidize v
  2856. antioxygen adj
  2857. antioxygenic adj
  2858. antiozonant n
  2859. antipaedophile adj
  2860. antipain adj n
  2861. antipapal adj
  2862. antipaparazzi adj
  2863. antiparallel adj n
  2864. antiparallelly adv
  2865. antiparallelogram n
  2866. antiparalytic adj n
  2867. antiparamilitary adj
  2868. antiparasite adj
  2869. antiparasitic adj n
  2870. antiparkinsonian n
  2871. antiparticle n
  2872. antipartner n
  2873. antiparty adj n
  2874. antipartyism n
  2875. antipassback n
  2876. antipasto n
  2877. antipatent adj
  2878. antipathetic adj
  2879. antipathetical adj
  2880. antipathetically adv
  2881. antipatheticalness n
  2882. antipathic adj
  2883. antipathical adj
  2884. antipathically adv
  2885. antipathist n
  2886. antipathize v
  2887. antipathogen n
  2888. antipathogenic adj
  2889. antipathous adj
  2890. antipathy n
  2891. antipatico adj
  2892. antipatriot n
  2893. antipatriotic adj
  2894. antipatronage adj
  2895. antipattern n
  2896. antipeace adj
  2897. antipeddling adj
  2898. antipeople adj
  2899. antipeptone n
  2900. antiperformance adj
  2901. antiperiodic adj n
  2902. antiperiodicity n
  2903. antiperiplanar adj
  2904. antiperistalsis n
  2905. antiperistaltic adj
  2906. antiperistasis n
  2907. antiperistatic adj
  2908. antiperovskite n
  2909. antipersistence n
  2910. antipersistent adj
  2911. anti-personnel adj
  2912. antipersonnel adj
  2913. antiperspirant n
  2914. antipest adj
  2915. antipesticide adj
  2916. antipet adj
  2917. antiphagocytic adj
  2918. antiphase n adj
  2919. antiphasing n
  2920. antiphenoloxidase adj
  2921. antiphishing adj
  2922. antiphlogistian n
  2923. antiphlogistic adj n
  2924. antiphobic adj
  2925. antiphon n
  2926. antiphonal n adj
  2927. antiphonally adv
  2928. antiphonary n adj
  2929. antiphone n
  2930. antiphoner n
  2931. antiphonic adj
  2932. antiphonically adv
  2933. antiphony n
  2934. antiphosphorylated adj
  2935. antiphotino n
  2936. antiphoton n
  2937. antiphrasis n
  2938. antiphrastic adj
  2939. antiphrastical adj
  2940. antiphthisic adj n
  2941. antipig adj
  2942. antipigeon adj
  2943. antipill adj
  2944. antipilling adj
  2945. antipiracy adj
  2946. antipirate adj
  2947. antiplague adj
  2948. antiplaintiff adj
  2949. antiplane adj
  2950. antiplant adj
  2951. antiplaque adj
  2952. antiplastic adj
  2953. antiplasticization n
  2954. antiplasticizer n
  2955. antiplatelet adj
  2956. antiplay n
  2957. antipleasure adj
  2958. antipluralist adj n
  2959. antipluralistic adj
  2960. antipoaching adj
  2961. antipodagric adj n
  2962. antipodal adj n
  2963. antipode n
  2964. antipodean adj n
  2965. antipodes n
  2966. Antipodes proper
  2967. antipodicity n
  2968. antipoem n
  2969. antipoet n
  2970. antipoetic adj
  2971. antipoetry n
  2972. antipoisoning adj
  2973. antipolar adj
  2974. antipole n
  2975. antipolice adj
  2976. antipolitical adj
  2977. antipolitician n
  2978. antipolitics n
  2979. antipollution n adj
  2980. antipoor adj
  2981. antipop adj
  2982. antipope n
  2983. antipopular adj
  2984. antipopulist n
  2985. antiporn adj
  2986. antipornography adj
  2987. antiport n
  2988. antiporter n
  2989. antipositional adj
  2990. antipot adj
  2991. antipoverty adj
  2992. anti-predator adj
  2993. antipregnancy adj
  2994. antipreparedness n
  2995. antipress adj
  2996. antiprevention adj
  2997. antiprism n
  2998. antiprivacy adj
  2999. antiprofiteering adj
  3000. antiprogestin n
  3001. antiprogress adj
  3002. antiprogressive adj n
  3003. antiproliferation n
  3004. antiproliferative adj
  3005. antiprostitution adj
  3006. antiprotectionism n
  3007. antiprotectionist adj
  3008. antiproteinuric adj
  3009. antiprotest adj
  3010. antiprotestant adj
  3011. antiproton n
  3012. antiprotonic adj
  3013. antiprotozoal adj n
  3014. antipruritic n
  3015. antipsoriasis adj
  3016. antipsoriatic adj n
  3017. antipsoric adj n
  3018. antipsychiatric adj
  3019. antipsychiatry adj
  3020. antipsychological adj
  3021. antipsychology adj
  3022. antipsychotic adj n
  3023. antiptosis n
  3024. antipublic adj
  3025. antipudic adj
  3026. antipyic n
  3027. antipyonin n
  3028. antipyresis n
  3029. antipyretic adj n
  3030. antipyrine n
  3031. antipyrotic adj
  3032. antiquake adj
  3033. antiquarian adj n
  3034. antiquarianism n
  3035. antiquarianize v
  3036. antiquark n
  3037. antiquary n
  3038. antiquasiparticle n
  3039. antiquate v
  3040. antiquated adj
  3041. antiquatedly adv
  3042. antiquatedness n
  3043. antiquation n
  3044. antique adj n v
  3045. antique brass n adj
  3046. antiqueen adj
  3047. antiqueer adj
  3048. antiquely adv
  3049. antiqueness n
  3050. antiquer n
  3051. antique shop n
  3052. antique white n adj
  3053. antiquey adj
  3054. antiquist n
  3055. antiquities n
  3056. antiquity n
  3057. Antiquity n
  3058. antirabbinic adj
  3059. antirabbinical adj
  3060. antirabbit adj
  3061. antirabies adj
  3062. antirachitic adj n
  3063. antiracing adj
  3064. anti-racism n
  3065. antiracism adj n
  3066. anti-racist adj n
  3067. antiracist adj n
  3068. antiracketeering adj
  3069. antirad adj n
  3070. antiradar adj
  3071. antiradiation adj
  3072. antiradical adj
  3073. antiradicalism n
  3074. antiradio adj
  3075. antirail adj
  3076. antirailroad adj
  3077. antirailway adj
  3078. antirally adj
  3079. antirap adj
  3080. antirape adj
  3081. antirat adj
  3082. antirational adj
  3083. antirationalism n
  3084. antirationalist adj n
  3085. antirationality n
  3086. antireal adj
  3087. antirealism n
  3088. antirealist n
  3089. antirealistic adj
  3090. antireality n
  3091. antirebel adj
  3092. antirecession adj
  3093. antirecoil adj
  3094. antirecycling adj
  3095. antired adj
  3096. antireferendum adj
  3097. antireflection adj
  3098. antireflective adj
  3099. anti-reform adj
  3100. antireform adj
  3101. antireformism n
  3102. antireformist n
  3103. antiregular adj
  3104. antiregulation adj
  3105. antiregulatory adj
  3106. antirejection adj
  3107. antirelaxation adj
  3108. antireligion adj
  3109. antireligious adj
  3110. antireligiousness n
  3111. antirenter n
  3112. antirepressor n
  3113. antirepublican adj n
  3114. antiresearch adj
  3115. antiresistance adj
  3116. antiresistant n
  3117. antiresonance n
  3118. antiresonant adj
  3119. antiretaliation adj
  3120. antiretroviral adj n
  3121. antireunification adj
  3122. antirevolutionary adj n
  3123. antirheumatic adj n
  3124. antirich adj
  3125. antiricin n
  3126. antiriot adj
  3127. antiripening adj
  3128. antiritualism n
  3129. antiritualistic adj
  3130. antiroad adj
  3131. antirobbery adj
  3132. antirobot adj
  3133. antirock adj
  3134. antirocket adj
  3135. antiroll adj
  3136. anti-roll bar n
  3137. antirollover n
  3138. antiromantic adj n
  3139. antiromanticism n
  3140. antirotating adj
  3141. antiroyal adj
  3142. antiroyalism n
  3143. antiroyalist n
  3144. antirrhesis n
  3145. antirrhinin n
  3146. antirrhinum n
  3147. antirural adj
  3148. antiRussian adj
  3149. anti-rust adj n
  3150. antirusting adj
  3151. antisabbatarian n
  3152. antisaccade n
  3153. antisacerdotal adj
  3154. antisag adj
  3155. antisagging adj
  3156. antisalt adj
  3157. antisanctions adj
  3158. antisarcoma adj
  3159. anti-satellite adj
  3160. antisatellite adj
  3161. antiscalping adj
  3162. antisceptic n
  3163. antischistosomal adj
  3164. antischolarship adj
  3165. antischool adj
  3166. antiscience adj n
  3167. antiscientific adj
  3168. antiscientifically adv
  3169. antiscion n
  3170. antiscorbutic adj n
  3171. antiscreening n
  3172. antiscriptural adj
  3173. antiscuff adj
  3174. antiseborrheic adj
  3175. antisecession adj
  3176. antisecrecy adj
  3177. antisecretory adj n
  3178. antisecular adj
  3179. antisegregation adj
  3180. antisegregationist n
  3181. antiseismic adj
  3182. antiseizure adj
  3183. anti-Semite n
  3184. anti-Semitic adj
  3185. anti-Semitically adj
  3186. anti-Semitism n
  3187. antisense n
  3188. antisensuous adj
  3189. antisensuousness n
  3190. antisentimental adj
  3191. antiseparatism n
  3192. antiseparatist n
  3193. antisepsis n
  3194. antiseptic adj n
  3195. antiseptically adv
  3196. antisepticism n
  3197. antisepticize v
  3198. antiseptol n
  3199. antiserotonergic adj
  3200. antiserum n
  3201. antiset n
  3202. antisettlement adj
  3203. antisex adj
  3204. antisexism adj
  3205. antisexist adj n
  3206. antisextet n
  3207. antisexual adj
  3208. antisexualist n
  3209. antisexuality n
  3210. antishake adj
  3211. antishark adj
  3212. antiship adj
  3213. antishock adj
  3214. antishoplifting adj
  3215. antishopping adj
  3216. antisigma n
  3217. antisink adj
  3218. antisiphon adj
  3219. antiskeptic n
  3220. antiskid adj
  3221. antiskyrmion n
  3222. antislave adj
  3223. antislaver n
  3224. antislavery adj
  3225. antisleep adj
  3226. antislip adj
  3227. antislippage adj
  3228. antismallpox adj
  3229. antismog adj
  3230. antismoke adj
  3231. antismoker n
  3232. anti-smoking adj
  3233. antismoking adj
  3234. antismuggler adj
  3235. antismuggling adj
  3236. antismut adj
  3237. antisneakage adj
  3238. antisniper adj
  3239. antisnob adj n
  3240. antisnobbery n
  3241. antisocial adj
  3242. antisocial behaviour order n
  3243. antisocialism n
  3244. antisocialist n
  3245. antisociality n
  3246. antisocially adv
  3247. antisocial personality disorder n
  3248. antisodomy adj
  3249. antisoil adj
  3250. antisoiling adj
  3251. antisolar adj
  3252. antisoliton n
  3253. antisoviet adj
  3254. antispace n
  3255. antispam adj
  3256. antispammer n
  3257. antispamming adj
  3258. antispanking adj
  3259. antispasmatic adj n
  3260. antispasmodic adj n
  3261. antispasmolytic adj
  3262. antispast n
  3263. antispastic adj n
  3264. antispasticity adj
  3265. antispatial adj
  3266. antispatter adj
  3267. antispeculation adj
  3268. antispeculative adj
  3269. antispending adj
  3270. antispermatogenic adj
  3271. antisphaleron n
  3272. antisphexish adj
  3273. antisphexishness n
  3274. antispill adj
  3275. antispinward adv
  3276. antisplenetic adj
  3277. antispoilage adj
  3278. antispoof adj
  3279. antispoofing adj
  3280. antisport adj
  3281. antisprawl adj
  3282. antispread adj
  3283. antispurion n
  3284. antispyware adj
  3285. antisquark n
  3286. antistab adj
  3287. antistar n
  3288. antistasis n
  3289. antistat n
  3290. antistate adj
  3291. antistatic adj n
  3292. antistatism n
  3293. antistatist n
  3294. antistatus adj
  3295. antisterino n
  3296. antisteroid adj
  3297. antisteroidogenic adj
  3298. antistick adj
  3299. antistigma adj
  3300. antistimulus adj
  3301. anti-story n
  3302. antistrange n
  3303. anti-strange quark n
  3304. Anti-Stratfordian n
  3305. antistress adj
  3306. antistrike adj
  3307. antistriker n
  3308. antistrophe n
  3309. antistrophic adj
  3310. antistrophon n
  3311. antistrumatic adj
  3312. antistrumous adj
  3313. antistudent adj
  3314. antistyle n
  3315. antisub adj
  3316. antisubmarine adj
  3317. antisubsidy adj
  3318. antisubversion adj
  3319. antisubversive adj
  3320. antisuicidal adj
  3321. antisuicide adj
  3322. antisunward adj adv
  3323. antisupermarket adj
  3324. antisuppurative adj
  3325. antisurface adj
  3326. antisurfing adj
  3327. antisurgery adj
  3328. antisurgical adj
  3329. antisurveillance adj
  3330. antisurvival adj
  3331. antisway adj
  3332. anti-sway bar n
  3333. antisymmetric adj
  3334. antisymmetrical adj
  3335. antisymmetrization n
  3336. antisymmetrized adj
  3337. antisymmetrizer n
  3338. antisymmetrizing adj
  3339. antisymmetry n
  3340. antisynchronization n
  3341. antisyphilis adj
  3342. antisyphilitic adj n
  3343. antisyzygy n
  3344. antitakeover adj
  3345. antitamper adj
  3346. antitampering adj
  3347. antitank adj
  3348. antitarnish adj
  3349. antitauon n
  3350. antitax adj
  3351. antitaxation adj
  3352. antitechnological adj
  3353. antitechnologism n
  3354. antitechnologist n
  3355. antitechnology adj
  3356. antitelephone n
  3357. antitelevision adj
  3358. antiterminate v
  3359. antitermination n
  3360. antiterror adj
  3361. antiterrorism n
  3362. antiterrorist adj n
  3363. antitesting adj
  3364. antitetanus adj
  3365. antitextual adj
  3366. antithalian adj
  3367. antitheater n
  3368. antitheatrical adj
  3369. antitheatricality n
  3370. antitheft adj
  3371. antitheism n
  3372. antitheist n
  3373. antitheistic adj
  3374. antitheological adj
  3375. antitheoretical adj
  3376. antitherapeutic adj
  3377. antitherapy adj
  3378. antithesis n
  3379. antithesize v
  3380. antithet n
  3381. antithetic adj
  3382. antithetical adj
  3383. antithetically adv
  3384. antithrombic adj
  3385. antithrombin n
  3386. antithrombotic adj n
  3387. antithyroid adj
  3388. antitipping adj
  3389. antitobacco adj
  3390. antitoll adj
  3391. antitonic adj
  3392. antitonicity n
  3393. antitop n
  3394. anti-top quark n
  3395. antitorque adj
  3396. antitorture adj
  3397. antitotalitarian adj
  3398. antitoxic adj
  3399. antitoxin n
  3400. antitracking adj
  3401. antitrade n
  3402. antitraditional adj
  3403. antitraditionalism n
  3404. antitraditionalist n
  3405. antitrafficking adj
  3406. antitragus n
  3407. antitrain adj
  3408. antitransform n
  3409. antitransglutaminase adj
  3410. antitranspirant adj n
  3411. antitranssexual adj
  3412. antitravel adj
  3413. antitrend adj
  3414. antitrespass adj
  3415. antitrichomonal adj
  3416. antitrigonometric function n
  3417. antitrinitarian adj n
  3418. antitrinitarianism n
  3419. antitriplet n
  3420. antitritium n
  3421. antitrochanter n
  3422. antitropous adj
  3423. antitropy n
  3424. antitruancy adj
  3425. antitruncated adj
  3426. antitruncation n
  3427. antitrust adj
  3428. antitruster n
  3429. antitrypanosomal adj
  3430. antitrypsin n
  3431. antitubercular adj
  3432. antituberculosis adj
  3433. antituberculous adj
  3434. antitumor adj n
  3435. antitumoral adj
  3436. antitumorigenic adj
  3437. antitumoural adj
  3438. antitussive n adj
  3439. antitypal adj
  3440. antitype n
  3441. antityphoid adj
  3442. antitypical adj
  3443. antitypically adv
  3444. antitypous adj
  3445. antitypy n
  3446. antiulcer adj
  3447. antiunification adj n
  3448. antiunion adj
  3449. antiunitary adj n
  3450. antiuniversalism n
  3451. antiuniversity adj
  3452. anti-up quark n
  3453. antiurban adj
  3454. anti-utopia n
  3455. antivaccination adj
  3456. antivaccinationism n
  3457. antivaccinationist n adj
  3458. antivaccine adj
  3459. antivaccinist n
  3460. antivampire adj
  3461. antivandal adj
  3462. antivandalism adj
  3463. antivariolous adj
  3464. antivascular adj
  3465. antivegetarian adj
  3466. antivehicular adj
  3467. anti-venene n
  3468. antivenereal adj
  3469. antivenin n
  3470. antivenom n
  3471. antivenomics n
  3472. antivertiginous adj
  3473. antivertigo adj
  3474. antivibration adj
  3475. antivice adj
  3476. antivictim adj
  3477. antivideo n
  3478. antiviolence adj
  3479. antiviolent adj
  3480. antiviral adj
  3481. antivirally adv
  3482. antivirus n
  3483. antivitamin n
  3484. antivivisection adj
  3485. antivivisectionism n
  3486. antivivisectionist n adj
  3487. antivortex n
  3488. anti-war adj
  3489. antiwarfare adj
  3490. antiwarrior n
  3491. antiwart adj
  3492. antiwaste adj
  3493. antiwater n
  3494. antiweapon adj
  3495. antiwear adj
  3496. antiweed adj
  3497. antiwelfare adj
  3498. antiwhaling adj
  3499. antiwhite adj
  3500. antiwildlife adj
  3501. anti-Witness n
  3502. antiwoman adj
  3503. antiwomen adj
  3504. antiwork adj
  3505. antiworker adj
  3506. antiworld n
  3507. antiworm adj
  3508. antiwrinkle adj
  3509. antiyellow adj
  3510. antiyellowing adj
  3511. antiyuppie adj
  3512. antiziganism n
  3513. antizoning adj
  3514. antizoo adj
  3515. antizymic adj
  3516. antizymotic adj n
  3517. antler n
  3518. antlered adj
  3519. antlered god n
  3520. antlerite n
  3521. antlerless adj
  3522. antlerlike adj
  3523. antless adj
  3524. Antlia proper
  3525. antlike adj
  3526. antlion n
  3527. ant mill n
  3528. ant mound n
  3529. antœci n
  3530. antœcian adj
  3531. Antofagasta proper
  3532. antofine n
  3533. Antoine proper
  3534. Antoinette proper
  3535. antojito n
  3536. Anton proper
  3537. Anton-Babinski syndrome n
  3538. Antonia proper
  3539. Antoniadi scale proper
  3540. Antonina proper
  3541. Antonine adj
  3542. Antonine Wall proper
  3543. antoninianus n
  3544. Antonio proper
  3545. antonomasia n
  3546. antonomastic adj
  3547. antonomastically adv
  3548. Antonov proper
  3549. Anton Piller order n
  3550. Antony proper
  3551. antonym n
  3552. antonymic adj
  3553. antonymous adj
  3554. antonymously adv
  3555. antonymy n
  3556. antophyte n
  3557. antorbital adj
  3558. antozone n
  3559. antproof adj
  3560. antrafenine n
  3561. antral adj
  3562. ant rattan n
  3563. antre n
  3564. antrectomy n
  3565. antroba n
  3566. antrorse adj
  3567. antroverted adj
  3568. antrum n
  3569. antrustion n
  3570. ant sand n
  3571. antshrike n
  3572. antsiness n
  3573. ants in one's pants n
  3574. antsy adj
  3575. ant thrush n
  3576. antumbra n
  3577. antvireo n
  3578. antwacky adj
  3579. Antwerp proper
  3580. Antwerpian n adj
  3581. anty adj
  3582. Anu proper
  3583. Anubis proper
  3584. anuclear adj
  3585. anucleate adj
  3586. anudātta n
  3587. anumerical adj
  3588. Anunnaki proper
  3589. anuptaphobia n
  3590. Anurag proper
  3591. anuran n
  3592. anuresis n
  3593. anuria n
  3594. anuric adj
  3595. anurous adj
  3596. anury n
  3597. anus n
  3598. Anus proper
  3599. anusvara n
  3600. Anuta proper
  3601. anvil n
  3602. anvil cloud n
  3603. anvilicious adj
  3604. anvillike adj
  3605. ANWR acronym
  3606. anxietolytic adj
  3607. anxietude n
  3608. anxiety n
  3609. anxiety disorder n
  3610. anxiogenic adj n
  3611. anxiolytic adj n
  3612. anxiolytically adv
  3613. anxious adj
  3614. anxiously adv
  3615. anxiousness n
  3616. anxitie n
  3617. any adv determiner pronoun
  3618. Anya proper
  3619. any and all determiner
  3620. anybody pronoun
  3621. anybody else pronoun
  3622. anycast n
  3623. anycasting n
  3624. anyhoo adv
  3625. anyhow adv
  3626. any longer adv
  3627. any minute now adv
  3628. any more adv
  3629. any nook or cranny n
  3630. any old determiner
  3631. any old thing pronoun
  3632. anyolite n
  3633. anyon n
  3634. anyone pronoun
  3635. anyone else pronoun
  3636. anyone's guess n
  3637. anyonic adj
  3638. any other business phrase
  3639. anyplace adv
  3640. anyplace else adv
  3641. any port in a storm n
  3642. any press is good press proverb
  3643. anyroad adv
  3644. anything adv pronoun n
  3645. anythingarian n
  3646. anythingarianism n
  3647. anything but adv
  3648. anything else pronoun
  3649. anything goes phrase
  3650. anythingism n
  3651. any time adv int
  3652. anytime adv int
  3653. Anytown proper
  3654. anyuiite n
  3655. anyway adv
  3656. any way one slices it phrase
  3657. anyways adv
  3658. anywhen adv
  3659. anywhence adv
  3660. anywhere adv pronoun
  3661. anywhere else adv
  3662. anywhereness n
  3663. anywhither adv
  3664. anywho adv
  3665. anywise adv
  3666. ANZAC n
  3667. Anzac biscuit n
  3668. Anzac Day proper
  3669. ANZAC Day proper
  3670. ANZCERTA init
[[../a1#a|a]] [[../a1#aa|aa]] [[../a1#ab|ab]] [[../a1#ac|ac]] [[../a1#ad|ad]] [[../a1#ae|ae]] [[../a1#af|af]] [[../a1#ag|ag]] [[../a1#ah|ah]] [[../a1#ai|ai]] [[../a1#aj|aj]] [[../a1#ak|ak]] [[../a1#al|al]] [[../a1#am|am]] an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az


  1. ao abbr
  2. Ao proper
  3. AO init
  4. AOA init
  5. a.o.b. abbr
  6. AOB init
  7. AOC abbr
  8. AoD init
  9. ao dai n
  10. AOI init
  11. A-okay adj
  12. AOL init
  13. aolbonics n
  14. AOLer n
  15. Aomori proper
  16. AON init
  17. AONB init
  18. Aonian adj
  19. AOO init
  20. AOP abbr
  21. AOR abbr
  22. aorist n adj
  23. aorist aspect n
  24. aoristic adj
  25. aorta n
  26. aortal adj
  27. aortic adj
  28. aortic arch syndrome n
  29. aortitis n
  30. aortoarteritis n
  31. aortography n
  32. Aosta proper
  33. Aostan adj n
  34. AOT init
  35. Aotearoa proper
  36. Aotearoan n adj
  37. Aotearoa New Zealand proper
  38. aoudad n
[[../a1#a|a]] [[../a1#aa|aa]] [[../a1#ab|ab]] [[../a1#ac|ac]] [[../a1#ad|ad]] [[../a1#ae|ae]] [[../a1#af|af]] [[../a1#ag|ag]] [[../a1#ah|ah]] [[../a1#ai|ai]] [[../a1#aj|aj]] [[../a1#ak|ak]] [[../a1#al|al]] [[../a1#am|am]] an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az


  1. an apple a day n
  2. an apple a day keeps the doctor away proverb
  3. ap adj
  4. Ap abbr
  5. AP init abbr
  6. APA init
  7. apace adv
  8. apache n
  9. Apache proper n
  10. apache tears n
  11. apachite n
  12. APACS acronym
  13. apadana n
  14. apadravya n
  15. apagoge n
  16. apagogic adj
  17. apaid adj
  18. apair v
  19. Apalaí proper
  20. apanage n
  21. apanthropinisation n
  22. apanthropy n
  23. apantomancy n
  24. APAP n
  25. apar n
  26. apareon n
  27. aparithmesis n
  28. apart adv prep
  29. apart from prep
  30. apartheid n
  31. apartheidlike adj
  32. aparthotel n
  33. apartment n
  34. apartment building n
  35. apartment complex n
  36. apartmentlike adj
  37. apartmentmate n
  38. apartness n
  39. apastron n
  40. apatheia n
  41. apatheism n
  42. apatheist n
  43. apathete n
  44. apathetic adj
  45. apathetically adv
  46. apatheticness n
  47. apathist n
  48. apathistical adj
  49. apathogenic adj
  50. apathy n
  51. apatite n
  52. apatosaur n
  53. apatosaurus n
  54. apay v
  55. APB init
  56. APC init
  57. APCBC init
  58. APCD init
  59. APCNR init
  60. APCO abbr
  61. APCR init
  62. APDTA acronym
  63. APDU init
  64. ape n v adj
  65. apeak adv
  66. APEC acronym
  67. apedom n
  68. apehanger n
  69. ape hangers n
  70. apehood n
  71. apeirogon n
  72. apeirophobic adj
  73. apekind n
  74. ape leader n
  75. apelike adj
  76. Apeliotes proper
  77. apella n
  78. Apelles n
  79. apellous adj
  80. apely adj
  81. apeman n
  82. apeness n
  83. Apennine adj
  84. Apennine Mountains proper
  85. Apennine Peninsula proper
  86. Apennines proper
  87. apepsy n
  88. aper n
  89. aperçu n
  90. aperea n
  91. aperient adj n
  92. aperiodic adj
  93. aperiodically adv
  94. aperiodicity n
  95. apéritif n
  96. aperitif wine n
  97. aperitive adj n
  98. A-per-se n
  99. apert adj
  100. apertion n
  101. apertly adv
  102. apertness n
  103. aperturate adj
  104. aperture n
  105. apertured adj
  106. aperture membrane n
  107. apery n
  108. apeshit adj
  109. apetalous adj
  110. apetalousness n
  111. apeth n v
  112. apex n
  113. APEX init acronym
  114. apex predator n
  115. apfelstrudel n
  116. Apgar proper
  117. APGAR init
  118. Apgar score n
  119. aphæresis n
  120. aphæretic adj
  121. aphagia n
  122. aphakia n
  123. aphakial adj
  124. aphanipterous adj
  125. aphanite n
  126. aphanitic adj
  127. Aphanizomenon flos-aqua n
  128. aphantic adj
  129. aphasia n
  130. aphasic adj n
  131. aphelia n
  132. aphelion n
  133. apheliotropic adj
  134. apheliotropism n
  135. aphemia n
  136. aphemic adj
  137. aphenphosmphobia n
  138. apheresis n
  139. aphesis n
  140. apheta n
  141. aphetic adj
  142. aphetically adv
  143. aphetism n
  144. aphetize v
  145. aphetized adj
  146. aphicide n
  147. aphid n
  148. aphidian adj n
  149. aphidicide n
  150. aphidicolin n
  151. aphidivorous adj
  152. aphidlike adj
  153. aphidophagous adj
  154. aphilanthropy n
  155. aphilosophical adj
  156. aphis n
  157. aphlogistic adj
  158. aphonia n
  159. aphonic adj
  160. aphonogelia n
  161. aphoria n
  162. aphorise v
  163. aphorism n
  164. aphorismer n
  165. aphorist n
  166. aphoristic adj
  167. aphoristically adv
  168. aphotic adj
  169. aphotic zone n
  170. aphotometric adj
  171. aphrasia n
  172. aphrenia n
  173. aphrite n
  174. aphrodisia n
  175. Aphrodisia proper
  176. aphrodisiac adj n
  177. aphrodisian adj
  178. aphrodite n
  179. Aphrodite proper
  180. aphroditic adj
  181. Aphroditus proper
  182. aphrometer n
  183. aphronia n
  184. aphtha n
  185. aphthitalite n
  186. aphthoid adj
  187. aphthong n
  188. aphthous adj
  189. aphthous stomatitis n
  190. aphthous ulcer n
  191. aphthovirus n
  192. aphylactic adj
  193. aphyllous adj
  194. API n
  195. Apia proper
  196. apiaceous adj
  197. apian adj
  198. apiarian adj n
  199. apiarist n
  200. apiaristic adj
  201. apiary n
  202. apical adj
  203. apical ancestor n
  204. apical annulus n
  205. apical ectodermal ridge n
  206. apical germ pore n
  207. apically adv
  208. apicectomy n
  209. Apician adj
  210. apicide n
  211. apicifixed adj
  212. apico- prefix
  213. apicomplexan adj
  214. apicoplast n
  215. apicular adj
  216. apiculate adj
  217. apicultural adj
  218. apiculturalist n
  219. apiculture n
  220. apiculturist n
  221. apiculus n
  222. apidictor n
  223. apiece adv
  224. apieces adv
  225. apigenin n
  226. API gravity n
  227. apikoros n
  228. A-pillar n
  229. apimania n
  230. apiofuranose n
  231. apiofuranosyl n
  232. apiol n
  233. apiologist n
  234. apiology n
  235. apiose n
  236. apiotherapy n
  237. APIPA acronym
  238. apiphobia n
  239. apish adj
  240. apishly adv
  241. apishness n
  242. apistia n
  243. apitherapeutic adj
  244. apitherapy n
  245. apitpat adv
  246. API unit n
  247. apivore n
  248. apivorous adj
  249. APIX acronym
  250. apixaban n
  251. apjohnite n
  252. APL init proper
  253. aplacental adj
  254. aplanat n
  255. aplanatic adj
  256. aplanatism n
  257. aplasia n
  258. aplastic adj
  259. aplenty adj adv
  260. APLer n
  261. aplite n
  262. aplomb n
  263. aplowite n
  264. aplustre n
  265. aplysia n
  266. APM init
  267. apnea n
  268. apneic adj
  269. apneumatic adj
  270. apneumatosis n
  271. apnoeal adj
  272. apo adj
  273. apo- prefix
  274. APO init
  275. apoaequorin n
  276. apoapsis n
  277. apoastron n
  278. apocalypse n
  279. Apocalypse proper
  280. apocalyptic adj n
  281. apocalyptical adj
  282. apocalyptically adv
  283. apocalypticism n
  284. apocalypticist n
  285. apocarotenoid n
  286. apocarpous adj
  287. apocatastasis n
  288. apocenter n
  289. apocentre n
  290. apocentric adj
  291. apochromatic adj
  292. apocolpium n
  293. apocopate adj v
  294. apocopation n
  295. apocope n
  296. apocopic adj
  297. apocrine adj
  298. apocrine gland n
  299. apocrypha n
  300. apocryphal adj
  301. Apocryphal adj
  302. apocryphalist n
  303. apocryphally adv
  304. apocryphalness n
  305. apocynaceous adj
  306. apocynin n
  307. apocynthion n
  308. apocytochrome n
  309. apod adj n
  310. apodal adj
  311. apode n
  312. apodeictic adj
  313. apodeme n
  314. apodictic adj
  315. apodictical adj
  316. apodictically adv
  317. apodicticity n
  318. apodioxis n
  319. apodixis n
  320. apodization n
  321. apodize v
  322. apodizer n
  323. apodosis n
  324. apodotic adj
  325. apodous adj
  326. apoenzyme n
  327. apoferment n
  328. apoferritin n
  329. apofocus n
  330. apogalactic adj
  331. apogalacticon n
  332. apogamic adj
  333. apogamy n
  334. apogean adj
  335. apogee n
  336. apogeic adj
  337. apogeotropic adj
  338. apogeotropism n
  339. apogonid n
  340. apograph n
  341. apoherm n
  342. apohyal adj
  343. apoinducer n
  344. apoise adv
  345. apojove n
  346. apokoinou n
  347. apolar adj
  348. apolaustic adj
  349. apolipoprotein n
  350. apolitical adj n
  351. apolitically adv
  352. apoliticism n
  353. apolizumab n
  354. Apollinarian n
  355. apollinaris n
  356. Apollinaris water n
  357. apollo n
  358. Apollo proper n
  359. Apollonia proper
  360. apollonian adj
  361. Apollonian adj
  362. Apollonian circle n
  363. Apollonian gasket n
  364. Apollonian net n
  365. Apollo's belt n
  366. Apollyon proper
  367. Apollyonic adj
  368. apologetic adj
  369. apologetical adj
  370. apologetically adv
  371. apologetic apostrophe n
  372. apologeticism n
  373. apologetics n
  374. apologia n
  375. apologian n
  376. apologiser n
  377. apologism n
  378. apologist n
  379. apologizable adj
  380. apologization n
  381. apologize v
  382. apologizer n
  383. apologizing v
  384. apologizingly adv
  385. apologue n
  386. apology n
  387. apolune n
  388. apolysis n
  389. apomecometer n
  390. apomecometry n
  391. apomeiosis n
  392. apomictic adj
  393. apomixis n
  394. apomorph n
  395. apomorphic adj
  396. apomorphine n
  397. apomorphy n
  398. apomyoglobin n
  399. apomyxis n
  400. aponeurosis n
  401. aponeurotic adj
  402. aponeurotomy n
  403. aponia n
  404. Apop proper
  405. apopain n
  406. apopemptic adj n
  407. apophasis n
  408. apophatic adj
  409. apophatically adv
  410. apophenia n
  411. Apophian adj
  412. Apophis proper
  413. apophlegmatic adj n
  414. apophlegmatism n
  415. apophony n
  416. apophyge n
  417. apophyllite n
  418. apophyse n
  419. apophysis n
  420. apophysitis n
  421. apophyte n
  422. apoplast n
  423. apoplastic adj
  424. apoplectic adj
  425. apoplectically adv
  426. apoplexed adj
  427. apoplexy n
  428. apoprotein n
  429. apoptogenic adj
  430. apoptosome n
  431. apoptotic adj
  432. aporesis n
  433. aporetic adj
  434. aporetical adj
  435. aporetically adv
  436. aporia n
  437. aporic adj
  438. aporically adv
  439. aporose adj
  440. aporphine n
  441. aport adv
  442. aposematic adj
  443. aposematism n
  444. aposiopesis n
  445. aposiopetic adj
  446. A-post n
  447. apostacy n
  448. apostasy n
  449. apostate adj n
  450. apostatic adj
  451. apostatical adj
  452. apostatize v
  453. apostemate v
  454. apostemation n
  455. apostematous adj
  456. aposteme n
  457. aposthia n
  458. apostil n
  459. apostilb n
  460. apostille n
  461. apostle n
  462. Apostle n proper
  463. apostles n
  464. apostleship n
  465. apostle spoon n
  466. apostle spoons n
  467. apostolate n
  468. apostolic adj
  469. apostolical adj
  470. apostolically adv
  471. apostolicalness n
  472. apostolicity n
  473. apostolicness n
  474. Apostolicship n
  475. apostosis n
  476. apostrophe n
  477. apostrophic adj
  478. apostrophically adv
  479. apostrophize v
  480. aposymbiosis n
  481. aposymbiotic adj
  482. Apotactite n
  483. apotelesmatic adj
  484. apotemnophilia n
  485. apotemnophobia n
  486. apothecarial adj
  487. apothecaries' adj
  488. apothecaries' system n
  489. apothecary n
  490. apothecary's bill n
  491. apothecary's Latin n
  492. apothecium n
  493. apothegm n
  494. apothegmatist n
  495. apothegmatize v
  496. apothem n
  497. apotheon n
  498. apotheosis n
  499. apotheosize v
  500. apotreptic adj n
  501. apotropaic adj
  502. apotropaism n
  503. apoxia n
  504. apozem n
  505. app n
  506. App abbr
  507. APP init
  508. appair v
  509. Appalachia proper
  510. Appalachian adj n
  511. Appalachians proper
  512. appall v
  513. appalled adj
  514. appalling adj
  515. appallingly adv
  516. appallingness n
  517. appallment n
  518. appaloosa n
  519. appam n
  520. appanage n
  521. appanagist n
  522. appar abbr
  523. apparat n
  524. apparatchik n
  525. apparate n v
  526. apparation n
  527. apparatus n
  528. apparel n v
  529. apparency n
  530. apparent adj
  531. apparent brightness n
  532. apparently adv
  533. apparent magnitude n
  534. apparentness n
  535. apparition n
  536. apparitional adj
  537. apparitionist n
  538. appaumé adj
  539. appeacher n
  540. appeachment n
  541. appeal v n
  542. appealability n
  543. appealable adj
  544. appealer n
  545. appealing adj
  546. appealingly adv
  547. appealingness n
  548. appeals court n
  549. appeal to authority n
  550. appear v
  551. appearance n
  552. appearer n
  553. appearingly adv
  554. appeasable adj
  555. appeasableness n
  556. appeasatory adj n
  557. appease v
  558. appeasement n
  559. appeaser n
  560. appeasingly adv
  561. appeasive adj
  562. appel n
  563. appellable adj
  564. appellancy n
  565. appellant adj n
  566. appellate adj
  567. appellate court n
  568. appellate jurisdiction n
  569. appellation n
  570. appellative adj n
  571. appellatively adv
  572. appellativeness n
  573. appellatory adj
  574. appellee n
  575. append v n
  576. appendage n
  577. appendaged adj
  578. appendagelike adj
  579. appendance n
  580. appendant adj
  581. appendectomy n
  582. appendical adj
  583. appendication n
  584. appendiceal adj
  585. appendicectomy n
  586. appendicitis n
  587. appendicle n
  588. appendicula n
  589. appendicular adj
  590. appendiculate adj
  591. appendix n
  592. appendixless adj
  593. appendment n
  594. appension n
  595. Appenzell proper n
  596. appenzeller n
  597. Appenzell Inner Rhodes proper
  598. Appenzell Outer Rhodes proper
  599. apperceive v
  600. apperception n
  601. apperceptive adj
  602. apperceptive agnosia n
  603. apperil n
  604. appertain v
  605. appertainment n
  606. appestat n
  607. appetence n
  608. appetency n
  609. appetibility n
  610. appetible adj
  611. appetibleness n
  612. appetise v
  613. appetite n
  614. appetiteless adj
  615. appetition n
  616. appetitive adj
  617. appetitively adv
  618. appetize v
  619. appetizer n
  620. appetizing adj
  621. appetizingly adv
  622. Appian adj
  623. applagin n
  624. applaud n v
  625. applaudable adj
  626. applauder n
  627. applaudingly adv
  628. applausable adj
  629. applause n
  630. applauseometer n
  631. applausive adj
  632. apple n
  633. Apple proper
  634. apple aphid n
  635. apple blight n
  636. apple blossom n
  637. apple bobbing n
  638. apple borer n
  639. apple brandy n
  640. apple butter n
  641. apple cake n
  642. applecart n
  643. apple-cheeked adj
  644. apple cider n
  645. apple core n
  646. apple-corer n
  647. apple does not fall far from the tree proverb
  648. apple dumpling n
  649. apple dumplin shop n
  650. apple fly n
  651. apple fritter n
  652. apple-green n adj
  653. applehood n
  654. Apple Isle proper
  655. applejack n
  656. applejohn n
  657. apple juice n
  658. apple leaf midge n
  659. appleless adj
  660. Apple Mac n
  661. apple midge n
  662. apple mint n
  663. apple of discord n
  664. apple of Grenada n
  665. apple of love n
  666. apple of Sodom n
  667. apple of someone's eye n
  668. apple pear n
  669. apple pie n v
  670. apple-pie bed n
  671. apple-pie order n
  672. apple-polish v
  673. apple-polisher n
  674. apples n
  675. apples and oranges n
  676. apples and pears n
  677. apple sauce n
  678. applesauce n int
  679. apple seed n
  680. apple snow n
  681. apple strudel n
  682. applet n
  683. Apple tax n
  684. appletini n
  685. Appleton proper
  686. apple tree n
  687. apple turnover n
  688. apple-wife n
  689. apple wine n
  690. applewood n
  691. apple worm n
  692. appley adj
  693. Appley proper
  694. Appleyard proper
  695. appleyness n
  696. appliable n
  697. appliableness n
  698. appliance n
  699. applianced adj
  700. appliancelike adj
  701. applicability n
  702. applicable adj
  703. applicableness n
  704. applicably adv
  705. applicancy n
  706. applicant n
  707. applicate n v
  708. application n
  709. applicational adj
  710. application domain n
  711. application form n
  712. application program n
  713. application programming interface n
  714. application protocol data unit n
  715. application software n
  716. applicationwide adj
  717. applicative adj
  718. applicatively adv
  719. applicator n
  720. applicatorful n
  721. applicatory adj
  722. applied adj
  723. applied ethics n
  724. appliedly adv
  725. applied mathematics n
  726. applied statistics n
  727. applier n
  728. appliment n
  729. applique n v
  730. applistructure abbr
  731. applot v
  732. applotment n
  733. apply v
  734. apply oneself v
  735. appoggiatura n
  736. appoint v
  737. appointable adj
  738. appointee n
  739. appointer n
  740. appointive adj
  741. appointment n
  742. appointment diary n
  743. appointor n
  744. Appomattox proper
  745. apport n
  746. apportion v
  747. apportionateness n
  748. apportioner n
  749. apportionment n
  750. appose v
  751. apposite adj n
  752. appositely adv
  753. appositeness n
  754. appositio n
  755. apposition n
  756. appositional adj
  757. appositionally adv
  758. appositive n adj
  759. appr abbr
  760. appraisable adj
  761. appraisal n
  762. appraisal cost n
  763. appraise v
  764. appraiseability n
  765. appraiseable adj
  766. appraisee n
  767. appraisement n
  768. appraiser n
  769. appraisingly adv
  770. apprecation n
  771. apprecatory adj
  772. appreciable adj
  773. appreciably adv
  774. appreciant adj
  775. appreciate v
  776. appreciated adj
  777. appreciating adj
  778. appreciatingly adv
  779. appreciation n
  780. appreciative adj
  781. appreciatively adv
  782. appreciativeness n
  783. appreciator n
  784. appreciatorily adj
  785. appreciatory adj
  786. apprecihate v
  787. apprehend v
  788. apprehender n
  789. apprehensibility n
  790. apprehensible adj
  791. apprehensibly adv
  792. apprehension n
  793. apprehensive adj
  794. apprehensively adv
  795. apprehensiveness n
  796. apprentice n v
  797. apprenticeage n
  798. apprenticehood n
  799. apprenticelike adj
  800. apprenticeship n
  801. appress v
  802. appressed adj
  803. appressed-fibrillose adj
  804. appressed-fibrillose-striate adj
  805. appressed-silky adj
  806. appressed-squamulose adj
  807. appressorial adj
  808. appressorium n
  809. apprisal n
  810. apprise v
  811. apprize v
  812. approach v n
  813. approachability n
  814. approachable adj
  815. approachableness n
  816. approacher n
  817. approaching adj adv
  818. approachless adj
  819. approachment n
  820. approach shot n
  821. approbate v
  822. approbation n
  823. approbative adj n
  824. approbativeness n
  825. approbator n
  826. approbatory adj
  827. approof n
  828. appropinquate v
  829. appropinquation n
  830. appropinquity n
  831. approportionate v
  832. appropriability n
  833. appropriable adj
  834. appropriament n
  835. appropriate adj v
  836. appropriately adv
  837. appropriateness n
  838. appropriation n
  839. appropriationist n
  840. appropriative adj
  841. appropriativeness n
  842. appropriator n
  843. approvable adj
  844. approvableness n
  845. approvably adv
  846. approval n
  847. approval voting n
  848. approvance n
  849. approve v
  850. approved adj
  851. approvedly adv
  852. approvedness n
  853. approved school n
  854. approvement n
  855. approver n
  856. approving adj
  857. approvingly adv
  858. approx. abbr
  859. approximability n
  860. approximable adj
  861. approximal adj
  862. approximant n
  863. approximate adj v
  864. approximately adv
  865. approximation n
  866. approximation algorithm n
  867. approximative adj
  868. approximatively adv
  869. approximativeness n
  870. approximator n
  871. appt n
  872. appt. abbr
  873. appulse n
  874. appulsion n
  875. appulsive adj
  876. appulsively adv
  877. appurtenance n
  878. appurtenances n
  879. appurtenant adj n
  880. apr abbr
  881. Apr. abbr
  882. APR init
  883. apraclonidine n
  884. apractic adj
  885. apramycin n
  886. apraxia n
  887. aprepitant n
  888. apres prep
  889. après prep
  890. après-ski adj n
  891. après-skiing n
  892. apricate v
  893. aprication n
  894. apricide n
  895. apricity n
  896. apricot n adj
  897. apricot blossom n
  898. apricotlike adj
  899. apricotty adj
  900. apricoty adj
  901. April proper
  902. April fool n
  903. April-fool v
  904. April fooler n
  905. April Fools' Day n
  906. April gentleman n
  907. Aprilly adj
  908. April showers bring May flowers proverb
  909. apriorism n
  910. aprioristic adj
  911. aprioristically adv
  912. apriority n
  913. aprium n
  914. APRN init
  915. aproctous adj
  916. apron n
  917. aproned adj
  918. apron flashing n
  919. apronful n
  920. apronless adj
  921. apronlike adj
  922. apron string n
  923. apron-string hold n
  924. apropos adj prep adv
  925. apropos of prep
  926. apropos of nothing phrase
  927. aprosdoketon n
  928. aprosexia n
  929. aprosopia n
  930. aprotic adj
  931. aprotinin n
  932. APS init
  933. apse n
  934. apsidal adj
  935. apsidally adv
  936. apside n
  937. apsis n
  938. APSS init
  939. Apsu proper
  940. ap't n
  941. apt adj
  942. apt. n
  943. APT abbr
  944. APTA acronym
  945. aptable adj
  946. aptamer n
  947. apteran n
  948. apterous adj
  949. aptery n
  950. apterygial adj
  951. apterygote n
  952. aptiganel n
  953. aptitude n
  954. aptitudinal adj
  955. aptly adv
  956. APTN init
  957. aptness n
  958. aptonym n
  959. aptote n
  960. aptotic adj
  961. aptronym n
  962. APTS init
  963. aptyalism n
  964. aptychus n
  965. APU init
  966. apuanite n
  967. A-Pucikwar proper
  968. Apuleius proper
  969. Apulia proper
  970. Apulian proper
  971. apurinic adj
  972. Apus proper
  973. APY init
  974. apyrase n
  975. apyretic adj
  976. apyrexial adj
  977. apyrimidinic adj
  978. apyrous adj
[[../a1#a|a]] [[../a1#aa|aa]] [[../a1#ab|ab]] [[../a1#ac|ac]] [[../a1#ad|ad]] [[../a1#ae|ae]] [[../a1#af|af]] [[../a1#ag|ag]] [[../a1#ah|ah]] [[../a1#ai|ai]] [[../a1#aj|aj]] [[../a1#ak|ak]] [[../a1#al|al]] [[../a1#am|am]] an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az


  1. (aq) abbr
  2. aq abbr
  3. AQ init
  4. aqabamycin n
  5. AQL init
  6. AQMD init
  7. aqua n adj
  8. aqua- prefix
  9. aquabib n
  10. aquabis adj
  11. aquacade n
  12. aquacise n v
  13. aquacultural adj
  14. aquaculturally adv
  15. aquaculture n
  16. aquaculturist n
  17. aquadynamic adj
  18. aquaerobics n
  19. aqua fortis n
  20. aquaholic adj n
  21. aqualung n v
  22. aquamanile n
  23. aquamarine n adj
  24. aquamolality n
  25. aquanaut n
  26. aquapark n
  27. aquaphobe n
  28. aquaphobia n
  29. aquaphobic adj
  30. aquaplane n v
  31. aquaplanet n
  32. aquaponics n
  33. aquaporin n
  34. aquapuncture n
  35. aqua regia n
  36. aquarelle n
  37. aquarellist n
  38. Aquarian adj n
  39. aquariology n
  40. aquarist n
  41. aquarium n
  42. aquariumlike adj
  43. Aquarius proper n
  44. aquaspinning n
  45. aquastat n
  46. aquated adj
  47. aquathlon n
  48. aquatic adj
  49. aquatically adv
  50. aquatic centre n
  51. aquatics n
  52. aquatic warbler n
  53. aquatile adj
  54. aquatint n v
  55. aquatinta n
  56. aquation n
  57. aquatourism n
  58. aquavit n
  59. aqua vitae n
  60. aqueduct n
  61. aqueity n
  62. aqueous adj
  63. aqueous humour n
  64. aqueousness n
  65. aqueous phase n
  66. aquiclude n
  67. aquiculture n
  68. aquifer n
  69. aquiferous adj
  70. aquiform adj
  71. aquifuge n
  72. Aquila proper
  73. aquiline adj
  74. aquiline nose n
  75. Aquinian adj
  76. aquiparous adj
  77. Aquitaine proper
  78. Aquitanian adj
  79. aquitard n
  80. aquiver adj
  81. aquose adj
  82. aquosity n
[[../a1#a|a]] [[../a1#aa|aa]] [[../a1#ab|ab]] [[../a1#ac|ac]] [[../a1#ad|ad]] [[../a1#ae|ae]] [[../a1#af|af]] [[../a1#ag|ag]] [[../a1#ah|ah]] [[../a1#ai|ai]] [[../a1#aj|aj]] [[../a1#ak|ak]] [[../a1#al|al]] [[../a1#am|am]] an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az


  1. -ar suffix
  2. ar- prefix
  3. A.R. init
  4. AR n
  5. Ara proper
  6. ARA init
  7. Arab adj n
  8. araba n
  9. Arabela proper
  10. Arabella proper
  11. arabesque n
  12. arabesqued adj
  13. Arabetic adj
  14. Arabia proper
  15. Arabian adj n
  16. Arabian goggles n
  17. Arabian Gulf proper
  18. Arabianness n
  19. Arabian oryx n
  20. Arabian Peninsula proper
  21. Arabian Sea proper
  22. Arabic adj proper
  23. arabica n
  24. Arabic numeral n
  25. Arabic scale n
  26. Arabic script proper
  27. arability n
  28. arabinan n
  29. arabinitol n
  30. arabinofuranose n
  31. arabinofuranosidase n
  32. arabinofuranoside n
  33. arabinogalactan n
  34. arabinoic acid n
  35. arabinonate n
  36. arabinonucleic adj
  37. arabinonucleic acid n
  38. arabinopyranose n
  39. arabinopyranoside n
  40. arabinose n
  41. arabinoside n
  42. Arabisation n
  43. Arabism n
  44. Arabist n
  45. arabitol n
  46. Arabization n
  47. Arabize v
  48. arable adj
  49. Arab League proper
  50. Arabness n
  51. Arabo- prefix
  52. Arabophobia n
  53. Arab Republic of Egypt proper
  54. Arabs proper
  55. Arab Spring proper
  56. Arab strap n
  57. Arab street proper
  58. Arab World proper
  59. Araby n
  60. Aracaju proper
  61. Aracanese adj
  62. araceous adj
  63. arachidic adj
  64. arachidic acid n
  65. arachidonate n
  66. arachidonic adj
  67. arachidonic acid n
  68. arachidonoyl n
  69. Arachne proper
  70. arachnerd n
  71. arachnicide n
  72. arachnid n
  73. arachnidan n
  74. arachnidism n
  75. arachnodactyly n
  76. arachnogenic adj
  77. arachnogenic necrosis n
  78. arachnoid adj n
  79. arachnoidal adj
  80. arachnoidian adj
  81. arachnoiditis n
  82. arachnoid mater n
  83. arachnologic adj
  84. arachnological adj
  85. arachnologist n
  86. arachnology n
  87. arachnomancer n
  88. arachnomancy n
  89. arachnomorph n
  90. arachnophobe n
  91. arachnophobia n
  92. arachnophobic adj
  93. Arachosia proper
  94. aracytin n
  95. aracytine n
  96. arad n
  97. arads n
  98. arage v
  99. Aragon proper
  100. Aragonese adj n proper
  101. aragonite n
  102. aragonitic adj
  103. Aragon Strip proper
  104. Aragvi proper
  105. arahant n
  106. araise v
  107. arak n
  108. Araki proper
  109. arakiite n
  110. Araks proper
  111. aralia n
  112. aralkyl n
  113. Aral Sea proper
  114. Aram proper
  115. Aramaean n adj proper
  116. Aramaic proper adj
  117. Aramaism n
  118. Aramanik proper
  119. aramayoite n
  120. arame n
  121. aramid n
  122. Aran proper
  123. Aranadan proper
  124. araneid n
  125. araneidan n
  126. araneiform adj
  127. araneology n
  128. araneomorph n
  129. araneomorph funnel-web spider n
  130. araneous adj
  131. Aranese proper
  132. arango n
  133. Aran jumper n
  134. aranology n
  135. Arapaho n proper
  136. arapaima n
  137. Ararat proper
  138. arariba n
  139. Aras an Uachtaran proper
  140. arataxy n
  141. aration n
  142. arational adj
  143. arationality n
  144. Araucana n
  145. Araucania proper
  146. Araucanian n adj
  147. Araucanization n
  148. araucarian adj
  149. aravaipaite n
  150. Arawak adj proper
  151. ARB init
  152. arbalest n
  153. arbekacin n
  154. arbelos n
  155. Arbëresh proper
  156. Arbëreshë Albanian proper
  157. arbidol n
  158. Arbil proper
  159. arbit adj
  160. arbiter n v
  161. arbitrability n
  162. arbitrable adj
  163. arbitrage n v
  164. arbitrage pricing model n
  165. arbitrage pricing theory n
  166. arbitrager n
  167. arbitrageur n
  168. arbitral adj
  169. arbitrament n
  170. arbitrarily adv
  171. arbitrariness n
  172. arbitrarious adj
  173. arbitrariously adv
  174. arbitrariousness n
  175. arbitrarity n
  176. arbitrary adj
  177. arbitrate v
  178. arbitration n
  179. arbitrational adj
  180. arbitrator n
  181. arbitratrix n
  182. arbitress n
  183. arblast n
  184. arbor n
  185. arboraceous adj
  186. arborary adj
  187. arborator n
  188. Arbor Day proper
  189. Arbore proper
  190. arboreal adj n
  191. arboreality n
  192. arboreally adv
  193. arbored adj
  194. arboreol n
  195. arboreous adj
  196. arborescence n
  197. arborescent adj
  198. arboret n
  199. arboretum n
  200. arborical adj
  201. arboricidal adj
  202. arboricide n
  203. arboricity n
  204. arboricolous adj
  205. arboricultural adj
  206. arboriculture n
  207. arboriculturist n
  208. arboriform adj
  209. arborio n
  210. arborio rice n
  211. arborise v
  212. arborist n
  213. arborization n
  214. arborous adj
  215. arborsculpture n
  216. arbor vine n
  217. arbor vitae n
  218. arborvitae n
  219. arborway n
  220. arbour n
  221. arboviral adj
  222. arbovirus n
  223. Arbury proper
  224. arbuscle n
  225. arbuscular adj
  226. arbute n
  227. arbutean adj
  228. Arbuthnotian adj
  229. arbutus n
  230. arc n v
  231. arc- prefix
  232. ARC acronym
  233. ARCA acronym
  234. arcade n
  235. arcaded adj
  236. arcade game n
  237. arcadelike adj
  238. arcader n
  239. Arcadia proper
  240. arcadian adj
  241. Arcadian n adj
  242. Arcadic proper
  243. arcading n
  244. Arcado-Cypriot proper
  245. Arcady proper
  246. arcana n
  247. arcane adj
  248. arcanely adv
  249. arcanist n
  250. arcanite n
  251. arcanum n
  252. arcature n
  253. arc-boutant n
  254. arc-connected adj
  255. arccos abbr
  256. arccosecant n
  257. arccosh abbr
  258. arccosine n
  259. arccotangent n
  260. arccoth abbr
  261. Arc de Triomphe proper
  262. -arch suffix
  263. arch n v adj
  264. arch- prefix
  265. archabbey n
  266. archabbot n
  267. archæ- prefix
  268. archaeal adj
  269. Archaean adj proper
  270. archaeastronomy n
  271. archaebacterial adj
  272. archaebacterium n
  273. archaeintensity n
  274. archaeo- prefix
  275. archæo- prefix
  276. archaeoastronomer n
  277. archaeobotanical adj
  278. archaeobotanist n
  279. archaeobotany n
  280. archaeogenetic adj
  281. archaeogeneticist n
  282. archaeogenetics n
  283. archæography n
  284. archæolatry n
  285. archaeolithic adj
  286. archaeologian n
  287. archaeologic adj
  288. archaeological adj
  289. archæologically adv
  290. archaeologically adv
  291. archaeologist n
  292. archaeology n
  293. archaeomagnetic adj
  294. archaeomagnetism n
  295. archaeometallurgist n
  296. archaeometallurgy n
  297. archaeometrist n
  298. archaeometry n
  299. archaeon n
  300. archaeophyte n
  301. archæopteryx n
  302. archaeostomatous adj
  303. Archaeozoic proper adj
  304. archaeozoological adj
  305. archaeozoologist n
  306. archaeozoology n
  307. archaeplastid n
  308. archaic n adj
  309. archaically adv
  310. Archaic Latin proper
  311. archaism n
  312. archaist n
  313. archaistic adj
  314. archaize v
  315. archangel n
  316. Archangel proper
  317. archangelic adj
  318. archbishop n
  319. archbishophood n
  320. archbishopric n
  321. archchamberlain n
  322. archchancellor n
  323. archchemic adj
  324. archcompetitor n
  325. archconservatism adj
  326. archconservative adj n
  327. archcriminal n
  328. archdeacon n
  329. archdeaconry n
  330. archdeaconship n
  331. archdean n
  332. archdeceiver n
  333. arch dell n
  334. archdemon n
  335. archdevil n
  336. archdiocesan adj
  337. archdiocese n
  338. arch doxy n
  339. archdruid n
  340. archdruidess n
  341. archducal adj
  342. archduchess n
  343. archduchy n
  344. arch duke n
  345. archduke n
  346. archdukedom n
  347. archeal adj
  348. archebiosis n
  349. arched adj v
  350. archegonial adj
  351. archegonium n
  352. archencephalon n
  353. archenemy n
  354. Archenemy proper
  355. archenteric adj
  356. archenteron n
  357. archeo- prefix
  358. archeologically adv
  359. archeometry n
  360. archeostronomy n
  361. Archeozoic proper adj
  362. archepiscopal adj
  363. archer n
  364. Archer proper
  365. archeress n
  366. archerfish n
  367. archerite n
  368. archership n
  369. archery n
  370. Arches proper
  371. archetypal adj
  372. archetypally adv
  373. archetype n v
  374. archetypical adj
  375. archetypically adv
  376. archeus n
  377. archfiend n
  378. archfoe n
  379. Archgrounds n
  380. archi- prefix
  381. Archi proper
  382. archiannelid n
  383. Archibald proper
  384. archiblastula n
  385. archical adj
  386. archicembalo n
  387. archidiaconal adj
  388. Archie proper n
  389. archiepiscopacy n
  390. archiepiscopal adj
  391. archiepiscopality n
  392. archiepiscopate n
  393. archierey n
  394. archigrapheme n
  395. archil n
  396. Archilochian adj
  397. Archilochus proper
  398. archiloquy n
  399. archimage n
  400. archimandrite n
  401. Archimedean adj
  402. Archimedean property n
  403. Archimedean solid n
  404. Archimedean spiral n
  405. Archimedes proper
  406. Archimedes screw n
  407. archimime n
  408. archimperialist n
  409. archipelagic adj
  410. archipelago n
  411. archiphonemic adj
  412. archipterygium n
  413. Archite proper
  414. architect n v
  415. architective adj
  416. architectonic adj
  417. architectonics n
  418. architectress n
  419. architect's lien n
  420. architect's ruler n
  421. architectural adj
  422. architecturally adv
  423. architectural panel n
  424. architectural shingle n
  425. architecture n
  426. architectured adj
  427. architeuthid n
  428. architourism n
  429. architourist n
  430. architranseme n
  431. architrave n
  432. architraved adj
  433. archivable adj
  434. archival adj
  435. archivalism n
  436. archivally adv
  437. archival science n
  438. archive n v
  439. archived adj
  440. archiver n
  441. archivist n
  442. archivolt n
  443. archizoic adj
  444. archlike adj
  445. archlute n
  446. archly adv
  447. archmage n
  448. archmagician n
  449. archmarshal n
  450. archmodernist n
  451. archmurderer n
  452. archnemesis n
  453. archness n
  454. archon n
  455. archons n
  456. archonship n
  457. archontate n
  458. archosaur n
  459. archosaurian n
  460. archosauromorph n
  461. archprelate n
  462. archpresbyter n
  463. archpresbytery n
  464. archpriest n
  465. archprimate n
  466. archrival n
  467. arch rogue n
  468. archsegregationist n
  469. archtop n
  470. archtraitor n
  471. archtreasurer n
  472. archvillain n
  473. archway n
  474. archwayed adj
  475. archwife n
  476. archwise adj adv
  477. archwizard n
  478. -archy suffix
  479. arc-hyperbolic function n
  480. arciferal adj
  481. arciform adj
  482. arcitumomab n
  483. arc lamp n
  484. arclength n
  485. arclet n
  486. arclight n
  487. arcmin abbr
  488. arcminute n
  489. arco adv
  490. arcobacter n
  491. arcograph n
  492. arcological adj
  493. arcology n
  494. arcopallium n
  495. arcosolium n
  496. arcotarsium n
  497. arcsch abbr
  498. arcsec abbr
  499. arcsecant n
  500. arcsech abbr
  501. arcsecond n
  502. arcsin abbr
  503. arcsine n
  504. arcsinh abbr
  505. arctan abbr
  506. arctangent n
  507. arctanh abbr
  508. arctation n
  509. arctic adj
  510. Arctic proper adj
  511. Arctica proper
  512. Arctic char n
  513. arctic circle n
  514. Arctic Circle proper
  515. Arctic cod n
  516. arctic fox n
  517. arctic front proper
  518. arctic hare n
  519. Arctic loon n
  520. Arctic Ocean proper
  521. arctic raspberry n
  522. arctic roll n
  523. Arctic Sea proper
  524. Arctic skua n
  525. arctic tern n
  526. Arctic wolf spider n
  527. arctite n
  528. arctogeal adj
  529. arctoid adj
  530. arctophile n
  531. arctophilia n
  532. arctophily n
  533. Arcturus proper
  534. arcual adj
  535. arcuate adj
  536. arcuately adv
  537. arcuation n
  538. arcubalist n
  539. arcubalister n
  540. arcubisite n
  541. arcus n
  542. arcus senilis n
  543. arcweld v
  544. arc welding n
  545. -ard suffix
  546. ard n adj
  547. ARD init
  548. ardaite n
  549. ardassine n
  550. ardealite n
  551. ardeb n
  552. Ardèche proper
  553. ardency n
  554. Ardennes proper
  555. ardent adj
  556. ardently adv
  557. ardentness n
  558. ardent spirits n
  559. Ardhamagadhi proper
  560. ardian n
  561. ardi gasna n
  562. ardor n
  563. arduous adj
  564. arduously adv
  565. arduousness n
  566. Ardwick proper
  567. are n
  568. area n
  569. Area 51 proper
  570. areach v
  571. area code n
  572. area-denial adj
  573. areal adj
  574. Arean adj
  575. area of influence n
  576. 'Are'are proper
  577. area rug n
  578. area rule n
  579. areaway n
  580. areawide adj
  581. Areba proper
  582. areca n
  583. areca nut n
  584. Arecibo message proper
  585. arecoline n
  586. areek adj
  587. arefaction n
  588. areflexia n
  589. areic adj
  590. areligious adj
  591. Arem proper
  592. arena n
  593. arenaceous adj
  594. arena football n
  595. arena ice n
  596. arenalike adj
  597. arenarious adj
  598. arenation n
  599. arenaviral adj
  600. arenavirus n
  601. arendator n
  602. Arendtian adj
  603. arene n
  604. arene epoxide n
  605. arene oxide n
  606. areng n
  607. arenicolite n
  608. arenicolous adj
  609. arenilitic adj
  610. arenium ion n
  611. arenocenium n
  612. arenol n
  613. arenonitrile n
  614. arenonium ion n
  615. arenophile n
  616. arenose adj
  617. aren't contraction
  618. arenulous adj
  619. areo- prefix
  620. areocentric adj
  621. areographer n
  622. areographic adj
  623. areography n
  624. areola n
  625. areolar adj
  626. areolate adj
  627. areolated adj
  628. areolation n
  629. areole n
  630. areolet n
  631. areological adj
  632. areologist n
  633. areology n
  634. areometer n
  635. areometry n
  636. Areopagite n
  637. Areopagitic adj
  638. Areopagus n
  639. Areopoli proper
  640. arepa n
  641. ares n
  642. Ares proper
  643. aret v
  644. aretaic adj
  645. aretalogist n
  646. aretalogy n
  647. arete n
  648. arête n
  649. aretegenic adj
  650. arethusa n
  651. aretology n
  652. arew adv
  653. are you allergic to any medications phrase
  654. are you deaf phrase
  655. are you married phrase
  656. are you OK phrase
  657. are your ears burning phrase
  658. are you religious phrase
  659. are you single phrase
  660. are you taking any medications phrase
  661. Arezzo proper
  662. arf int
  663. ARF init
  664. ARFCN init
  665. arfendazam n
  666. Arfie proper
  667. arformoterol n
  668. arfvedsonite n
  669. argal adv n
  670. argala n
  671. argali n
  672. argan n
  673. Argean adj
  674. argent n adj
  675. argent- prefix
  676. argental adj
  677. argentation n
  678. argentation chromatography n
  679. argenteus n
  680. argentian adj
  681. argentic adj
  682. argentiferous adj
  683. Argentina proper
  684. argentine adj n
  685. Argentine adj n proper
  686. Argentine-American n
  687. Argentinean adj n
  688. Argentine Republic proper
  689. Argentine Sign Language proper
  690. Argentine tango n
  691. Argentinian n adj
  692. argentite n
  693. argento- prefix
  694. argentojarosite n
  695. argentopentlandite n
  696. argentophil adj
  697. argentophilic adj
  698. argentopyrite n
  699. argentotennantite n
  700. argentous adj
  701. argentry n
  702. argh int
  703. Argie n
  704. argie bargie v
  705. argil n
  706. argillaceous adj
  707. argillic adj
  708. argilliferous adj
  709. argillite n
  710. argillitic adj
  711. argilliturbation n
  712. argilloarenaceous adj
  713. argillocalcareous adj
  714. argilloferruginous adj
  715. argillous adj
  716. argininal n
  717. arginine n
  718. argininosuccinic acid n
  719. arginyl n
  720. argipressin n
  721. Argive proper
  722. Argives proper
  723. argle-bargle n v
  724. Argo proper
  725. Argoan adj
  726. Argobba proper n
  727. Argœuves proper
  728. argol n
  729. Argolic adj
  730. Argolis proper
  731. argon n
  732. argon-36 n
  733. argon-38 n
  734. argon-40 n
  735. argonaut n
  736. Argonaut proper
  737. argonaute n
  738. Argonautic adj
  739. Argo Navis proper
  740. argopelter n
  741. Argos proper
  742. argosy n
  743. argot n
  744. Argovia proper
  745. arguability n
  746. arguable adj
  747. arguably adv
  748. argue v
  749. arguendo adv
  750. argue out v
  751. arguer n
  752. argufier n
  753. argufy v
  754. arguido n
  755. argument n
  756. argumentable adj
  757. argumental adj
  758. argumentation n
  759. argumentative adj
  760. argumentatively adv
  761. argumentativeness n
  762. argument form n
  763. argument from design n
  764. argumentive adj
  765. argumentize v
  766. argumentless adj
  767. argumentum n
  768. argumentum ad etymologiam n
  769. argumentum ad fidem n
  770. argumentum ad Lazarum n
  771. argumentum ad nauseam n
  772. argumentum ad numerum n
  773. argumentum ad passiones n
  774. argumentum ad populum n
  775. argumentum ad verecundiam n
  776. argus n
  777. Argus proper
  778. argus-eyed adj
  779. argutation n
  780. argute adj
  781. argutely adv
  782. arguteness n
  783. argutite n
  784. argy-bargy n v
  785. argyle n
  786. Argyll proper
  787. Argyll Robertson pupils n
  788. argyr- prefix
  789. Argyrades proper
  790. argyria n
  791. argyric adj
  792. argyrin n
  793. argyrism n
  794. argyro- prefix
  795. argyrodite n
  796. Argyrol proper
  797. argyrophilic adj
  798. argyrosis n
  799. argyrotic adj
  800. arhat n
  801. arhathood n
  802. arhbarite n
  803. Århus proper
  804. arhythmic adj
  805. Ari proper
  806. -aria suffix
  807. aria n
  808. ARIA acronym n
  809. Ariadne proper
  810. Ariah proper
  811. Arial proper
  812. arialike adj
  813. -arian suffix
  814. Arian n adj
  815. Ariana proper
  816. Ariane proper
  817. Arian heresy proper
  818. Arianism n
  819. Arianna proper
  820. Arianne proper
  821. ariary n
  822. Arica proper
  823. aricine n
  824. arid adj
  825. aridification n
  826. aridisol n
  827. aridity n
  828. aridly adv
  829. aridness n
  830. Arie proper
  831. Ariège proper
  832. ariel n
  833. Ariel proper
  834. Arielian adj
  835. Aries proper n
  836. Arietian adj n
  837. arietta n
  838. Arifama-Miniafia proper
  839. aright adv
  840. Arijit proper
  841. aril n
  842. Arin proper
  843. ARIN acronym
  844. Arioch proper
  845. ariolater n
  846. ariolation n
  847. ariose adj
  848. arioso n
  849. Ariostan adj
  850. aripiprazole n
  851. aris n
  852. arise v
  853. ariseth v
  854. arisings n
  855. arist n
  856. arista n
  857. aristarainite n
  858. Aristarch n
  859. Aristarchian adj
  860. Aristarchus proper
  861. aristarchy n
  862. aristate adj
  863. aristo n
  864. aristocracy n
  865. aristocrat n
  866. aristocratic adj
  867. aristocratical adj
  868. aristocratically adv
  869. aristocraticalness n
  870. aristocraticness n
  871. aristocratism n
  872. aristolochic adj
  873. aristolochic acid n
  874. aristology n
  875. Aristophanean adj
  876. Aristophanes proper
  877. Aristophanic adj
  878. aristophrenia n
  879. Aristoteles proper
  880. Aristotelian n adj
  881. Aristotelianism proper
  882. Aristotelic adj
  883. Aristotle proper
  884. Aristotle's lantern n
  885. aristotype n
  886. aristulate adj
  887. arithmancer n
  888. arithmancy n
  889. arithmetic n adj
  890. arithmetical adj
  891. arithmetical hierarchy n
  892. arithmetically adv
  893. arithmetical set n
  894. arithmetic function n
  895. arithmetic hierarchy n
  896. arithmetician n
  897. arithmeticity n
  898. arithmetic logic unit n
  899. arithmetic mean n
  900. arithmetic operation n
  901. arithmetic operator n
  902. arithmetic progression n
  903. arithmetic series n
  904. arithmetic spiral n
  905. arithmomania n
  906. arithmometer n
  907. arithmophobia n
  908. arity n
  909. -arium suffix
  910. Ariz. abbr
  911. Arizona proper
  912. Arizonan adj n
  913. Arizona room n
  914. Arizonian n
  915. Arizonians proper
  916. Arjuna proper
  917. ark n
  918. Ark proper
  919. Ark. abbr
  920. arkan n
  921. Arkansas proper
  922. Arkansas elevation n
  923. ark clam n
  924. ark-floater n
  925. arkful n
  926. Arkhangelsk proper
  927. Arkite adj
  928. Arklatex proper
  929. Ark-La-Tex proper
  930. ArkLaTex proper
  931. Ark of the Covenant proper
  932. arkose n
  933. arkosic adj
  934. ark ruffian n
  935. arkwright n
  936. Arleen proper
  937. Arlene proper
  938. Arline proper
  939. Arlington proper
  940. Arlon proper
  941. arm n adj v
  942. Arm abbr
  943. ARM init
  944. armada n
  945. Armada proper
  946. armadillo n
  947. Armageddon proper
  948. Armaghan proper
  949. Armagnac proper n
  950. armalcolite n
  951. Armalite n
  952. Armalite and the ballot box n
  953. armament n
  954. armamentarium n
  955. armamentary n
  956. arm and a leg n
  957. armangite n
  958. armature n
  959. armatured adj
  960. armatureless adj
  961. armband n
  962. armbone n
  963. arm candy n
  964. armchair n adj
  965. armchair general n
  966. armchair hawk n
  967. -armed suffix
  968. armed adj
  969. armed forces n
  970. armedness n
  971. armed probe n
  972. armed robbery n
  973. Armenia proper
  974. Armenia Inferior proper
  975. Armenia Minor proper
  976. Armenian adj n proper
  977. Armenian Apostolic Church proper
  978. Armenian blackberry n
  979. Armenian disease n
  980. Armenian Highland proper
  981. Armenianness n
  982. Armenian Sign Language proper
  983. Armenian SSR proper
  984. armenite n
  985. Armeno- prefix
  986. Armenological adj
  987. Armenologist n
  988. Armenology n
  989. armet n
  990. armeth v
  991. armful n
  992. armgaunt adj
  993. armguard n
  994. armhole n
  995. armiferous adj
  996. armiger n
  997. armigerous adj
  998. Armill n
  999. armilla n
  1000. armillarioid adj
  1001. armillary adj
  1002. armillary sphere n
  1003. arm in arm adv
  1004. arming n
  1005. arming sword n
  1006. Arminian n adj
  1007. Arminianism n
  1008. arminianist n
  1009. Arminius proper
  1010. armipotence n
  1011. armipotent adj
  1012. armistice n
  1013. armlength n
  1014. armless adj
  1015. armlessly adv
  1016. armlessness n
  1017. armlet n
  1018. armlike adj
  1019. armload n
  1020. armlock n
  1021. armlong adj
  1022. armodafinil n
  1023. armoire n
  1024. armomancy n
  1025. armonica n
  1026. armor n v
  1027. armorbearer n
  1028. armored adj
  1029. armored personnel carrier n
  1030. armorer n
  1031. armorial adj n
  1032. Armorica proper
  1033. Armorican adj n
  1034. armorist n
  1035. armorlike adj
  1036. armor-piercing adj
  1037. armor-piercing shot n
  1038. armor-plated adj
  1039. armory n
  1040. armourbearer n
  1041. armoured adj
  1042. armoured car n
  1043. armoured combat vehicle n
  1044. armoured fighting vehicle n
  1045. armoured truck n
  1046. armouring n
  1047. armour plating n
  1048. armoursmith n
  1049. armoursmithing n
  1050. armoury n
  1051. armpiece n
  1052. armpit n
  1053. armpit fart n
  1054. armrack n
  1055. armrest n
  1056. arms n
  1057. armsaye n
  1058. armscye n
  1059. arms factory n
  1060. armshield n
  1061. arm's length adj
  1062. arms race n
  1063. arm's reach n
  1064. Armstrong proper
  1065. armstrongite n
  1066. armth n
  1067. arm the lead v
  1068. arm to the teeth v
  1069. arm-twisting n
  1070. arm up v
  1071. armure n
  1072. arm-wrestle n v
  1073. arm-wrestler n
  1074. arm wrestling n
  1075. army n
  1076. Army proper
  1077. army ant n
  1078. army brat n
  1079. army golf n
  1080. armyless adj
  1081. armylike adj
  1082. armyworm n
  1083. Arnab proper
  1084. Arnaia proper
  1085. Arnamagnæan adj
  1086. arnaut n
  1087. Arne proper
  1088. ARNG init
  1089. Arnhem Land proper
  1090. arni n
  1091. arnica n
  1092. arnicin n
  1093. arnicine n
  1094. Arnie proper
  1095. arnis n
  1096. ARNK acronym
  1097. arno- prefix
  1098. Arno proper
  1099. Arnold proper
  1100. Arnold Palmer n
  1101. Arnold Schwarzenegger n
  1102. Arnside proper
  1103. A-road n
  1104. Aroania proper
  1105. aroar adj
  1106. aroid n
  1107. aroint v
  1108. aroma n
  1109. aromaless adj
  1110. Aromanian n proper
  1111. aromaphyte n
  1112. aromatase n
  1113. aromatherapeutic adj
  1114. aromatherapist n
  1115. aromatherapy n
  1116. aromatic adj n
  1117. aromatical adj
  1118. aromatically adv
  1119. aromaticalness n
  1120. aromatic compound n
  1121. aromaticity n
  1122. aromaticness n
  1123. aromatic vegetable n
  1124. aromatization n
  1125. aromatize v
  1126. aromatous adj
  1127. Aron proper
  1128. aroph n
  1129. Arora n proper
  1130. around prep adj adv
  1131. around Robin Hood's barn adv
  1132. around the bend adj
  1133. around the clock adv
  1134. around-the-clock adj
  1135. around the corner adj
  1136. around the Horn adv
  1137. around the wicket adv
  1138. around the world adv n
  1139. arousable adj
  1140. arousal n
  1141. arouse v
  1142. arouser n
  1143. arousing adj n
  1144. arousingly adv
  1145. arow adv
  1146. aroyl n
  1147. arp int
  1148. ARP init
  1149. arpeggiate v
  1150. arpeggiated chord n
  1151. arpeggiation n
  1152. arpeggiator n
  1153. arpeggio n
  1154. arpeggione n
  1155. arpent n
  1156. Arpetan proper
  1157. Arpitan proper
  1158. ARPU init
  1159. arquated adj
  1160. arquebus n
  1161. arquebusade n
  1162. arquebuse n
  1163. arquebusier n
  1164. arr abbr int
  1165. arrabbiata adj
  1166. arracacha n
  1167. arrack n
  1168. arrah now int
  1169. arraign v
  1170. arraigner n
  1171. arraignment n
  1172. Arran proper
  1173. arrange v
  1174. arrangeable adj
  1175. arranged marriage n
  1176. arrangement n
  1177. arranger n
  1178. arrant adj
  1179. arrantly adv
  1180. arras n
  1181. arrasene n
  1182. arrases n
  1183. arrastra n
  1184. arraught adj
  1185. array v n
  1186. array controller n
  1187. arrayer n
  1188. arraylike adj
  1189. arrear n
  1190. arrearage n
  1191. arrears n
  1192. arrect v
  1193. arrectary n
  1194. arrenotokous adj
  1195. arrentation n
  1196. Arrernte proper n
  1197. arrest n
  1198. arrestable adj
  1199. arrested adj
  1200. arrested decay n
  1201. arrested development n
  1202. arrestee n
  1203. arrester n
  1204. arrestin n
  1205. arrestingly adv
  1206. arrestive adj
  1207. arrestment n
  1208. arrestor n
  1209. arrest warrant n
  1210. Arretine adj
  1211. Arrhenius equation n
  1212. arrhythmia n
  1213. arrhythmic adj
  1214. arrhythmically adv
  1215. arrhythmogenic adj
  1216. arrhythmy n
  1217. arrière-pensée n
  1218. arris n
  1219. arriswise adv
  1220. arrival n
  1221. arrivance n
  1222. arrive v
  1223. arrive at v
  1224. arriver n
  1225. arrivisme n
  1226. arriviste n
  1227. arrogance n
  1228. arrogancy n
  1229. arrogant adj
  1230. arrogantly adv
  1231. arrogantness n
  1232. arrogate v
  1233. arrogated adj
  1234. arrogation n
  1235. arrogative adj
  1236. arrojadite n
  1237. Arron proper
  1238. arrondissement n
  1239. arrosion n
  1240. arrove v
  1241. arrow n v adv
  1242. arrowed adj
  1243. arrow-finger n
  1244. arrowgrass n
  1245. arrowhead n
  1246. arrowheaded adj
  1247. arrow key n
  1248. arrowleaf adj
  1249. arrowleaf groundse n
  1250. arrowless adj
  1251. arrowlike adj
  1252. arrow of time n
  1253. arrowroot n
  1254. arrows n
  1255. arrowslit n
  1256. arrowsmith n
  1257. arrowwood n
  1258. arrow worm n
  1259. arrowworm n
  1260. arrowy adj
  1261. arroyo n
  1262. arsane n
  1263. arsanthridine n
  1264. arsanylidene n
  1265. arsanylium ion n
  1266. arsazine n
  1267. arse n v
  1268. ARSE abbr
  1269. arse about v adj
  1270. arse about face adj adv
  1271. arse around v
  1272. arse bandit n
  1273. arsed v
  1274. arsedine n
  1275. arse end of nowhere n
  1276. arseface n
  1277. arsehead n
  1278. arsehole n
  1279. arseholery n
  1280. arse-kisser n
  1281. arseload n
  1282. arsemunch n
  1283. arsenal n
  1284. Arsenal proper
  1285. arsenate n
  1286. arsenated adj
  1287. arsenatian adj
  1288. arsenbrackebuschite n
  1289. arsendescloizite n
  1290. arsenian adj
  1291. arseniasis n
  1292. arseniate n
  1293. arsenic n adj
  1294. arsenic acid n
  1295. arsenical adj n
  1296. arsenical bronze n
  1297. arsenical iron n
  1298. arsenicism n
  1299. arsenicosis n
  1300. arsenic trichloride n
  1301. arsenic trihydride n
  1302. arsenic trioxide n
  1303. arsenic trisulfide n
  1304. arsenide n
  1305. arseniferous adj
  1306. arseniopleite n
  1307. arseniosiderite n
  1308. arsenious adj
  1309. arsenite n
  1310. arsenitian adj
  1311. arseniuret n
  1312. arseniuretted adj
  1313. arseniuretted hydrogen n
  1314. arseno- prefix
  1315. arsenoan adj
  1316. arsenobenzene n
  1317. arsenobetaine n
  1318. arsenoclasite n
  1319. arsenocrandallite n
  1320. arsenogorceixite n
  1321. arsenogoyazite n
  1322. arsenohauchecornite n
  1323. arsenolite n
  1324. arsenopalladinite n
  1325. arsenopyrite n
  1326. arsenosugar n
  1327. arsenosulvanite n
  1328. arsenous adj
  1329. arsenous hydride n
  1330. arsenpolybasite n
  1331. arsentsumebite n
  1332. arsenuranospathite n
  1333. arsenuranylite n
  1334. arse over tit adv
  1335. arsesmart n
  1336. arsewipe n
  1337. arsey adj
  1338. ars gratia artis n
  1339. arshin n
  1340. arshine n
  1341. arsindole n
  1342. arsindolizine n
  1343. arsine n
  1344. arsinediyl n
  1345. arsine oxide n
  1346. arsinic adj
  1347. arsinic acid n
  1348. arsinidene n
  1349. arsinoline n
  1350. arsinolizine n
  1351. arsinous n
  1352. arsinous acid n
  1353. arsinoyl n
  1354. Arsis n
  1355. arsmetrike n
  1356. arsole n
  1357. arsoles n
  1358. arson n
  1359. arson dog n
  1360. arsonic adj
  1361. arsonic acid n
  1362. arsonist n
  1363. arsonium n
  1364. arsonium compound n
  1365. arsonous adj
  1366. arsonous acid n
  1367. arsonry n
  1368. arsorane n
  1369. arsphenamine n
  1370. arsy varsy adv
  1371. arsy versy adv
  1372. art n v
  1373. Art proper
  1374. Arta proper
  1375. Artaxerxes proper
  1376. artboard n
  1377. art collection n
  1378. Art Deco proper
  1379. arteether n
  1380. artefact n
  1381. artefactual adj
  1382. artefactually adv
  1383. artel n
  1384. artemether n
  1385. artemia n
  1386. Artemidean adj
  1387. artemin n
  1388. Artemis proper
  1389. artemisia n
  1390. Artemisian adj
  1391. artemisinin n
  1392. artemon n
  1393. artemotil n
  1394. arteri- prefix
  1395. arteria n
  1396. arteriac adj
  1397. arterial adj n
  1398. arterial blood gas n
  1399. arterialization n
  1400. arterialize v
  1401. arterial road n
  1402. arterio- prefix
  1403. arterio-contractile adj
  1404. arteriogenesis n
  1405. arteriogenic adj
  1406. arteriogram n
  1407. arteriography n
  1408. arteriola n
  1409. arteriolar adj
  1410. arteriole n
  1411. arteriology n
  1412. arterioportography n
  1413. arteriosclerosis n
  1414. arteriosclerotic adj
  1415. arteriotomy n
  1416. arteriovenous adj
  1417. arteriovenous fistula n
  1418. arteriovenous malformation n
  1419. arterioventricular adj
  1420. arteritis n
  1421. arterwards adv
  1422. artery n
  1423. arterylike adj
  1424. artesian adj
  1425. artesian bore n
  1426. artesian water n
  1427. artesian well n
  1428. artesunate n
  1429. artfest n
  1430. art film n
  1431. art for art's sake n
  1432. art form n
  1433. artful adj
  1434. artfully adv
  1435. artfulness n
  1436. artful pleading n
  1437. art gallery n
  1438. art game n
  1439. art glass n
  1440. artgoing adj
  1441. art historian n
  1442. art-historical adj
  1443. art history n
  1444. art house n
  1445. art-house adj
  1446. arthralgia n
  1447. arthralgic adj
  1448. arthritic adj n
  1449. arthritically adv
  1450. arthritis n
  1451. arthritislike adj
  1452. arthritogenic adj
  1453. arthritogenicity n
  1454. arthro- prefix
  1455. arthroderm n
  1456. arthrodesis n
  1457. arthrodial adj
  1458. arthrodic adj
  1459. arthrodiran n
  1460. arthrodire n
  1461. arthrodynia n
  1462. arthrogram n
  1463. arthrography n
  1464. arthrogryposis n
  1465. arthrogrypotic adj
  1466. arthrological adj
  1467. arthrology n
  1468. arthromere n
  1469. arthropathy n
  1470. arthrophyte n
  1471. arthroplast n
  1472. arthroplasty n
  1473. arthropod n
  1474. arthropodan adj
  1475. arthropodean adj
  1476. arthropodologist n
  1477. arthroscope n
  1478. arthroscopic adj
  1479. arthroscopy n
  1480. arthrosis n
  1481. arthrous adj
  1482. Arthur proper
  1483. Arthur Daley n
  1484. Arthurian adj
  1485. arthurite n
  1486. artiad adj
  1487. artic n
  1488. artichoke n
  1489. artichoke bottom n
  1490. article n v
  1491. articled adj
  1492. articled clerk n
  1493. article of extraordinary value n
  1494. article of faith n
  1495. articles n
  1496. articling clerk n
  1497. articulable adj
  1498. articulacy n
  1499. articular adj
  1500. articular cartilage n
  1501. articularly adv
  1502. articulate adj v
  1503. articulated adj
  1504. articulated bus n
  1505. articulated lorry n
  1506. articulately adv
  1507. articulateness n
  1508. articulation n
  1509. articulative adj
  1510. articulator n
  1511. articulatory adj
  1512. articulography n
  1513. Artie proper
  1514. artifact n
  1515. artifactual adj
  1516. artifice n
  1517. artificer n
  1518. artificial adj
  1519. artificial anus n
  1520. artificial art n
  1521. artificial florist n
  1522. artificial horizon n
  1523. artificial insemination n
  1524. artificial intelligence n
  1525. artificiality n
  1526. artificialize v
  1527. artificial language n
  1528. artificial life n
  1529. artificially adv
  1530. artificially sweetened adj
  1531. artificialness n
  1532. artificial person n
  1533. artificial respiration n
  1534. artificial selection n
  1535. artificial sweetener n
  1536. artilect n
  1537. artillerist n
  1538. artillery n
  1539. artilleryman n
  1540. art imitates life phrase
  1541. artiness n
  1542. Artinian adj
  1543. artinite n
  1544. artiodactyl n
  1545. artiodactyle n
  1546. artiodactylous adj
  1547. artisan n
  1548. artisanal adj
  1549. artisanally adv
  1550. artisanship n
  1551. artist n adj
  1552. artiste n
  1553. artistic adj
  1554. artistical adj
  1555. artistically adv
  1556. artistic licence n
  1557. artistic revolution n
  1558. artistry n
  1559. artist's proof n
  1560. artivism n
  1561. artivist n
  1562. art journal n
  1563. artless adj
  1564. artlessly adv
  1565. artlessness n
  1566. artlike adj
  1567. artly adv
  1568. artmaker n
  1569. artmaking n
  1570. art movement n
  1571. art movie n
  1572. art music n
  1573. art nouveau n
  1574. Art Nouveau n
  1575. artolatry n
  1576. artotype n
  1577. artow contraction
  1578. art paper n
  1579. art rock n
  1580. artroeite n
  1581. art room n
  1582. Artsakh Republic proper
  1583. arts and crafts n
  1584. arts and letters n
  1585. art school n
  1586. arts degree n
  1587. artsily adv
  1588. artsiness n
  1589. artsman n
  1590. artsmithite n
  1591. art speak n
  1592. artspeak n
  1593. artsploitation n
  1594. art student n
  1595. artsy adj
  1596. artsy-craftsy adj
  1597. artsy-fartsy adj
  1598. art therapy n
  1599. artuate v
  1600. art union n
  1601. artwise adv
  1602. artwork n
  1603. artworld n
  1604. arty adj
  1605. Arty proper
  1606. arty-farty adj
  1607. Aruba proper
  1608. Aruban n adj
  1609. Arubian proper
  1610. arugula n
  1611. arum n
  1612. arum lily n
  1613. Arunachal Pradesh proper
  1614. Arundel proper
  1615. Arundelian adj
  1616. arundiferous adj
  1617. arundinaceous adj
  1618. arundineous adj
  1619. arundinoid n
  1620. Arunim proper
  1621. Arunta proper
  1622. arupite n
  1623. ARV init
  1624. Arvak proper
  1625. arval n adj
  1626. arval-bread n
  1627. Arvanitic proper
  1628. Arvanitika proper
  1629. Arvanitika Albanian proper
  1630. Arverni n
  1631. arviculture n
  1632. ARVN init
  1633. arvo n
  1634. ARVO init
  1635. arvy n
  1636. Arwel proper
  1637. -ary suffix
  1638. Aryan n adj
  1639. Aryanize v
  1640. aryl n
  1641. arylamination n
  1642. arylamine n
  1643. arylamino n
  1644. arylate v n
  1645. arylated adj
  1646. arylating adj
  1647. arylation n
  1648. arylative adj
  1649. arylazole n
  1650. arylcyclohexylamine n
  1651. aryldiazonium n
  1652. arylene n
  1653. arylesterase n
  1654. arylhydrazine n
  1655. arylhydrazone n
  1656. arylhydroxylamine n
  1657. arylidene n
  1658. arylimine n
  1659. arylmetal adj
  1660. aryloxide n
  1661. aryloxy n
  1662. arylsulfatase n
  1663. arylthiourea n
  1664. aryne n
  1665. arytenoid n adj
  1666. arzakite n
[[../a1#a|a]] [[../a1#aa|aa]] [[../a1#ab|ab]] [[../a1#ac|ac]] [[../a1#ad|ad]] [[../a1#ae|ae]] [[../a1#af|af]] [[../a1#ag|ag]] [[../a1#ah|ah]] [[../a1#ai|ai]] [[../a1#aj|aj]] [[../a1#ak|ak]] [[../a1#al|al]] [[../a1#am|am]] an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az


  1. symbol
  2. a's n
  3. as adv conj prep n
  4. A's n
  5. A/S n
  6. AS abbr
  7. Asa proper
  8. ASA init
  9. as above, so below phrase
  10. ASA character n
  11. as a dog returns to his vomit, so a fool repeats his folly proverb
  12. Asafolk proper
  13. ASAFP init
  14. ASAHP adv proper
  15. ASAIC adv
  16. as all get out adv
  17. as all get-out adv
  18. as all hell adv
  19. ASAMA acronym
  20. as a matter of fact adv
  21. as a matter of law adv
  22. asana n
  23. Asansol n
  24. as anything adv
  25. ASAP adv
  26. asarabacca n
  27. as a result conj
  28. asarone n
  29. as a rule adv
  30. asatone n
  31. Ásatrú proper
  32. asbecasite n
  33. asbestic adj
  34. asbestiform adj
  35. asbestinane n
  36. asbestine adj
  37. as best one can adv
  38. asbestos n adj
  39. asbestosis n
  40. asbestoslike adj
  41. asbestous adj
  42. ASBM init
  43. ASBO acronym
  44. asbolane n
  45. asbolin n
  46. asbuilt n adj
  47. ascariasis n
  48. ascaricide n
  49. ascarid n
  50. ascaridole n
  51. ascaroside n
  52. ascarylose n
  53. ASCE init
  54. ascend v
  55. ascendable adj
  56. ascendance n
  57. ascendancy n
  58. ascendant adj n
  59. ascendency n
  60. ascendent adj n
  61. ascender n
  62. ascendeth v
  63. ascendible adj
  64. ascending colon n
  65. ascendingly adv
  66. ascension n
  67. Ascension proper
  68. ascensional adj
  69. Ascension Day proper
  70. Ascension Island proper
  71. Ascension Islander n
  72. Ascension Sunday proper
  73. ascensive adj
  74. ascent n
  75. ascertain v
  76. ascertainable adj
  77. ascertainableness n
  78. ascertainably adv
  79. ascertainer n
  80. ascertainment n
  81. ascesis n
  82. ascetic adj n
  83. ascetical adj
  84. ascetically adv
  85. asceticism n
  86. ascham n
  87. aschamalmite n
  88. aschelminth n
  89. aschematic adj
  90. Aschoff body n
  91. a-schwa n
  92. ascian n
  93. ascidian n
  94. ascidiarium n
  95. ascidiform adj
  96. ascidiozooid n
  97. ascidium n
  98. ascience n
  99. ascient adj
  100. ascigerous adj
  101. ASCII acronym
  102. ASCII art n
  103. asciibetical adj
  104. ASCIIbetical adj
  105. asciibetically adv
  106. ascites n
  107. ascitic adj
  108. ascititious adj
  109. Asclepiad n
  110. asclepiadaceous adj
  111. Asclepius proper
  112. ascocarp n
  113. ascococcus n
  114. Ascoli Piceno proper
  115. ascoma n
  116. ascomycete n
  117. ascomycetous adj
  118. ascon n
  119. asconoid adj
  120. ascorbate n
  121. ascorbic adj
  122. ascorbic acid n
  123. ascospore n
  124. ascot n
  125. ascot tie n
  126. ascovirus n
  127. ascribable adj
  128. ascribe v
  129. ascribed status n
  130. ascription n
  131. ascriptitious adj
  132. ascus n
  133. AScW init
  134. ASD acronym
  135. asdf n
  136. ASDF init
  137. asdfghjkl n
  138. -ase suffix
  139. ASE acronym
  140. asea adj adv
  141. ASEAN acronym
  142. asearch adv
  143. aseasonal adj
  144. asectarian adj
  145. Aseem proper
  146. aseismic adj
  147. aseity n
  148. aselizumab n
  149. asenapine n
  150. asepsis n
  151. aseptate adj
  152. aseptic adj
  153. aseptically adv
  154. aseptic technique n
  155. Ases' Garth n
  156. asetate adj
  157. asexual adj n
  158. asexual division n
  159. asexuality n
  160. asexualization n
  161. asexualize v
  162. asexually adv
  163. asexual reproduction n
  164. asexual spore n
  165. asf init
  166. as far as adv
  167. as far as one knows adv
  168. as fine as Dick's hatband phrase
  169. as fit as a butcher's dog phrase
  170. as follows adv
  171. as for prep
  172. as fuck adv
  173. as Gaeilge adv
  174. Asgard proper
  175. as good as it gets phrase
  176. as good as one's word adj
  177. ash n v
  178. Ash proper
  179. Asha proper
  180. ashake adj
  181. ashame v
  182. ashamed adj
  183. ashamedly adv
  184. ashamedness n
  185. A-sharp n
  186. A-sharp major n
  187. A-sharp minor n
  188. ash blonde n adj
  189. AShBM init
  190. ashburtonite n
  191. ashcake n
  192. ashcan n adj
  193. ash cash n
  194. ashdump door n
  195. Ashe proper
  196. as hell adv
  197. ashen adj
  198. ashen-faced adj
  199. ashenly adv
  200. ashenness n
  201. asher n
  202. Asher proper
  203. ashery n
  204. ashes of rose n
  205. ashet n
  206. Asheton proper
  207. Ashgabat proper
  208. ash gourd n
  209. ashine adj
  210. ashing n
  211. A-shirt n
  212. ashitori n
  213. Ashkenazi adj n
  214. Ashkenazic adj
  215. Ashkun proper
  216. ashlar n
  217. ash-leaf n
  218. Ashlee proper
  219. Ashleigh proper
  220. ashless adj
  221. Ashley proper
  222. Ashley's bend n
  223. ashlike adj
  224. Ashlyn proper
  225. Ashmolean adj
  226. ashore adv
  227. ashoverite n
  228. ashplant n
  229. ASHRAE acronym
  230. ashram n
  231. ashramite n
  232. ashtanga n
  233. Ashtarak proper
  234. Ashton proper
  235. ashtray n proper
  236. ash tree n
  237. Ashummeed Jugg proper
  238. Ashur proper
  239. Ashura proper
  240. Ashvamedha proper
  241. ashwagandha n
  242. Ash Wednesday n
  243. ashweed n
  244. ashwood n
  245. ashy adj
  246. Asia proper
  247. asiago n
  248. Asiago proper
  249. asialoglycoprotein n
  250. Asia Minor proper
  251. Asian n adj
  252. Asian bearcat n
  253. Asian black rat n
  254. Asian dust n
  255. Asian elephant n
  256. Asian Games proper
  257. Asianic adj
  258. Asian Indian n
  259. Asianization n
  260. Asian lion n
  261. Asian pear n
  262. Asian Semi-longhair n
  263. Asia-Pacific proper
  264. Asiaphile n
  265. Asiarch n
  266. Asiatic adj n
  267. Asiaticism n
  268. Asiatic wildcat n
  269. ASIC acronym
  270. aside adv prep n
  271. A-side n
  272. aside from prep
  273. asideness n
  274. as if conj int
  275. Asif proper
  276. as if there were no tomorrow phrase
  277. as I live and breathe adv
  278. Asimovian adj
  279. as in adv
  280. ASIN init
  281. asine n
  282. asinine adj
  283. asininely adv
  284. asinineness n
  285. asininity n
  286. ASIO acronym
  287. asiphonate adj n
  288. as is adj
  289. ASIS acronym
  290. asisite n
  291. as it happens adv
  292. asitia n
  293. as it is adv
  294. as it stands phrase
  295. as it were adv
  296. as I was saying phrase
  297. ask v n
  298. Ask proper
  299. ASK init
  300. askability n
  301. askable adj
  302. ask after v
  303. askance adv adj
  304. askant adj adv
  305. askari n
  306. ask around v
  307. asker n
  308. askesis n
  309. askew adj adv
  310. askey adj
  311. ask for v
  312. ask for it v
  313. ask for the moon v
  314. askile adv
  315. ask in v
  316. asking n
  317. asking price n
  318. ask me one on sport phrase
  319. ask my arse phrase
  320. ask out v
  321. ask round v
  322. ask the question v
  323. a/s/l init
  324. asl init
  325. ASL init
  326. aslake v
  327. Aslan proper
  328. aslant adj adv prep
  329. asleep adj
  330. asleep at the switch adj
  331. AS-level n
  332. AS Level n
  333. ASLO abbr
  334. as long as conj
  335. aslope adj adv
  336. as luck may have it adv
  337. as luck would have it adv
  338. aslug adv
  339. ASM init
  340. Asman proper
  341. Asmara proper
  342. asmatographer n
  343. ASME init
  344. asmear adj
  345. ASMS init
  346. as much adv
  347. as much as possible adv
  348. as much use as a chocolate fireguard phrase
  349. as much use as a chocolate teapot adj
  350. ASMX init
  351. asnarl adj
  352. as near as makes no difference adv
  353. ASO abbr
  354. asoak adj
  355. asocial adj
  356. asociality n
  357. asocially adv
  358. as of prep
  359. as of late adv
  360. as of right
  361. asomatognosia n
  362. asomatous adj
  363. Asomtavruli proper
  364. asonant adj
  365. as opposed to prep
  366. asp n
  367. ASP init acronym
  368. asparaginase n
  369. asparagine n
  370. asparaginous adj
  371. asparaginyl n
  372. asparagus n
  373. asparaguslike adj
  374. aspargine n
  375. aspartame n
  376. aspartate n
  377. aspartate transaminase n
  378. aspartic adj
  379. aspartic acid n
  380. aspartokinase n
  381. aspartyl n
  382. aspartylglucosamine n
  383. aspartylglucosaminidase n
  384. aspartylglucosaminuria n
  385. aspartylglutamate n
  386. aspatial adj
  387. ASPCA init
  388. aspecific adj
  389. aspect n
  390. aspectable adj
  391. aspectant n
  392. aspected adj
  393. aspection n
  394. aspect-oriented adj
  395. aspect ratio n
  396. aspectual adj
  397. aspectually adv
  398. aspecular adj
  399. aspen n
  400. Aspen proper
  401. aspenglow n
  402. as per prep
  403. asper adj n
  404. asperate v adj
  405. asperation n
  406. Aspergerian adj n
  407. Asperger's syndrome n
  408. asperges n
  409. aspergilliform adj
  410. aspergillium n
  411. aspergillosis n
  412. aspergillum n
  413. aspergillus n
  414. asperity n
  415. aspermia n
  416. aspermic adj
  417. aspermous adj
  418. aspermy n
  419. asperous adj
  420. asperse v
  421. asperser n
  422. aspersion n
  423. aspersive adj
  424. aspersorium n
  425. asperulate adj
  426. as per usual adv
  427. asphalt n v
  428. asphalt concrete n
  429. asphalt emulsion n
  430. asphaltene n
  431. asphaltenic adj
  432. asphaltic adj
  433. asphalt jungle n
  434. asphaltlike adj
  435. asphalt shingle n
  436. asphere n
  437. aspheric adj
  438. aspherical adj
  439. asphericity n
  440. asphodel n
  441. asphyctic adj
  442. asphyxia n
  443. asphyxial adj
  444. asphyxiant adj n
  445. asphyxiate v
  446. asphyxiation n
  447. asphyxophilia n
  448. asphyxy n
  449. ASPI init
  450. aspic n adj
  451. aspidistra n
  452. aspidolite n
  453. aspidomancy n
  454. aspidospermine n
  455. aspidospondylous adj
  456. aspie n
  457. aspiny adj
  458. aspirant n adj
  459. aspirate n v adj
  460. aspirated adj
  461. aspirated h n
  462. aspirate mutation n
  463. aspiration n
  464. aspirational adj n
  465. aspirationally adv
  466. aspirator n
  467. aspiratory adj
  468. aspire v
  469. aspirement n
  470. aspirer n
  471. aspirin n
  472. aspirinate n
  473. aspiringly adv
  474. aspiringness n
  475. aspirinlike adj
  476. aspis n
  477. aspish adj
  478. asplenia n
  479. asplode v
  480. asportation n
  481. asprawl adj
  482. Aspull proper
  483. ASQ acronym
  484. ASQC acronym
  485. asquat adj adv
  486. as queer as Dick's hatband phrase
  487. asquint adj adv
  488. ASR init
  489. as regards prep
  490. ASRM init
  491. ASROC abbr
  492. -ass suffix
  493. ass n
  494. assafoetida n
  495. assage n
  496. assai adv
  497. assail v
  498. assailable adj
  499. assailableness n
  500. assailant n
  501. assailer n
  502. assailment n
  503. assain v
  504. Assam proper
  505. assamar n
  506. Assamese adj proper
  507. Assan proper
  508. assart n v
  509. assassin n v
  510. assassinate v n
  511. assassination n
  512. assassinator n
  513. assassinatrix n
  514. assassin bug n
  515. assassinlike adj
  516. assassinous adj
  517. Assassins of Alamut proper
  518. assation n
  519. assault n v
  520. assaultable adj
  521. assault and battery n
  522. assaultee n
  523. assaulter n
  524. assaultive adj
  525. assault rifle n
  526. assault weapon n
  527. assay n
  528. assayable adj
  529. assay dish n
  530. assayer n
  531. assaying n
  532. assay plate n
  533. ass-backwards adj adv
  534. ass bandit n
  535. ass call n
  536. ass catch n
  537. asscheek n
  538. ass clown n
  539. assclown n
  540. ass crack n
  541. assecuration n
  542. assecure v
  543. assecution n
  544. -assed suffix
  545. assegai n v
  546. asselbornite n
  547. assemblable adj
  548. assemblage n
  549. assemblance n
  550. assemble v
  551. assembler n
  552. Assemblies of God proper
  553. assembly n
  554. Assembly proper
  555. assembly language n
  556. assembly line n
  557. assemblyman n
  558. Assembly of God n
  559. assemblywoman n
  560. assent v n
  561. assentation n
  562. assentatory adj
  563. assentingly adv
  564. assentive adj
  565. assentiveness n
  566. assentment n
  567. assert n v
  568. assertability n
  569. assertable adj
  570. assertation n
  571. asserted adj
  572. assertedly adv
  573. asserter n
  574. assertion n
  575. assertional adj
  576. assertionally adv
  577. assertionless adj
  578. assertive adj
  579. assertively adv
  580. assertiveness n
  581. assertor n
  582. assertorial adj
  583. assertoric adj
  584. assertorically adv
  585. assertory adj
  586. assess v
  587. assessable adj
  588. assessably adv
  589. assessee n
  590. assessing n
  591. assessment n
  592. assessor n
  593. assessorial adj n
  594. assessorship n
  595. asset n
  596. ASSET init
  597. asset-backed adj
  598. assets n
  599. asseverate v
  600. asseveratingly adv
  601. asseveration n
  602. asseverational adj
  603. asseverative adj
  604. asseveratory adj
  605. assface n
  606. assfuck n v
  607. assfucker n
  608. asshat n
  609. asshattery n
  610. asshelmet n
  611. asshole n
  612. assholedom n
  613. assholeness n
  614. assholery n
  615. assholic adj
  616. assholism n
  617. assholocracy n
  618. assibilate v
  619. assibilation n
  620. assicon n
  621. assident adj
  622. assiduity n
  623. assiduous adj
  624. assiduously adv
  625. assiduousness n
  626. assiege n v
  627. assientist n
  628. assig n
  629. assign v n
  630. assignability n
  631. assignable adj
  632. assignat n
  633. assignation n
  634. assigned servant n
  635. assignee n
  636. assigner n
  637. assignment n
  638. assignor n
  639. assimilability n
  640. assimilable adj
  641. assimilate v
  642. assimilateness n
  643. assimilation n
  644. assimilationism n
  645. assimilationist n
  646. assimilative adj
  647. assimilator n
  648. assimilatory adj
  649. assise n
  650. assish adj
  651. Assisi proper
  652. assist n v
  653. assistance n
  654. assistance dog n
  655. assistant adj n
  656. assistantly adv
  657. assistant referee n
  658. assistantship n
  659. assisted v
  660. assisted reproductive technology n
  661. assisted suicide n
  662. assistful adj
  663. assistive adj
  664. assistless adj
  665. assize n
  666. assizer n
  667. assizes n
  668. assizor n
  669. ass juice n
  670. ass kicking n
  671. ass-kisser n
  672. asskisser n
  673. ass kissing n
  674. assless adj
  675. ass-licker n
  676. asslicker n
  677. asslike adj
  678. assload n
  679. assman n
  680. assmonkey n
  681. assmunch n
  682. assmuncher n
  683. ass'n abbr
  684. assn abbr
  685. assoc. abbr
  686. Assoc abbr
  687. associability n
  688. associable adj
  689. associableness n
  690. associahedron n
  691. associate adj n v
  692. Associate n
  693. associatedness n
  694. associate's degree n
  695. associateship n
  696. association n
  697. associational adj
  698. association football n
  699. associationism n
  700. associationist n
  701. association list n
  702. associative adj
  703. associative array n
  704. associative case n
  705. associatively adv
  706. associativity n
  707. associator n
  708. assoil v
  709. assoilment n
  710. assoilzie v
  711. assoline n
  712. assonance n
  713. assonant adj
  714. assonantal adj
  715. assonate v
  716. assoon adv
  717. as soon as conj
  718. as soon as possible adv
  719. assort v
  720. assortative adj
  721. assortatively adv
  722. assortative mating n
  723. assortativity n
  724. assorted adj
  725. assortedly adv
  726. assortedness n
  727. assortment n
  728. assot adj
  729. ass over teakettle adv adj
  730. assoyle v
  731. asspussy n
  732. ass-rape n v
  733. assrun v
  734. asstard n
  735. asstastic adj
  736. ass to mouth n
  737. asstunnel n
  738. assuage v
  739. assuageable adj
  740. assuagement n
  741. assuager n
  742. assuagingly adv
  743. assuasive adj
  744. assubjugate v
  745. as such adj adv
  746. assuefaction n
  747. assuetude n
  748. assumable adj
  749. assumably adv
  750. assume v
  751. assumed adj
  752. assumedly adv
  753. assumed name n
  754. assumer n
  755. assume the mantle v
  756. assume the position v
  757. assumingly adv
  758. assumingness n
  759. assumpt n
  760. assumptio n
  761. assumption n
  762. assumptive adj
  763. Assur proper
  764. assurance n
  765. assure v
  766. assured adj
  767. assuredly adv
  768. assuredness n
  769. assurer n
  770. assurgency n
  771. assurgent n adj
  772. assuringly adv
  773. assuror n
  774. asswad n
  775. assward adv
  776. asswards adv
  777. asswhore n
  778. asswipe n
  779. ass with two panniers n
  780. assy adj abbr
  781. Assyria proper
  782. Assyrian n adj
  783. Assyrian Church of the East proper
  784. Assyriological adj
  785. assyriologist n
  786. assyriology n
  787. assythment n
  788. -ast suffix
  789. AST init
  790. astable adj
  791. astaghfirullah int
  792. Astalak proper
  793. Astana proper
  794. astand v
  795. astarboard adv
  796. astart v
  797. Astarte proper
  798. astasia-abasia n
  799. astatane n
  800. astatic adj
  801. astatically adv
  802. astaticism n
  803. astatine n
  804. astaxanthin n
  805. astay adv
  806. asteism n
  807. asteismus n
  808. asteistic adj
  809. astel n
  810. astemizole n
  811. -aster suffix
  812. aster n
  813. asteriated adj
  814. asterid adj
  815. asterids n
  816. asterion n
  817. asteriscus n
  818. asterisk n v
  819. asteriskless adj
  820. asterism n
  821. Asterix proper
  822. astern adv adj
  823. asternal adj
  824. astern of prep
  825. asteroid n
  826. asteroidal adj
  827. asteroid belt n
  828. asteroidian adj n
  829. asteroidlike adj
  830. asterophyllite n
  831. asteroseismic adj
  832. asteroseismical adj
  833. asteroseismological adj
  834. asteroseismologically adv
  835. asteroseismologist n
  836. asteroseismology n
  837. asterostromelloid adj
  838. asterseismology n
  839. Astghik proper
  840. as the actress said to the bishop phrase
  841. as the crow flies adv
  842. as the day is long phrase
  843. asthenia n
  844. asthenic adj
  845. asthenopia n
  846. asthenopic adj
  847. asthenospermia n
  848. asthenospermic adj
  849. asthenosphere n
  850. asthenospheric adj
  851. asthenozoospermia n
  852. asthenozoospermic adj
  853. as the saying goes adv
  854. as the wind blows adj
  855. as they say phrase
  856. asthma n
  857. asthma attack n
  858. asthmalike adj
  859. asthmatic adj n
  860. asthmatically adv
  861. as though conj
  862. Asti proper
  863. -astic suffix
  864. as tight as Dick's hatband phrase
  865. astigmatic adj
  866. astigmatism n
  867. astika n
  868. astilbe n
  869. astipulate v
  870. astipulation n
  871. astir adj
  872. Astley proper
  873. ASTMS init
  874. as to prep
  875. astochastic adj
  876. astomatic adj
  877. astonied adj
  878. astoniedness n
  879. astonish v
  880. astonishable adj
  881. astonished adj
  882. astonishedly adv
  883. astonishedness n
  884. astonishing adj
  885. astonishingly adv
  886. astonishingness n
  887. astonishment n
  888. astony v
  889. astoop adv
  890. astorgous adj
  891. astorperious adj
  892. astound v
  893. astounded adj
  894. astoundedly adv
  895. astoundedness n
  896. astounding adj
  897. astoundingly adv
  898. astoundment n
  899. astraddle adv
  900. Astraea proper
  901. astragal n
  902. astragalar adj
  903. astragalocalcaneal adj
  904. astragaloid adj
  905. astragalomancy n
  906. astragaloscaphoid adj
  907. astragalotibial adj
  908. astragalus n
  909. astragyromancy n
  910. astrakanite n
  911. astrakhan n
  912. Astrakhan proper
  913. astral adj
  914. astrally adv
  915. astral plane n
  916. astrand adj
  917. astrantia n
  918. astraphobia n
  919. astraphobic adj
  920. astrapothere n
  921. astration n
  922. astray adv
  923. astreated adj
  924. astrict v
  925. astricted adj
  926. Astrid proper
  927. astride adv prep
  928. astriferous adj
  929. astringe v
  930. astringency n
  931. astringent n adj
  932. astringently adv
  933. astringingness n
  934. astro- prefix
  935. Astro proper
  936. astrobabble n
  937. astroballistic adj
  938. astroballistics n
  939. astrobiological adj
  940. astrobiologist n
  941. astrobiology n
  942. astrobleme n
  943. astrochemical adj
  944. astrochemist n
  945. astrochemistry n
  946. astrochimp n
  947. astrocladistics n
  948. astroclimate n
  949. astroclimatic adj
  950. astrocompass n
  951. astrocyte n
  952. astrocytic adj
  953. astrocytoma n
  954. astrocytosis n
  955. astrodome n
  956. astrodynamic adj
  957. astrodynamical adj
  958. astrodynamically adv
  959. astrodynamics n
  960. astrogate v
  961. astrogation n
  962. astrogator n
  963. astrogeny n
  964. astrogeological adj
  965. astrogeologist n
  966. astrogeology n
  967. astrogeophysical adj
  968. astrogeophysicist n
  969. astrogeophysics n
  970. astroglia n
  971. astroglial adj
  972. astrogliosis n
  973. astrognosy n
  974. astrograph n
  975. astrographic adj
  976. astrography n
  977. astroid n
  978. astroinformatics n
  979. astrointerferometer n
  980. astroite n
  981. astrolabe n
  982. astrolater n
  983. astrolatry n
  984. astrolaw n
  985. astrolithology n
  986. astrologer n
  987. astrological adj
  988. astrologically adv
  989. astrological sign n
  990. astrologist n
  991. astrologize v
  992. astrologue n
  993. astrology n
  994. astromancy n
  995. astromantic adj
  996. astromathematics n
  997. astrometeorological adj
  998. astrometeorologist n
  999. astrometeorology n
  1000. astrometer n
  1001. astrometric adj
  1002. astrometrical adj
  1003. astrometrically adv
  1004. astrometrized adj
  1005. astrometry n
  1006. astronaut n
  1007. astronautic adj
  1008. astronautical adj
  1009. astronautically adv
  1010. astronautics n
  1011. astronavigation n
  1012. astronavigator n
  1013. astronomer n
  1014. Astronomer Royal proper
  1015. astronometrical adj
  1016. astronomic adj
  1017. astronomical adj
  1018. astronomically adv
  1019. astronomical twilight n
  1020. astronomical unit n
  1021. astronomical year n
  1022. Astronomicodiluvian adj
  1023. astronomist n
  1024. astronomize v
  1025. astronomy n
  1026. astronuclear adj
  1027. astroparticle n
  1028. astropause n
  1029. astrophic adj
  1030. astrophilately n
  1031. astrophobia n
  1032. astrophorid n
  1033. astrophoto n
  1034. astrophotographer n
  1035. astrophotographic adj
  1036. astrophotography n
  1037. astrophyllite n
  1038. astrophysical adj
  1039. astrophysically adv
  1040. astrophysicist n
  1041. astrophysics n
  1042. astrophyton n
  1043. Astros proper
  1044. astroscope n
  1045. astroscopy n
  1046. astroseismology n
  1047. astrosheath n
  1048. astrostatistics n
  1049. astrotail n
  1050. astrotheology n
  1051. astrotracker n
  1052. Astroturf v adj
  1053. AstroTurf n
  1054. astroturfer n
  1055. astroturfing n
  1056. astrovirus n
  1057. astructive adj
  1058. astrut adj
  1059. astucious adj
  1060. astuciously adv
  1061. astucity n
  1062. Asturia proper
  1063. Asturian adj n proper
  1064. Asturianism n
  1065. Asturian pony n
  1066. Asturias proper
  1067. astute adj
  1068. astutely adv
  1069. astuteness n
  1070. astylar adj
  1071. ASU init
  1072. asudden adv
  1073. asulam n
  1074. Asunción proper
  1075. asunder adv
  1076. asunderness n
  1077. Asura n
  1078. as usual adv
  1079. ASV init
  1080. ASW init
  1081. aswarm adj
  1082. as well adv
  1083. aswell adv
  1084. as well as conj prep
  1085. as we speak adv
  1086. aswing adv
  1087. aswirl adv
  1088. aswoon adv
  1089. ASX abbr
  1090. as yet adv
  1091. asylee n
  1092. asylum n
  1093. asylumlike adj
  1094. asylum seeker n
  1095. asymbiosis n
  1096. asymmetral adj
  1097. asymmetric adj
  1098. asymmetrical adj
  1099. asymmetrically adv
  1100. asymmetric bars n
  1101. asymmetric centre n
  1102. asymmetric cryptography n
  1103. Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line n
  1104. asymmetric meter n
  1105. asymmetric synthesis n
  1106. asymmetric warfare n
  1107. asymmetrous adj
  1108. asymmetry n
  1109. asymptomatic adj
  1110. asymptote n
  1111. asymptotic adj
  1112. asymptotical adj
  1113. asymptotically adv
  1114. asymptotic analysis n
  1115. asymptotics n
  1116. async abbr
  1117. asynchronicity n
  1118. asynchronism n
  1119. asynchronous adj
  1120. asynchronously adv
  1121. asynchronousness n
  1122. asynchronous transfer mode n
  1123. asynchrony n
  1124. asyndesis n
  1125. asyndetic adj
  1126. asyndetically adv
  1127. asyndeton n
  1128. as you do phrase
  1129. as you know adv
  1130. as you like int
  1131. as you sow, so shall you reap proverb
  1132. as you wish int
  1133. asystole n
  1134. asystolic adj
  1135. asystolism n
  1136. The Ashes proper
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  1. 'at pronoun
  2. at prep n
  3. at- prefix
  4. AT init
  5. âta n
  6. ATA init
  7. atabal n
  8. atabrine n
  9. Atacama proper
  10. Atacaman adj n
  11. Atacameñan adj
  12. atacamite n
  13. at a canter adv
  14. atacicept n
  15. atactic adj
  16. atactically adv
  17. atactostele n
  18. atactostelic adj
  19. at a glance adv
  20. Atalanta proper
  21. at all adv
  22. at all costs adv
  23. at all hours adv
  24. at a loss adv adj
  25. at a loss for words adj
  26. ataman n
  27. at a moment's notice adv
  28. AT&T init
  29. at any rate adv
  30. ATAPI acronym
  31. at a pinch adv
  32. at a premium adv
  33. ataractic adj n
  34. at a rate of knots adv
  35. ataraxia n
  36. ataraxic adj
  37. ataraxis n
  38. ataraxy n
  39. atari n
  40. Atari proper n
  41. at arm's length adj
  42. at a stand adv
  43. at a time adv
  44. atavic adj
  45. atavism n
  46. atavist n
  47. atavistic adj
  48. atavistically adv
  49. ataxia n
  50. ataxic adj
  51. ataxin n
  52. Atayal proper
  53. atazanavir n
  54. atazir n
  55. ATB n
  56. atbash n
  57. at bat n
  58. at-bat n
  59. at bay adv
  60. at best adv
  61. ATC init
  62. at call adj
  63. Atchafalaya n
  64. Atcheson proper
  65. atchievement n
  66. at church every time the doors are open adj
  67. ATCK init
  68. ATCKs init
  69. at cost
  70. at cross-purposes adv
  71. at dark adv
  72. at death's door adj
  73. -ate suffix
  74. A-team n
  75. at ease adj
  76. atechnic adj
  77. ateji n
  78. atelectasis n
  79. atelectatic adj
  80. atelestite n
  81. atelic adj
  82. atelier n
  83. atelierista n
  84. Atellan adj n
  85. atelocollagen n
  86. atelomixis n
  87. atemoya n
  88. atemporal adj
  89. atend v
  90. atene v
  91. Atenism n
  92. atenolol n
  93. ATEOTD init
  94. Aterian adj
  95. Ateso proper
  96. atextual adj
  97. ATF init
  98. at fault adj
  99. at first adv
  100. at first blush adv
  101. at first glance adv
  102. at first sight adv
  103. at full stretch adv
  104. at full throttle adv
  105. at full tilt adv
  106. atgar n
  107. at gaze adj
  108. ATGM init
  109. atgo v
  110. at-grade adj
  111. at gunpoint adv
  112. ATGW init
  113. athabascaite n
  114. Athabascan adj proper
  115. athalamous adj
  116. athalite n
  117. athame n
  118. Athan proper
  119. Athanasian adj
  120. Athanasian wench n
  121. at hand adj
  122. athanor n
  123. Atharvaveda proper
  124. at heart adv
  125. atheism n
  126. atheist n adj
  127. atheistic adj
  128. atheistical adj
  129. atheistically adv
  130. atheisticalness n
  131. atheisticness n
  132. atheize v
  133. athel adj n
  134. atheldom n
  135. atheling n
  136. Athelstan proper
  137. athematic adj
  138. Athena proper
  139. athenaeum n
  140. atheneite n
  141. Athenian proper adj
  142. athenium n
  143. Athens proper
  144. atheological adj
  145. atheology n
  146. atheophobe n
  147. atheophobia n
  148. atheophobic adj
  149. atheoretical adj
  150. atheous adj
  151. atherectomy n
  152. atherinomorph n
  153. at Her Majesty's pleasure
  154. athermal adj
  155. athermancy n
  156. athermanous adj
  157. athermic adj
  158. athermotactic adj
  159. athero- prefix
  160. atherogenesis n
  161. atherogenic adj
  162. atherogenicity n
  163. atheroid adj
  164. atheroma n
  165. atheromatous adj
  166. atheroprotective adj
  167. atherosclerogenesis n
  168. atherosclerogenic adj
  169. atherosclerosis n
  170. atherosclerotic adj
  171. atherosis n
  172. atherothrombosis n
  173. atherothrombotic adj
  174. Atherton proper
  175. athetize v
  176. athetoid adj
  177. athetosis n
  178. athetotic adj
  179. Athirne proper
  180. athirst adj
  181. athlete n
  182. athlete's foot n
  183. athlete's girdle n
  184. athletic adj
  185. Athletic proper
  186. athletically adv
  187. athleticism n
  188. athletic protector n
  189. athletics n
  190. Athletics proper
  191. athletic supporter n
  192. athleticwear n
  193. athletism n
  194. -athlon suffix
  195. athodyd n
  196. at home adv
  197. at-home card n
  198. -athon suffix
  199. Athos proper
  200. athwart adv prep
  201. athwartship adv
  202. athwartships adv
  203. athymic adj
  204. Atikamekw n proper
  205. a-tilt adv
  206. atilt adj adv
  207. -atim suffix
  208. atimy n
  209. atingle adj
  210. -ation suffix
  211. atipamezole n
  212. atiptoe adv
  213. atisane n
  214. atishoo int
  215. at issue adj
  216. -ative suffix
  217. Atkin proper
  218. Atkins proper
  219. Atkins diet proper
  220. Atkins Nutritional Approach proper
  221. Atkinson proper
  222. at knifepoint adv
  223. ATKT init
  224. Atlalanti proper
  225. Atlanta proper
  226. atlantal adj
  227. Atlantan adj n
  228. Atlantean n adj
  229. Atlantic proper adj
  230. Atlantic Canada proper
  231. Atlantic halibut n
  232. Atlantic herring n
  233. Atlantic Isles proper
  234. Atlanticism n
  235. Atlanticist n
  236. Atlantic Ocean proper
  237. Atlantic pollock n
  238. Atlantic pomfret n
  239. Atlantic provinces proper
  240. Atlantic salmon n
  241. Atlantic Standard Time proper
  242. Atlantic tomcod n
  243. Atlantis proper
  244. Atlantist n
  245. atlantoaxial adj
  246. at large adj
  247. atlas n
  248. Atlas proper
  249. Atlas lion n
  250. Atlas moth n
  251. Atlas Mountains proper
  252. atlasovite n
  253. at last adv
  254. atlastin n
  255. atlatl n
  256. atlatlist n
  257. at latter Lammas adv
  258. at least adv
  259. atled n
  260. at length adv
  261. atlizumab n
  262. at loggerheads adj
  263. at long last adv
  264. at loose ends adj
  265. atm abbr
  266. atman n
  267. atmidometer n
  268. atmologist n
  269. atmology n
  270. atmolysis n
  271. atmolyzer n
  272. atmometer n
  273. atmophile n
  274. atmosphere n
  275. atmospheric adj
  276. atmospherical adj
  277. atmospherically adv
  278. atmospheric perspective n
  279. atmospheric pressure n
  280. atmospherics n
  281. atmospheric tide n
  282. atmospherology n
  283. at most adv
  284. at night adv
  285. at no time adv
  286. ATO init acronym
  287. ATOC acronym
  288. at odds
  289. atokite n
  290. atokous adj
  291. ATOL acronym
  292. atole n
  293. atoll n
  294. atoll fruit dove n
  295. atom n
  296. atomate adj
  297. atomic adj
  298. Atomic Age proper
  299. atomically adv
  300. atomic authorization n
  301. atomic battery n
  302. atomic bomb n
  303. atomic clock n
  304. atomic energy n
  305. atomic force microscope n
  306. atomic force microscopy n
  307. atomic forensics n
  308. atomician n
  309. atomicism n
  310. atomicity n
  311. atomic mass n
  312. atomic mass unit n
  313. atomic nucleus n
  314. atomic number n
  315. atomic orbital n
  316. atomic pile n
  317. atomic theory n
  318. atomic time n
  319. atomic weapon n
  320. atomic weight n
  321. atomic winter n
  322. atomiser n
  323. atomism n
  324. atomist n
  325. atomistic adj
  326. atomistically adv
  327. atomization n
  328. atomize v
  329. atomizer n
  330. atomlike adj
  331. atomology n
  332. atomoxetine n
  333. atompunk n
  334. atom smasher n
  335. atomtronic adj
  336. atomtronics n
  337. atomy n
  338. atonable adj
  339. atonal adj
  340. atonalism n
  341. atonalist n
  342. atonality n
  343. atonally adv
  344. at once adv
  345. at one adv
  346. atone v
  347. atonement n
  348. atoner n
  349. at one's fingertips adj
  350. atoneth v
  351. at one time adv
  352. at one with prep
  353. atonia n
  354. atonic adj
  355. atonically adv
  356. atoningly adv
  357. atony n
  358. atop prep adv
  359. atopic adj
  360. atopical adj
  361. atopic dermatitis n
  362. atopy n
  363. atoroidal adj
  364. atorolimumab n
  365. atorvastatin n
  366. -atory suffix
  367. atosiban n
  368. atovaquone n
  369. atoxopy n
  370. ATP init
  371. at pains adj
  372. ATPase n
  373. atpatruus n
  374. at peace adj
  375. at peace with prep
  376. at present adv
  377. ATRA init
  378. atrabilarian adj
  379. atrabilarious adj
  380. atrabilariousness n
  381. atrabiliar adj
  382. atrabilious adj
  383. atrabiliousness n
  384. atracurium n
  385. atramental adj
  386. atramentarious adj
  387. atramentous adj
  388. at random adv
  389. atrane n
  390. atrasentan n
  391. atrate n
  392. atray v
  393. atrazine n
  394. atreach v
  395. atrede v
  396. atremble adj
  397. atren v
  398. atresia n
  399. at rest adj
  400. atrial adj
  401. atrial fibrillation n
  402. atrial natriuretic peptide n
  403. atrichia n
  404. atride v
  405. atrin v
  406. atrine v
  407. atriopore n
  408. atriotomy n
  409. atriovenous adj
  410. atrioventricular adj
  411. atrip adj
  412. atrist v
  413. atrium n
  414. atrocha n
  415. atrocious adj
  416. atrociously adv
  417. atrociousness n
  418. atrocity n
  419. atroke v
  420. Atropatene proper
  421. atrophic adj
  422. atrophied adj
  423. atrophin n
  424. atrophoderma n
  425. atrophy n v
  426. atropine n
  427. atropinization n
  428. atropism n
  429. atropisomer n
  430. atropisomerism n
  431. atropoisomer n
  432. Atropos proper
  433. atropous adj
  434. atroscine n
  435. atrous adj
  436. atrout v
  437. atsake v
  438. ATSB init
  439. atscape v
  440. at sea adj
  441. atseek v
  442. atself adv
  443. atshake v
  444. atshoot v
  445. at sight adv
  446. at sign n
  447. at-sign n
  448. atsit v
  449. at sixes and sevens adj
  450. atslike v
  451. atslip v
  452. at someone's service adj
  453. at some point adv
  454. atspring v
  455. at stake adj
  456. atstand v
  457. atstert v
  458. atstunt v
  459. atstut v
  460. atsugari n
  461. at symbol n
  462. att n
  463. atta determiner n
  464. at table adj
  465. attaboy int n
  466. attacca adv
  467. attach v
  468. attachable adj
  469. attachableness n
  470. attache n
  471. attaché n
  472. attaché case n
  473. attached adj
  474. attached annulus n
  475. attacher n
  476. attachiamenta de spinis et boscis n
  477. attaching v
  478. attachingness n
  479. attachment n
  480. attachment disorder n
  481. attack n v
  482. attackable adj
  483. attack au fer n
  484. attack dog n
  485. attackee n
  486. attacker n
  487. attacking adj
  488. attacking midfielder n
  489. attacking zone n
  490. attack is the best form of defence proverb
  491. attacklike adj
  492. attackman n
  493. attacks v
  494. attagirl int
  495. attain v
  496. attainability n
  497. attainable adj
  498. attainableness n
  499. attainder n
  500. attainment n
  501. attainor n
  502. attaint adj v n
  503. attainted adj
  504. attainture n
  505. attakolite n
  506. attapulgite n
  507. attar n
  508. attar of roses n
  509. Attashin proper
  510. attask v
  511. attaste v
  512. attemper v
  513. attemperament n
  514. attemperation n
  515. attempt v n
  516. attemptable adj
  517. attempted adj
  518. attempted rape n
  519. attempter n
  520. attemptive adj
  521. attendance n
  522. attendance allowance n
  523. attendant n adj
  524. attended adj
  525. attendedness n
  526. attendee n
  527. attendement n
  528. attender n
  529. attending adj n
  530. attendment n
  531. attent adj
  532. attentat n
  533. attention n int
  534. attentional adj
  535. attentionally adv
  536. attention deficit disorder n
  537. attention deficit hyperactivity disorder n
  538. attention-grabbing adj
  539. attention seeker n
  540. attention span n
  541. attention whore n v
  542. attentisme n
  543. attentive adj
  544. attentively adv
  545. attentiveness n
  546. attentivity n
  547. attently adv
  548. attenuable adj
  549. attenuance n
  550. attenuate v adj
  551. attenuated adj
  552. attenuation n
  553. attenuative adj
  554. attenuator n
  555. atter n v
  556. attercop n
  557. atterly adj
  558. attern adj
  559. atterration n
  560. Atterton proper
  561. attery adj
  562. attest v
  563. attestability n
  564. attestable adj
  565. attestably adv
  566. attestation n
  567. attestative adj
  568. attested adj
  569. attestedly adv
  570. attestive adj
  571. at that adv
  572. at the best of times adv
  573. at the coal face adj
  574. at the corner adj
  575. at the double
  576. at the drop of a hat
  577. at the end of one's rope adv
  578. at the end of one's tether adj
  579. at the end of the day adv
  580. at the expense of prep
  581. at the feet of prep
  582. at the hands of prep
  583. at the high port adv
  584. at the mercy of adj
  585. at the moment adv
  586. at the ready adj
  587. at the same time adv
  588. at the top of one's lungs adv
  589. at the top of one's voice adv
  590. at the wheel adj adv
  591. at this moment in time adv
  592. at this point in time adj
  593. attic n
  594. Attic adj proper
  595. Attica proper
  596. Attical adj
  597. Attic faith n
  598. Atticism n
  599. Atticize v
  600. atticky adj
  601. atticless adj
  602. atticlike adj
  603. Attic salt n
  604. Atticus Finch n
  605. attiguous adj
  606. attiguousness n
  607. attila n
  608. Attila proper
  609. Attila the Hun proper
  610. at times adv
  611. attire n v
  612. attired adj v
  613. attirement n
  614. attitude n v
  615. attituded adj
  616. attitude indicator n
  617. attitude-y adj
  618. attitudinal adj
  619. attitudinally adv
  620. attitudinarian n
  621. attitudinarianism n
  622. attitudinize v
  623. attitudinizer n
  624. attitudinous adj
  625. attle n
  626. attn abbr
  627. atto- prefix
  628. attoampere n
  629. attogram n
  630. attohertz n
  631. attojoule n
  632. attokatal n
  633. attoliter n
  634. attolitre n
  635. attometre n
  636. attomolar adj
  637. attomole n
  638. attonce adv
  639. attophysics n
  640. attoreactor n
  641. attorn v
  642. attorney n
  643. attorney-client privilege n
  644. attorney general n
  645. attorney-in-fact n
  646. attorneyism n
  647. attorney of record n
  648. attorney's fee n
  649. attorneyship n
  650. attorney's lien n
  651. attorney's work product n
  652. attornment n
  653. attosecond n
  654. attowatt n
  655. attr abbr
  656. attract v
  657. attractability n
  658. attractable adj
  659. attractancy n
  660. attractant n
  661. attracted adj
  662. attractile adj
  663. attractingly adv
  664. attraction n
  665. attractive adj
  666. attractively adv
  667. attractiveness n
  668. attractive nuisance n
  669. attractivity n
  670. attract mode n
  671. attractor n
  672. attrahent adj n
  673. attrectation n
  674. Attri proper
  675. attributable adj
  676. attribute n v
  677. attributee n
  678. attributeness n
  679. attribution n
  680. attributional adj
  681. attributional complexity n
  682. attribution theory n
  683. attributive adj n
  684. attributive adjective n
  685. attributively adv
  686. attributiveness n
  687. attributive noun n
  688. attrit v
  689. attrite adj
  690. attritee n
  691. attriteness n
  692. attriter n
  693. attrition n
  694. attritional adj
  695. attrition damage n
  696. attritive adj
  697. attuite v
  698. attuition n
  699. attunable adj
  700. attune v
  701. attuned adj
  702. attunedness n
  703. attunement n
  704. Atty abbr
  705. atumble adj
  706. ATW init
  707. atwain adv
  708. atween prep
  709. at will adv
  710. atwind v
  711. atwinkle adj
  712. atwirl adv
  713. atwist adv
  714. atwite v
  715. atwitter adj
  716. atwix prep
  717. atwixt adv
  718. atwo adv
  719. Atwood proper
  720. Atwoodian adj
  721. at work adv
  722. at worst adv
  723. ATWS abbr
  724. atychiphobia n
  725. at your service adj
  726. A-type conflict n
  727. atypia n
  728. atypic adj
  729. atypical adj n
  730. atypically adv
  731. atypical tarantula n
[[../a1#a|a]] [[../a1#aa|aa]] [[../a1#ab|ab]] [[../a1#ac|ac]] [[../a1#ad|ad]] [[../a1#ae|ae]] [[../a1#af|af]] [[../a1#ag|ag]] [[../a1#ah|ah]] [[../a1#ai|ai]] [[../a1#aj|aj]] [[../a1#ak|ak]] [[../a1#al|al]] [[../a1#am|am]] an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az


  1. aubade n
  2. Aube proper
  3. auberge n
  4. aubergine n
  5. aubertite n
  6. Aubrey proper
  7. aubrite n
  8. auburn n adj
  9. Auburn system proper
  10. auchenium n
  11. Auckland proper
  12. Aucklander n
  13. au contraire adv
  14. au courant adj
  15. auction n v
  16. auctionability n
  17. auctionable adj
  18. auctionary adj
  19. auction call n
  20. auctioneer n v
  21. auctiongoer n
  22. auctionlike adj
  23. auction off v
  24. auctorial adj
  25. auctorial descriptive n
  26. aucuba n
  27. aud. abbr
  28. Au.D. abbr
  29. audacious adj
  30. audaciously adv
  31. audaciousness n
  32. audacity n
  33. audax n
  34. Audenesque adj
  35. Audenshaw proper
  36. audial adj
  37. audi alteram partem phrase
  38. audibility n
  39. audible adj v n
  40. audibleness n
  41. audibly adv
  42. Audie proper
  43. audience n
  44. audience left n
  45. audienceless adj
  46. audience right n
  47. audient adj n
  48. audile adj
  49. audio adj n
  50. audio- prefix
  51. audioanalgesia n
  52. audiobook n
  53. audio cassette n
  54. audio CD n
  55. audio DVD n
  56. audio frequency n
  57. audiogenic adj
  58. audiogram n
  59. audio guide n
  60. audiological adj
  61. audiologist n
  62. audiology n
  63. audiometer n
  64. audiometric adj
  65. audiometry n
  66. audion tube n
  67. audiophile n
  68. audiophilia n
  69. audiotape n v
  70. audio tour n
  71. audiotrack n
  72. audio-typist n
  73. audiovestibular adj
  74. audiovisual adj
  75. audiovisually adv
  76. audiowarez n
  77. audiphone n
  78. audism n
  79. audit n v
  80. auditable adj
  81. audita querela n
  82. auditee n
  83. audition n v
  84. auditionee n
  85. auditioner n
  86. auditor n
  87. auditorial adj
  88. auditorium n
  89. auditorship n
  90. auditory adj n
  91. auditress n
  92. audit trail n
  93. auditual adj
  94. Audrey proper
  95. au fait adj
  96. aufeis n
  97. Aufgabe n
  98. Aufklärer n
  99. Aufklärung proper n
  100. Aug. abbr
  101. Augean adj
  102. augelite n
  103. augend n
  104. auger n v
  105. Auger effect n
  106. aught pronoun n adv v adj
  107. Aughton proper
  108. aughts n
  109. Augie proper
  110. augite n
  111. augitic adj
  112. augment v n
  113. augmentable adj
  114. augmentation n
  115. augmentation cystoplasty n
  116. augmentative adj n
  117. augmented adj
  118. augmented fifth n
  119. augmented fourth n
  120. augmented interval n
  121. augmented ninth n
  122. augmented octave n
  123. augmented reality n
  124. augmented second n
  125. augmented seventh n
  126. augmented sixth n
  127. augmented sixth chord n
  128. augmented third n
  129. augmented triad n
  130. augmented unison n
  131. augmentin n
  132. augmentless adj
  133. augur n v
  134. augural adj
  135. auguration n
  136. augurer n
  137. augurial adj
  138. augurous adj
  139. augurship n
  140. augury n
  141. august adj v
  142. August proper
  143. Augusta proper
  144. Augustan adj
  145. auguste n
  146. Augustine proper
  147. Augustinian adj n
  148. Augustinianism n
  149. augustly adv
  150. augustness n
  151. Augustus proper
  152. Augusty adj
  153. 'Auhelawa proper
  154. au jus adj n
  155. auk n
  156. auklet n
  157. Aukštaitian proper adj
  158. Aukštaitija proper
  159. aul n
  160. aula n
  161. aulacogen n
  162. aula magna n
  163. aularian adj n
  164. aulate adj
  165. auld adj
  166. auletic adj
  167. aulic adj n
  168. auln n
  169. aulophobia n
  170. aulopiform n
  171. aulos n
  172. AUM acronym
  173. aumail v
  174. aumery n
  175. au naturel adv
  176. auncel n
  177. aunt n
  178. auntdom n
  179. aunter n
  180. Aunt Flo proper
  181. aunthood n
  182. auntie n
  183. Auntie proper
  184. auntless adj
  185. auntlike adj
  186. auntly adv
  187. auntness n
  188. auntrous adj
  189. Aunt Sally proper
  190. auol n
  191. AUP init
  192. au pair n
  193. aura n
  194. Aura proper
  195. aural adj
  196. auraless adj
  197. auralike adj
  198. aurally adv
  199. aurally challenged adj
  200. auramine n
  201. auramine O n
  202. Aurangabad proper
  203. auranofin n
  204. aurantiaceous adj
  205. aurate n
  206. auratic adj
  207. aureate adj
  208. aureation n
  209. Auregnais proper
  210. aureity n
  211. Aurelia proper
  212. Aurelian proper
  213. Aurelius proper
  214. aureola n
  215. aureole n
  216. aureoled adj
  217. aureomycin n
  218. aureus n
  219. au revoir int
  220. auri- prefix
  221. aurian adj
  222. auric adj
  223. auric acid n
  224. aurichalceous adj
  225. aurichalcite n
  226. auricle n
  227. auricled adj
  228. auricula n
  229. auricular adj n
  230. auricularia n
  231. auricularly adv
  232. auricular muscle n
  233. auriculars n
  234. auriculate adj
  235. auriculated adj
  236. auriculo- prefix
  237. auriculoacupuncture n
  238. auriculotherapy n
  239. auricupride n
  240. auride n
  241. auriferous adj
  242. aurification n
  243. auriform adj
  244. aurify v
  245. Auriga proper
  246. aurigal adj
  247. aurigation n
  248. aurigraphy n
  249. aurin n
  250. auriphrygiate adj
  251. auriscalp n
  252. auriscalpium n
  253. auriscope n
  254. auriscopic adj
  255. auriscopy n
  256. aurist n
  257. aurited adj
  258. aurivilliusite n
  259. aurivorous adj
  260. auro- prefix
  261. aurocephalous adj
  262. aurochloride n
  263. aurochs n
  264. aurocyanide n
  265. aurophilic adj
  266. aurora n
  267. Aurora proper
  268. aurora australis n
  269. aurora borealis n
  270. aurora-colored adj
  271. auroral adj
  272. auroraphobia n
  273. aurorite n
  274. aurostibite n
  275. aurothioglucose n
  276. aurothiomalate n
  277. aurous adj
  278. aurulent adj
  279. aurum n
  280. Aurum proper
  281. Aus abbr
  282. AUs abbr
  283. Auschwitz proper
  284. auscult v
  285. auscultate v
  286. auscultation n
  287. auscultator n
  288. auscultatory adj
  289. ausferrite n
  290. Auslan proper
  291. auslaut n
  292. auslese n
  293. Ausonian adj n
  294. ausonium n
  295. auspicate v adj
  296. auspice n
  297. auspices n
  298. auspicial adj
  299. auspicious adj
  300. auspiciously adv
  301. auspiciousness n
  302. Aussie n proper adj
  303. Aussie battler n
  304. Aussieland proper
  305. Aussie rules n
  306. Aust abbr
  307. austausch n
  308. austausch coefficient n
  309. austemper v
  310. Austen proper
  311. Austenesque adj
  312. austenite n
  313. Austenite n
  314. austenitic adj
  315. austenitic steel n
  316. austenitization n
  317. austenitize v
  318. auster n
  319. Auster proper
  320. austere adj
  321. austerely adv
  322. austereness n
  323. austerity n
  324. Austin proper
  325. austinite n
  326. austral adj n
  327. Australasia proper
  328. Australasian adj
  329. Australasian pig-nose turtle n
  330. AustralE abbr
  331. Australia proper
  332. Australia Day proper
  333. Australia Felix proper
  334. Australian n adj
  335. Australiana n
  336. Australian Aboriginal proper
  337. Australian ballot n
  338. Australian Capital Territory proper
  339. Australian Cattle Dog n
  340. Australian dollar n
  341. Australian Eastern Standard Time proper
  342. Australian إنجليزية proper
  343. Australianise v
  344. Australianism n
  345. Australianist n
  346. Australian magpie n
  347. Australian Mist n
  348. Australianness n
  349. Australian pelican n
  350. Australian rhyming slang n
  351. Australian rules proper
  352. Australian rules football n
  353. Australian Shepherd n
  354. Australian Sign Language proper
  355. australine n
  356. australite n
  357. Australize v
  358. australly adv
  359. Australo- prefix
  360. Australoid adj
  361. australopith adj n
  362. Australopith adj n
  363. australopithecine n adj
  364. Australopithecine n adj
  365. Austria proper
  366. Austria-Hungary proper
  367. Austrian n adj
  368. Austrian German proper
  369. Austrianness n
  370. austrine adj
  371. austringer n
  372. Austro- prefix
  373. Austro-Asiatic proper
  374. austrocentric adj
  375. Austro-Hungarian adj
  376. austromancy n
  377. Austronesia proper
  378. Austronesian adj n
  379. Austronesianist n
  380. Austroslavism n
  381. AUT acronym
  382. autacoid n
  383. autapomorph n
  384. autapomorphic adj
  385. autapomorphically adv
  386. autapomorphy n
  387. autapse n
  388. autaptic adj
  389. autarch n
  390. autarchic adj
  391. autarchy n
  392. autarkic adj
  393. autarkical adj
  394. autarkically adv
  395. autarky n
  396. autecology n
  397. autem n
  398. autem bawler n
  399. autem cackler n
  400. autem dipper n
  401. autem diver n
  402. autem mort n
  403. auteur n
  404. auteurism n
  405. auteurist adj n
  406. auteurship n
  407. auth abbr v
  408. authalic adj
  409. authentic adj
  410. authentically adv
  411. authenticalness n
  412. authenticate v
  413. authentication n
  414. authenticator n
  415. authentic cadence n
  416. authenticist adj n
  417. authenticity n
  418. authenticness n
  419. authentics n
  420. authigenic adj
  421. author n v
  422. authorcraft n
  423. authoress n
  424. authorial adj
  425. authoriality n
  426. authoring n
  427. authoring program n
  428. authorism n
  429. authoritarian adj n
  430. authoritarianism n
  431. authoritative adj
  432. authoritatively adv
  433. authoritativeness n
  434. authority n
  435. authorityless adj
  436. authorizable adj
  437. authorization n
  438. authorize v
  439. authorized term n
  440. Authorized Version proper
  441. authorizer n
  442. authorless adj
  443. authorlike adj
  444. authorly adj
  445. Author of Eternal Salvation proper
  446. authors v
  447. authorship n
  448. autie n
  449. autism n
  450. autism spectrum disorder n
  451. autist n
  452. autistic adj n
  453. autistically adv
  454. autistic spectrum disorder n
  455. auto n
  456. auto- prefix
  457. autoacceleration n
  458. autoacetylated adj
  459. autoacetylation n
  460. autoactivate v
  461. autoactivation n
  462. autoadjuvant n
  463. autoamputate v
  464. autoamputation n
  465. autoanalyser n
  466. autoanalysis n
  467. autoanswer n
  468. autoantibody n
  469. autoantigen n
  470. autoantonym n
  471. autobahn n
  472. autobarotropic adj
  473. autobarotropy n
  474. autobaud n
  475. autobiog n
  476. autobiographer n
  477. autobiographic adj
  478. autobiographical adj
  479. autobiographically adv
  480. autobiographism n
  481. autobiographist n
  482. autobiography n
  483. autoblanking n
  484. autoblock n
  485. auto body n
  486. autoboot v
  487. autoboxed adj
  488. autoboxing n
  489. autobus n
  490. autocab n
  491. autocancel v n
  492. autocannibalism n
  493. autocannon n
  494. autocapitalization n
  495. autocatalysed adj
  496. autocatalysis n
  497. autocatalyst n
  498. autocatalytic adj
  499. autocatalytically adv
  500. autocatalyze v
  501. autocephalous adj
  502. autocephaly n
  503. autochanger n
  504. autochef n
  505. autochory n
  506. autochrome n
  507. autochronograph n
  508. autochthon n
  509. autochthonal adj
  510. autochthonic adj
  511. autochthonism n
  512. autochthonous adj
  513. autochthony n
  514. autocide n
  515. autoclavability n
  516. autoclavable adj
  517. autoclave n v
  518. autocleavage n
  519. autoclitic n
  520. autocollimation n
  521. autocollimator n
  522. autocomplete v
  523. autocompletion n
  524. autoconfiguration n
  525. autoconfigure v
  526. autoconfirmation n
  527. autoconnection n
  528. autoconstruction n
  529. autoconvection n
  530. autoconvective adj
  531. autoconversion n
  532. autocoprophagy n
  533. autocorrection n
  534. autocorrelated adj
  535. autocorrelation n
  536. autocorrelational adj
  537. autocorrelator n
  538. autocovariance n
  539. autocracy n
  540. autocrat n
  541. autocratic adj
  542. autocratical adj
  543. autocratically adv
  544. autocratorical adj
  545. autocratrix n
  546. autocrime n
  547. autocrine adj
  548. autocritical adj
  549. autocritique n
  550. autocross n
  551. autocue n
  552. autocunnilingus n
  553. auto da fe n
  554. autodecomposition n
  555. autodefenestration n
  556. autodefrost n
  557. autodegradation n
  558. autodelete v
  559. autodeletion n
  560. autodestruct v n
  561. autodestruction n
  562. autodestructive adj
  563. autodetect v
  564. autodetection n
  565. autodetonation n
  566. autodiagnosis n
  567. autodial n
  568. autodialer n
  569. autodidact n
  570. autodidactic adj
  571. autodidacticism n
  572. autodiegetic adj
  573. autodigestion n
  574. autodigestive adj
  575. AUTODIN acronym
  576. autodiscovery n
  577. autodocking n
  578. autodrome n
  579. autodynamic adj
  580. autoecious adj
  581. autoencoder n
  582. autoenrollment n
  583. autoepistemic adj
  584. autoerotic adj
  585. autoerotically adv
  586. autoeroticism n
  587. autoerotism n
  588. auto-ethnocide n
  589. autoethnographic adj
  590. autoethnography adj
  591. autoexplosive adj
  592. autofade n
  593. autofecundation n
  594. autofellatio n
  595. autofill n
  596. autofire n
  597. autoflash n
  598. autofluff n
  599. autofluorescence n
  600. autofluorescent adj
  601. autofluorescing adj
  602. autofocus n v
  603. autoformat v
  604. auto-forwarding n
  605. autogamous adj
  606. autogamy n
  607. autoganzfeld n
  608. autogas n
  609. autogated adj
  610. autogating n
  611. autogeneal adj
  612. autogenerate v
  613. autogeneration n
  614. autogenesis n
  615. autogenetic adj
  616. autogenic adj
  617. autogenous adj
  618. autogenously adv
  619. autogiro n
  620. autoglossonym n
  621. autognosis n
  622. autognostic n
  623. autograft n v
  624. autograph n adj v
  625. autographal adj
  626. autograph book n
  627. autographic adj
  628. autographical adj
  629. autography n
  630. autograt n
  631. autogynephilia n
  632. autogynephilic adj
  633. autogyro n
  634. autohagiography n
  635. autoharp n
  636. autoharpist n
  637. autohemotherapy n
  638. autohide v
  639. autohotel n
  640. autohypnosis n
  641. autohypnotic adj
  642. autoigniting adj
  643. autoignition n
  644. auto-immune adj
  645. autoimmune adj
  646. autoimmunity n
  647. autoimmunologic adj
  648. autoimmunology n
  649. autoincrement v
  650. autoفهرسing n
  651. autoinducer n
  652. autoinfanticide n
  653. autoinfection n
  654. autoinflammation n
  655. autoinflammatory adj
  656. autoinhibit v
  657. autoinhibited adj
  658. autoinhibition n
  659. autoinhibitory adj
  660. autoinjection n
  661. autoinjector n
  662. autoinstall n
  663. autoinstallation n
  664. auto insurance n
  665. autointegration n
  666. autointeraction n
  667. autointoxication n
  668. autoion n
  669. autoionization n
  670. autoionize v
  671. autoist n
  672. autojoin n
  673. autojumble n
  674. autokinase n
  675. autokinesis n
  676. autokinetic adj
  677. autolatry n
  678. autolearning n
  679. autoload v
  680. autoloader n
  681. autolocking n adj
  682. autological adj
  683. autologin n
  684. autologous adj
  685. autoloom n
  686. autolysate n
  687. autolysis n
  688. autolysosomal adj
  689. autolysosome n
  690. autolytic adj
  691. autolyze v
  692. automagic n
  693. automagical adj
  694. automagically adv
  695. automaker n
  696. automaking n
  697. automania n
  698. automaniac n
  699. automap n
  700. automapping n
  701. automat n
  702. automatable adj
  703. automate v
  704. automated adj
  705. automated clearing house n
  706. automatedly adv
  707. automated teller machine n
  708. Automated Transfer Vehicle n
  709. automath n
  710. automatic adj n
  711. automatically adv
  712. automatic data processing machine n
  713. automatic distance control n
  714. automaticity n
  715. automatic leveling system n
  716. automatic number plate recognition n
  717. automatic rifle n
  718. automatic teller machine n
  719. automatic transmission n
  720. automatic writing n
  721. automation n
  722. automatism n
  723. automatist adj n
  724. automatistic adj
  725. automatization n
  726. automatize v
  727. automaton n
  728. automatonlike adj
  729. auto mechanic n
  730. automerization n
  731. automethylate v
  732. automictic adj
  733. automimicry n
  734. automixis n
  735. automize v
  736. automobile n v
  737. automobileless adj
  738. automobile racing n
  739. automobilia n
  740. automobilist n
  741. automorphic adj
  742. automorphic number n
  743. automorphism n
  744. automorphy n
  745. automotive adj
  746. automount v
  747. automounter n
  748. auton n
  749. autonomasia n
  750. autonomation n
  751. autonomic adj
  752. autonomically adv
  753. autonomic nervous system n
  754. autonomism n
  755. autonomist n
  756. autonomous adj
  757. autonomous community n
  758. autonomously adv
  759. autonomousness n
  760. autonomous oblast n
  761. Autonomous Oblast n
  762. autonomy n
  763. autonumbered adj
  764. autonumbering n
  765. autonym n
  766. autonymous adj
  767. autonymously adv
  768. autonymy n
  769. autooxidation n
  770. autopalatine n
  771. autopartitioning n
  772. autopathography n
  773. autopay n
  774. autopayment n
  775. autopen n
  776. autophagi n
  777. autophagic adj
  778. autophagolysosome n
  779. autophagomometer n
  780. autophagosomal adj
  781. autophagosome n
  782. autophagy n
  783. autophile n
  784. autophilia n
  785. autophobia n
  786. autophobic adj
  787. autophone n
  788. Autophone proper
  789. autophony n
  790. autophosphatase n
  791. autophosphorylate v
  792. autophosphorylated adj
  793. autophosphorylation n
  794. autophyte n
  795. autopilot n v
  796. autopipette n
  797. autoplastic adj
  798. autoplasty n
  799. autoplay n
  800. autoploid adj
  801. autoploidy n
  802. autoplunger n
  803. autopod n
  804. autopodium n
  805. autopoiesis n
  806. autopoietic adj
  807. autopoisoning n
  808. autopolyploid adj
  809. autopositioning n
  810. autoprocessing n
  811. autoprotective adj
  812. autoprotolysis n
  813. autopsic adj
  814. autopsy n v
  815. autoptically adv
  816. auto racing n
  817. autoradiogram n
  818. autoradiograph n
  819. autoradiographed adj
  820. autoradiographic adj
  821. autoradiography n
  822. autoradiolysis n
  823. autoreact v
  824. autoreactive adj
  825. autoreactivity n
  826. autoreceptor n
  827. autorecognition n
  828. autoredirection n
  829. autoreference n
  830. autoreferential adj
  831. autoreferentiality n
  832. autoreferentially adv
  833. autorefresh n
  834. autoregistration n
  835. autoregression n
  836. autoregressive adj
  837. autoregulate v
  838. autoregulation n
  839. autoregulatory adj
  840. autoregulatory loop n
  841. autorenewal n
  842. autorepeat n
  843. auto-reply n
  844. autoresonance n
  845. autoresponder n
  846. autoresponse n
  847. autoreverse n
  848. autorhythmic adj
  849. autorick n
  850. autorickshaw n
  851. autorotation n
  852. autorotational adj
  853. autoroute n
  854. autorun n
  855. autosampler n
  856. autosave n v
  857. autoscanning n
  858. autoscattering n
  859. autoschediastic adj
  860. autoscope n
  861. autoscopy n
  862. autoscrolling n
  863. autosegment n
  864. autosegmental adj
  865. autoselect v
  866. autosensing adj
  867. autosexual adj n
  868. autosexually adv
  869. autoshaping n
  870. autosomal adj
  871. autosomally adv
  872. autosome n
  873. autospeak n
  874. autosport n
  875. autostainer n
  876. autostart v
  877. autostereogram n
  878. autostereoscopic adj
  879. autostereoscopy n
  880. autostop n
  881. autostrada n
  882. autostylic adj
  883. autosub n
  884. auto-suggestion n
  885. autosuggestion n
  886. autosuggestive adj
  887. autosynchronous adj
  888. autotaxin n
  889. autotelic adj
  890. autotelism n
  891. autoteller n
  892. autotest n
  893. autotheism n
  894. autotheistic adj
  895. autotherapy n
  896. autotomized adj
  897. autotomy n
  898. autotonsorialist n
  899. autotoxicity n
  900. autotoxin n
  901. autotransformation n
  902. autotransformer n
  903. autotransfusion n
  904. autotranslation n
  905. autotransplantation n
  906. autotroph n
  907. autotrophic adj
  908. autotrophically adv
  909. autotrophy n
  910. auto-tune v
  911. auto-tuner n
  912. autotype n
  913. autotypography n
  914. autotypy n
  915. autoubiquitination n
  916. autoubiquitylation n
  917. autowinder n
  918. autoworker n
  919. autoxidation n
  920. autoxidative adj
  921. autoxidisable adj
  922. autoxidise v
  923. autoxidised adj
  924. autozygome n
  925. autumn n adj
  926. Autumn proper
  927. autumnal adj
  928. autumnal equinox n
  929. autumnally adv
  930. autumn equinox n
  931. autumntime n
  932. autumny adj
  933. autumn years n
  934. autunite n
  935. Auvergne proper
  936. Auvergnese adj n
  937. aux abbr
  938. auxanogram n
  939. auxanography n
  940. auxanometer n
  941. auxesis n
  942. auxetic adj
  943. auxetophone n
  944. auxiliarly adv
  945. auxiliary adj n
  946. auxiliary bishop n
  947. auxiliary verb n
  948. auxiliatory adj
  949. auxin n
  950. auxo- prefix
  951. auxochrome n
  952. auxologic adj
  953. auxology n
  954. auxospore n
  955. auxosporulation n
  956. auxotonic adj
  957. auxotroph n
  958. auxotrophic adj
  959. auxotrophism n
  960. auxotrophy n
[[../a1#a|a]] [[../a1#aa|aa]] [[../a1#ab|ab]] [[../a1#ac|ac]] [[../a1#ad|ad]] [[../a1#ae|ae]] [[../a1#af|af]] [[../a1#ag|ag]] [[../a1#ah|ah]] [[../a1#ai|ai]] [[../a1#aj|aj]] [[../a1#ak|ak]] [[../a1#al|al]] [[../a1#am|am]] an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az


  1. av abbr
  2. Av proper
  3. Av. abbr
  4. AV init
  5. Ava proper
  6. avadavat n
  7. avail v n
  8. availability n
  9. availability bias n
  10. available adj
  11. available energy n
  12. availableness n
  13. available seat mile n
  14. available ton mile n
  15. availably adv
  16. availful adj
  17. availing adj n
  18. availingly adv
  19. availment n
  20. aval n adj
  21. avalanche n v
  22. avalanche effect n
  23. avale v
  24. avalent adj
  25. Avalogoli proper
  26. Avalon proper
  27. avalvular adj
  28. avant n
  29. avant-courier n
  30. avant-garde n adj
  31. avantgarde n
  32. avant-gardism n
  33. avant-gardist n
  34. avantgardist n
  35. avantgardistic adj
  36. avant-guard n
  37. avant la lettre phrase
  38. Avar proper n adj
  39. avaram n
  40. Avaric proper
  41. avarice n
  42. avaricious adj
  43. avariciously adv
  44. avariciousness n
  45. avarous adj
  46. avascular adj
  47. avascular necrosis n
  48. avast int
  49. avatar n
  50. avatarhood n
  51. avaunce v
  52. avaunt int n v
  53. avauntour n
  54. ave n abbr
  55. 'ave it int
  56. avel v
  57. avellane adj
  58. Avellino proper
  59. aven n
  60. avenaceous adj
  61. avenage n
  62. avenasterol n
  63. avener n
  64. avenge n v
  65. avengeance n
  66. avengeful adj
  67. avengement n
  68. avenger n
  69. avengeress n
  70. avengeth v
  71. aveniform adj
  72. avenin n
  73. avenious adj
  74. avens n
  75. aventail n
  76. Aventine adj n
  77. aventre v
  78. aventure n
  79. aventurine n
  80. avenue n
  81. aver n v
  82. average n adj v
  83. averageable adj
  84. average atomic mass n
  85. average bear n
  86. average Joe n
  87. averagely adv
  88. averageness n
  89. average out v
  90. average up v
  91. avercorn n
  92. averievite n
  93. Averil proper
  94. avermectin n
  95. averment n
  96. Avernal adj
  97. Avernian adj
  98. Avernus proper
  99. averpenny n
  100. averral n
  101. Averroism n
  102. Averroist n
  103. averruncate v
  104. averruncation n
  105. averruncator n
  106. aversation n
  107. averse adj v
  108. aversely adv
  109. averseness n
  110. aversio n
  111. aversion n
  112. aversive adj n
  113. avert v
  114. avertable adj
  115. averted adj
  116. averter n
  117. avertible adj
  118. avertiment n
  119. avertin n
  120. avertissement n
  121. avertissement nucléaire n
  122. avertress n
  123. Avery proper
  124. Avesta proper adj
  125. Avestan proper adj
  126. Aveyron proper
  127. avg. abbr
  128. avgas n
  129. avgolemono n
  130. Avi proper
  131. avialan n
  132. avian adj n
  133. avian flu n
  134. avian influenza n
  135. avianlike adj
  136. aviarist n
  137. aviary n
  138. aviate v
  139. aviation n
  140. aviation cruiser n
  141. aviator n
  142. aviatress n
  143. aviatrix n
  144. Avicenna proper
  145. avicennite n
  146. avicidal adj
  147. avicide n
  148. avicolous adj
  149. avicular adj
  150. avicularium n
  151. aviculture n
  152. aviculturist n
  153. avid adj
  154. avidin n
  155. avidinated adj
  156. avidious adj
  157. avidiously adv
  158. avidity n
  159. avidly adv
  160. avidness n
  161. avie adv
  162. avifauna n
  163. avifaunal adj
  164. Avignon proper
  165. Avignon berry n
  166. avile v
  167. Avinash proper
  168. Avinesh proper
  169. avionic adj
  170. avionics n
  171. aviophobe n
  172. aviophobia n
  173. avirulence n
  174. avirulent adj
  175. avis n
  176. aviseful adj
  177. avisely adv
  178. avisement n
  179. avision n
  180. aviso n
  181. avisodomy n
  182. avitaminosis n
  183. avizandum n
  184. AVL n
  185. AVLB init
  186. AVM init
  187. AVN proper
  188. avo n
  189. avobenzone n
  190. avocado n adj
  191. avocadoless adj
  192. avocadolike adj
  193. avocat n
  194. avocate v
  195. avocation n
  196. avocational adj
  197. avocationally adv
  198. avocative adj n
  199. avocet n
  200. Avogadrian adj
  201. avogadrite n
  202. Avogadro proper
  203. Avogadro's number n
  204. avoid v
  205. avoidability n
  206. avoidable adj
  207. avoidableness n
  208. avoidably adv
  209. avoidance n
  210. avoidant adj
  211. avoidantly adv
  212. avoider n
  213. avoidless adj
  214. avoid like the plague v
  215. avoirdupois n
  216. avoirdupois ounce n
  217. avoirdupois pound n
  218. avoision n
  219. avoke v
  220. avolation n
  221. avolition n
  222. avolitional adj
  223. Avometer n
  224. Avon proper
  225. Avonsider n
  226. avoparcin n
  227. avoset n
  228. avouch v
  229. avouchable adj
  230. avoucher n
  231. avouchment n
  232. avoutrie n
  233. avow v
  234. avowable adj
  235. avowableness n
  236. avowal n
  237. avowance n
  238. avowant n
  239. avowed adj
  240. avowedly adv
  241. avowedness n
  242. avowee n
  243. avower n
  244. avowry n
  245. avowtry n
  246. avoyer n
  247. AVP init
  248. AVPU init
  249. Avraham proper
  250. AVRE init
  251. Avril proper
  252. avulse v
  253. avulsion n
  254. avulsive adj
  255. avulsive cutoff n
  256. avuncular adj
  257. avuncularity n
  258. avuncularly adv
  259. avunculate n
  260. avunculicide n
  261. avunculocal adj
  262. AVVID init
[[../a1#a|a]] [[../a1#aa|aa]] [[../a1#ab|ab]] [[../a1#ac|ac]] [[../a1#ad|ad]] [[../a1#ae|ae]] [[../a1#af|af]] [[../a1#ag|ag]] [[../a1#ah|ah]] [[../a1#ai|ai]] [[../a1#aj|aj]] [[../a1#ak|ak]] [[../a1#al|al]] [[../a1#am|am]] an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az


  1. aw int
  2. Awabakal proper
  3. Awadhi proper
  4. await v n
  5. awaiter n
  6. awake adj v
  7. awakedness n
  8. awaken v
  9. awakened adj
  10. awakenedness n
  11. awakener n
  12. awakeness n
  13. awakening adj n
  14. awakenment n
  15. awaketh v
  16. awamori n
  17. awanting adj
  18. award n v
  19. award ceremony n
  20. awardee n
  21. awarder n
  22. awards ceremony n
  23. aware adj
  24. awareness n
  25. awareness band n
  26. awareness bracelet n
  27. awari n
  28. awarn v
  29. awaruite n
  30. awash adj
  31. Awaswas proper
  32. away adv adj
  33. awayday n
  34. away game n
  35. away goal n
  36. away-going adj
  37. awayness n
  38. away side n
  39. away team n
  40. awayward adv
  41. away with the fairies adj
  42. AWB init
  43. AWD init
  44. awdl n
  45. AWDWWITK init
  46. awe n v
  47. awearied adj
  48. aweary adj
  49. aweather adv
  50. awed adj
  51. awedness n
  52. aweel int
  53. aweigh adj
  54. awe-inspire v
  55. awe-inspiring adj
  56. aweless adj
  57. awelessness n
  58. awent v
  59. awesome adj
  60. awesomely adv
  61. awesomeness n
  62. awesomenessness n
  63. awesome sauce n
  64. awesometastic adj
  65. awe-stricken adj
  66. awestricken adj
  67. awe-struck adj
  68. awestruck adj
  69. awful adj adv
  70. awfully adv
  71. awfulness n
  72. AWG acronym
  73. awhape v
  74. awheel adj
  75. awhile adv
  76. awhirl adj
  77. AWIM acronym
  78. awing adv
  79. awk adj adv proper n
  80. awkly adv
  81. awkward adv adj
  82. awkwardly adv
  83. awkwardness n
  84. awkwardnessful adj
  85. awkweird adj
  86. awl n
  87. awllike adj
  88. awlwort n
  89. awm n
  90. awn n
  91. awned adj
  92. awner n
  93. Awngi proper
  94. awning n
  95. awninged adj
  96. awning window n
  97. awnless adj
  98. awny adj
  99. AWOL adj n
  100. a-word n
  101. awork adv
  102. aworking adv
  103. awrath v adj n
  104. awreak v
  105. awright int
  106. awrong adv
  107. awry adv adj
  108. aw shucks int
  109. AWT n
  110. aww int
[[../a1#a|a]] [[../a1#aa|aa]] [[../a1#ab|ab]] [[../a1#ac|ac]] [[../a1#ad|ad]] [[../a1#ae|ae]] [[../a1#af|af]] [[../a1#ag|ag]] [[../a1#ah|ah]] [[../a1#ai|ai]] [[../a1#aj|aj]] [[../a1#ak|ak]] [[../a1#al|al]] [[../a1#am|am]] an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az


  1. an axe to grind n
  2. axanthopsia n
  3. axe n v
  4. axeblade n
  5. axe head n
  6. axel n
  7. Axel proper
  8. axeless adj
  9. axeman n
  10. axe-murder v
  11. axe murderer n
  12. axenic adj
  13. axenically adv
  14. axenization n
  15. axerophthol n
  16. axhandle n
  17. axial adj
  18. axialite n
  19. axial lobe n
  20. axially adv
  21. axial plane n
  22. axial point n
  23. axicon n
  24. axifugal adj
  25. axigluon n
  26. axil n
  27. axile adj
  28. axilla n
  29. axillar adj n
  30. axillary adj
  31. axillary hair n
  32. axillary vein n
  33. axinite n
  34. axino n
  35. axinomancy n
  36. axioelectric adj
  37. axiological adj
  38. axiologically adv
  39. axiologist n
  40. axiology n
  41. axiom n
  42. axiomatic adj
  43. axiomatical adj
  44. axiomatically adv
  45. axiomatics n
  46. axiomatic system n
  47. axiomatizability n
  48. axiomatizable adj
  49. axiomatization n
  50. axiomatize v
  51. axiomless adj
  52. axiomlike adj
  53. axiom of choice n
  54. axiom of extensionality n
  55. axiom schema n
  56. axiom scheme n
  57. axiom system n
  58. axion n
  59. axionic adj
  60. axionlike adj
  61. axiosymmetric adj
  62. axipetal adj
  63. axis n
  64. Axis proper
  65. axises n
  66. axis of evil n
  67. axis of rotation n
  68. axis of symmetry n
  69. Axis Powers proper
  70. axisymmetric adj
  71. axisymmetrical adj
  72. axisymmetrically adv
  73. axisymmetrise v
  74. axisymmetry n
  75. axiverse n
  76. AXJ init
  77. axle n
  78. axle box n
  79. axled adj
  80. axle guard n
  81. axle hitch n
  82. axleless adj
  83. axletree n
  84. axlike adj
  85. Axminster proper n
  86. -axo- infix
  87. axodendritic adj
  88. axodine n
  89. axoglial adj
  90. axolemma n
  91. axolemmal adj
  92. axolotl n
  93. axon n
  94. axonal adj
  95. axonally adv
  96. axonemal adj
  97. axoneme n
  98. axonogenesis n
  99. axonography n
  100. axonometric adj
  101. axonotmesis n
  102. axonotmetic adj
  103. axopetal adj
  104. axoplasm n
  105. axoplasmic adj
  106. axoplasmically adv
  107. axosomatic adj
  108. axotomy n
  109. AXP init
  110. axstone n
  111. axtree n
  112. axunge n
[[../a1#a|a]] [[../a1#aa|aa]] [[../a1#ab|ab]] [[../a1#ac|ac]] [[../a1#ad|ad]] [[../a1#ae|ae]] [[../a1#af|af]] [[../a1#ag|ag]] [[../a1#ah|ah]] [[../a1#ai|ai]] [[../a1#aj|aj]] [[../a1#ak|ak]] [[../a1#al|al]] [[../a1#am|am]] an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az


  1. ay int adv adj
  2. AY n
  3. Aya proper
  4. ayacut n
  5. ayah n
  6. ayahuasca n
  7. ayapana n
  8. Ayapaneco proper
  9. ayatollah n
  10. AYBABTU init
  11. ay, chihuahua int
  12. Ayden proper
  13. aye adv int n
  14. aye-aye n
  15. aye aye, sir phrase
  16. ayegreen n
  17. ayein adv prep
  18. ayelp adv
  19. aye man int
  20. ayen adv prep
  21. ayenward adv
  22. Ayers Rock proper
  23. AYH init
  24. ayield v
  25. ayin n
  26. ayle n
  27. Aylmer proper
  28. Aymara proper
  29. ay me int
  30. ayme n
  31. Ayn proper
  32. AYN init
  33. Aynu proper
  34. ayo int n
  35. ayond adv prep
  36. ayont adv prep
  37. ayr n
  38. Ayr proper
  39. Ayrab n
  40. ayre n
  41. Ayre proper
  42. Ayrshire n
  43. Ayside proper
  44. Aytos proper
  45. ayu n
  46. ayuh int
  47. ayuntamiento n
  48. Ayurveda n
  49. Ayurvedic adj
  50. ayurvedically adv
  51. Ayya Vaikundar proper
  52. Ayyavazhi proper
[[../a1#a|a]] [[../a1#aa|aa]] [[../a1#ab|ab]] [[../a1#ac|ac]] [[../a1#ad|ad]] [[../a1#ae|ae]] [[../a1#af|af]] [[../a1#ag|ag]] [[../a1#ah|ah]] [[../a1#ai|ai]] [[../a1#aj|aj]] [[../a1#ak|ak]] [[../a1#al|al]] [[../a1#am|am]] an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az


  1. AZ abbr
  2. aza n
  3. aza- prefix
  4. azaadamantane n
  5. azacarbene n
  6. azacitidine n
  7. azacoumarin n
  8. azacyclic adj
  9. azacytidine n
  10. azadiene n
  11. azadiphosphole n
  12. azadirachtin n
  13. Azad Jammu and Kashmir proper
  14. azafenidin n
  15. azahelicene n
  16. azahetero n
  17. azaheterocycle n
  18. azaindole n
  19. Azal proper
  20. azalai n
  21. azalea n
  22. azalide n
  23. azalignane n
  24. azamine n
  25. azan n
  26. azane n
  27. azanediyl n
  28. azaniumyl n
  29. azaperone n
  30. azaphosphatrane n
  31. azapirone n
  32. azapropazone n
  33. Azar proper
  34. azarole n
  35. azaspiracid n
  36. azaspiran n
  37. azaspirodecanedione n
  38. azastannatrane n
  39. azasugar n
  40. azatadine n
  41. azathioprine n
  42. azatricyclo adj
  43. Azawad proper
  44. Azawakh n
  45. azbuka n
  46. azedarach n
  47. azelaic adj
  48. azelaic acid n
  49. azelastine n
  50. azene n
  51. azeotrope n
  52. azeotropic adj
  53. azeotropically adv
  54. azeotroping adj
  55. azeotropy n
  56. azepane n
  57. azepine n
  58. azepinone n
  59. Azerbaijan proper
  60. Azerbaijani n proper adj
  61. Azerbaijani Turkic proper
  62. Azerbaijan SSR proper
  63. Azeri n proper
  64. Azeri Turkic adj proper
  65. azerty adj
  66. azetidine n
  67. azhdarchid n
  68. azhdarchoid n
  69. azide n
  70. azido n
  71. azido- prefix
  72. azidoacetyl n
  73. azidoglycoside n
  74. azidohomoalanine n
  75. azidosugar n
  76. azidothymidine n
  77. azimine n
  78. azimuth n
  79. azimuthal adj
  80. azimuthally adv
  81. azimuthal quantum number n
  82. azimuth circle n
  83. azimuth thruster n
  84. azine n
  85. azinic adj
  86. azinic acid n
  87. azinomycin n
  88. azinphos-methyl n
  89. azint n
  90. azipod n
  91. aziridination n
  92. aziridine n
  93. aziridinium n
  94. aziridinol n
  95. azirine n
  96. azirino n
  97. azithromycin n
  98. azitromycin n
  99. Aziz proper
  100. Azkal n
  101. Azkalero n
  102. azlactone n
  103. azn abbr
  104. AZN abbr
  105. azo adj
  106. azo- prefix
  107. azoalkane n
  108. azobenzene n
  109. azobisformamide n
  110. azobisisobutyronitrile n
  111. azocane n
  112. azocine n
  113. azo compound n
  114. azodicarbonamide n
  115. azodicarboxylate n
  116. azodicarboxylic acid n
  117. azodiphenyl blue n
  118. azo dye n
  119. azoic adj
  120. azoimide n
  121. azole n
  122. azolectin n
  123. azoleic acid n
  124. azolitmin n
  125. azomethane n
  126. azomethine n
  127. Azon n
  128. azoniahelicene n
  129. azonic adj
  130. azonic acid n
  131. azonitrile n
  132. azoospermia n
  133. azoospermic adj
  134. azooxanthellate adj
  135. azopolymer n
  136. azoproite n
  137. Azorean adj n
  138. azoreductase n
  139. Azores proper
  140. Azorian adj n
  141. azorubine n
  142. azote n
  143. azoted adj
  144. azotemia n
  145. azotemic adj
  146. azoth n
  147. azotic adj
  148. azotite n
  149. azotize v
  150. azotometer n
  151. azotous adj
  152. azoturia n
  153. Azov proper
  154. azoxy n
  155. azoxybenzene n
  156. azoxy compound n
  157. azoxymethane n
  158. azoxystrobin n
  159. Azrael proper
  160. azran n
  161. AZT init
  162. Aztec n adj
  163. Aztecan adj
  164. Aztec gold n
  165. Aztec pyramid n
  166. aztreonam n
  167. azuki bean n
  168. azulene n
  169. azure n adj v
  170. azured adj
  171. azureous adj
  172. azurin n
  173. azurine adj n
  174. azurite n
  175. azurite-malachite n
  176. azurn adj
  177. azury adj
  178. azygos n
  179. azygous adj
  180. azylene n
  181. azyme n
  182. azymic adj
  183. azymite n
  184. azymous adj
  185. Azzopardi proper
[[../a1#a|a]] [[../a1#aa|aa]] [[../a1#ab|ab]] [[../a1#ac|ac]] [[../a1#ad|ad]] [[../a1#ae|ae]] [[../a1#af|af]] [[../a1#ag|ag]] [[../a1#ah|ah]] [[../a1#ai|ai]] [[../a1#aj|aj]] [[../a1#ak|ak]] [[../a1#al|al]] [[../a1#am|am]] an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az